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Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

Teen Titans: The Dark Heart


The old Titans are gone, and the new are here. But one Titan has a secret.

778 readers have visited Teen Titans: The Dark Heart since LunaNekoMagik created it.


The old Titans haved moved on, have families, have lives. But evil is striking again. The old Titans are now training the five new Titans to battle this more powerful evil.

Now that they have trained you, are you a Titan or Villain?
1. I only want five titans, three minor enemies, and a major enemy. You can also be a friend of the titans. Any more and it will be added in later.
2. These rules are subject to change.
3. You may play only one character, considering the low entry span.
4. Play nice. No flaming each other, just in-character fighting.
5. Romance is encourage, but keep it PG please!
6. Mild cursing is allowed, but I don't want curse after curse after curse.
7. No spamming. Wait for two more people to post before you do it again.
8. Post once a week and keep up. No single post and then disappearing. It's rather annoying. Need more time? Message me.
9. This WILL have fighting in it. It is a Teen Titans RP after all.
10. Get Creative!
Character sheet
Side: (good, evil, friend, etc.)
Appearance: (pictures are fine, but I will need written height. Anime or real life and please include costume =^.^=)
Room: (picture or description)
Powers: (can come from weapons)
THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE A RIP-OFF!!!!!!!!!!! I give EarthenDays full credit. I just want to see if anyone will join this one and get a different story! =^.^=
1. Dark Heart
2. Spellslinger
3. Nikki "Nuclear" Thompson
4. Fleetfoot

1. "Giant" Tessie Martin


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Dark Heart woke that morning to the sound of her alarm clock. She flipped it off and slipped out of her pajamas and put on her usual dress and shoes. Her wings and tail twitched a little bit before she wandered downstairs. She was tired, even at nine in the morning. She started in on making waffles before picking up the intercom. "Attention Titans. Attention Titans. Breakfast is served!" She called through the intercom and waited for everyone to finally get their lazy butts downstairs.


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Fleetfoot yawned loudly. His alarm wasnt even set. His day began whenever he felt like begining it. He comfortedly sawed logs, his mind lost in dreams of great proportions. Though his sleep was suddenly jilted.

"Attention Titans. Attention Titans..." The intercom began. The first one was enough to wake him up, but the second was overkill. He rolled to one side of his bed, clutching his pillow to his head. Uuuuugh.... make it be quiet. he thought to himself, untill the second part of the announcement was made. "....Breakfast is served!" Fleetfoot slowly rose to a sitting position. His mind was now set to "Eat time" and he enjoyed this time thouroughly. He rolled out of bed into a handspring, before landing next to his dresser. He readily flung his outfit on with speed, as he slept in boxers anyway. He slowly walked over to his door, pressed the open button. He waited for the electric door to open completely...before taking off like a rocket. He burnt through the halls, skidding whenever he needed to make a sharp turn. He came to the stairs, had built such momentum, rather than slowing down and taking the stairs, he simply ran on the wall bordering the spiral staircase. He continued to race through the tower before coming to the main room, coming to a grinding halt. Dark Heart was making breakfast; always a treat. Honestly, Fleetfoot could set water on fire...using a microwave. He never learned to cook.

"He smiled softly to Dark Heart, and offered a tiny wave. "Good morning! What's for breakfast, Dark Heart?" He asked calmly...dispite him nearly leaving a flame-streak in his wake.


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"Waffles!" Dark Heart's tail twitched happily at the smell of the cooking batter. "Could you do something for me? Could you get out some plates and silverware so we can eat like civilized people?" One thing she couldn't stand was people not eating with plates unless it was pizza. "I'd rather not have syrup all over the couch. You know the others would make me clean it up if that happened." She also knew Fleetfoot couldn't cook to save his life, which was why she never let him near the stove, microwave, or oven. That was anti-Fleetfoot territory. She did put him to work in the kitchen whenever possible. "You can help me cook sometime. You know, just to get a couple of recipes down." She really wished Fleetfoot would at least learn how not to set water on fire in the microwave.


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Fleetfoot chuckled lightly, the thought of having a waffle-fight through the main room, syrup and batter flying everywhere. "Awww. Come on, where's the fun in that?" He said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He walked over to a cabnet, pulling out plates, large and small. It wasnt long before he had dished out near the entire cabinet, placing a plate at each seat at the round table. He then walked to a kitchen drawer, opening it up, and pulling out handfuls of forks and knives, again, setting them at each seat. He smirked, before grabbing the remote, and flipping on the enormous television on. He would calmly wait for Dark Heart to finish breakfast, and the rest of the Team to get up.


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Nikki roughly scratched at her hair. There was only so much she was willing to put up with and being woken up was too, wait, did she say breakfast?

Nikki debated the merits of putting on her costume but decided against it, she hated getting dressed to early in the morning. With a quick scratch of her behind she made her way to the common room wearing only her underwear and a semi tight tank top. She was sure the boys would stare, not that she particularly cared, but sometimes it was nice to remind herself she was attractive. Her sleep addled mind noticed the smell of burning carpet.

Nikki looked down and stared irately at the burning indentation of her foot. Stupid, stupid, gotta keep control. With new resolve and new focus she walked towards the kitchen enjoying the smell of home-cooked waffles. Nadia's favorite. she thought sadly.

"Morning guys." She planted herself in her usual spot.


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Fleetfoot's eyes were glued to the television. He heard footsteps behind him, but didnt turn around just yet. He waited untill the person sat, and spoke. "Morning guys." The female voice radiated lightly, just like the rest of her. His attention broke from the idiot box, and began to look in her direction."Good morning, Nikk-..." his sentence cut short as he finally set eyes on her. His face flushed abnormally red, and he didnt know weither to gasp or chuckle.

"H-hey, Nikki...I uh, like the glorious lack of clothing!" He said jokingly. She was an odd Titan, with even more odd powers. But she was friendly in the least. Not to mention cute. It wouldnt bother him that she was almost unclothed before him if he didnt have just a teeny tiny crush on her....

He brushed the thought off. He turned his attention back to the boob tube (not Nikki) and resumed his quiet nature. He wondered if anyone else would come down for breakfast....


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Nikki raised her hand and waved over at Fleetfoot. "Yep, just feeling too hot to get dressed." she lied. In reality heat and cold meant almost nothing to her. The heat that already emanated from her was greater than even the hottest of summer days, and of course the same heat protected her from the chill of winter. Just one more joy in a long list that the Pembleton Incident had taken from her, she couldn't even soak in a hot bath and relax. By the time she could get the water hot enough to feel, it had already evaporated. She noted the blush on his cheeks.

Oh well, he's a boy, can't expect him to react well to near naked women. After all, even I react when I see them. She wondered briefly if she should inform her teammates of her mutual attraction to the fairer sex, but decided against it, it wasn't like she didn't find guys attractive too. "Need any help in there Heart?"


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"No, but thanks, Nikki. I put blusher watching the boob tube over there to work with setting the table. I swear, he was down here like lightning. I thought he was going to fly through the window ecause he was going too fast! Again!" Dark Heart smiled at the memory. For such a creepy and strange name, she was a very nice girl when she was happy. Fleetfoot was her person to pick on, but she couldn't resist the fact she liked the dude as a friend. Nikki was the closest thing Heart had ever had to a sister, so she was on the good list, too. "But if you want to scream or throw water on the lazy butts who aren't down here yet, feel free to go crazy." She laughed a little before pouring a little more batter.


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Nikki laughed, "Hell no, less of us show up for breakfast more waffles for me." Nikki got up and got herself a glass of milk from the fridge. She stared at a blue mold that had been in the back of the fridge since they moved in. She took a french fry from a plate on the bottom shelf and poked it. She wasn't surprised when the fry was sucked in. "We figured out what this mold is yet?" She closed the door and sat down with her milk.

"Oh hey, we need to get new carpeting, I kinda, burnt my way up here, again."


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meanwhile at the town bakery

"help help somone stole my muffins" shouted the baker. a few blocks down there i was eating my new loot "hmmm that baker makes a good muffin" i said eating the last muffin i stole "soon the cops will be here i better go" i said giggling to my self


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Nova finally dragged herself out of bed, horribly late for breakfast. Again. She pulled on her usual clothes and walked out into the kitchen, groaning with each step.

"Thanks -UHH- for- UHH- waiting- UHH-really appriciate-UHH- it." She told (Moreso groaned) at the group sitting at the table. She plopped down in a chair, already exausted from her short walk.


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Character Portrait: Albidus Fera
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Liana was really annoyed, enough to actually growl. She hated, more than anything, being woken up. This wasn't helped by the fact that she was not a morning person, even if there was food. But so help her God, if there wasn't food someone was going to die or be maimed horribly. And, with that thought, she slunk out of bed.

It had been cold last night so she had shifted into the form of a very furry tiger. A white tiger. She was always white, entirely, when she shifted- though occasionally she had black markings if she turned into something like a tiger or giraffe or something. Sometimes it was a nuisance, though she could only be thankful that she didn't shift into an unnatural color like green. She was much less obvious as a white animal.

Padding soundlessly into the dining room Liana glared at everyone for being awake, especially Dark Heart with her announcement on the damn loudspeakers, and yawned very menacingly, showing off her sharp teeth and kneaded the floors a bit and showed off her sharp and shiny claws too.

She couldn't speak in animal form past an animal's normal vocal spectrum and so shifted back to her human form, glad she didn't have some other shifter's problems at being unable to keep clothes when shifting. Her nightwear consisted of a loose [url=]hakama[url] that exposed her sharp hips and lazily tied [url=]haori[url] that seemed like it might slip off her shoulders at any second and leaver her indecently exposed, though it never had and never would- it simply looked that way as it was much too large for her and the tie looked to be a lot looser than it was, no matter how lazily it was tied.

"I will be unhappy if the food isn't worth waking up for." If there was one thing that food might not be worth it was waking up. And with that, she set herself into a chair with a grace that shouldn't be out and about this early in the morning (even if it really wasn't that early).

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Character Portrait: Nova
0 sightings Nova played by RainbowFace
"Vertigo is the conflict between the fear of falling and the desire to fall"

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Fleetfoot
Character Portrait: Albidus Fera
Character Portrait: Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson
Character Portrait: Masa
Character Portrait: fortam ghost


Character Portrait: fortam ghost
fortam ghost

ya right.

Character Portrait: Albidus Fera
Albidus Fera

Literally, White Beast in Latin.

Character Portrait: Masa

Masa is strong, but speaks in third-person. ^^;

Character Portrait: Fleetfoot

Titan whom combines blazing speed with viscious Jeet Kune Do style attacks.

Character Portrait: Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson
Nikki (Nuclear) Thompson

Winner of the Radioactive Hard body competition


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Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

I appreciate that but we gotta keep the thing running or it's going to die even a simple conversation will keep it active enough that we may gain new players, otherwise it just goes pbbbbt.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

Aradia: Yes you may. We have one spot open, so feel free to join.
Tiger: I've been waiting for others to post so I don't seem to be overwhelming the story.
Hal: Indeed. But again, I do not wish to overload the story with just me, so please have everybody post.

So, I hope this answers your questions. Anymore and feel free to contact me.


Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

*shrugs* I be waiting on answer to my reply the rest of you could post even if it's precursor.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

This looks interesting, can I still join as a Teen Titan?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

WTF? Why did you even use the tab system if you're just going to use it for something so inane? it's supposed to be a self contained system?

What the hell?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

Okay, so we look ready to start. See you all in the tabs area for the roleplay! ;) Dark Heart has just made breakfast, so it's time for people to wake up!

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

SO! Who wants to take first post. Lets get this thing starteeeeeeedddd! *Fonzie thumbs*

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

Ahh thank you, I was trying to figure that out. I tried looking it up but none of the acronyms I found made much sense.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

AAO stands for Adapt and Overcome, a motto they used to say about the capability of the U.S. Army Rangers and their versitility.

And sure, why not. Radioactive tit punch. Sounds more painful than a FALCON PAUNCH. GRRRR.

Oh sure, a stab to the eye that would hurt a lot! By the way, I did some calculations in rage earlier about the character. I wont even lie when I say I was Nerdraging.

Let's do some number crunching. Your character is "5' ". Times that by one hundred and you have 500 feet. That's not extremely massive or anything? Right? Right?
That's 22 and three fourths M1A2 Abrams tanks stacked on top of each other vertically.
(Hull length 22.06 feet, rounded to 22 exactly. 500/22= 22.72)

On a normal human being the eye is about an inch wide. Granted an average human being is 5'8. Now scale that up. 5.8 goes into 500 86.2 times. Your eye gains an inch every time it does so. Meaning your eye alone is 86 inches. That brings your eye up to 7'2. Just your eye. Now think back how small your eye is compared to the rest of your body.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

What about the eyes? A stab in the pupil has got to hurt right? D:

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

yep, it's called find the weakness and never rule out the cheap shot, RADIOACTIVE TIT PUNCH FOR THE WIN!

by the way, what is AAO?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

Bah. Point.

Well, I suppose there is SOME way to beat them. We'll just have to AAO.

Edit: Well, actually if you think about it, the analogy is incorrect, but only by technical terms. Fire crackers dont spray shrapnel everywhere. Though the shrapnel wouldnt be a very big problem while enlarged. Splinters at best.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

Point, but a growth character is almost always immune to bullets and have a great deal of resistance to explosives, now something like an a or h bomb, no, but the kind of explosions they'd generally be hit with, is the equivalent of a fire-cracker at their size.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

It's not so much the size that's the problem, rather the immunity to damage. Explosives and bullets are no joke, even to a superhero. Dodging I can understand...but resisting them completely?

I dont know. Maybe I'm thinking too realisitcly in an RP.

But think about super heroes other than Superman, and the Hulk.

If the flash was shot, would he get hurt? What about the Green Lantern? Captain America? Aquama-....nevermind. Storm? Cyborg? Hell, even wolverine got hurt by bullets, though he healed freakishly fast...

Point being, it's a great feat even for a super hero to get shot and keep moving.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

Kinda with Demented, I mean, she needs to put a cap on her size but other than that, it seems to be a fairly standard growth character. And being heroes we gotta deal with crap like this. And by the by, I am seriously considering attacking her breasts if I can get my character up high enough. Let's face it, breasts are about as sensitive as a man's groin.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

Just be creative. This is a superhero role play, for crying out loud. Super heroes aren't limited to bombs and bullets, you know, and they can survive things that would kill a normal person - that's why they're super. Unless they're like Batman or something. Surely you can find a way around my character. Besides, ever heard the story of David and Goliath - puny kid against the big brute? It's what makes superheroes more heroic.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

Seriously, Demented-Tiger, tone your character down...well a lot. We all like having powers that make us strong. But honestly?

"Powers: can increase her size and strength at will. There is no known limit to her size. The tallest she has ever grown so far has been over a hundred times her size. When she has grown, Tessie is invulnerable to all conventional attacks. Bombs and bullets tickle her at best, and annoy her at worst.
Weapons: her body. being able to crush a skyscraper to rubble with her bare hands makes her more than a formidable opponent."

That surely is concidered overkill. It means our characters cannot harm you. It means near anything cannot harm you....sheesh. Take it down a notch. Or two. Or twenty.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: The Dark Heart

I might post my villainess here too.