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Synchronicity: Paradise of Lights and Shadows

Village, Skystead


a part of Synchronicity: Paradise of Lights and Shadows, by Soulies.

A small village filled with quaint people. Often a place for travelers to settle on their way to Voreia.

Soulies holds sovereignty over Village, Skystead, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

372 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Filled with many interesting shops and an odd tavern called "The Screaming Swordsmen." Along with this, many entertainers stop here to do their "magic".
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Village, Skystead

A small village filled with quaint people. Often a place for travelers to settle on their way to Voreia.


Village, Skystead is a part of Synchronicity: Paradise of Lights and Shadows.

1 Places in Village, Skystead:

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Cassius [2] "I'll head East... and I won't stop until I find her."
Jack Juggler [2] "There is absoulutly no part of life that wouldn't be better with music"

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Character Portrait: Cassius Character Portrait: Jack Juggler
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Jack Juggler

"that's all? I've heard much crazier----"
Jack had started to say in somewhat of a reassuring tone, but he was cut of before he could finish the sentence, like this Cassius hadn't even heard him speaking.”Thanks
 but I just realized I don’t have time for this. There are lives at stake
”Before rushing out of the door without as much as a goodbye or even a thanks. "Hey! we're are you goin--" but again Jack was cut of, this time by the door slamming behind the pink haired lad. "God damn this kid is a rude one" Jack thought to himself. Something told him that the kid meant nothing but trouble and should probably be left alone, but then again something else about the little brat gave of a sent of power. For all Jack knew, this kid could be some rich lords kid suffering from amnesia, maybe helping him would pay out for a poor jester...

"HEY!" Jack shouted to the street, getting a few weird looks from people who weren't Cassius. "KID! I need to talk to you!" He shouted after someone he could see in the distance who had pink hair. For once lady fortune was actually at Jack side as the kid turned around with a puzzled look on his face. "Glad I caught you, lad" He said as he jogged up to the kid. "Look, you said you were heading for VĂłreia , and as faith has it, so am I" Jack said, putting an arm around Cassius' shoulder as he spoke.

"Why don't we team up and continue this adventure together?" The kid looked a little unsure, probably puzzled by Jack's offer, but Jack flashed one of his winning smiles which hopefully reassured him. “I don’t see why not
 The kid said a little hesitant, letting Jack lead him back towards the tavern. "but I warn you, I don’t have much a plan for after I get there.” What a surprise Jack though sarcastically to himself, but on the outside of course he acted as the information simply amused him a little as he gave a small laugh. "Well, that's the fun things about adventures, you make them up as you go" He stopped right in front of the Screaming Swordsman's door. "But, as you probably understand, we'll need supplies and such. So why don't you sit down in here and let me get us set? Get my horse ready and all." Jack suggested and nodded towards the door. Surprisingly enough Cassius seemed hesitant, like he had another idea. “You know, Jack, I’ve been traveling just fine without any supplies
 and as you said, you got a horse. I’m sure you’ll manage just fine in catching up with me. Besides, how far could I possibly get on foot?"

Jack laughed within himself. Yeah, you managed very well without supplies, pall But out loud he said: "Well, you know best yourself, mate. Just follow the main road towards VĂłreia. I'll catch up with you in the evening. See you then, lad" With that Jack smiled and gave Cassius a gentle slap on the chin before turning in his heels and walking towards the market to get supplies. Leaving the puzzled Cassius to do whatever he saw fit.

This post was co-written by Maestro :D

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Character Portrait: Cassius Character Portrait: Jack Juggler
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#, as written by Maestro

Town of Skystead
On the Border of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of VĂłreia and Occidens (previously NĂłtia)

Jack had seemed rather eager to spirit him back to the tavern, but his feet told him otherwise and he knew he’d regret it if he didn’t get moving. They were still a few days outside of Vóreia, and Cassius had the strangest feeling that he’d find what he was looking for once he got there. His journey was just beginning, and in Vóreia he’d take the first steps towards saving the girl from his dreams. Or so he believed, that is. He wasn’t entirely sure what was guiding him, but he felt it in every fiber of his being that some higher force was pulling him north (even though his heart knew that his final destination lied somewhere in the Eastern Queendom of Anatoli).

At times, Cassius had wondered if he was simply deranged. There was no sense in chasing down a face he’d only seen in his imagination. But, he was driven with conviction and convinced that she was as real as he was. For sixteen years he’d watched her struggle and live in darkness, experiencing every moment of her anguish and torment as if he was the one imprisoned inside the cave and not her.

"Well, you know best yourself, mate. Just follow the main road towards Vóreia. I'll catch up with you in the evening. See you then, lad.” Staying on the main street, he wove his way through the plaza, surviving the dangers and intrigue of the marketplace before finally reaching the northern edge of the city. Just before stepping outside the city gates, he heard a voice in a nearby alley
 a voice that immediately lured him into the dark decrepit corridor.

” A mere whisper in the wind, he only stepped further into the darkness before something snatched his wrist, dragging him onto the ground. Slumped against the wall, he saw only a silhouette in the shadows near him as slender bony hands reached out for him. The figure cackling, it revealed its discolored hood draped around its head before finally its dark beady eyes fell onto Cassius. Shivers sent spiraling down his spine, beneath the hood he could just barely make out the grotesque creature beneath.

“You’ve kept me waiting a long time, boy. They talk about you, yes, yes, they talk about you. All the time, you see. Nobody listens, they should listen, and nobody does
 but I did. You’re special! You were meant to be a farmer
 no, not a farmer at all. She thought you were dead see, dead! But you’re not dead now, are you
 ?” Terrified, he pressed his back to the wall, fingers curling around the hilt of his
 wait, where was his sword?! He must have left it in the tavern. “Dammit
” Having no other options but to indulge whatever it was, he hesitantly stood up. “What are you talking about you old loon?”

”There was twins you see, twins, just like you with pink hair and everything. I saw them I did, I saw them! They didn’t want me to see, but I see everything.” Of all the things that made sense to him, he’d never really acknowledged the fact that he’d shared quite a resemblance with the girl from his dreams. But twins
 was that possible? He’d always been the outcast in his village because not many people had hair like his
 except for one that he knew of.

”Awe, you realize now, you do, you do! The Queen won’t be very happy when she finds this out, not very happy at all. You best make big friends traveler because you’re going to need them where you’re going.” And just like that, it was gone
 leaving Cassius alone with his thoughts. It wasn’t long after the encounter that Cassius was well out of range of the city, his hands deep in his pockets as he mulled over everything he’d heard. The biggest question that rattled his brain was
 who the hell was that? And how did they seem to know more about him than he did.

Could it be possible that he had a twin? And what did the Queen have to do with any of this? He was nothing more than a lowly peasant; surely he wasn’t in position to interest a queen in the slightest. “Who am I?” Staring into the sky, he almost didn’t hear the sound of hooves clicking behind him. Jack had come as promised, a welcomed site no doubt as Cassius took note of his sword hanging over the side of Jack's horse. “Am I happy to see you. Maybe there were some supplies I needed after all.”