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The Broken Continent

The Broken Continent


Ten years ago, Demons spilled out of the Aether and immolated Australia. Magickal barriers prevented Humanity from even setting foot on shore, until five years ago. They founded the city of Stihlholme, and witnessed firsthand the chaos the Demons brought.

4,252 readers have visited The Broken Continent since zody created it.


"Ten years ago, it came without warning. It took the entire world by surprise, but I guess the majority of us are lucky. Well, those of us that weren't in Australia when the portal to the Aether opened, at least. It happened literally out of the blue, a massive red mist flooding the sky as the ground opened up in the middle of Canberra. The capital went down fast, and us outsiders had no idea what was going on. The mist stopped electrical communications and so, until we sent in our first landing party, we had no idea what had happened. We landed, I myself at the helm of our flagship and escorted by an army of a thousand men strong". The old man pauses his tale to take a long, deep swig of the Vodka in his glass. He slams it down somewhat forcefully, but you could tell that it was only because of his drunkenness. His face shows his long life; wrinkles, scars and a few dark spots you assume to be old moles array his face, with his weathered skin almost like parchment. A long, jagged scar runs down his left eye, from just above the eyebrow to the chin and off. as if he'd been scratched with a knife-sharp fingernail. His hair was lightening with age, but still tinted enough to show the blue hue that was almost a statement that nobody came out of the place without a reminder. His mismatched eyes bore into yours, and he grins a drunkards grin. "We got off the boat at the right place, oh yeah, but what we saw was absolutely fucked. These... human-like things with horns and tails and massive, disgusting...". He pauses, lip creasing in disgust. You could guess at what he was speaking of. "They came at us like bats out of Hell, and I swear to God that's exactly what some of 'em were. They flew, they slithered, they ran at us like fucking wild bulls and took out half my platoon before I even knew what the fuck they were. They shouted out in some foreign language, except I could also hear their voices shouting in English, too". He takes another swig, albeit a much lighter one this time. "Lucky for us, the guys on the boat had started up the cannons and were turning our discolored friends into discolored mist. After a while, the bastards figured they were outmatched, deciding to flee back into the pits of wherever the fuck they came from, I guess. We'd lost fifty men in less than five minutes, and we lost a lot more as we set up the first town. Stihlholme, they called it. Those posh bastards in their fancy suits and expensive haircuts that always steal the common mans glory". He gives a morbid chuckle and finishes off his jug with a long chug and a sneer. He gives you a nod and stands up to leave the bar. You notice his left leg is slightly more muscular than his right, and his foot is tipped with sharp, black toenails.

Once again the thought strikes you; nobody gets out of the Broken Continent without a reminder.



Ten years ago, a Red Mist appeared out of nowhere and engulfed Australia. Telecommunications and electronics all cut out, plunging the continent into an endless night. The Mist heralded the arrival of Demons, pouring out from a portal that had sprung up in the middle of Canberra and washing over the country like a wave of death and chaos. The Mist infected those that were exposed, corrupting them and turning them into more and more of their Demonic kin. Those that were unaffected were caught, defiled, tortured and killed. All in one night, the entire continent was covered in a thick Red Mist that allowed no one in or out. Australia was gone.
The United Nations were forced into action, sending in soldiers who never returned or even radioed their superiors after landing on the destroyed landmass.

Pretty basic
Portal opens in Australia
Demons come out and kill/corrupt country
Five years later the UN deems it necessary to send people in and establish an outpost
5 after that the Outpost is a full-fledged town but they still have to fix the whole problem with Demons
People who weren't turned into slaves or killed were mutated by corruption, causing varied races to appear, etc.


Code: Select all
Basic Information:

Physical Age: (How old your character looks.)
Actual Age:
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Role: (Applies to Main Characters only.)

Mental & Psychological Information:

Moral Alignment: (DnD Type Chart!)
Outlook on Life:

Physical Information:

Description: (Provide a short description of your character, including things that may not be seen in their pictures, etc.)

Miscellaneous Items:

Skills & Abilities:

+ Major Skill 1
+ Major Skill 2
+ Major Skill 3
+ Minor Skill 1
Minor Skill 2
Minor Skill 3
Legendary Skill: (Main Characters Only)
(Example: Swordsmanship โ€“ _____ is exceptionally skilled with blades, allowing him/her/it to use them better than the common populace.
Example 2: Regeneration - _____ can regenerate health, although they're not immune to fatal wounds.

Race Abilities: (Will be outlined later on.)

Abilities: (Max 3 Major and 3 Minor. One Legendary for Main Characters.)

Other Information:

(In this section, include anything you want or can't put anywhere else.)

This sheet is just a guide. You don't have to actually use this, but make sure to include the Main Character stuff in your sheet if you're playing a Main Character.


Main Characters:

The Scholar โ€“ Eristella, played by Kirihe
The Hired Assistant โ€“Jun Myeong, played by AppleSauce
The Hunter โ€“ Reserved by Asher MstrImmortalis
The 'Chimera' โ€“ Edan, played by zody
The Haunted Soul โ€“ Gabrielle Trenton, played by Dashmiel.
The Black Knight - Gilrath Shadow, played by Pantheran
The Demon Queen โ€“ Deirdre Elvina Yuval, played by Dottie
The Salamander Warrior โ€“ Jin Rinhi, played by Royalburden
The Half-Dragon Girl โ€“ Anna Sethroth, played by dementedness

Minor Characters:

Maeve Zoreeca, the Avenger, played by TnevdaNai
David Quin, The Red Taint Human, played by TheGreatThundorz

Toggle Rules

1. No Godmodding, unless it's for a plot-point or GM has given permission and you've let the other players know as well.
2. This roleplay IS plot-based, and there is a definitive ending as decided by the GM and a few others.
3. Romance is allowed, but anything after kissing is to be taken off-site as per site rules.
4. The themes in this roleplay may make some people uncomfortable and we understand that, but this roleplay is dark and those themes are basically unavoidable.
5. Everyone, try to get along? It'd be great if we were happy and collaborative instead of spiteful and argumentative about things~
6. Enjoy yourselves and remember; We're all comrades in this journey and this story.
7. Touching a Salamander Tail is bad for your health. If you've touched an active Salamander Tail, seek out the nearest hospital or just dunk it in cool water.
8. Don't control other people's characters unless it's for the advancement of the plot or their own character's story and you've got their permission.
9. No minimum word count, just stay far away from single-sentences please. \(^o^)/

10. Demon Queens need loving to- Smack!

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in


Earth by zody


The Broken Continent

The Broken Continent by zody

The Broken Continent. What used to be called Australia, now reduced to a cesspool for Demons and their prey. There are no Gods here.


Stihlholme by zody

The only place where Humankind can flourish on this godforsaken continent, Stihlholme is a base for those who want to reclaim their lands and those who are profiting from the Demons' corruption alike.

Ruined City (Brisbane)

Ruined City (Brisbane) by zody

The city of Brisbane, now destroyed by the Mist and what it brought.

The Great Desert

The Great Desert by zody

The middle of Australia has always been hot, but with nothing to be there anymore and Uluru (Ayers Rock) demolished, a lone tower stands in the middle of the ruin-filled desert.

The Citadel

The Citadel by zody

Located on the destroyed capital of Australia, the Citadel is called New Canberra by locals due to it being a gigantic, defensive palace that serves as host to the throne of the Demon Queen.

The Plains

The Plains by zody

These great plains lie on the southern side of Stihlholme, and stretch as far as the eye can see to the very border of the Great Central Desert.

Yokai Forest

Yokai Forest by zody

A forest to the West of Stihlholme. Who, or what, live here?

The Deepwoods

The Deepwoods by zody

Travelling into the darkest parts of the 'Yokai' Forest, not many people step foot in here unless they absolutely have to.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Myeong Character Portrait: Jin Rinhi Character Portrait: The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main.
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(I'm going to do a quick post purely because it's something my character would do. Short one, mostly dialogue)

Jin blinked, his sword arms falling to his sides as he looked up at the new beast.....that had just claimed his kill.

"HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT YOU........FUCK! THAT WAS MY KILL!" Jin could care less about the child cowering behind him, could care less about the sheer power this new demon seemed to emit. It had taken his kill. His gaze became dark and he spoke again in a low threatning tone. "You're going to pay be back with your own hide, beast."

The setting changes from Earth to Stihlholme


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Myeong Character Portrait: Jin Rinhi Character Portrait: The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main. Character Portrait: Maeve Zoreeca
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0.00 INK


A young woman with white hair leaped through the mist, landing in a crouch with a large, broken sword in her hand. She surveyed her surroundings with her green eyes, noting a few odd looking places for her own purposes. That demon was nowhere to be found. She stood up and took a small whiff, then her face twisted into a snarl.

"Dammit... fucking demon." she looked at the gates. That thing she had been hunting was inside there! Civilized population. She hissed like an angered cat. This was going to be a difficult one but NO ONE was going to take her prize. She needed that demon. It was hers in the first place. Stupid thing took off when she had it. That thing knew the moment she sliced off several of it's tentacles and devoured them that it didn't want to mess with her. Demons fear her and with good reason. In their tongue, she was 'The Devourer'. She was the hunter and they were her prey.

The woman twirled the shattered greatsword with ease, despite it's size even after being shattered. The demon blood that coated the greatsword splattered against the ground around her as she twirled the greatsword before she settled it on her shoulder. She jumped with great ease and landed light on her feet on a house, looking for her prize.

She saw it... and then it was gone.

"OH NO YOU DID NOT!" she cried out, grasping her greatsword with both hands, charging it with pale, green energy. She jumped down and slammed the sword down as if it was an anvil and her sword was the hammer. The energy radiated around her, causing cracks to form where her greatsword smashed against. She stood up and walked towards the beast.


"That was MINE!" she snarled at the large canine beast before her who had destroyed the demon she was after, she then eyed the other, "Don't try anything."

She pointed her shattered greatsword at the creature. "Now... what are you? Demon? Demon-taint?"

"I sure hope it's the latter, because you're going to replace what you just killed."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Myeong Character Portrait: Jin Rinhi Character Portrait: The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main. Character Portrait: Maeve Zoreeca
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0.00 INK

#, as written by zody
As the three stood off, none of them seemed to notice the remaining parts of the Coniungo slide away, vanishing under the ground. Moments passed as the trio glared at one another, before a part of the clearing cracked. Crack. Crunch. The ground itself burst into the air as something leaped from the hole and landed on the top of a building nearby. Larger than the Kitsune, the changed Coniungo let out a roar and almost immediately began to spew out more purple acid. Rearing its head, it launched massive globs of the stuff into the air like a mortar, aiming not for the opponents but the area they were in. The massive globs of goo hit the ground and splattered everywhere, eroding the very surface Jin, Jun Maeve and the Kitsune were standing on. Howling again as its body became more canine-like, the Coniungo flexed its claws, waiting for an attack.

The Monster growled, and it spoke.



1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main.
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"OH NO YOU DID NOT!" One half-breed gasped, approaching the trio.

"HEY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT YOU........FUCK! THAT WAS MY KILL!" The green halfling snarled, and continued in a low voice, "You're going to pay be back with your own hide, beast."

"That was MINE!" The female hissed back. The great beast stared at them, unamused. She turned back to the demon, pointing a weapon at it that smelled of a fair amount of demonic energy. "Now... what are you? Demon? Demon-taint? I sure hope it's the latter, because you're going to replace what you just killed." She challenged.

The creature ignored her.

Again, rough hands grabbed at the child, dragging him away. He let out a faint wail, struggling. The human, the one who had taken him before, yelled up at the beast "You want him, you vile demon? Well-"

He was cut off mid-speech by something that took the total of half a second. In that time, the beast finally launched itself forward, even as its form began shimmering with demonic energy, changing, until it was only a tall human male with long dark red hair darting between them with speed that made him nearly invisible to the human eye, grabbed the man by the throat. The man tried to scream, both hands letting go of the child and flying to uselessly claw at the demons', his throat crushed too strongly in his grip to have let the sound escape, resulting in a sound similar to that of a dying goat.

The force of the red-haired man's momentum threw them backwards a few yards, and then the demon lifted him into the air, elongated, sharp nails ready to rip out his life at any moment. These motions happened in the blink of an eye - one moment there was a monster bigger than a mansion bearing down on them, the next it was gone and he was already past the defenders.

"Run, kid!" An unidentified voice yelled from the crowd. "That thing will kill you!"

The child, on the ground once more, didn't even seem to hear. He pushed himself to his feet quickly, whimpering in relief, and took the steps necessary to fling himself at the man, his ears, previously flat to his head in fear, perking forward as he attached himself to the man's side. "Sen!" He cried, tears of joy gathering in his eyes.

Sen looked away from the human, his eyes filled with controlled fury. "And this is exactly why you are not allowed near the edge of the mist, Ki! What were you thinking?!" He demanded.

"M' sorry... I was exploring, and there were people, right at the edge of it! I was curious, so I went and listen to them talk, and one of them saw me and dragged me out."

Sen took a deep breath, a low growl rumbling faintly in his throat. "Did they hurt you?"

"Only a little..."

The human's lifeblood was suddenly all over the street, but Sen had made sure to fling the man around so the blood form the cut didn't splash himself or Ki, then brought himself down to Ki's level, one hand reaching up to smooth the boy's hair a bit. "Why didn't you simply run?"

"I didn't want to hurt him... I thought hurting a human might hurt Jayden, like last time."

"Do you realize what Jayden will think if he finds out you let yourself get hurt because of him?"

The child squeaked, hands reaching up to his ears and tugging on them, fretting. Sen carefully placed one hand over his face, and sighed.

The ground began rumbling once again, a different rumbling, more like something beneath the surface was breaking it apart. Sen snarled, on his feet in an instant, pulling Ki behind him and backing away from a spot directly to their West. The ground split, a shrieking cry filling the former battleground, purple spewing from its mouth, snarling threats in the language of the demons, and even words of the human language. Sen bared his teeth and warning at the thing, and one of its extremities stopped in midair, hesitating, before bending away from him and towards the nearest target, ignoring his presence, instead of attacking what it knew would kill it if ti did so.

When they finally backed into a wall of the house behind him, Sen let out a small bit of energy, taking the form of black tendrils, which swirled and weaved around him slowly, other bits of it still in the air, arching backwards to form a cage around Ki, protecting him. Eyes flicking warily, Sen saw no reason to fight the creature, as it was only here for the halflings. He would wait out the battle, and leave, after making sure these halflings had nothing to do with what happened to Ki. He had no intention of helping the pathetic creatures.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jun Myeong Character Portrait: Jin Rinhi Character Portrait: The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main. Character Portrait: Maeve Zoreeca
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Jin, still irritated at the rude interruption watched the goings on, swords sheathed and arms crossed. That is until the walk seemed to erupt, spitting out the giant beast that had once been the acid spitting demon. A smile snapped back to Jin's face. "You're mine now, beast! I'm going to sell your scull to be ground into hell powder!"

Jin reached over his shoulder into his pack and pulled out an ornate looking bottle of whiskey. He opened it and took a deep swig then spilled the alcoholic beverage over the blades of his sword. He lashed his tail fires igniting up his body. Both blades of his swords became a blaze and he twirled them through the air. Heat and toxic yellow flames whooshed and danced making his skin seem darker, almost a hellish black. Jin charged for the Coniungo, one blade guarding his front while the other trailed in a loose but solid grip in his left hand. He leapt up flipping head over heels. He turned momentarily into a burning comet before a flaming blade came forth at lightning speed at a downward angle in an attempt to sever the beast's left arm.

The setting changes from Stihlholme to Earth


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Chimera Character Portrait: Anna Sethroth
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Anna was humming to herself lowly as she was thinking to herself. She often questioning her coming to this kind of place. Fighting thoseโ€ฆ beings was the slightest of her concerns; she would be quite glad to help out However, at the same time making her strong, her draconic nature requires her to be secretive about it. She could come out and say that dragons are real, but then who would believe her? Other than her sister and the dragon community, there wouldnโ€™t be much humans to trust her. Until when sheโ€™ll use her powers.

She wouldnโ€™t be scared to make such decision, but she was wise about it. Even though that she would prove the existence of dragons, what next? How will the humans will react? Will the dragons and humans be able to coexist without being a disaster in the future? Those questions in her head often made her go too far. With her imagination, she pictured all the possible outcome. At final, she guessed that humans would be too arrogant about it and may cause a war if not later. Especially in a situation like this, it wasnโ€™t the time, but when?

It was with this question that she accidently bumped into someone. She gasped as she was still in her thoughts. The dragon quickly turned around to be faced with a man taller than her. She looked a bit surprised; with the screams that she heard, she didnโ€™t expect someone to be here. Well, someone else than her sister. She let out a sigh as she was reassured that it was only Edan. There was always something that tick her off about him, but she could never put her mind on it. She shook her head, letting her thoughts go.

โ€œSorry for that. I was lost in my own thoughts.โ€ She would say. She looked up at him, smiling. โ€œIโ€™m happy to see you here. I was getting a bit alone.โ€ She said. She looked by the window, a bit worried. โ€œI hope the other people are alright.โ€ She then look back at him, still smiling slightly. โ€œHow are you, thought?โ€ She asked, trying to change the subject in her mind.

The setting changes from Earth to Stihlholme


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Chimera Character Portrait: Anna Sethroth Character Portrait: Jun Myeong Character Portrait: Jin Rinhi Character Portrait: Maeve Zoreeca
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0.00 INK

#, as written by zody
(This fight was co-written by RoyalBurden who played Jin, obviously =3
Yeah, this Coniungo is very different from the others, as you'll see later on~)

Jin's now-flaming blade found purchase in the beasts left arm alright, but the scales suddenly gave in and Jin would feel his blade slide straight through without any effort. On closer inspection, however, the Coniungo leaped away, leaving only a small charred pieces of still-writhing worms near Jin. Speaking again, the Coniungo turned from its new perch atop the bar and fired a few more rounds of purple acid. "You use fire, but wrong way". Jin smirked, spinning his swords casually as he watched the beasts movements closely, dodging the cascading globs of acid with no effort. "At least I've made way of marking your skin, you haven't even touched me yet". Jin coughed, gagged and agitated his stomach, biting his tongue as streams of smoke and the foul smell of bile and cooked blood trickled from his lips. "Come and fight beast if you have the stones to do so. Face me square and ready". Leaping faster than any animal of its size should be able to, the Coniungo landed millimeters from where Jin stood and spun, its spiked tail crashing into his chest painfully and sending him flying into a nearby street. Jin did not expect the spiked tail. In pure reflex he attempted a block but the tail did manage to slash his chest and send him tumbling back. Jin didn't miss a step however and used the momentum to get to his feet at once, launching forward with several quick slashes with both flaming swords. Upward slash from the lower right for his throat or chin followed quickly by a swipe from the upward angle aimed for the beast's shoulder. He promptly spat in the beast's face if it hadn't dodged out by now hoping to blind him with the blood and burning bile he'd been cooking in his hot throat.

The beast took the blows, worms falling to the ground as Jin cut at it. However, the beast opened its mouth again and, with a great rushing sound like that of a gust of wind, the entire body of the beast flew at Jin in a haze of spear-like worms. Catching the Salamander, the entity crashed into the acid-stained street and vanished momentarily. "Haaaaaugh!". Jin again was caught off guard, not expecting the beast to charge after his hits. The bile seemed to have no effect as well. Jin flinched, raising his swords against the spear-like worms, cutting a good handful away from his chest and face. Several pierced his shoulders and sides, cutting through his soft flesh with ease. Moments later Jin was on the ground. He looked around, thoroughly pissed with how that ended up. He growled, annoyed, and yanked on a spear pulling it from his upper leg. "Coward! Come and try to finish me off you vile beast! I'll have your head!!!".

That's when a heavy claw slammed into Jins back, pinning him to the ground as sharp, needle-like claws stabbed into the Salamander. Hot breath could be felt on his back and neck as the Coniungo leaned down...
And chuckled, before pulling its claw away and moving around Jin, laughing.

Jin coughed and grimaced as the claws delved into his back freeing blood to surface and dribble over his skin. Jin burst into tall wild flames his entire body engulfed and leaped at the demon, leaving his swords behind to wrestle the beast with his bare hands. He yanked the beast's tail holding it tight under his arms, wrapped securely around the beast's neck as the flames raged against its skin. With a heaving sigh, the creature melted within Jins arms, thousands of worms slithering right out of his grasp and once again reforming nearby as the Coniungo, again chuckling darkly, let its tongue drop out of its slowly reforming body. "You say have toughs and strength, yet are outcast of own people. We see. We know that". Rearing up on its hind legs, the Coniungo roared once again before pointing its left arm at Jin and firing more spear-like worms at him. Jin managed to dodge its spears and drew one of his SMGs. He sprayed an array of bullets at the beast as he walked around towards his dropped swords. "Outcast?!" Jin laughed. "What strength could be gained lingering with the weak and pitiful! I am a slayer of man and devil!" He re-lit one of his blades and threw it with as much strength as he could muster, aiming for the beast's forehead, right between the eyes.

The Creature's face moved, almost as if it were smiling.
It caught the blade with its claw, eyes glowing brightly as it spoke again.
"Yet cannot kill me, despite efforts. Some slayer of man and devil you be".

At that, Jin hesitated. And for that second he doubted his own strength and fear froze his mind. Fear turned to fury in a wave that was completely visibly in his eyes and posture as he clenched his fist and furrowed his brow. "I WILL kill you demon! I will flay your skin and mount your scull and DRINK your very blood!" He bellowed almost maniacally. He was but a pillar of toxic yellow, slightly green tinted flames his body but a silhouette in the blazing light. "YOU ARE DEAD!". Jin then charged, his aim to strike the demon dead then and there. This strike would sever his head. The Demon waited. It waited and waited for Jin to get closer. And when he did, when he got close enough that he couldn't back out, he would notice the beasts mouth was open.

And a spray of purple acid hit the flaming Salamander dead on.

Jin reeled back as the acid hit him square in the chest and face. He cried out with the scream of a dying man bringing chills to the spines of all who heard and the heart dropping feeling that someone was dying right then and there. Jin tore at his chest, the foul smell of acid and destroyed flesh flowing through the air like a toxic cloud. Jin screamed and screamed and screamed until his vocal cords wore and his screams became whimpers as he lay half curled up on the ground. The Coniungo nodded. "Will survive. Learn. Was kind this time. Will meet again". With that and a look over its shoulder at Maeve and Jun, it charged at the side of Stihlholme's defensive wall, leaping clear of it and vanishing into the wasteland outside of the town.

Having vanished suddenly like that, the threat to Stihlholme was apparently finished, and Maeve was cheated of her prize. Pushing through the crowd, the young girl Jin and Jun had saved earlier stumbled into the clearing, carrying a bucket that was full of, quite oddly, milk. Staggering slightly, she slowly made her way over to the wounded Salamander before dropping the bucket and panting lightly. Her eyes shone as she poked his shoulder softly. "Milk heals the wounds. I brought you some, Mister Green". Her eyes were wide, but she didn't seem scared of Jin at all. She lifted her head, and looked over at Jun. "Hey, Mister Purple! Can you help me get Mister Green to a better place?". Her eyes went over to Maeve, and her jaw dropped. In the eyes of the girl, she was amazing as well. "M-Miss, can you help as well? I can't lift him...".



Edan, when Anna looked to the window, sighed. "I'm the usual, Anna. How're you?". Edan turned back to the Girl, smiling. The screams had stopped a while ago, and he could almost feel the battle that was taking place as he spoke to the girl. At the mention of her being lonely, though, he gave her a simple pet on the shoulder. "I always happen to pop up when people get lonely. It's a magic trick of mine~". He grinned goofily, scratching the back of his head. "I heard about those Demons out the front. Nobody got hurt or anything, right? Do they know who killed them?". If Anna had looked closely, she might've been able to catch the momentary darkening of her conversational partners features, but only for the barest of moments. "I'm glad you're alright. How's the Sis?".

(I'm torn between Edan using Red or Gold text for when he speaks T-T)

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Earth by zody


The Broken Continent

The Broken Continent by zody

The Broken Continent. What used to be called Australia, now reduced to a cesspool for Demons and their prey. There are no Gods here.


Stihlholme by zody

The only place where Humankind can flourish on this godforsaken continent, Stihlholme is a base for those who want to reclaim their lands and those who are profiting from the Demons' corruption alike.

Ruined City (Brisbane)

Ruined City (Brisbane) by zody

The city of Brisbane, now destroyed by the Mist and what it brought.

The Great Desert

The Great Desert by zody

The middle of Australia has always been hot, but with nothing to be there anymore and Uluru (Ayers Rock) demolished, a lone tower stands in the middle of the ruin-filled desert.

The Citadel

The Citadel by zody

Located on the destroyed capital of Australia, the Citadel is called New Canberra by locals due to it being a gigantic, defensive palace that serves as host to the throne of the Demon Queen.

The Plains

The Plains by zody

These great plains lie on the southern side of Stihlholme, and stretch as far as the eye can see to the very border of the Great Central Desert.

Yokai Forest

Yokai Forest by zody

A forest to the West of Stihlholme. Who, or what, live here?

The Deepwoods

The Deepwoods by zody

Travelling into the darkest parts of the 'Yokai' Forest, not many people step foot in here unless they absolutely have to.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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The Forge

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jun Myeong
Character Portrait: Deirdre Elvina Yuval
Character Portrait: The Chimera
Character Portrait: Maeve Zoreeca
Character Portrait: Eristella
Character Portrait: Jin Rinhi
Character Portrait: Gabrielle Trenton
Character Portrait: Anna Sethroth
Character Portrait: The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main.


Character Portrait: The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main.
The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main.

The Kitsune Tribe. Sen is the main character.

Character Portrait: Anna Sethroth
Anna Sethroth

"I'm starting to feel that I won't hold my secret for long."

Character Portrait: Eristella

This is nothing more than an obstacle in our way.

Character Portrait: Maeve Zoreeca
Maeve Zoreeca

"To fight Demons, we have to become demons of our own."

Character Portrait: The Chimera
The Chimera

"I used to be much different a long time ago. When I could control myself..."

Character Portrait: Deirdre Elvina Yuval
Deirdre Elvina Yuval

*giggles evilly* Oh my....

Character Portrait: Jun Myeong
Jun Myeong

"Things have gotten much more serious."


Character Portrait: Maeve Zoreeca
Maeve Zoreeca

"To fight Demons, we have to become demons of our own."

Character Portrait: Deirdre Elvina Yuval
Deirdre Elvina Yuval

*giggles evilly* Oh my....

Character Portrait: Eristella

This is nothing more than an obstacle in our way.

Character Portrait: Anna Sethroth
Anna Sethroth

"I'm starting to feel that I won't hold my secret for long."

Character Portrait: Jun Myeong
Jun Myeong

"Things have gotten much more serious."

Character Portrait: The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main.
The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main.

The Kitsune Tribe. Sen is the main character.

Character Portrait: The Chimera
The Chimera

"I used to be much different a long time ago. When I could control myself..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Maeve Zoreeca
Maeve Zoreeca

"To fight Demons, we have to become demons of our own."

Character Portrait: Eristella

This is nothing more than an obstacle in our way.

Character Portrait: Jun Myeong
Jun Myeong

"Things have gotten much more serious."

Character Portrait: Deirdre Elvina Yuval
Deirdre Elvina Yuval

*giggles evilly* Oh my....

Character Portrait: The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main.
The Kitsune Tribe, Sub-Main.

The Kitsune Tribe. Sen is the main character.

Character Portrait: Anna Sethroth
Anna Sethroth

"I'm starting to feel that I won't hold my secret for long."

Character Portrait: The Chimera
The Chimera

"I used to be much different a long time ago. When I could control myself..."

View All » Places


Earth by zody


The Broken Continent

The Broken Continent by zody

The Broken Continent. What used to be called Australia, now reduced to a cesspool for Demons and their prey. There are no Gods here.


Stihlholme by zody

The only place where Humankind can flourish on this godforsaken continent, Stihlholme is a base for those who want to reclaim their lands and those who are profiting from the Demons' corruption alike.

Ruined City (Brisbane)

Ruined City (Brisbane) by zody

The city of Brisbane, now destroyed by the Mist and what it brought.

The Great Desert

The Great Desert by zody

The middle of Australia has always been hot, but with nothing to be there anymore and Uluru (Ayers Rock) demolished, a lone tower stands in the middle of the ruin-filled desert.

The Citadel

The Citadel by zody

Located on the destroyed capital of Australia, the Citadel is called New Canberra by locals due to it being a gigantic, defensive palace that serves as host to the throne of the Demon Queen.

The Plains

The Plains by zody

These great plains lie on the southern side of Stihlholme, and stretch as far as the eye can see to the very border of the Great Central Desert.

Yokai Forest

Yokai Forest by zody

A forest to the West of Stihlholme. Who, or what, live here?

The Deepwoods

The Deepwoods by zody

Travelling into the darkest parts of the 'Yokai' Forest, not many people step foot in here unless they absolutely have to.


The only place where Humankind can flourish on this godforsaken continent, Stihlholme is a base for those who want to reclaim their lands and those who are profiting from the Demons' corruption alike.

The Broken Continent

The Broken Continent. What used to be called Australia, now reduced to a cesspool for Demons and their prey. There are no Gods here.

Yokai Forest

A forest to the West of Stihlholme. Who, or what, live here?

The Deepwoods

Travelling into the darkest parts of the 'Yokai' Forest, not many people step foot in here unless they absolutely have to.

The Plains

These great plains lie on the southern side of Stihlholme, and stretch as far as the eye can see to the very border of the Great Central Desert.

The Great Desert

The middle of Australia has always been hot, but with nothing to be there anymore and Uluru (Ayers Rock) demolished, a lone tower stands in the middle of the ruin-filled desert.

Ruined City (Brisbane)

The city of Brisbane, now destroyed by the Mist and what it brought.

The Citadel

Located on the destroyed capital of Australia, the Citadel is called New Canberra by locals due to it being a gigantic, defensive palace that serves as host to the throne of the Demon Queen.

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