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Tainted Promises



a part of Tainted Promises, by Head_Over_Heels.


Head_Over_Heels holds sovereignty over Terra, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

249 readers have been here.


The land of Terra itself, whether you are near Towren or in some other part of the land.
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Terra is a part of Tainted Promises.

2 Places in Terra:

4 Characters Here

Mystique [0] Dragon of Air
Name unknown, known asd The Sumerian [0] Last member of a long lost tribe of ancient warriors
Alana Greybeck [0] I wouldn't be so quick to judge a book by it's cover if I were you.
Jason Smith [0] "Hey! You lost something?" *Waves wallet in the air*

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#, as written by Cazuki
Jason gave a slight growl. Those damn soilders had been at him again. When Jason had been 'found' by a police officer and taken to the station, which in truth was no more than a medium-sized shack near the center of Towren, he had been told that he was going to be put in prison for 5 years. Though there was also an offer and like any person would do he took the offer. The offer was to help fight in the war between the dragons and the people of Towren. Jason had never hated dragons, sometimes thinking it was intelligent that they singled out their village because it was small and no where near any kingdoms who could protect it. The other villagers didn't think of it like that though, thinking the dragons barbaric and blood-thirsty.
I'm sure not all of them are like that he thought. He was then thrown into the war without secound thought, the promise of a repectable life if they won the war. He was give no armour or weapons, though all he really needed right now were his fists and his 2 daggers. The soilders of whom had singled him out from the small band that was set to guard the town from outside of it's boundaries were mere peasents themselves who had joined for a quick buck and some fame to boot. Jason smiled, he couldn't really say he wouldn't have joined for those reasons either when the war had first started, but he had been busy not wanting to kill himself. The soilders had beat him up, called him names... it was truely pathetic in the eyes of an experienced street-rat, who had escaped death and capture for 3 years.
He looked up at the blue sky, which had few clouds in it. Trees almost surrounded him in all directions, all solid and imoviable as the dragons themselves. He sighed, he had been standng here for 30 minutes now, he hated being in the same place all the time. He gave a cautious look around, making sure all the the other guards were out of sight. He smiled and then wandered into the trees directly in front of him, looking for anything that might intrigue him. Besides if he was caught he could just say he had been doing some recon.


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It had been several months since the Sumerian used the portal of transference near the Annados mountains in Anidon to travel into yet another strange land, one which suggested ancientness and yet seemed to be beyond anything he had ever experienced in terms of a civilizations advanced state. It had taken him several weeks before he finally arrived at the very back edge of the forbidden forest, there was still a great distance to go before he reached the small town of Towren. The Sumerian was now standing at the edge of the dark forest contemplating his options, though he was new to this world he had great instincts. There was just something about this forest that didn't seem right to him, off in the distance he could hear the faintest echo of a roar, though a brave and powerful warrior, the sound did worry him a little, but he had already decided to venture forth into the forest, placing himself in fates hands.


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#, as written by Cazuki
Jason looked arounds. There was only trees, trees and yet more trees in his path. He hadn't really kjnown what he had been expecting when he had come into the forbidden forest but obviously it was not there and now Jason was getting bored, adn admitablky a bit lost.
"Great" he mumbled quietly to himself "first i get caught on a low level theivery and now i get lost ina forest where no-one will search for me or even care if i'm dead" he stopped and twisted around, kicking the nearest tree to him.
That was when he saw something strange, it was a large shape, very large. The shape had feathry wings and was a murky white coulour.
A dragon!? Jason thought as he hid behind the tree, he wasn't scared, or at least he thought he wsn't scared, more curious. If this dragon had feather wings it was probably an air dragon, so what was it doing down on the ground in a forest where flying was almost impossible. He looked around and then saw that there was blood on the dragons left back foot. Must have been the villagers. He walked forward gingerly and said
"Hello? Do you need help?"


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Mystique looked at the human who stepped out of the forest. He looked both bewildered and interested. That was strange, since most humans she had encountered were carrying weapons and trying to kill her. The humans were fun to play with, but seemed so angry all of the time. She didn't understand it. Looking at this human though, she could tell that there was something different about him. He proved her right when he asked if she needed help. Of course she did! Her foot was bleeding and she wasn't sure what to do. Surprisingly, she'd never had any injuries like this before.

Myst could not talk as the humans did with vocals. She lifted her head, looking down at the human. She wasn't sure if it would work, but figured it was worth a try. Yes. Help me, she thought, directing the thoughts towards the human. Maybe he would really help her? If he could hear her thoughts that was. Doing the dragon equivalent of a sigh, she laid her head back down near the boy's feet.


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#, as written by Cazuki
Jason could hear something, it was distant but he could still make out the words, the dragon had a greed that she needed help. Jason smiled as the gragon laid it's head at his feet. He petted it softly as he looked around his person, finding some bandages that someone had thrown to him when he had gone out to guard the walls, he quickly unraveled them and moved to the dragon's back foot, putting a dressing on the wound.
"There you should be fine now"


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Myst flinched at his touch, but it was comforting. She could trust this human, as long as he didn't have any sharp, pointy things with him. After he had dressed the wound, she wasn't sure how she could thank this human. Would could he possibly want? Food? She had none of that, which reminded her that she should hunt again soon. Perhaps he needed to go back to the town? After all, any sane person wouldn't venture into the forest alone. So she would take him back to wherever he came from as a thanks.

Lifting her head again, she looked down at Jason with large, icy blue eyes. Mystique then snatched him up in her mouth and took off, rising high above the ground. She wasn't sure how Jason was reacting, but as long as she didn't drop him, he should be fine. Once the two arrived above the town, she needed to consider where to drop him off. That was better said than done with the current war.

Circling out of throwing range, she finally decided to just leave him at the top of one of the pathetic walls. What would this wall do to keep dragons or people out? Descending quickly, she swooped above the wall, following its pattern before releasing her grasp on Jason and then flying up again. Thank you. she thought as she swooped low, looking at Jason one last time before soaring out over the forest.