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Shion Bartolome

resisting everything except temptation

0 · 186 views · located in Los Angeles

a character in “The Arris”, as played by rubytuesday


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Image Image Image
xxxxxname Shion Ikeda Bartolome
xxxxxnicknames Shin (sometimes, likes, close friends)
xxxxxpronouns she/her
xxxxxage and birthday twenty four
xxxxxsexuality bisexual
xxxxxoccupation ghost writer (and aspiring author)
xxxxxethnicity japanese-american (mother's side); filipina (father's side)
xxxxxhex #bbd4b4

Imagexxa p p e a r a n c exxImage

xxxxxheight 5'5"
xxxxxbuild here
xxxxxfashion sensexxxxx casual x x x x x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxformal [url]x[/url] [url]x[/url] [url]x[/url] [url]x[/url] [url]x[/url]
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnight out [url]x[/url] [url]x[/url] [url]x[/url] [url]x[/url] [url]x[/url]

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rainy weather | tattoos | studio ghibli
movies | weed | black coffee | indoor
plants (though her cat zuko is prone
to attacking them) | alternative pop
and r&b | fairylights | daydreaming
true crime docos | stargazing | dark
chocolate | fruity cocktails | drinking
games | daydreaming | video essays
(especially re. media analysis and
film theory | dad jokes | 'slowed and
reverbed' song edits | most filipino
dishes (they remind her of her dad)
messy kitchens | neons | the smell
of petrol | wilful ignorance | conflict
poorly written 'enemies-to-lovers'
storylines | waking to the sound of
her alarm clock | both custard and
meringue | sudden loud noises |
dubstep and country | 'problematic'
(and lazy} book tropes | men people
that play "devil's advocate" for no
discernible reason (e.g., the 'ben
shapiro' types) | conflict and drama
| deadlines | sour candy | lemon in
her water |


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for all her passion and fervor, she is quite the calming presence. she is a warm cabin in winter, somewhere safe to wander into, protection from the cold. she is mercurial in nature, but for all her general vacillation, her propensity for feeling like home withstands. her character is built upon foundations of empathy and understanding, and it shows in the ease with which she converses, and, especially, the ease with which others tend to find themselves conversing with her.

perhaps fitting of her role as an author, she characterises people quite well. she can intuitively break people down to their bare bones, both through her innate perception, and through her aforementioned comforting demeanour, which has a way of softening even the coarsest of exteriors, and lowering the highest of walls. she is also intelligent and creative, and this bleeds both into her talent for writing, and the plethora of sage advice she seems to always have tucked away.

her calmness can sometimes be misread as lackadaisicality, but it is not that she doesn't care about life's course, so much as she trusts in her own adaptability. she has her issues with the life that fate has dealt her, but she has found ways of mending herself, and coping, through her writing, her friendships, her fond memories and her fervent aspirations. and some therapy here and there- she isn't very good at asking for help, but professional help is something she is slowly opening up to.

to further counter the 'cool' perception others may be inclined to have of her, Shion is very quick to laugh. her humour is witty, and mischievous at times, but it is never mean-spirited, and even her intentional barbs tend to have a smoothed edge to avoid genuinely hurting any feelings beyond ego. on the other hand, her more casual jokes can be dry, and somewhat 'dad-ish' at times; a remnant of her father that never really left her. she is also quite sentimental, prone to hoarding random junk for the sake of a singular 'good' memory attached to an object, or tearing up at the 'wedding vow/proposal' videos that show up on her Facebook feed.


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shion's love for reading and writing undoubtedly bloomed under her father's influence. having immigrated to the US (California, specifically) in his late teens, Lou Bartolome soon found his dream job teaching English at the local high school. as someone who adored literature more than anything else, his classroom became a place to share his passions, and, more importantly, provide somewhere for his students to explore their own. several years into his new life in the US, Lou met Shion's mother, Lucy Ikeda, through a mutual friend, and, as he used to say it, "fell head over heels in an instant". They married after five years of dating, and Shion was born only a month after their one-year wedding anniversary.

growing up, Shion understood and got along with her mother well enough, but she was always closest to her father. where her mother was reticent, he was expressive- emotion poured from him in a way that made Shion feel free to express herself in her entirety, without shame or fear of rejection. furthermore, her father and her bonded over a shared adoration of books. even before she herself could read, she would pore over the pages her father read to her from, trying and failing to intepret the letters on the page. her father was a storyteller, and every night, he would immerse her into a world beyond their California two-bedroom. By the time she could write, the tables were turning, and Lou was gushing over his daughter's talent, and joking about the mansion she would buy him with her money as a best-selling author one day. even after she grew out of being read stories before bedtime, Lou always seemed to know when she had had a rough day, and needed his stories again.

shion was seven when her little sister, Hana Bartolome, joined their family, sparking what would soon be revealed as the last, truly joyful moment of Shion's childhood. this became clear a year following Hana's birth, when Lou was diagnosed with testicular cancer. at first, it seemed a stoppable enemy, and shion wrote furiously about how her father would overcome this opponent, and save them all from the oncoming darkness. but try as she might, no victory ever manifested. the years passed, and soon her father's illness became impossible to ignore. it permeated through him, and through their home, and in the sixth year of the cancer's presence in their lives, Lou was become bedridden. Shion remembers little of that year beyond the time she spent at his bedside, reading what would be their last novel together (Virginia Woolfe's Mrs Dalloway.

the last memories she has of him are cradled between the pages of that book, a book that, for a time, she refused to finish. Lou passed away about three quarters through, after a six year battle, and a then-fourteen Shion spent the next several months adrift. she didn't read, because every time she picked up a book, all that she could think about was how much she would prefer it if it was Lou reading to her. And she certainly didn't touch Mrs Dalloway, because to finish that book felt too final- it was the final book she would ever read with her father, and she had no desire to complete it alone.

it was just less than a year later that, whilst moving the book, she unintentionally shook loose the bookmark, losing the page. her frantic trying to find the page came automatically (her father had always forbade corner-folding). her reading the first sentence of the chapter was similarly automatic, as it pulled her tentatively into a world she had spent the last eleven months neglecting. She finished the book that day, and, on the final page, found her father's final message to her written into the blank back pages. shion cried a lot that night, but so too did she heal somewhat. the ache was there, and always would be, and she would continue to cry again and again as the years went by. but her father, in all his generosity, had gifted her some closure.

shion spent the next several years of her life pursuing her dreams of becoming an author, and chipping away at the array of novel ideas she had built up in her mind. she ghostwrote her first novel at only nineteen, for a well-known author suffering writer's block, and moved into the Commune around the same time. her name quickly got around in the field, and her following gig was for an a-list celebrity's autobiography. the book became a New York Times Best-Seller, and Shion has ghost-written a couple of other books, which both accumulated similar degrees of success. now that she has found some stability, as well as some leeway in the industry, she is determined to publish her first novel, under her own name, and has been working tirelessly to make her and her father's dream a reality.


[center]cs: phosphene - fc: rina fukushi - hex code: #bbd4b4



So begins...

Shion Bartolome's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avos D'Angeli Character Portrait: Coraline Quinn Character Portrait: Roxanne Powers Character Portrait: Bluebell Ellis Character Portrait: AJ Park Character Portrait: Travis Graves
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0.00 INK


The sun had begun to set, a cool autumn crisp in the air sharpening as the shadows took over the light. City lights reflected against the glass panes along the length of the building, people peering in with no avail. Pooling around all sides were the casual paparazzi, some standing aside smoking a square as they waited for some big names to arrive.

Though the Arris had only been constructed within the last few years, it already was a hot spot. Not only was it home to some of the richest people in the world, but also many rising stars across many industries. That made guest lists for events at the rooftop bar, Mani all the more stacked. On a night like tonight it was a sure thing to get a paycheck hanging around the lot.

“Where you want this, boss?” Alex asked from the end of the bar, carrying two boxes of his wine.

Isko looked over from the station, polishing glasses. He blew his hair back from his face in thought, eyes wandering over the back of the bar seeing where they had space. They had jam packed all the extra inventory they could, utilizing every square inch of space. He set down the glass, shuffling some things around attempting to make space before huffing in defeat.

“You know what, follow me.” Isko finally gave up, gesturing for Alex to follow him. He shook his keys in his hands as he walked, his mind rotating through his list of things he needed to get in order before the party began. It always was like this leading up to an event, no matter how much they prepared. That was the one rule of the business, always prepare for it to go wrong.

Unlocking his office, he gestured for Alex to set the boxes inside before going to his computer to check his emails. Of course there were many strangers who had somehow got ahold of his email and offered monetary compensation for any tips or exclusives he could give them. The offers had been coming more and more as the Arris attracted higher profile names. He glanced at the clock, it was still another hour until other’s arrived and he hadn’t even showered.

Isko didn’t usually like to participate in the events at his club but lately he’d been trying to feel more comfortable delegating tasks. Raised to work, it was against his nature. After Ximena however, he had learned that there was no joy in that life - at least not the kind he could share with another.

Coraline's face filled his mind, Isko lingering for a moment before pushing the sentiment aside to return to his emails. If he was being honest, she was the real reason he had decided to participate in the event this year. Though the two had been living parallel to one another for some time, Isko felt like he hadn’t been able to cross that barrier to assert his intentions - always keeping something between them be it a bar or a plant. Anything to be able to detract from the way he hesitated with his words around her.

Though English wasn’t his first language, he was entirely fluent - but the way Coraline spoke, wrote, even the way she moved it was all poetry. He could listen to her talk for hours, though he often found himself getting so lost in her that he wouldn’t have much to contribute. Unlike others however she actually seemed to be the one to listen, surprising Isko with the things she remembered. It was the small things that made her keep returning to his thoughts.

He logged off his computer, locking his office behind him and spinning his key ring around his finger.Tapping at the bar to get one of the staff's attention, nodding over his shoulder towards the elevator. “I’ll be right back, I’m going to get ready. Text me any questions you have.”

They gave him a nod, Isko giving everyone a wave as he turned towards the elevator already on his phone responding to messages. Between his business and his family there were always unread and unanswered texts or emails. The elevator took him to either floor of his penthouse, his fob key allowing the doors to open right into his living room. He walked out towards the windows, looking below.

Already the cars and crowds had begun to gather, cameras flashing. Isko looked over to Arris West, many of its inhabitants invited to the party at Mani. Unless they had already ventured over earlier in the day, they would have to pass through the crowd below to enter. Though he was certain they all had planned it that way.

Though Isko didn’t usually drink on the job, intent on committing to delegating tonight he poured himself a glass of malbec. Despite his profession he rarely drank, preferring to remain clear headed. Even so, he had appreciation for fine alcohol in its many forms. It’s why he wanted to open a bar to begin with, each cocktail custom created by him and his team. Though to him nothing could compare to a quality glass of wine.

He paused, savoring the moment as he took a drink. It felt like sealing his own promise to himself with a kiss, the red wine wet on his lips. He wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand, taking the glass with him to his master suite to get ready.