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"I won't let you control everything that I am."

0 · 781 views · located in NewGen laboratory

a character in “The Alloyed Generation”, as played by FaddedFox


❝We are humans, not poodles. We deserve better. We will achieve, better.❞

||Speech Color #66CCCC||✦ ||Thought Color #7A8B8B||

Theme Song:
β™ͺI will not bow - Breaking Benjamin << may change
Face Claim: Kuze Hibiki | Devil Survivor

It mean's Black Lightning





Photo alloy - First generation

β–ΊPhysical Descriptionβ—„
For Kokurai, appearances are deceiving. Though he is 33, he doesn't look a day over 26. He owes this to wonderful genetics of course. In all seriousness however, his Asian decent does a lot to make him look younger and his ability has given him the bonus of absorb some energy from the sun. This absorption keeps the photo alloy appearing younger and able to keep up with the younger alloys. It sort of rejuvenates him. His features are defined and his curves are accented by the raven locks that cascade around his face. He keeps his hair short usually and favors bangs. His devilish looks helps keep up the air of mystery around this older alloy. He has a story to tell but not many he wishes to share with. If eyes are the windows to his soul, his eyes captivating cerulean blue hues hint at the darker history behind his joyful smiles. He wears the mischievous Cheshire cat grin and he is more than willing to dance the line between hostility and obliviousness. Whenever channeling his electricity, his gaze narrows and brightens in color as the energy courses through him. He is a bit on the tall side with a medium weight for his height. He is constantly active which helps keep his weight down even though he loves to eat junk food when it is allowed. It is one of the few pleasures he has in this lifetime. His lips are always upturned but this to is an illusion. He can be smiling joyfully at the alloys but his smile for the scientists is borderline psychotic. He is not a fan of them and his tone is often clipped around them even though he appears as jolly as he had before. He doesn't give very many answers and likes to keep his secrets and often manipulates the situation. He is probably one of the few actively malicious alloys when it comes to the doctors. His kind and gentle appearance is anything but and his ire is just as electrifying as his abilities.

|Allusive ☬ Mischievous ☬ Bitter ☬ Protective ☬ Defiant|

Kokurai is the product of a fourth generation pyro and aero alloy. This made him the first generation of photo alloy and because of this, he was experimented on with much fervor. He wasn't the only such alloy however, though he is the oldest. There were two other photo alloys during his time. One of the other photo alloys ended up killing herself on accident by taking in way too much energy and causing herself to explode just like some of the pyro alloys. The second photo alloy is a few years younger so Kokurai had more time under the scientist's scrutiny which he would rather not have experienced. The scientists wanted him to continue pushing his limits to see what a photo alloy could do and for a while, he did what was requested since he didn't have much of a choice but as he grew and as the experiments worsened, Kokurai began to gain his voice. He learned the hard way that the world doesn't care about you if you are meek. Though there is still much in his life he cant control, he fights for each and every liberty and exerts control when he can.

As a child, Kokurai was a very bubbly child much like all the photo alloys and super hyper. He was very high maintenance in this regard and since he was one of two photos, he received certain privileges that others weren't allowed to have, such as going outside whenever he wanted to or interacting and knowing who is parents were. The scientists wanted to see if parental interactions did anything to strengthen abilities so he grew up knowing his mother since his aero father had died when he was 2. His mother was a fiesty and never backed down from a good fight. She defied the scientists at every turn though that didn't always end well for her. She was Kokurai's protector and she tried to advocate for him as much as she should. Kokurai did end up inheriting her defiance and short fuse as well as her protective nature towards all those younger than him. At the time, his energy and carefree smile was contagious and he always brightened a room with his presence. But like all good things, they never last.

When Kokurai was 13, the scientists wanted to test the limit of his mind considering that up to that point, he hadn't seemed to suffer any of the aero disabilities. They wanted to know how much light was required for him to remain stable and how much darkness was tolerable. So, they took his worst fears and turned them into reality. They confined Kokurai in darkness and chained him so he couldn't move; both things that Kokurai had shown to be anxious about in the past. Kokurai screamed, begged, and cried to be released but the scientists left him alone. Without any source of light, Kokurai's health worsened bit by bit as did his mental state. He was drained of vitality as if the darkness itself had sapped everything from him. Light always went to where there was least of it so it dispersed from his center and out into the room. It took three days before Kokurai was saved from this hell. The scientists had to rush Kokurai out of the room upon realizing he had grown unresponsive in the beginnings of a coma. For days Kokurai rested in the lab connected to varying machines that literally sent electricity coursing through his body to get him energized enough to wake up. They even put him in a water tank to increase the potential of the shock. Ever since, Kokurai has been deathly afraid of confined spaces, complete darkness, and confinement. And the scientists realized that light and freedom of movement were necessary to keep a photo alloy alive. The damage had been done however and Kokurai began to fear the scientists and be less forthcoming about information. He had even grown shy around other alloys. Gone were the days of his exuberant joy and endless smiles.

This wasn't the end to Kokurai's torment however. As he came of age, Kokurai was quickly used to breed other alloys. The scientists wanted more photo alloys and weren't getting results with the original alloys. Kokurai didn't have sex with anyone but the process of getting sperm wasn't a very pleasant one. He fought against the scientists so much that he had to be tied down or sedated all over again. And they kept having to do that every time they wanted more samples until the whole thing turned into a traumatizing nightmare. His anger and frustration with his helplessness only grew. He hated not being able to decide anything in his life. His words and desires meant nothing and those who had 'raised' him were the very ones that violated him. In the end, he had a few children and each one was a different kind of alloy. Those important to the story however, are Hiro (tentative) and Sukoshi. He hadn't had much interaction with them in the beginning. The thought that he had children without his consent was horrifying to him at the time and he wanted nothing to do with them. This changed when he grew older.

Kokurai had another tragedy in his long life. He had grown very close to another Aero. The two of them met when Kokurai was 17 and the aero was 12. Kokurai thought of the other alloy as a little brother and did what he could to make him smile though the aero was often in bed with a heart condition and couldn't come out much. He was so young and already had two surgeries; one to give him a pace maker and then a second time to fix said pace maker when Kokurai accidentally screwed up its rhythms with his electricity. Unfortunately, when the aero turned 17, Kokurai lost him. He and Kokurai were walking down the halls together like any other normal day. The young aero ended up suffering a major heart attack and collapsed. Kokurai tried to revive his friend by acting like a defibrillator and shocking his heart. He managed to get a reviving breath from the younger alloy before the aero ended up dying in his arms before the scientists could do anything for him.

These constant tragedies in Kokurai's life made his ire grow. None of this should be happening. They were all suffering because of the experiments these so called 'doctors' were creating and he hated it. He loathed them and grew quite cold towards them. He didn't want to give them any easy answers and keeps a lot of his abilities to himself. He often smiles as if everything is sunshine and rainbows but really, there is a storming brewing beneath the facade. Whenever he can, he makes the scientists lives just a bit harder. It isn't fair for them only to make the alloys suffer after all. He'll make lights flicker or explode, scare a few here and there with the aftermath of exploding lights, and sometimes momentarily blind them with a flash. Most of this is pass-aggressive so the scientists never see him truly doing these things. He is also quite snarky around them and gives back-handed barbs. He is not a very pleasant individual around them and annoys the hell out of the scientists. He particularly hates Dr. Tadoshi since he has been with the project the longest and spear heads the breeding program.

Kokurai around alloys however, changes entirely. He loves the other alloys and wishes he could do more for them. He wants to get them out of this place. They all deserve so much better but thus far, Kokurai hasn't been able to follow through with this goal but considering his ability with electricity, he may be able to use that against the facility. If he had back up, a coup may be possible but any discussion about this has been hush hush. He doesn't want to get any of the younger alloys in trouble after all. He cares for all of them, though he does give special attention to Hiro and Sukoshi. And sometimes to Griswald as well considering the fact that the poor thing is currently the only gravito alloy. He knows what that is like and wishes to support him in his trials. Kokurai also wants to try and be a father figure to them but since so much time has passed, he is unsure how to come out and truly be what they need though he offers them advice and guidance.

The photo alloy also has a quick temper much like his pyro counterparts. He has more patience around the alloys, but scientists don't get much. He is very protective of the other alloys and has no qualms about putting himself in harms way for them. In a way, he sees himself as their protector and parent like his own mother had been for him. This is especially true for his own children though he isn't one to really talk about his emotions. This protective mean streak towards the scientists as led him into quite a bit of trouble. He has often been punished with that annoying sound and locked up in confinement to try and curb his behaviors. This doesn't really work though they do succeed in terrifying him and reducing him to a shaking mass. Once this passes, he is back to being his snarky mean-spirited self towards them. He will not let their punishments deter him and control his personality. They control enough as it is.

+ Alloys
+ Junk Food
+ Day Time
+ Birds
+ Lightning

- Scientists
- Darkness
- Confinement
- Tests
- Being Bred like a dog
- Watching his children suffer

☠ claustrophobic
☠ nyctophobia
☠ Never being free
☠ Seeing the children die and being unable to help them

As a photo alloy, Kokurai has the ability to absorb light and bend it to his will. Lightning is his favorite representation and he often sends out a bolt though he can't much control where it goes, or lets the electricity radiate off of him. On the low end of his ability he can create static to lightly shock people and get hair to stand on end. He could make a harmless light show and if he hits water just right, he can create a rainbow effect. He can also use the light to create various weapons. This however is limited by his imagination. If he can't work out the details in his head, he can't create it. Absorbing light energy also serves to rejuvenate his own energy which makes him a bit on the hyper end and young appearing. Kokurai can also create a flash of light to momentarily blind those around him. To do this however, he needs to absorb a lot of light and essentially get himself to 'explode'. The light will always be brighter where he is standing. If he absorbs too much energy, he can kill himself and this often leads him to have a nose bleed from the pressure and feel fatigued afterward. Generally he can do a smaller version of this centered around his hand to blind a single person if he can reach their eyes. He also likes to make light-bulbs explode by transferring some of his energy to the circuit to overload them. And since he controls light, he can move at the speed of light but again, that requires a lot of energy absorption and storage. He had managed to do this one or twice. This last one doesn't help him much in the lab since there isn't much room to go anywhere.

Sample post:
"Vance! Hurry up," Kokurai grinned as he looked back over his shoulder to where his friend was lagging behind. A teasing glint entered his eyes as he ushered the younger aero forward."If we don't hurry up, all the good seats will be taken in the main room. Don't you want a good seat so we can actually see the T.V.?"

"I am going as fast as I can, Koko! I have been a bit out of breath today," the aero pouted.

"Out of breath? You are an aero! you control air! Get that air and blood flowing," Kokurai teased though he slowed down to accommodate his friend. He knew the dangers of over exerting his friend. He would rather miss the movie entirely than hurt his friend. Vance shoved his shoulder lightly as the walked to get him back for his comment.

It wasn't much longer before Vance reached a hand up to his chest and frowned. His chest was hurting. Why was his chest hurting? Had he pushed himself too far? He was starting to get a little dizzy to. "Koko.." he called softly as he slowed. He wasn't feeling so well. "mnt...well.." he mumbled and reached for Kokurai. The photo alloy frowned as he stopped walking to reach for his friend a bit confused. Suddenly, Vance collapsed in his arms, his eyes rolling back. Kokurai stumbled a moment as he gripped his friend alarmed. He dropped to his knees with Vance still cradled in his arms.

"Vance!?" he cried. "Vance! This isn't funny!" Kokurai quickly brought his fingers to his friend's neck to check his heartbeat and found silence against his fingertips. He gasped and quickly pressed his hand against his friend's chest and sent a wave of electricity through him to try and kick-start his heart and the pace maker. "Vance! Wake up!" he called, tears beginning to collect in his eyes. He tried again and earned a gasp from his friend, his heart beating weakly for a moment. He was too weak to keep it going unfortunately. He went unresponsive again and his heart stopped once more. "Damn it, Vance! Come back! Y-you can't! You can't go!" he cried as he shocked his friend again. Kokurai's crying soon brought the scientists over to him and two tried to pull Vance away from Kokurai and he only relinquished his hold on his friend when he realized that perhaps they could save his friend. He watched hysterical as they rushed his friend's limp body away from him. Kokurai keened as he curled up into a ball. In his distress, he began to absorb more and more energy until he couldn't contain any more of it and he cried out as he unleashed a flash of light, blinding himself and everyone else around him. It wasn't until the dreaded alloy whistle was blown that he was able to stop using his abilities and just curled up on the floor. He knew the scientists could do nothing for his friend. Vance was already gone.

"Come on, Kokurai, let's get you to your room," one of the scientists called to him and tried to help him up to his feet.

"Let go of me!" snapped and wrenched his arm away from the scientists, anger and pain filling his gaze. It was these scientists that did all of this! It was their fault that they all had to suffer and their fault that so many people died. Vance shouldn't have died so young! He should have had a long happy life. His own father should have had a long life. Every single one of them deserved so much more than this. Just because these bastards wanted to play god, he and everyone else had to suffer. Well if this was the consequence to have powers, he didn't want it! He wanted normalcy and the right to live as he wished! They were humans, not rats. Why did they have to be treated like vermin, only given scraps here and there? He wasn't going to stand for it! "This is all your fault! All of you! He shouldn't be dead!"

"You are acting like a child now, Kokurai. Let us get you to your room."


The scientist tried to lift him again but he fought against them even as the whistle blew again. All it did was stop him from using his abilities. He still had his physical strength. It took three of them to finally shove the alloy against the ground and stop him from fighting back. One of the other doctors prepped a tranquilizer and stuck the needle into the boy's arm. All the while, Kokurai glared at them all through his tears. None of this was fair. Why couldn't they see that what they were doing was wrong? Kokurai tried to fight against the chemically induced drowsiness and his eyelids fluttered. It didn't take long before he was forced into a dreamless and restless sleep. Once he was unresponsive, one of the male scientists pulled him up into his arms and carried him back to his room and locked the door.

So begins...

Kokurai's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinjuro Satori Character Portrait: Sukoshi Kaminari Hotaru Character Portrait: Kimiko Character Portrait: Hiro Yamashashi Character Portrait: Mora Character Portrait: Griswald Altair
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He was floating. There was no pain or fear or sadness. He was just warm.
Warm and floating in the darkness that surrounded him. He didn't feel like he was being held down by anything. Kokurai felt at peace as he drifted. This wasn't so bad. This numbness was really nice, whatever it was. He could just be here for hours without a care in the world.

"Come on Kokurai, come on, you're not gone. You can come back!"

Who was that? The voice sounded so far away. There was something in her voice that he couldn't pin point. There were other noises around him but none of them really resonated with him. He was content and he didn't want to move anywhere. He did feel light tremors rolling over his body but that was like a tickle and he didn't really care anymore. Then a stronger jolt ran through him. Kokurai's body came alive again, wheezing for air and his heartbeat pounding in his rib cage but he wasn't back. Kokurai lethargically opened his eyes but his stare was blank. He stared straight ahead as nurses rushed around him. He didn't really notice any of it. His mind was far away from it all in its peaceful floating. The photo alloy was vaguely even aware that he was put on a stretcher and tied down. The nurses put a mask over his face as they rushed him away to the medic wing. Nurses were doing the same for Kinjuro and more care was being devoted to the little boy considering he was so young and had been slammed against the wall.

The nurses hoisted Kokurai onto a bed while they ushered Kinjuro into a different room to check out his injuries. A doctor came to stand beside Kokurai and a light was flashed into his eyes. They dilated as they should but he wasn't hearing anything the doctors requested of him.

"Kokurai? Can you hear me?" the doctor asked. No answer. The doctor waved his hand in front of Kokurai's face and his gaze did not follow. He grabbed his special hammer and tapped lightly on Kokurai's knee. No jerk response. The doctor went to his little cabinet and pulled out a small packet of smelling salts. That should wake up Kokurai or at least get him to respond. This was some strong stuff and Kokurai had a very sensitive sense of smell. He was sure Kokurai would start coughing and maybe even gag. He took the breathing mask off his face to place the packet against Kokurai's nose. Kokurai didn't even blink. This was... concerning. Had he hit his head to? Well they had a last resort and if this didn't wake him up, they would need to do some brain scans and hope for the best. "Get me some ice," he instructed the nurse then. With a nod she rushed off to bring a bag of ice. The doctor took it from her and hesitated just a moment before he rested the ice on Kokurai's family jewels. It was how they often woke up patients who had fainted since the immediate reaction was to recoil from the frigidity if the smelling salts didn't work. He got nothing out of Kokurai. "Shit... he is catatonic..." the doctor murmured and checked his eyes again. He let his hands roam over the photo alloy's head but he didn't feel anything physically wrong.

"Set up the CT scan for Kokurai as well."

"Right away, Doctor!" one of the nurses said before running off. The doctor looked over at Kokurai a moment before pushing his hair away from his face. Later on, maybe they'd do an EEG to. He had run away from the earlier one and now that he was catatonic, he was very curious to see what signals were flashing in his mind. "When the results are out, page me." The doctor then left the room to return to the observatory and entered. He went straight to Dr. Tadoshi. "Dr. Tadoshi, I have some news about Kokurai. It seems that the blast he produced or maybe a side effect from Kinjuro's attack has left him in a catatonic state. I am having a CT performed right now to see if there is any bleeding or damage in the brain that could explain the state. With your signature, I'd also like to perform an EEG to check his current potential. I won't be testing for responses since he obviously won't be performing any but I would be interested to see what is going on electrically at this point." He'd never had a catatonic alloy before so his data would be quite interesting.


"Griswald!" Dashure growled and reached back to touch the back of his neck where his brother had pinched him. His body was really sensitive today considering the tests so that 'little nip' felt rather painful. He rubbed the back of his neck a bit before he leaned back in his floating chair and closed his eyes. He did appreciate his brother for doing this though and he liked the gentle caress of he wind that tugged at him thanks to their movement. "And no I don't have a book in particular. They really need to update their collection of books in brail. They have like four," he chuckled. And though he wanted to read the other books, he couldn't and he refused to ask anyone to read them to him. He.. he wasn't a child and that made him feel like he couldn't do anything for himself. He didn't want that.

Once they entered the library, he sent out a small pulsing of wind to gather information about who was in this space and where things were located. He tilted his head to the side when he felt Kei, which wasn't surprising, and then the geo alloy Mora. He had never interacted with Mora before. He had felt her go by every once in a while in the hall way but that was all. She was allowed to wander today? That was good for her. He wondered what she did most days. He only knew that she had escaped the lab and then came back. Why she came back he would never know. Maybe she was a glutton for punishment. He heard his brother announce who was in the library and gave a nod. "I know," he answered. He gave a wave from his seat at the two though most of the greeting was towards Kei.

"Good to hear you breathing," he said then. It really was a miracle that Kei was still alive and it made him hopeful that he'd live longer than 17 years but he was also very worried for his friend. He was afraid to lose him. The two of them were the oldest aero alloys and they had a sort of friendship partnership he didn't want to lose. The always pushed each other and once he was gone, Dashure would have no one to practice with. "And hello to you," he said and inclined his head in Mora's direction. He didn't really want to be friendly but he couldn't just ignore her presence either. Based on how Kei and Mora were positioned, they had been talking to each other which meant he was interrupting.