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Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers


Fantasy roleplay set in a unique world with high levels of customization with a deep history and mythology to the World.

904 readers have visited Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers since Jaegerjaquez created it.


โ€œItโ€™s been three years since the war, since what will be called, The Demon Slayer Rebellion. Within Araithe High Court, there exists Three Orders of Knights. The Followers of Kings, Knights and Warriors tasked with defending the Kings throughout the lands. The Halas, an Order of Mages tasked with the advancement and understanding of Magic, its history, lore, and properties. Finally, there was the Slayers, charged with keeping the creatures of the Vale from bringing danger and chaos to Araithe. They were officially titled โ€œThe Emperorโ€™s Guard,โ€ but most people just knew them as the Demon Slayers. As you can guess, they served the Emperor directly, but in actuality they spent most of the their time operating in small groups, rarely maintaining contact with the Empire directly. For a thousand years they served the Empire, a symbol of justice and hope that the remnants of the Old World would never threaten Araithe. The most decorated of the Slayers was Gerard Deโ€™Curtio, a battle tested warrior with unquestionable loyalty. Four years ago, Gerard and a talented band of Slayers reported finding something their report only referred to as โ€œThe Origin.โ€ That was the last report before they disappeared for six months. When they returned, they reported directly to the Emperor. Only ten people know what transpired in that meeting, Gerard, the Emperor, and the band of Slayers. From reports, Gerard sliced the Emperorโ€™s head clean off his shoulders without saying a word. Gerard and the Band returned North, claiming the country of Kilborn as theirs. The Band and Gerard had claimed war on Araithe, the first to do so in centuries.โ€

โ€œThe rest of the Slayers were torn between their nation and their Leader, many joining both sides, others putting down their weapons and disappearing. The Order of Kings and The Order of Mages banded with Araitheโ€™s united military along with what remained of the Slayers to defeat Gerard. The army of Kilborn followed Gerard, a man native to the country by birth. Many nobles joined The Rebelโ€™s side, believing Gerardโ€™s war would give them a chance at grabbing even greater power. The war lasted only six months, and ended with Gerard facing the Araithe army and its Orders by himself. All but one of his Band of Slayers had died in battle, the last captured. Legend says Gerard killed fifty men before finally falling, and many who were there would testify to it. The Kingslayer lied dead, and with it the Empire hoped peace would return.โ€

โ€œThe Northern Nations were growing restless. After having been conquered by Gerard, the rest of the Empire treated them with suspicion and mistrust. The common folk had lost faith in the Slayers, believing that the entire Order had been corrupted by Gerard. The current Emperor, Landel Marath, disbanded the Order one year ago, those remaining becoming absorbed by one of the other Orders or choosing Exile. and is now protected by the Mossai, who many consider nothing more than Assassins. The Order of Kings and the Order of Mages have seen their power within Araithe High Court dwindling since the Rebellion. Some have even gone as far to say that Gerard did defeat the Empire in a different way than any thought he would. To silence these rumors, Emperor Marath has decided to have a public trial for the last of Gerardโ€™s band in the Palace Courtyard in hopes of killing off the last remnant of that war. Many Kings, Nobles, and members of the Followers of The Kings, The Halasโ€ฆ and The Mossai will be there. It sounds almost perfect for something to go wrong, doesnโ€™t it?โ€

โ€œCome on John, you know I hate it when you give speeches like that!โ€ The two commoners wandered through the market of Olas, the Capital City of Araithe. โ€œWhatโ€™s your problem, Gabe? Youโ€™ve been at sea for five years. I was just telling you what you wanted to know.โ€ Gabe shrugged, โ€œBut ya just had end the story like that! Itโ€™s bad luck ya know.โ€ Jon let out a hardy laughter, patting his long time friend on the back. โ€œDonโ€™t worry! This man, what was his name again? Frost! Frost will get whatโ€™s coming to him, my friend. So, anyway, how did the sea treat ya?โ€ Gabe sighed and scratched the back of his head. โ€œThe Pirate King grows stronger each year. Its getting harder to navigate the sea without running into one of his ships. He has no chance against Araithe sure, but try to tell the crewmen that. I tell ya, the Pirate Ki-โ€ Before he could continue, Jon covered his mouth and pulled him to the side. โ€œBe careful who you call a King around here. A lot has changed since you left.โ€ Gabe nodded and the two continued down the road, Jon hoping to get good seats to see the traitor, Frost, get what all traitors have to look forward to.

(Below the next paragraph of info is a glossary incase you want to read that first. It contains races, historical information, and the limits on magic.)

This is where our roleplay will begin. It is Kardas, the first of the three fall months in Dair. It is the 550th year of the Sixth Era, and the 432 year of the Marath Reign. In this roleplay you are able to have up to three characters, and have complete authority over who they are. If you want to be a Hunter as your main character, but play a noble as well, thatโ€™s fine with me as long as you can handle it. Whatever you are, one criteria must be met, you are at the public trial of Frost. I suggest you work youโ€™re way there quickly so we can move the roleplay forward as quickly as possible. If you have any question or want something made clear (because I do tend to forget important info bits when Iโ€™m typing) just shoot me a pm or ask me in the OOC. Now, onto the glossary.


Dair: Dair is the world in which this roleplay takes place. There are three KNOWN continents on Dair with several islands in between each. The continents are; Norn, Mere, and Rein. Araithe is on the continent of Mere. Norn is a barbaric continent with warring tribes. Rein is ruled by Elves and has a prosperous trading relationship with Araithe.

Araithe: A massive Empire that covers all of Mere. Before the Rise of Men, Mere was ruled by creatures of the Vale. 1,500 years ago, the monsters were pushed back to the Vale by 200 mortal men who had left Norn seeking stronger opponents. They established a small government that was quickly expanded with the help of the Elves. This marked the beginning of the Third era. The 200 were the inspiration for The Emperorโ€™s Guard and their duties.

Races: There are Two non-extinct races known to exist on Araither, Humans and Elves. All Elves do have their unique ears, but come in three different sub-races; Fyre, Myre, and Xehn. All races can live a maximum of 1,000 years.

Fyre: Fair skinned elves that specialize in magic.

Myre: Dark-skinned elves that have great defense against magic and specialize in Archery.

Xehn: Elves that spend most of their time in the forest and come in both fair and dark skin. They can naturally command animals and specialize in Archery.

Extinct Races: Known extinct races (or at least thought to bee) are Dwarves and Old Gods. The Old Gods ruled over elves and men before recorded time. It is believed the Gods Elves and Men pray to came from a different realm and usurped power from the Old Gods, freeing both races. While no one alive knows the truth to this story, we do know that both races were once subjugated by a far more powerful race. When this race disappeared, it marked the beginning of the First Era.

Magic: All races can control, manipulate and manifest magic. From creating a fireball, to convincing someone a giant peach is attacking them using an illusion, to simply enchanting a sword, magic comes in many diverse ways. Only one school of Magic is band in Araithe, Necromancy.

The Vale and its Creatures: Not many know about the Vale outside from those who joined the Slayers. The Vale is another Realm similar to the one the current Gods came from. No one knows who they are able to get to this realm, or return to their own. Vampires, Wolves, Bears, even the incredibly rare Unicorn, are all native to this realm. The creatures that come from the Vale are much stronger and different in appearance. Ranging from Dragons to creatures many would not name. Only one person alive has seen the greatest variety the Vale has to offer, Frost.

Countries and cities will be listed under the places tab.

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Appearance: No real life people.

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Araithe by RolePlayGateway

Capital Province of he Empire


Olas by RolePlayGateway

Seat of The Empire. It rests on the Northern Coast


Miras by RolePlayGateway

Sits directly in the center of the Province, next to Mt. Rede

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Soldiers stood at the front of the crowd, keeping people from getting any closer to the trial area. The Emperor stood atop the front balcony, Faulstin to his right and a Mossai bodyguard to the left. Leaders of The Followers of Kings and The Halas peered outside the Palace windows and viewing areas surrounding the courtyard. The crowd was loud, but no one dared say anything against the Emperor as the Mossai's ears where everywhere. King Gorn of Relis and Queen Myre of High Castle were in attendance, sitting in elegant chairs beneath the Emperor's balcony. A few minutes past, then the Emperor held his hands up, and lowered them slowly to silence the crowd. "Good people of The Araithe Empire! For over a thousand years we have stood in unison against any forces that wish to harm us! We are the envy of the world, proud and noble people!" The crowd cheered for their Emperor, despite many were doubting him only hours earlier. I guess a mob mentality can have that effect. "Today you shall bear witness to the trial of Isaac Palasin, servant to the traitorous Gerard De'Curtio!" The crowd booed at the very utterance of that man's name. His onnce heroic figure now nothing more than a stain on Araithe's history. "Guards! Bring the traitor out!"

Two guards appeared from the Palace's main door, dragging out Frost by chains. He looked like any prisoner, unshaven, unclean, his eyes glazed over, a testament to the Fort Lanigh Prison to break such a man. They brought him to the stand n the middle of the courtyard, forcing him to climb up it. Anything from food to a spoon was thrown at the man. No one could throw far enough to hit him, most hitting the legs of the stand built just for today. The Emperor quelled the crowd once again, looking at the man with disgust. "Palasin! They once gave you the Title of 'Ranger Of The North.' So tell me, why did you betray us?!" The crowd continued to jeer, Frost not looking up from the wood floor. He started to chuckle, an act that stunned the crowd into silence. "Piss off. Before I treat you as little more than an eyesore." The Emperor brought his fist down on the balcony rail, staring at the man with murderous intent. Faulstin put his hand on the Emperor's shoulder, hoping to calm him. "That is not a way to speak to the man who defeated your leader, 'Frost'." Frost looked back down, rotating his bound wrists as if to say it was worth more time than Marath. "You are charged with conspiring against the Empire and aiding in the death of my father, the late Emperor Marath." It was becoming clear what the purpose of this trial was. To embarrass the last of the Slayers. Everyone knew Frost was guilty, making his cavalier attitude all that more entertaining to watch. "Tell me, Emperor Marath. Do you speak on your own? Or does that pretty boy to your right work you like a hand puppet?" The sound of snickering could be heard amongst the crowd, infuriating the Emperor even more. Faulstin pulled the Emperor's arm and spoke in a near whisper. "Sire, this is not going the way you intended. Why not simply charge him and execute the fool?" The Emperor nodded, hoping that he could have dragged this out a little more. "Isaac Palasin you are found guilty of the crimes charged and sentenced to death. Now." At that moment, a large, burly man emerged from the palace door, wielding a large steel axe and wearing a black mask. It was clear that he was the executioner, and that this was the time.

As he made his way up the steps, Frost bent his own head down, expecting death to come. His eyes widened at the feeling of vibrations ran through his knees. No one else seemed to notice, except for maybe those trained in such things. Faulstin and high ranking members of the other orders started to notice too, but many ignored it as a small shaking of the earth.


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Character Portrait: Soran Eerin Character Portrait: Fay L'evine
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#, as written by Siryn
With her hood drawn up over her face, the sun was blocked from her eyes. Eyes that bore coldly at the man who stood on the stand out in the middle of the crowd. She shifted slightly, looking up to the balcony where the Emperor stood. His face was flushed, speaking of his anger as the trial dragged on. The moment he had asked why Frost had betrayed them, she gave a soft snort. As if he would tell you she thought sourly.

"It doesn't look like this is going quite as planned," a soft voice whispered next to her.

Fay nodded in return to her companions words. Soran stood just behind her shoulder. His closeness gave her a small sense of comfort. It had been a long time since she'd set foot in Araithe. Seeing it now gave her cold chills. It was made worse by the sight of Frost and the Emperor who bellowed out the charges. She didn't hold much respect for the man, especially since he'd disbanded the Slayers. Her fingers itched to grasp the handles of her daggers sheathed at the small of her lower back. Instead she crossed her arms over her chest as she watched. An old anger and resentment welled up in her throat.

"This 'Frost', did you know him?" Soran asked, leaning down in order to reach her ear.

"No, not personally anyway. I met him a few times, just as I met Gerard. I never fought with them, only took orders that were issued from either Gerard or the Emperor."


"Not really," she retorted.

"It must be hard to watch. He is one of the Slayers."

"No. He isn't a Slayer, not anymore at least. Just a traitor."

Soran gave a soft sigh before straightening. Fay felt him move a little closer to her. She ignored him, concentrating on the entrance of the executioner. The large man dressed in all black was climbing the steps to the top of the stand when she felt it. A slight tremor in the earth. Her arms unfolded, muscles tensing. Fay took a small step back, bumping into her companion. Her eyes narrowed as she looked down to the cobble stones then immediately swept the crowd. Her gaze narrowed at Frost, who was kneeling as the executioner loomed closer. Reaching behind her, she wrapped her fingers around the knives, preparing to unsheathe the weapons.

"What is it?"

She shook her head at Soran, "Get ready," was all she said to him.


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Character Portrait: Levi Vermilion
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Lately Levi have had problems with the absorption of animalistic blood. Itโ€™s like she needs more and more for every day that passes by. While thinking about her problem she was standing in the Halas magic development building, in the warfare department to be exact, looking at the execution from an open window. She was standing with her side to the execution and both arms crossed. Her head was turned in order to see the last slayer provoking the emperor, before he would meet his end. One of the ten Saints of Halas was standing beside her, also looking at the execution.

โ€œSo this is the final end of the slayer huh? I wonder who they are going to send out in the Vale to fend off the creatures now.โ€ He turned his head towards the armored mage.

โ€œWho knows.โ€ She didnโ€™t even turn her head as she answered him. She was just staring at Frost as he walked up the stage they had set up in the middle of the courtyard.

โ€œWell, letโ€™s all get back to work. We know whatโ€™s going to happen now anyway.โ€ He turned around and went back to the table the group was discussing different matters at.

Levi was about to follow but then she spot Frostโ€™s legs. Something was wrong. Without saying a word she prepared herself for whatever was coming, resulting in her magic power increasing. The Saint of Halas could feel the increase of magical power in Levi and turned towards her. โ€œWhat are you doing Levi?โ€ At the same time he increased his own magical power as well, not that he thought that she would stab him in the back, but you never know with a person as unknown as Levi.


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Character Portrait: Sir Cole Borander Character Portrait: Frost
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#, as written by 7achary
The morning sun glinted brightly off of the armored knights arrayed in front of the Emperor's colonnade. One hand rested on the pommel of Cole's sword, the jagged point between his boots. Closing his eyes against the glare, the young knight rubbed along his jaw and the week's growth of blond bristle on his face. Sweat beaded his forehead and he could feel it trickling down between his shoulder blades. A pristine white tabard stood out against dull plate armor that shone with polish, but all the polish in the world could not remove the dents and scratches that marred it's surface. The blue cloak of the Order of Knights was draped loosely over his shoulders, it's ends barely rising in the breeze.

Cole largely ignored the ceremony, his eyes searching the crowd, looking for overt signs of a rescue attempt or protest. Nothing. He was not surprised. The signs of the last war could be seen in the crowd, crippled veterans and widows with children clustered about their skirts. Some had come here expecting vengeance for what they had lost, others in remembrance of a dream that never lived. His eyes shifted to the former Ranger of the North.

Frost glared back defiantly at the Emperor, mocking laughter in his voice and behind his eyes. This was a proud man, one who believed strongly that he had always made the right decisions. When the time finally came, Cole saw doubt in Frost's eyes. He saw the man's legs shake in fear. The young knight was ashamed for him and turned away. He would remember Frost with dignity. The ranger deserved death, but he also deserved respect. Cole was not the only one to lower his head in that moment.


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#, as written by [Soma]
The day was hot and there wasn't much dew left on the leaves of the tall tree's of the forest. There was how ever a lone being moving across the ground moving as fast as a horse. This being wore white and black cloth and had armor in random parts of his body for protection. On the beings back was a long sword that could easily match one of the tallest humans in length. This being who ran on all fours like a wild wolf was named Thenin. Thenin wasn't your normal humaniod as he was an elf.Though he was an elven decent he was shunned by his people as a disgrace or a monster of unholy magic. Thenin had animalistic features about him, as his hands where thing, but strong looking with nails that looked to be like talons for nails and the same went for his feet. He wore a white mask to his face from on lookers. He was a sercretive person who disliked being stared upon for his natrual appearance.

It was mid day when Thenin had entered the city and walked it streets. The streets seemed like no one ever visited the city as only few people walked it at this time. It wasn't until he over heared some people talking about a man that was going to be killed in front of every one. This did seem interesting to Thenin as he wanted to know why the streets where almost bare. He walked down in to an alley way where two building sat a few feet away from each other. He ran to one wall and jumped up towards it. Then he used his feet to kick off from the wall to the next buildings wall and slowly climb up to the roof top. He ran across the roof tops looking for where the excitement was located.

It took some time for him to find where the large crowd had formed a circle around what seemed a pit. Thenin stood on top of the roof top with his arms crossed and stared down at the man. It was pathetic to die in front of so many weaklings, but he must had been weak to be caught Thenin though to him self. He looked to what seemed to be some type of ruler of the humans in this area. The mans scent caught thenins nose and made him shake his head a bit. The man reeked of hatered and a vendetta that was strong. Being an elf he knew that nothing ever came well to those who held on to a vendetta in the end.


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A white robed figure stood out from the natural mess of colour that was the crowd. Stood out was almost a correct description, although he was not offset the crowd itself struggled to form a little space around him. It was difficult to blame them; a slight bump brought a dark look that could frighten the roughest of street criminals. The mass of the crowd did cage the man somewhat and in the end it was inevitable that even those who didn't want to couldn't avoid brushing against his dirty white clothing. It was a silent hope that some enterprising pickpocket would target him, except that his presence generally dissuades the less bold. In the end it wouldn't be straightforward to distribute justice in the current situation. Ultimately Fenris's focus was the center of the military cordon and the executioner's stage. Even if he hadn't been in the capital the ex-slayer would have travelled across Mere to be there, to see the final moments of the traitor.

The warrior ignored most of the emperor's address, in his mind the powers that be were no more innocent then Frost; only Frost's corruption was plain for all to see. He joined with the monster Gerard, struck against all that the slayers had stood for. For those who were meant to protect from the darkness, the turn was the greatest betrayal imaginable. They condemned the Slayers to obscurity and distrust, Pyrian among them. He wanted to see Frost, the last traitor, die for all that he and his fellows had brought upon the world. Fenris ignored the light they had brought to him, the realization that corruption was everywhere. His cold eyes watched patiently as Frost was brought to the stage. That was until he felt the surge through the ground, a few others noticed as well. Mostly those not caught in the midst of the crowd or trained fighters, taught to notice things. Fenris looked towards the stage with suspicion, was this some bid to escape by the ranger? His hand clenched has he desired to summon the Ava Fera, ready to strike down the traitor himself.


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The vibrations began to increase, to where everyone now knew something was not right. Rather than a constant movement, it sounded as if something was pounding hard beneath their feet, an unseen hammer pounding the ground in a rhythm. The crowd fell silent as soldiers and guards alike rested their hands on their weapons, waiting for what was to come. As quietly as it had started, the shaking was gone, only to be replaced by the laughter of Frost. The Emperor pointed down at Frost, "What are you trying to pull, traitor?!" Frost went silent, still looking down at the ground.

"Maybe it wasn't the right way, or the best. But, it was all we could think of. Personally, I thought the Empire wasn't worth saving. I felt we should have gone nomad. But, he wouldn't have it. 'No darkness shall stand before us. No person shall know fear from that which they do not see. Nay, we shall make that which terrorizes and threatens our brothers fear us. For we are The Emperor's Guard. Our family is our sword and our bodies the shield to protect the weak. If death comes for us, then let it bring all it has for we will never submit without a fight. Should darkness surround us, and light fade. We will slice and roar until our final moment. We are Slayers. And we go happily to the White Fields Of Lilia, to do battle once again.' Every new recruit is made to repeat these words. They were the last words he ever said to me... before he ordered me to get captured. Now, I finally know why." Frost stood up, turning to the Executioner. Hoping to strike before Frost uttered another word, the Executioner brought his massive axe around. Frost shifted his body, as if gliding across the stand, bringing his bound wrists in contact with the Executioners blade, breaking the chains connecting them. Frost brought his elbow down on the Executioners temple, causing the man to fall unconscious. The vibrations began again as Frost lifted the axe up, hoisting it over his shoulder. Guards and Soldiers didn't hesitate to storm the stand, planning to overpower Frost by sheer numbers. Before they could reach the steps, a loud, piercing wail could be heard throughout Olas. The sound made many drop to their feet, gripping their heads in pain. "I remember the first time I heard a Harpy. Made me want to cut my own ears off." Frost looked to the sky, the sight of several small dots appearing high above the palace. They grew larger and larger until one could make out their appearance.
"The war has begun. Jsut like he knew it would." With this Frost jumped off the stage, and the Harpies began attacking people indiscriminately. Faulstin covered the Emperor as they retreated into the Palace, leaving the people to fend for themselves. Heaving the Executioners axe, Frost sliced a harpy in half before throwing the weapon at another, sticking it to the wall of the Palace. One Harpy grabbed a guard by the shoulders and tossed it into a palace window. For experienced fighters, the beings were not a hard battle as they lacked weapons and strategy. However, their sheer numbers were overwhelming many members of the three orders. The Mossai retreated back into the castle, leaving the Followers and the Halas to defeat the invaders. All the while, Frost scurried up a Palace wall and jumped down onto the market square below. Whether he had planned such an attack or not was unknown. Judging from where he was going, his logical destination was the docks.


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Character Portrait: Soran Eerin Character Portrait: Fay L'evine Character Portrait: Pyrian Fenris
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#, as written by Siryn
Next to her Soran had dropped, covering his ears as the screams from the Harpy's took the crowd by surprise. Fay unsheathed her weapons as she helped her companion recover. Her eyes narrowed at Frost as he took out the executioner. Using the chaos to his advantage, she soon lost sight of him. A soft growl of pure rage rumbled in her chest. She would have loved nothing more than to chase after him, but just as the thought crossed her mind the Harpy's dropped into the crowd.

Pushing Soran out of the way of one's snapping claws, she let her blades come forward. Tearing through the hard leathery skin, she put her full weight behind her attack. The creature screamed in pain before it fell down onto the cobblestones writhing underneath her. Fay jerked her daggers free and turned to the next enemy. Her magic built around her and in a swirl of purple smoke, she had vanished. It was a favored trick of hers, shifting. Purple smoke marked her entrance back into the realm and she came out of the magic with her blades leading. The Harpy that she targeted didn't stand a chance, taking one dagger through the throat and the other into the meaty part of it's shoulder.

Her sharp gaze spotted Soran where she'd left him. He was engaged in a fight, his blade making short work of the creature that had dived at him. In a matter of moments she was facing three of them, then four. The elf's magic swirled all around her, remnants of purple mist from her shifting was filling the courtyard. With her mind fully on the fight against the Harpy's that targeted her, she didn't take the time to see where it was that she'd ended up. As long as she could still spot Soran, she didn't care.

Two down. Two more entered the fight against her. As she ducked under the stretching claws of one, she began her shift, thinking that she'd cleared the creature. When she came out of it, the Harpy was still there. Strong claws wrapped around her upper arm and pulled. Her heart skipped a beat at the sudden attack. Twisting around, she felt her feet pull off the ground as the beast tried to re-orient itself. A slash with her free hand caused the claws that held her to lose their grip. Fay came crashing back to the ground. Tucking into a roll, she stopped not to far from the wounded Harpy. Crouched down, she quickly sheathed one dagger and took hold of two throwing knives. A hard flick of her wrist sent both projectiles straight into the creatures face.


The voice belonged to Soran. She quickly got back up to her feet. His eyes were wide as he searched for her. Her nerves settled, thinking the worst had happened to her companion. Yet another beast came down upon her, landing between her and Soran. It's wings opened and closed as it glared at her. Teeth gnashed together and it took a swipe at her. Nimbly dodging the attack she felt her back bump into something. Without thinking, she whirled around with her dagger up intent on killing what she thought to be another Harpy. Instead, her blade met steel. Strong steel. The blow jarred her arm, knocking her weapon from her hand. The cold blade stopped inches from her throat, but her thoughts weren't on the sword. She would know the man's eyes anywhere, the way he held himself and the way he fought.

A screech from behind her reminded her that the Harpy was still there, and it wasn't going to wait on a reunion. Not that she knew the former Slayer all that well, but she had met him several times during her time in service. She pivoted, her now free hand grasping for more throwing knives. Just as her fingers let loose the rain of deadly steel, Fenris had pushed past her and driven his tall tell blade right through the beast. With the Harpy dead, her gaze settled on the former Slayer.

"Didn't think I'd see another honorable Slayer ever again," she said slowly.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Fay L'evine Character Portrait: Pyrian Fenris
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The rumbling only grew, already drawing cries from the more astute members of the crowd and soldiers clogging the area. There was nothing natural about the motion of the entire earth beneath one's feet. Pyrian's vision honed in on the criminal edges from death at the heavy executioner's blade. The large man began to shove his way through the crowd, his bulk shifting onlookers away. His pace wasn't much more then a fast walk, the frightened and silent motion of the sheep around him made it easier going than shoving through solid obstructions. He heard the Emperor's and Frost's conversation through it all, it only brought more strength into Pyrian's steps. There was still too far towards the stage and the obscuring, armor clad warriors. Why didn't the executioner just strike the fool, Frost needed no speech. He deserved nothing, not the right to speak and not the right to drag the Slayers further into the mud then he and his hateful master had already done. Fenris knew the creed intimately, something he still held to in a way. To see the words echoing forth from the hypocritical, lying lips of Frost filled the warrior with rage. He thrust forwards into the still unyielding crowd, now bringing out shouts of dismay. The noise drew the attention of the guards who began to shout against his motion. 'Fools!' Fenris condemned them, knowing full well that Frost was by far the biggest threat. If not Frost then the creatures of the pits no doubt causing the disruption. Red eyes widened in desperation as he saw Frost stand and overcome the executioner. A roar escaped from his lips, joining in the shouts and screams rising from the agitated masses.

That was when the screeches began, overruling the pitiful noise summoned by the hundreds packing the square. It brought a stumble to Fenris's stride but not rendering him helpless like the weak men-at-arms. Fenris was a Slayer and if he could not shrug off the cries of a harpy. Regaining his footing he surged forward, knocking aside the final number of citizens and the layer of incapacitated soldiers between him and the stage. Already the numerous beasts had descended upon the gathering and blocked the Slayer's route. He snarled, beast like with white clothing drawing behind him. There was hardly a slow in his motion as in the midst of the snarl words formed on his lips.
"Feras Avear Keeshwiiboor" As the last syllable, lost underneath the torrent of noise, magic surged from Fenris's now open hand. There was little show over the next few split seconds; red haze coated the air around his waiting fist, bursting out to obscure a staff length. Sharply the opaque mist dissipated, leaving the elegant mass of the Ava Fera grasped securely in his fist. In a smooth motion the polearm was brought to bear, curving into the vicious shape of a harpy. Angular blade met think black flesh and calmly ripped through. The hiss and aroma of burn flesh drifted outwards from the dissected creature. Yet the Ava Fera and its wielder were unperturbed, moving forwards and scything through another harpy. The enchanted weapon glowed with heat as it met the blood of bones of the dark being, searing through everything.

As skilled as Pyrian was with his exotic tool, the harpies flocked towards this foe and the warrior could not simply push through them without foolishly exposing himself. Even as he engaged the creatures, with their unrelenting screams, he caught sight of Frost's agile form disappearing from view. The man seemed to heading in the general direction of the city's water face. With an angry grunt Fenris altered his path, diving back towards the rapidly emptying bowl of chaos. He couldn't follow the ranger's path but the vigilante could at least hope to catch Frost on the way to the docks, before the other changed course. He made his way towards the exit of the execution plaza, now a defunct killing ground. By now most non-military personal had either fled, fallen or simply cowered. There were few like himself that held no connection to the three orders or the guard and still fought. It was one of these that he crossed blades with eventually. The city guard stood out in their armor and Fenris avoided them, yet he didn't pick out the swift figure of an elf, to his dismay. Trapped in the rhythm of combat he moved by the tell tale calls of the harpies, indiscriminate death was the order of things in his life so he hardly kept up the attentiveness to his surroundings.

With a turn the twisted towards the source of the ear piercing song, momentum in his swing breaking the delicate killing hold on the lighter knife. He brought his motion to a quick halt, the blade unheated by the presence of void flesh to cut. There was something familiar about the elven face, recalls from the battles against Gerard alongside fellow slayers. Neither of them paused to reminisce, she continued her interrupted attack against the culprit of their connection. Fenris was quicker, he had the advantage of reach and power. He drove his arm forward, past her neck, impaling the slightly too advantageous creature. He withdrew quickly, not willing to delay his pursuit of Frost. Yet the woman's voice held him back, and he allowed himself to slow and look back. Fay, that was her name, skilled with knives and enemy of the traitors, although that was most of what he recalled.
"Honourable?" He responded "Careful how you use that word Fay, we cannot say any of us are honourable until every traitor is dead. Frost seemed to be heading for the docks. I'm going after him. Its your choice how 'honourable' you are, I doubt I could take him alone." With that invitation for assistance, Fenris set off again at a pace. He wasn't going trust Fay, she fought against the traitors once but allegiances and character can change. Yet he felt he could at least rely on her to bring Frost to justice.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soran Eerin Character Portrait: Fay L'evine Character Portrait: Pyrian Fenris
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#, as written by Siryn
Fay shot a quick look to Soran who had dispatched his last enemy, "Soran," she yelled. The elf needn't say more to him for he moved swiftly after her. Bending down, she retrieved her fallen blade that Fenris had knocked from her hand. Sheathing the weapons, she reached for Soran's hand. She still had enough magic left to catch up to the other Slayer. It would be easier for her to shift them all to the docks, but she didn't want to risk draining her energy. The moment her companion took hold of her, she let her power expel over them both. The purple mist shot them forward to where she could just make out where Fenris had gone. She let go of Soran the moment the magic dissipated. Fay immediately rushed after the tall man, her companion right on her heels.

"Where are we going?" Soran asked from behind her.

"To kill a traitor," was all she said in reply. Her voice was cold and hard. The last thing she wanted to see was Frost getting away on a stolen ship. She would do anything in her power to bring him down, even if it meant dying in the process.

Fay kept up with Fenris easily. However her human companion seemed to have difficulties with their fast pace through the city. She didn't pay attention to him, her thoughts were on catching the traitor. Justice would be served one way or the other and she was determined to see it happen. The feeling of hunting down the other Slayer brought back memories of the war. She ground her teeth, anger boiling to the surface.

Cool air was filling the streets as they bolted towards the docks. The smell of the sea filled her lungs as she breathed. In the distance, she could make out the mast's of each of the ships that were docked. Fay's heart clenched, she longed to reach out and shift them the rest of the way. The elf didn't, fearing if she lost too much energy that Frost would get away. She needed what magic she could save. They weren't far from the port, just a little further.


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#, as written by 7achary
"Defend the Emperor!" Cole ordered the knights nearest him. The seasoned warriors ran inside the building to protect their liege lord while others stared, incomprehension written on their faces. A shadow fell across Cole's field of vision and unthinkingly he placed his feet squarely and swept his blade overhead in Passage of the Sun. A shrill cry rent the air, piercing his concentration, before the dull thud of a body hitting the ground behind him. The scream had been inhuman and sent tendrils of fear along his spine. Cole bit his lip, to fight off the fear, drawing blood.

From his left came an all too human cry as knight younger then himself was carried into the air by a harpy clutching the boy's entrails in a grisly talon. Cole grit his teeth harshly and headed for the stairs to the colonnade. The bodies of knights and courtiers were strewn through his path, making the climb difficult. The fighting was fierce, the staircase had a thin walkway and provided little cover. As he neared the top of the staircase he was covered in small bloody cuts, hair plastered to his head with sweat.

He reached the door that the Emperor had taken as one of the winged fiends strutted awkwardly through the entrance way, it's wings folded back. Cole gave a roar and pulled the hilt of his blade to his waist, the point of the blade aimed forward, and rushed the harpy. At the last moment he thrust the blade towards the harpy's side as it turned in his direction. The hilt vibrated, making his fingers numb, as the jagged steel jarred between it's ribs.

The creature tumbled under his charge. Cole wrenched his blade free with a twist and stepped on the harpy's chest. Raising his blade above his head he brought it down in
Harvesting the Wheat. The decapitated head of the monster flew over the balcony and bounced amid the corpses. Placing his feet firmly in the door way and holding his blade defensively before him, Cole could see a few warriors in pursuit of Frost. Cole ached to bring justice to the traitor, but he knew his duty.

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Mere by Jaegerjaquez



Araithe by RolePlayGateway

Capital Province of he Empire


Olas by RolePlayGateway

Seat of The Empire. It rests on the Northern Coast


Miras by RolePlayGateway

Sits directly in the center of the Province, next to Mt. Rede

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: NPC's
Character Portrait: Thenin Lorie
Character Portrait: Frost
Character Portrait: Sir Cole Borander


Character Portrait: Sir Cole Borander
Sir Cole Borander

"My blade is a symbol of the broken oaths of the Slayers. I keep my oaths."

Character Portrait: Frost

"Kill a million. Save countless more. That was what we decided."

Character Portrait: Thenin Lorie
Thenin Lorie

Masked Elven warrior

Character Portrait: NPC's

Unplayable characters who are important to the sotryline


Character Portrait: Frost

"Kill a million. Save countless more. That was what we decided."

Character Portrait: Sir Cole Borander
Sir Cole Borander

"My blade is a symbol of the broken oaths of the Slayers. I keep my oaths."

Character Portrait: NPC's

Unplayable characters who are important to the sotryline

Character Portrait: Thenin Lorie
Thenin Lorie

Masked Elven warrior

Most Followed

Character Portrait: NPC's

Unplayable characters who are important to the sotryline

Character Portrait: Frost

"Kill a million. Save countless more. That was what we decided."

Character Portrait: Sir Cole Borander
Sir Cole Borander

"My blade is a symbol of the broken oaths of the Slayers. I keep my oaths."

Character Portrait: Thenin Lorie
Thenin Lorie

Masked Elven warrior

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Mere by Jaegerjaquez



Araithe by RolePlayGateway

Capital Province of he Empire


Olas by RolePlayGateway

Seat of The Empire. It rests on the Northern Coast


Miras by RolePlayGateway

Sits directly in the center of the Province, next to Mt. Rede


Araithe Miras Owner: RolePlayGateway

Sits directly in the center of the Province, next to Mt. Rede


Mere Araithe Owner: RolePlayGateway

Capital Province of he Empire


Araithe Olas Owner: RolePlayGateway

Seat of The Empire. It rests on the Northern Coast

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Most recent OOC posts in Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

I await your lustrous prose in eager anticipation.

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

Something is happening, I just need TemplarWarden to post before I move on. I'll wait till tomorrow, if he hasn't posted by then I'm moving on.

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

I just wanted to clarify that what Cole sees happening to Frost at the end of my post is just his rationalization for what is happening. He has no magical inclination or knowledge.

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

I don't get it, do you want our characters to save Frost or is there something else happening?

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

Hola, peeps. I've submitted a character for your consideration. If you want to talk it over or for me to change anything, please shoot me a PM.

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

I will have my first post placed in before the weekened is over.!!!

Yes it's open for posting.

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

I think 6 is enough to get the ball rolling. I'll post the intro tomorrow.

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

Hello, I would like to submit two characters if that's alright. I'll put them on separate character pages. Thanks :)

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

For experience I've noted that it does help encourage people to join if the GM has their character prepared and ready to give people something to base their characters off.

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

I wanted at least 8. I'll post an interest/please sign up thread tomorrow/

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

How amny people do we need to start?


Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

That's fine so long as its a magic ability and not one derivative from being a dragon or dragon-lineage.

There will be a main plot, but players will be free to create side-plots for others to participate in. Its almost like an rpg game in that there is a huge, overarching plot, but there are sidequests we can do along the way.

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

This roleplay seems rather interesting, I might make a character when I have the time :)

Just a question about the plot: Do you have a plot that you want us to follow or do you rather want everyone to make one as we progress through the RP (when we have started)? I would just like to know since it is easier to make a character good for either ways if we know which one we have to work on ;)

Re: Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

One question, can I give my character a dragon-esque ability? When I say that I mean giving him the ability to create scales on his body that's just as strong as steel armor. Plus giving him the ability alter the size of the scales, making them large for shields and sword/dagger like weapons. I'm also thinking he would look dragon like on the parts that he creates the scales on, maybe some fire resistance for the scaled areas as well.

It's the first thing I thought up, if no I can think of something else. Thought I'd ask before submitting a character.

Tales of Dair: The Last of The Slayers

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