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Catherine Darenson

0 · 1,116 views · located in Z-Academy Grounds

a character in “The 2nd Z-Academy”, as played by Cathy2014


Age = 18
Gender = female
Role = student
Likes = Hiding, reading
Dislikes = Following orders, bossy people

Height = 5"9
Eye color = Green
Hair color = Blonde

Strengths = stalking, sniping, hiding
Weaknesses = thinking things through
Weapons = M700 suppressed, KaBar, M1911, and 2 U.S army bayonets
Survival Knowlegde = Adequate

Background: Classified

So begins...

Catherine Darenson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by Zinai
Another 40 minutes have passed. As Fiacre predicted, the students were finished with the herd, yet, he still sighed. "The kids have lowered my expectations....". The butler looked up at him, unaware that the herd was almost done for. "It is over, sir?". Nudging his head towards the window, Fiacre replied, "Yeah...I guess it is...but they were way too slow. In fact, I haven't even received a report yet!". The butler looked out once again, and noticed Isaac walking around. "Well, we do have one who's dedicated". Turning back to the window and looking down, the corner of his lips curved quickly. "Yup. He's good to go. Might as well keep that one, he's plenty dedicated".

He quickly started smelling the burnt flesh. With a grinning face, he laughed. "This smell! Ah...I can already smell the glory and honor in the air!". The butler scrunched his face. "Um. Sir. All I can smell is the nasty stench of rotten cow meat that was overly burned and sprayed by skunk". Fiacre snorted a chuckle. "It's not something that you can smell. It's something that only people who have experienced probably more than a thousand victories can smell". He looked down and noticed that all the students were cleaning up. "Good to see that the kids finally know what to do. I hope they get better at this...or they're gonna get us all killed one day".

He sat up from his chair, slipped on his hat, and hung his headmaster uniform on his back. He quickly grabbed his weapons belt, and fastened it on. The butler looked up at him with a questioning look. Looking back at him as he noticed the look, Fiacre said, "No need to be worried. I'm merely checking up on the students. I'll see to them, and also give them a rank for elimination of the undead". He left the office, pushing open both doors. The arm sleeves of the uniform waved around as Fiacre made sharp turns, and his boots made loud "Clinks" as it hit the floor. Soldiers closeby, saluted as he walked past him. Every time it happened, before they couldn't hear him, Fiacre would reply, "At ease. Keep up the good work".

Finally, he arrived before the burnt corpses. He opened the door to the outside and took a deep breath. "......Ahhhh...the smell of victory indeed". He looked before the students, and awaited them for their first action when seeing an officer.

(GM; The following must start roleplaying and being active: Kallin Harper, Andreas Petrovic. Katrina Milan can start whenever she wants, there's been something bad going on in her life, sooo...yeah. Anyways, the two following must start roleplaying)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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Laughing a little Cathy picked up the knife Thanks She spotted the other in a pile of ashes. Both looked undamaged so she slipped them into their sheaths. So........ Now what Cathy said

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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Carrie turned to shrug at the girl, but froze as she notices who was standing in the doorway. She stared at him for a few moments before snapping to attention. She moved from her position bending over a body and straightened her back, and jerked her hand into a salute.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Headmaster sir!! " He said with a salute as he straighten his posture " We are just about done with the clean up, I apologize if we broke any rules it won't happen again" He said as he lowered his salute and took the trash can carrying it over to the dumpster outside he empty the contents if the trash can and made his way back. He saw the girls and smile as he walked over to them then turn to the head master " I don't know if the president has given you a report but here is our sir " He said handy him a piece of note book where he had written down the details of what had transpire the night before " Also if you would like i can give you the oral report as well "" He said as he waited for the headmaster to respond.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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What...headmaster......where Cathy thought. She turned around to see the headmaster in the doorway. Crap She gave the headmaster a clumsy salute.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zinai
Fiacre frowned. "I don't believe I gave you permission to talk, young one, neither move, yet. And besides that, only the top school council members are allowed to hand in reports. I'm pretty sure you know that...?". He looked back to the other students that were in the same salute position as the red-haired girl was. He grinned. "Well, there's a proper soldier. Beautiful, and quick stance. Immediately done on notice. Excellent", he thought. He saluted back at them, and said, "At ease". As they took the at ease stance and lined up in front of him, he looked around at the whole group. "Well, then...I can see that most of you were prepared with weapons. I'd like to know...why did you keep your weapons, when you had already known at first glance, that weapons were strictly forbidden BEFORE I allowed it?". He looked around the group. "Quite disappointing. I expected a lot more. Keeping secrets from me won't get you promotions, neither good grades". He pointed at the school. "You should all have stayed in the school, away from the group. You should all have allowed the guard to take over. Finally, you should all have all been awaiting for more instructions. Remember, we're not here to be heroes or whatever bullshit is in your mind. We're here to eliminate, survive, and win". Looking down at some of the students, he also added in, "The fact that you all acted based on instinct, killed the way how I looked at most of you. Most disappointing". Turning around, and flipping open a small notebook, he read a few notes he had taken during the undead massacre. "....ah, I have come to a conclusion". He turned to them, and said, "You have all received...a 30%. This defensive operation was a failure. You would have gotten us all killed, if it weren't for that fire. Then again..that fire could've killed all of us. Once again, most disappointing". Bringing up his fountain pen onto the paper, he frowned, then turned to the students with a questioning look. "Which squad was this....?".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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Carrie let her head hang, cheeks burning in shame. She let her position lessen and shifted her weight to one foot. The headmaster was much more sstrict then she imagined and she felt wrong disobeying him. Choosing not to speak but bow her head in apology Carrie looked to the others. She didn't know what squad they were. She shifted her weight again and looked towards the headmaster. 'With all due respect sir, weapons were retrieve after your speech. Which may I add attracted the undead in the first place.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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A 30 wow Did we really do that bad? Cathy thought. I mean we survived right shouldn't that be at least a 50 she thought about for a moment before asking Permission to speak Sir

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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#, as written by KazutoK
" I have the same request sir I would speak in behalf of my fellow students" He said with a salute "This squad is the freshman group under President Prince sir" He said with his hand behind his back standing straight " Permission to elaborate the squad was acting awol prince has nothing to do with it it sir if I may it was my fault " He said straightened his posture more and look down " if there is to be further punishment for the incident I humbly request it is assigned to me as I was the responsible one" He said as he look up at the head master waiting for his answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
Kallin Harper strode crisply towards the squad. It was the first day and they'd already caused trouble. She had heard the gunshots and about the fire, but as she saw the Headmaster addressing the group of four--two girls, a guy, and of course Prince-- Kal fell into position next to Prince. Kallin addressed the Headmaster with a salute before positioning her hands behind her back and staring straight forwards. She should have been there, helping Prince keep this squad in line. Obviously she'd missed out on quite a bit after the Headmaster's speech. But this wasn't the time for the team's leadership to crumble, not on the first day. Kalling had too much respect for the student council president and the Headmaster to let this break ranks. Turning on the heel of her black combat boots, she addressed the guy who just kept talking. 'He really likes to talk, doesn't he...' Her cold stare was expressionless and distant.

"The officers of the squad are responsible for any acts of insubordination within the squad. The officers thus take this responsibility along with the consequences as seen fit by the Headmaster or other personnel of faculty. This is how it works. Structure is how we survive." Kallin's tone was icy as she addressed the guy who was apparently in her squad. Turning back on her heel, she faced forwards again. As much as she'd prefer the person who started the chaos to suffer for it, Kal strictly believed in this system. With her arms pin straight, her feet perfectly aligned, and her chin level with the ground with an air of confidence, Kallin prepared herself for whatever punishment the Headmaster would see fit for the crimes that she herself didn't even know the extent of. Hopefully Prince could fill her in later about what the hell was actually going on during the time she went to pick up her weapons from the armory.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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Carrie blinked in confusion and turned to the new girl. So she's an officer? She began to speak, talking about responsibility and structure. Carrie didn't believe a word of it. Structure huh? Where were they when we almost died? If they wanted to take responsibility they'd help their students rather then just watch on wanting to know how we did.

Carrie rolled her eyes. She was tired of people getting in the way of their punishment. I just want to get this over with and never do it again. I could be reading right now instead of being grilled for killing zombies. Which is what we're trained for. Maybe these people should focus more on students then rules.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
Yukito clear his throat looking at Carrie and gave her a look of let it go, He knew it wasn't the best to critized or step out of line in this academy he sight and look at the vice president the structure had not been enforced. He nod at the speech the vice president gave she seems annoyed at him what was wrong he was just trying to stand up for the squad he was active since the first day was that wrong that he got involved with his class mates talking to them. He pushed up his glasses the rule were rule like them or not he look back at Carrie and gave her a quick smile to ease her nerves a hot head lead to unsavory situations " You are right ma'am I apologize, oops sorry for speaking out of turn " He said as he bow and salute her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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Carrie stepped forward, taking a spot next to Yukito. 'If I may be so bold ma'am,' Shit, my voice is cracking again. 'Is it really just to take the fall for something you had no part of?' She addressed Kallin, her eyes narrowing. 'Officers should know when their trannies need to be punished without them.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey what are you doing you want to get into more trouble " he whisper to her ear " in this place is about what badge you sport and right now we sport the lowest our opinions don't matter" He said to her as he moved his gaze back at the vice president cold stare typical of those who had lost their free thinking to a military mind set while it kept order it was not the best away to think specially in the apocalypse marching wasn't going to impress the zombies. He pushed his glasses up and look at Carrie he was impressed she stood up for what she believe and he like it he would to but it normally meant others did so and he didn't want to be a leader to some revolution if he did he would had become the president of the student council.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
Kallin heard the guy's apology, glad that he seemed to understand. But Kallin froze as the girl addressed her. As the girl's voice cracked, Kal turned around to face her, posture still rigid. "Officers should know when their trainnies need to be punished without them." Seeing the guy whisper to the girl caused Kallin to quirk an eyebrow, her jaw tightened as she took a measured breath. She knew this was their first day, and that she'd have to explain it to them eventually, but she at least thought it could be done within the squad, not in front of the Headmaster.

"No." Kallin spoke simply, her voice firm and full. "I am Vice President of Student Council Prince Sebastian's Freshman Squad: Kallin Harper. You don't know me yet, but soon you will become very aware of one fact." Kallin stepped closer to the two, her gaze narrowing at them and her voice lowering. "Your actions, whether Prince or I are aware of them, will affect the entire squad. Perhaps you don't see this as something to be particularly concerned about at the moment, but if it were your bodies that had to be cleaned up, I ensure you might care a bit more. I will endure any punishment necessary for this squad, because it will be my job and the President's to ensure that you live. Go ahead and hate me, resent me, I don't care how you feel about me. I will do everything I can to create a disciplined squad that will think clearly in the heat of battle. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure you will return home. That's why officers take the punishment for their squad, regardless of circumstances. A punishment reminds us of our purpose, and failure as leaders for the squad." Taking a step back, Kallin lifted her head tall again. "Besides, none of you'd get off the hook that easily. You have us to deal with for four years." Kal waited, to see if there were any further questions.

'Damn, this is starting off horribly wrong. She is right though, I should have been here. That's a mistake that will not happen again. They're my responsibility. And Prince's. I can't lose one of them so quickly, or easily. I just need to be tough. Hopefully Prince will have some ideas...' Kallin thought to herself, her eyebrows furrowing at her internal battle, though her posture did not unwind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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0.00 INK

Carrie wanted to take a step back to get away from the girl who was coming closer. But she couldn't appear weak to her, especially when she spoke out to her. 'Weather or not you consider yourself responsible for action I chose to take, you considering that you must be punished when we have just met will not sit comfortably with me.'

Clinching her fist she took a step towards the girl. 'So I will argue for what I deem as unfair.' She let a little smirk cross her face. 'Even if it makes my superiors resent me for it.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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0.00 INK

#, as written by KazutoK
" You cant possible think that way ma'am, a squad must be inspired by their leader to follow an example if you are hate then the squad will fail and if this is part if the structure you believe in then I personally think is wrong a strong drive and relationship with the fellow students will ensure survival rates to go up " He said pushing up his glasses and straighten up his posture and walked over to the vice president side " Shigura Yukito, accepting my place and punishment with the rest of the squad " He smiled at the vice president " pleasure to meet you ma'am I hope I can make you see the point I made earlier and make this squad the best it can be working with you and the president " He smiled closing his eyes waited to see the result of the actions that transpire earlier " Oh yeah we have done the clean up so we can go straight to the next section of the punishment".

( also technically the fight was outside the wall not the hallway there was not infiltration fire danger was taken care of but we already clean the hallway so )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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0.00 INK

Prince stood in the group in silence and allowed the Headmaster to say his peace. To be honest he would have given at least a 40 to the group. But then again he was right, it placed all of them in danger. He looked down at the group and frowned at his squad. He knew they would be a little trouble to handle since they seemed to go with instinct rather than logic, but he was their squad. After a while he smirked seeing the female. "Someone came late for the party." He whispered momentarily before shutting his mouth once again. When the brunet spoke the Prisident took a step forward.

"And you will, be punished." He said for the first time after a while. He couldn't help but smirk as Kallin spoke up. "Because of your impulsive actions, Kallin and I shall discuss what form of punishment the squad take."[ The once easy and playful Prince was now replaced with the responsible, cold president. He then looked over at the girl and narrowed his gaze at her. "As leaders you are our responsibility, every action you take reflects on us and we suffer the consequences of your actions. If you really want to make our lives easier, don't do any thing stupid." He's said that phrase all too many times even for today and he means it.

The blond then turned his attention to the headmaster. "Sir, I take full responsibility of the squad." He said as stood up straight. "But with all due respect sir, I did approach earlier and you did give us permission to fight." For the first time the boy was reasoning with the headmaster. Again being such a fan boy it was out of the ordinary."I was just too late to instruct them, they just fought to save the school. But that does not excuse them for their stupidity, Sir. Please allow Kallin and I to handle their punishment, but please allow us to make up for it. I assure you this won't happen again." He lowered his head slightly and pressed his lips together.

He turned his eyes to the girl once more. "That mouth of yours is not making you look more noble." He said signalling her to keep her mouth shut. He didn't want to put anyone in any more trouble. A small smirk grew as he looked over at Yukito. The boy has showed that he was a promising soldier he definitely was going to keep his eye out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
Kallin nodded to Prince, appreciative at his diplomatic intervention. Kal wasn't the best to convey much on the emotional or verbal level, but she did her best. She had to. Prince was always been better at it than she had. Now they could only wait to see what the Headmaster would hand out. But Kal knew if Prince actually spoke out against the Headmaster slightly, then the group must have taken care of themselves. Perhaps the squad was a bit rough around the edges, but the Vice President didn't care. This was a group of people she'd give her life to protect, even if they are so freaking talkative. Holding in a sigh, Kal purposefully ignored the girl's comment, just wanting this to be over with. And Prince was right, this wouldn't happen again. 'This can't happen again.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kallin Harper Character Portrait: Fiacre Douleur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lucky
Kallin nodded to Prince, appreciative at his diplomatic intervention. Kal wasn't the best to convey much on the emotional or verbal level, but she did her best. She had to. Prince was always been better at it than she had. Now they could only wait to see what the Headmaster would hand out. But Kal knew if Prince actually spoke out against the Headmaster slightly, then the group must have taken care of themselves. Perhaps the squad was a bit rough around the edges, but the Vice President didn't care. This was a group of people she'd give her life to protect, even if they are so freaking talkative. Holding in a sigh, Kal purposefully ignored the girl's comment, just wanting this to be over with. And Prince was right, this wouldn't happen again. 'This can't happen again.'