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Vitali Faina

"I don't believe in justice. It's bullshit, whatever "Justice" you have to do requires sacrifice, and that isn't justice" -Vitali the Prodigy

0 · 503 views · located in In the high school of Terrabodisiana

a character in “Terrabodisiana High School”, as played by Zinai


Name: Vitali Faina

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Grey messy medium length hair, Dark grey eyes, not-too slender body, oblong face

Clothing: Long black coat, a bartender-styled tuxedo with a red tie, soft red scarf, glasses, black t-shirt and sweatpants (when in his own property), black pants, black shoes, white socks

Likes: Playing the violin, calm and soothing music, classical music, sad and somewhat soothing pop, daytime, snow

Dislikes: Loud noises, the moon, too much heat, mushrooms, painful memories, parents

Personality: Somewhat quiet, good with words, wise, intelligent, strategic (has strong strategic thinking)

Background: Vitali Faina was abandonned when he was about 3 years old, after having his human parents discover that he had the ability to shift into a werewolf whenever full moons were visible. Afraid of what would happen, his parents sent police, hunters, hitmans, all kinds of people who would help hunt down Vitali for the sake of the world being "Safe from monster". Vitali was no monster, he did no harm to any living beings. One day, he was submitted into an elementary school after being picked up by an orphanage who had not yet heard about Vitali. He was constantly being bullied and called a freak, a monster. He despised the humans at his school and stayed away from them. Once again, he was forced to run away as the orphanage had finally received news for whereabouts of Vitali. He ran from place to place in the world, and one day found someone who took him in. A group of wolves. They knew all about Vitali and his abilities, and decided to raise Vitali and teach him about the ways of being a werewolf, also known as a chosen human to learn from the fierce and brave wolves. He learned for the rest of his life and also was admitted to a local middle school, where he spent his time also learning the lessons taught to humans as a "Lone Wolf". As 8 years passed, Vitali was finally being sent to a highschool, away from his true parents. Secretly, before his wolf parents had sent him away to the school, they managed to hide Vitali's rage and anger of the humans within him, and sealed it onto the "Grey Wolf" that co-existed with Vitali in his body. With a goodbye, he left ready for the outer world, as a "Lone Wolf" trying to find a new "pack".

So begins...

Vitali Faina's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove
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Seren gasped as the werewolf's claws ripped into her flesh, she collapsed, gasping.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove
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Shade looks down and his eyes widen. "No….. no….. no….. please don't……."
He kneels down next to her and feels her pulse feeling it grow faint.
As a last resort his fangs shoot out and he bites down on her neck.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marissa Fischer Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Sam Eel
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"The war of what-? Ohh! Vampires, wolves, not getting along. Got it. Now that reminds me..hey, what do you think of Shade and Vitali? It seems they kind of avoid each other. Don't you think it would be a bad idea if the two ran into each other? Or rather, if the two started fighting, would you take a side? After all, the vampires were arguably more at fault in the war. Oh! Have I said too much?" Inquired Sam.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marissa Fischer Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove Character Portrait: Sam Eel
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#, as written by Zinai
The grey werewolf, turned behind and noticed the mysterious vampire that had trapped him. "....vampire? A vampire?" In an evil grin, the werewolf started to grin madly. "Even BETTER. I can take my revenge on them after all". With a bite, the werewolf released himself from the dark grip of the mysterious vampire. All students present, screaming, either ran to tell their friends what was happening or ran to tell the teachers to do something. Ignoring all the chaos, the grey werewolf slashed at the vampire multiple times, all of which the vampire blocked as he bit Seren. Immediately doing something unexpected, the werewolf kicked at the vampires feet and the vampire quickly tumbled onto the ground. Grabbing his claws, the werewolf stabbed at the vampire's head, managing to only cut the side of his cheek deeply.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Sam Eel
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Sam thought to herself, "If there's ever another war to break out between the two races, the werecats will finally be forced to take a stand before they get destroyed as well in the midst of all the fighting. Our race would surely assist the werewolves as werecats as they once shared a common ancestor with the race almost as ancient as the werecats." Just the other day, Sam had witnessed a fight happen against 2 small groups. There were many casualties. And that was just from the tension from two neighbourhood groups. If an all out war were to happen, things could get very bad for everyone, not just werewolves and vampires.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marissa Fischer Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove Character Portrait: Sam Eel
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"sorry but….. i was afraid i lost you…. I can't afford to lose anyone else"
Shade stands and the dark shadows suddenly surround him making all the houses close by to the school have black outs. The school is suddenly filled with a red shining light that can be seen from a long distance.
"I have had enough of you Werewolves………."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marissa Fischer Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove Character Portrait: Sam Eel
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Shade winces at the cut on his cheek but continues to fight him off making the building shake and rumble as he fights back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove
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"And I cannot afford to lose you...!!" Seren brought a scythe from her tailcoat slashing at the werewolf.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marissa Fischer Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove Character Portrait: Sam Eel
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Houses in the distance start to shake and have black outs from the fight at the school.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marissa Fischer Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove Character Portrait: Sam Eel
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"See you!" Wow I've made a friend, Sam thought excitedly. Just then, the all the lights shut off and all sound seemed to come to a stop in the house. Sitting unmoving in the dark for a minute, suddenly, a loud burst of thunder shudders through the black skies and Sam can only think there will be something different when she makes it to school tomorrow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove
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Seren gritted her teeth.
Push back the pain.
Push it back.
Don't let them see...

Her eyes darkened. In three seconds the werewolf would become a bloody mess if he didn't fight back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove
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Shade continues to fight until he notices Seren. He then suddenly lets his guard down just to be thrown against a wall hard coughing up blood.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove
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Taking hits. Easy...
Making sure Shade was safe. Easy...
This wolf? NOT even close.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove
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#, as written by Zinai
Howling at the sight of blood, the werewolf cheered. "This is what ALL you vampires and dirty beings deserve". Laughing maniacally, he continued to aim for Shade's head even as the cut ran through his body, deep. "Die....DIE". Suddenly, the wolf stopped. Looking back into his mind, Vitali had finally awaken. Realizing what had happened in the scene, Vitali stood, shocked. "....". The grey wolf, concentrating back on his mind said "Heh...I'm glad this ain't my desired property. How you feeling? Pained? Shocked? How about the cut in your side?". Vitali, fully aware of what was happening, looked at the state of his body. It was TERRIBLE. A cut had just went through the left side of his body, he had scratches and blisters everywhere, and his legs were sore from all the speed. Looking back at the grey wolf, he calmly said "....fix it". The wolf, unable to hear from such distance pulled himself closer and said "". In rage once again, Vitali broke apart the chains holding his mind and grabbed at the wolf. "I SAID FIX IT!". Tossing aside the wolf in his mind with ease, he quickly replied "Fix this school! Fix the vampire! Fix that girl! Fix my body! Fix your mistakes, and FIX MY LIFE". Grabbing the wolf, and quickly pulling punches on him, he shouted "Do you know how many lives it many years it took...just for both sides to calm down that WAR?". Finally regaining his body back, Vitali's body started to return back to his human form slowly. "Don't you realize...." grunted Vitali in effort. "It wasn't me who was hated, it was you...". Gripping onto the wolf's mind, Vitali whispered "Your just using me for revenge, having all those vampires who were at your school call you a freak, a bozo, a no-one". Returning back into his mind, Vitali grabbed the wolf and pushed him aside back into the abyss where it chained the wolf once again "Stay, for it's not you who uses me". Pulling himself into his usual grin on the outside world, he murmured "It's ME who uses YOU". Quickly collapsing onto the wrecked floor, Vitali's body started gushing out blood from the cut on his left side. The pool of blood filled the air, and Vitali's unconscious body stood still.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove
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At the sight of so much blood - Seren fainted, collapsing and hitting the ground.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Marissa Fischer Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove Character Portrait: Sam Eel
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#, as written by Zinai
Vitali's body had been worn out by the grey werewolf. After the fight, a doctor willing to help him (an elf) tried to use healing magic on him, but the scythe that Seren used against Vitali's body was extremely lethal and contained some unknown magic properties. Not only that, but the cut was so deep that it cut a piece of Vitali's liver. Because of that, his growth and healing rate dropped a lot lower, and his toxin levels started to go higher. From all the blood loss and injuries, it looked like Vitali couldn't make it. There was no blood donors who'd help him, since they described him as a monster. With no other choice, the doctor forced Vitali into a comatose to refrain his body from working too hard and to preserve him for the meantime. Vitali now lays in the infirmary, quiet and pale.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove
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Seren walked in not bothering to look at him. "It is tipped with poison...he will live, if I release him..." She began to laugh, darkly. "Which," she continued, "I'm not going to any time soon..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marissa Fischer Character Portrait: Shade Uzumashii Character Portrait: Vitali Faina Character Portrait: Seren Ashgrove Character Portrait: Sam Eel Character Portrait: Lilly
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#, as written by Zinai
A few days later, the doctor came back to check up on Vitali. The amount of blood he had lost after he turned back was horrendous. Vitali was an AB blood type, but after what he had done to the school, many students refused to donate blood. The doctor created a formula that could possible save Vitali's life, but he required a mix of AB and O blood in order to complete it. By adding a bit of magic into it, the new mixture could eliminate the toxins and regenerate his destroyed organs and fill up all the blood he lost. He finally brought all the mystic beings that were hidden in the school to the infirmary, and asked them all if they could do it so he could hold up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vitali Faina
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#, as written by Zinai
During Vitali's comatose, Vitali was experiencing a dream he'd never thought of before. As he woke up, he noticed he was laying on a flower bed. A paradise of fields. Sitting up, he noticed that, someone was there. Another teen. It was a boy with somewhat long, grey hair. He wore a cap and a bandana underneath the messy hair. He also wore a leather jacket along with black jeans. The teen turned to Vitali, and headed towards him. Approaching closer, Vitali recognized something familiar about him... In a cheery voice, the figure said " 'Sup" in a familiar voice. Unable to tell who this was, Vitali tried to respond "W-who are you?". The teen grinned, and didn't respond. Instead, he pointed at the center of the fields. Vitali quickly approached to look at it, and saw an old well. "Go there, trust me". With a confused look, Vitali turned back to the mysterious teen. He wasn't there. Even more confused as he was, Vitali turned to all his directions with no luck. The other teen had disappeared. Without worrying about it too much, Vitali turned back towards the center of the field and started heading there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vitali Faina
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#, as written by Zinai
Vitali entered the well, and quickly noticed that it was full of darkness once again. All of a sudden, flames started to burst. Startled, Vitali looked around taking precaution. Another figure started to emerge. This time, it was smaller. Recognizing the figure, he smirked calmly. "You again?". The grey wolf appeared before him. He quietly smirked. "Yeah, me. You got that right". A wind of extreme pressure surrounded the background, as the two figures met again. Vitali, about to take the first move immediately got stopped by the grey wolf. "Hold up", calmly said the grey wolf. Confused, Vitali stopped and stood. The grey wolf, sighing, told Vitali, "You already won that battle, and you have a point. Calm down and just listen to me". Still confused, Vitali stood dazed as the left side of his glasses started to hang over. "Like you said, it's true that your supposed to use my powers, since your the host. But you do know that you have to give something in return?". Finally understanding what the wolf was talking about, Vitali fixed his glasses back into position, and admitted "Yeah. I know. And that's why I'm not going to use your powers until the very end". The wolf sighed once again. " don't get it". Vitali, confused again, just sat down onto the ground.