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Danny Salem

'Honestly I've come to hate video games.'

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a character in “Sword Art Unlimited”, as played by afreerobin


Name: Danny Salem
Age: 16
Appearance: Shoulder length brown hair and light brown eyes. She's average height and almost always had a scowl on her face.
Bio: Danny was adopted at age six when her birth parents died in a car crash. Her new parents are good to her and treat her well. She gets bullied at school for her boyish name but does well to ignore it. She bought SAO after months of saving up her money.
Weapon: Bow and arrow. The bow is blood red with black markings. Her quiver is black and can hold about 30 arrows.
Armor:Her cloths are a dark red breast plate and iron black shoulder pads. Her leggings are red and she had iron knee braces. She wears a frayed black cape that reaches her ankles.
Extra Skill: Can breath underwater for about 15 minutes.
Beta Tester/Newbie: Newbie.

So begins...

Danny Salem's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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#, as written by KazutoK
" i'm afraid she might be too old for that by the time I get out of here " He said with a sight and the look at Danny sleeping he smiled and look at his old cloak on her she seemed peaceful" I'll get you out so you can meet that sibling and your parents again " He whisper as she was sleep or he though she was he will remain there to watch over her incase anything happen he didn't feel so tired anymore it was like this conversation had lifted a lot of the problems of his shoulders. The day faded into an afternoon with a beautiful sunset, as the hours passed by he had remained there taking care of her, but he had move to the rock next to her he was checking out his skill he had a long road to rebuild but was in good standing for the next few level.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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Danny was awake to hear the promise he made, and she blushed uncomfortably. It didn't make sense to her, why did Kirito put all this pressure on himself? Yawning quietly again her eyes closed and she feel asleep.

What seemed like ages later Danny woke with a start. She jerked out of her spot and the ground and the hood fell back from her face. Forgetting where she was for a moment she looked around wildly before it all came back.

Signing she stood and looked for Kirito. Finding him practicing not far off she coughed loudly to get his attention. 'Did ya just let me sleep? Ya should of woke me, that way ya could get a few winks also.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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#, as written by KazutoK
" i wasn't tired, besides i needed to check some things before we continued walking " He stood up and walked to her and smiled " are you ready to go the journey isn't long but if we want to get some grinding in the we should go now " He said as he look at her and his hood " i'm sorry i didn't think i would be so big on you but now that i think about i'm a lot taller than you " He said with a smile. He put his menu away and sheathed his sword he gesture at her to follow him. He look around his tracking skill activating " I sense two Blood bears easy practice a lot of Exp think you can take them on ?" He ask her his sword ready incase she didn't feel like going alone " this may get you to level 12 and then we may get ahead of the others " He said thinking about the boss fight that was something he wasn't looking forward to as he lose many friends that day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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Danny crossed her arms and muttered under her breath. 'I'm average height. Pinky's the small one...' Sticking her tongue out at him she took out her bow and readied an arrow. 'I can take a Blood Bear or two, a shot in the eye will take 'em.'

She took a firm stance and drew her bow string back. 'Which way they comin from K? I take one, you take the other, kay?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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#, as written by KazutoK
He stood still for a moment his eyes scanning the source of the sound he had heard a while ago he found then and a smirk was on his face " They are coming from the west in the forest area with the tall shrubs one is about 10 steps ahead of the other i'll take care of that one " He said drawing his sword and walking over to the area where the Bears where about to come from " and danny between just you and me You can call me Kirito or kiri either way is fine " He said with a smile as the huge bear came out of the shrubs and he parry the first swipe of the bear and dodge the second he spun his sword and look for their weakness " Large limps small head and protected chest area, hit them straight in between the eyes " He yelled at danny as he parry another attack before his wrist began the sword skill motion he got into position " Sword skill Vertical arc" He said as his sword stabbed the bear from the side of the head down before stopping and switching directions now from the middle of the stomach to the shoulder, Kirito got out of the way as the other bear came out the bear kirito had engage was disintegrating into pixels.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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Danny nodded, 'I think I'll stick with callin ya K. Has ring ta it. And ya can call me Dan if ya want.' She ginned and rushed towards the bears. The one she was going to kill saw her at once and began to charge. Laughing she released the string, letting the arrow fly. It flew through the air and hit the animal square in the face. It faltered but didn't die. Quickly Danny released another arrow, this one hitting just above the rest. The bear roared and melted into pixels just before hitting her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
Kirito smirk and nod " i guess K is ok but i'm sticking with danny i think that suits you better goes with your girly physique" He said with a small laugh he wasn't joking even if it sounded that way to him she seemed more feminine than boyish" a little too close for my liking have you had any practice with any other weapon besides your bow ? " He as a little worry as a bow was great for a support character not one in the front lines. He sheathed his sword and walk towards her as the exp was awarded both of them got some enough to level up however his didn't say anything as he had his level hidden. He waited for her response his ear still listening in for more monster but it seemed clear for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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Danny shouldered her bow. 'Girly? Never thought of myself as so, but go ahead.' She took a deep breath and shifted her weight.'I don't really like other weapons. I can use a bow in the real world, so I feel better usin it here.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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#, as written by KazutoK
" yeah i can understand that i love my sword but you might need to reconsider that for close combat situations i mean if you get caught in a spot your bow can't be fired fast enough that will be a very bad situation " He said he pull out of his inventory a small set of throwing knife " This are my ranged weapons i'm not an expert but i know how to use them well enough to kill, i think you should learn some sword move just in case " He said offering her one of his swords through a gift using his menu " c'mon i'll teach you it isn't that hard once you get the hang of it, that way you can be a double treat and have more fighting options " He said trying to convince her to give the weapon a try " you don't have to become a sword master, just enough to defend yourself".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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Danny shrugged and excepted the knife given in her menu. When she got it the blade felt strange in her hand. 'All right, if ya say so K. You're the experienced one here.'

She took a sloppy stance holding the sword out. 'Umm..' she grinned sheepishly. 'You'll have ta teach me a bit K.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
" Of course i wouldn't give you a sword without proper instructions you could stab you eye out lucky for both of us i studied enough kendo to be a decent teacher " He said as he walk over to her and hold her hand firmly then he help her get into the right position carefully so she would not stab him on accident and slowly twisted it activating the sword skill Slant " This is the most basic of sword skill a simple slash, remember this skill cools down faster so you can used a lot but is weak " He said releasing her arm as she did a regular slash into the air " Now you try it by yourself master the wrist motion and you will be able to completely be able create more combos as you practice with this " he said with a smile as he watch her holding the sword.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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0.00 INK

Danny took a deep breath, her face twisted into a look of determination. She swung her arm, and the first few slashes were sloppy and not very effective. Growling in anger she swung again, and this time it looked decent, although it was still the move of a novice.

Letting out an joyful yell she turned to Kirito. 'Yeah! How was that K? Not bad for a first time, eh?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
" excellent you have the makings of a great warrior just keep working on it you´ll get it, but now we should go is getting pretty late and once it gets dark monster spawn a lot more often so we dont want to be out so long " he said with a smile as he saw her get it Little by Little he didnt know why but he could focus on the present on the now with this girl around " so i´ll go ahead and scout the place dont stay more than a couple steps behind me ok danny" as he began to walk toward the dense forest it wasn´t the best route but it was the fastest besides he was confident he could protect her and himself " it feels weird me being part of a guild after fighting so long alone " he said lookng ahead and listening for any danger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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0.00 INK

'Thanks! Ya are a good teacher K.' She smiled softly and popped her shoulder. It was getting sore from using the blade, but she'd have to hold it for a while. Danny didn't have anything to holds the sword, so she had to be be sure to buy something the next town they saw.

Stretching her arms she kept at an leisurely pace behind Kirito. 'Ya know I can handle myself. Did it the first time I was stuck here. But ya are right. Bein a solo player it feels strange to walk with someone not trying to kill me.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
" Yeah I remember walking this paths by myself I guess I wasn't afraid of the dark because I was alone and I was only responsible of myself back them" He said as he noted her small discomfort " you know if you need a sheath you could just as I have som to spare I'm hoping to get something back soon, but I can spare one until I get it " he said as he send her another gift " there try it on you might have to adjust it also your weight capacity will decrease carrying two weapons so be aware " he said as he continued walking the sky was starting to fill with starts " I never wanted to be part of guild it mean one thing you were responsible for the life of other " He said to her still waking, why did he feel so comfortable telling her this. " anyway the town is near now we should be able to find a place to stay he said with a small hint of relief on his tone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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'Huh, thanks K. What else ya got on ya?' She said jokingly, taking the gift. It appeared in her hand and she strapped it to her side, putting the blade it. Happily she stretched her now lighter arms. 'I'll readjust when we get there. For now I wanna look at the stars.'

She sighed and looked up to the sky as they walked. The stars shinned bright, reminding her of home. Feeling a pang of homesickness she quicken her pace, grabbed Kirito's hand and tugged him forward. 'Pick up the pace K. Ya need to sleep and I'm hungry.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey hey if we hurry we might be running into some trap but you are right I could go for something to eat I have some food ingredients but I lack the cooking skill " He said a little embarrassed as he had asuna do all his meal for so long he never bother to learn " the inn is just out if this forest, I can't wait to see my old friend even though he was just another NPC he was really kind " He said as he look around the forest was quiet and nothing moved " Danny you would be surprice the things I carry but what I want right now I don't have and that's a good black coat I feel sort of weird without one like if I was defenseless " He said with a smile and look at her Amor " I'm guessing there some fashion accessory you are missing no ? ".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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0.00 INK

Sighing Danny let his hand drop and slowed down. 'I'm guessin ya make a lot of NPC friends? Huh, good for ya. And don't be lookin a me either. I can't cook.'

Danny shrugged. 'I always wore red and black armor. But I did have this black, frayed cape I loved ta wear. It was soft and warm.' Pursing her lips she took out her bow. 'And I spawned with a stupid newbie bow. I worked hard for my nice one before, but at lease my colors are still there.' Her bow was small, with red and black crisscrossed colors. It looked old and worn out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
He notice her hand go Down and while he knew about girls and the effect he had on them he didn't want to be the person he had been when they first meet he took her hand and began running " Well then we have a lot to catch up to do to get all of that back I'm sort of sorry we didn't meet sooner you could have a great help on the front lines " He said trying to keep rhe conversation going without being dense or too obvious about he girls feelings " there was a sword I use to own sort of earn me the name the black swords man " He said with a smile as they exit the forest there was a small farm " here we go this farm has a room available on the second floor we can rest here and the meet the other by the boss gate tomorrow I know you are ready Danny " He gave her a smile and pulled her closer as they got close to the farm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito Character Portrait: Danny Salem
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'The front lines? Isn't that more of a sword thing?' She grinned good naturedly, ' I can see ya fightin there now K. Beware the Black Swordsmen!'

She gave a wink before skidding to a stop in front of the farmhouse. Ignoring any thought of a boss fight as she didn't believe she was ready Danny coughed and turned to Kirito with a curious expression. 'So tell me more bout your gal. Would be be friends if,' she faltered a bit, '-when we find her?