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a part of Terces, by Symphony.

Welcome to the wide-word of Terces! Upon entering, you are dropped into a grassy clearing, with a forest near by and the rushing sound of a river can be heard close by.

Symphony holds sovereignty over Terces, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

434 readers have been here.


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Welcome to the wide-word of Terces! Upon entering, you are dropped into a grassy clearing, with a forest near by and the rushing sound of a river can be heard close by.


Terces is a part of Terces.

2 Places in Terces:


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Character Portrait: Dorran Rahmni
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#, as written by Shpleem
Dorran Rahmni stood military straight as he was adressed, stepping between the unknown being and Desalrik. He returned his halberds to his back, snapping them into groves in his black armor. His face was mostly hidden behind his green mask and hood, dark, emotionless brown eyes staired down the god, seemingly unfazed by the being's glow. The harsh sunlight of LaKahrum had hardened his eyes against the brightness of light, allowing him to keep his gaze locked with the other's. He seemed unimpressed, if this was the afterlife nothing could truly harm him, by his logic.

Desalrik was regaining his strength, supporting himself on his large halberd. The dark silver drake's scales seemed to glint and reflect the light given off by the sun as well as the god. He seemed more reverant, in that he wasn't attempting to stare the being down. His yellow eyes flicked to Dorran and then to the other, he kept his mouth shut, bared teeth were a threat amoung his kind.


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Character Portrait: Endrykas
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Endrykas looked at the being before him, raising a brow as his lips turned into that of a straight line, unfazed as the boy tried to stare him down. Oh, the blasphemy! His wings soared up as he raised his head a tad higher, his emerald gaze locked on Dorran's own, no matter that the cloak was covering his features. Such a thing would not stop a God from seeing what needed to be seen. His wings stretched up, taller than even the Dragon that stood behind the boy. Looking at the halberd that the creature held, it seemed that the two would make good candidates in the running for King.

"You are not in an afterlife. Merely in another world. Pulled from your path to your chosen afterlife, to come here. One may think of it as being given another chance. I, am Endrykas. The God of Creation." as he said this, his wings beat once, sending the grass around them into a wild dance as all of the wild life within hearing distance grew silent. He wondered if the boy would get the idea now, that he was a higher being. Someone to be respected, and honored in the eyes of his people, his lands, and all of those who stepped foot on Terces. The before-mentioned deer-like creatures had risen their heads to look at the God as he spoke, all going silent.

The God of Creation could be considered one to worship, but also one to be feared. Though he could not kill, that didn't mean he couldn't injure those who crossed the line in his mind and got onto his bad side. The war that was still continuously running by each and every day, though it seemed to have quieted down for the time being, if Neviru was to step foot on his land, the entire thing could, and would, start all back up over again. Some could say he had a temper, but a strong inkling for dominance could better suit his personality.


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Character Portrait: Dorran Rahmni
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#, as written by Shpleem
Dorran Rahmni seemed unfazed by the wingbeat, though his blew his short cloak and the plated strips of cloth hanging from his belt and pulled his hood from his head, revealing his dark skin and hair. "Dorran, formerly of the Green Guard," he replied, bowing not out of reverance but out of habit, it was a stiff military bow. In the mind of the desert dweller power did not grant respect if must be earned. Yet his hard gaze seemed to soften a little, if he was indeed alive there was no point in deliberately angering the being.

Desalrik stepped up next to Dorran, drawing on his Bonded for strength. "Desalrik, also of the Green Gaurd," said the drake, crossing an arm over his chest and bowing more respectfully than Dorran had. The drake was not at his full size, standing only four inches taller than Dorran at six feet tall. Though his axe and spiked armor did enough to make him imposing at least to mortals even at this reduced size.


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Character Portrait: Endrykas
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The God of Creation bowed his head slightly at each bow, the golden crown atop his head surprisingly not falling during such a motion. Moving with elegant and powered steps he walked toward the stream, looking over his shoulder at the two once he had gone a few steps. Suddenly, in a soft light, his wings would disappear, leaving nothing behind but a soft white feather, that ever retained the same color for long. Such feathers were prized in the lands of Terces, seeing as the True Form of the God was hardly ever seen.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." he said, nodding to them once more before he took the last few steps and reached the flowing river. The strange deer-like serline moved further down stream as he came closer, keeping a respectful distance. "The water here is pure, and the serline are for you to hunt, if you wish to do so." he said, gesturing toward the serline further down stream, though still quite close. The large antlers of the lead male brushed up against the ground as he leaned his head down, nibbling on the grass even though his eyes stayed locked on Endrykas.

"I do suggest it, as do I wish you luck on your quests here in Terces." with this, the God offered them a soft bow, drawing one hand to his bare chest before leaning back off, a smile clearly written on his features. Such a smile was one of humor, knowing the hardships that they would endure before a King; or Queen, stood as the leader of Terces. Upon his wings disappearing, the tribal tattoos that ran across his chest began to go from bright white, to a rough black. One could only hope this was a good thing, and didn't show any anger the God may have.


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Character Portrait: Dorran Rahmni
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#, as written by Shpleem
Dorran Rahmni looked at his partner, the look in the drakes yellow eyes spoke of hunger and a need for rest. The desert dweller then turned his attention back to the serline as the god called them, then to the god himself. "I god of creation encouraging us to kill his creations?" he muttered, barely audible behind his mask. To him something must be off, more than once he had been decieved by offers of goodwill. That was how they had come to be in Terces, the enemy army had called a meeting to negotiate a ceasefire, it was an ambush and though they had killed many of their attackers, then one had pierced Desalrik through the chest.

Desalrik was beginning to eye the serline hungrily, a feeling that had been brewing since he noticed their existance. [Dorran, do not test this being] he advised. The hand that was not supporting him on his halberd shaft flexed slowly, his long black talons sliding in and out of his fingertips. He needed to eat and regain his strength, his fatal wound was miraculously gone yet his strength was ebbing as he remained in his current form.


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Character Portrait: Endrykas
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The muscular build of the God moved with flowing ease as he waved to the serline as he spoke, his voice echoing around them, though not spooking the deer-like creatures that grazed wearily at the river's edge. His body flowed like the water that rushed at his feet as he turned, taking a step into the rolling stream, however he never touched the water. Making his way in two more fluid steps he stood on a stone that marked the middle of the river, water rushing around him in a mad chase to the falls that dropped off further down.

"I normally don't allow people to kill my creations, or encourage it. But the two of you will need your strength, and as such, think of it as a gift. The first of hopefully many during your times here in Terces." with this he turned back to the man and his dragon, dipping his head softly as he looked back downstream at the serline. "They are fast, but a tad hard of hearing." With this he whistled down to them, and none of them even flinched.

A smile would graze across his lips before he let out a sigh and was gone, without any trace of him in sight. Besides the ivory feather that now lay at the man's feet, shining in the sun. Its edges were clearly sharp, studded with the looks of steel, or even diamond.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorran Rahmni
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#, as written by Shpleem
Dorran Rahmni knelt and examined the feather, simply looking at it before straightening and pulling his hood back on, even when not necessary it was worn out of habit. As he stood up he put his hand on Desalrik's shoulder. [Take one brother, you need your strength.] he said mentally before walking the opposite direction along the river, looking for a crossing were it was more shallow and perhaps a place to build a shelter while they planned their next move. Dorran sighed softly as he walked, it was so peaceful here, no countries declaring war or attempting to assassinate your people's leaders. "I don't deserve a life like this," he murmured as he found a shallow spot and crossed to the other side of the river. "Hopefully my brother will find peace here."

[Thank you brother] the drake replied and fluidly shifted into his true form, careful not to disturb the feather, it had belonged to a god, it was not for him to touch. As he shifted his armor and weapons faded and his limbs were pulled into his body, in the end what remained was a twelve foot long winged serpent with dark silver scales. The drake took a moment to reaquaint himself with his true form before lifting his head and getting a scent of the serline. He hoped he had the strength to catch one. After gathering his serpentine body he launched himself into the air, hoping the seline were not used to avian predators. As he neared the herd he found one of moderate size, presumable a female since it lacked antlers, she was his target. He dove out of the air, just before he could reach the beast his tail came forward and the three spikes at its tip pierced the creature's side as he curled around it in a constricter like hold while the rest of the herd bolted. He waited, using his strong body to restrain the animal until it ceased to struggle. {My first meal in a new life} he thought, finding it odd that this thought came to his mind.