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Talia Beaumont

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a character in “The Chosen Elements”, as played by SleepingInTheGardens



~FC: Amanda Siegfried~



TĂĄlia Jeanne Beaumont

"I love my name, why ruin it?"





Remi Beaumont



Eye Color:

Hair Color:
Light blonde

5 feet 5 inches



Overall Appearance:
TĂĄlia takes her appearance very seriously. You will never see her in sweat pants and a t-shirt, without flawless make up or with her hair undone. She takes pride in her outfits. She plans each one out with great detail and care. She's always dressed like she just stepped out of a photo shoot. She loves jewelry and shoes the most and has over 30 different shades of lipstick. She doesn't wear make up because she thinks she needs it. She wears it because she sees it as another accessory to her look/wardrobe. She loves dressing up in fancy dresses and heels the most and will often have her brother take her out to a fancy dinner just so she can show off her sense of fashion.




User can create, shape and manipulate molten rock (magma while underground, lava when on surface), a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles and solids, it may also contain suspended crystals, dissolved gas and gas bubbles

â—ŸMay be unable to create molten stone, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
â—ŸControl is extremely important. Unconscious use of this power isn't something to laugh at.
â—ŸFireproof Skin and/or Thermal Resistance isn't always part of the package, so burning yourself is possible.
â—ŸMolten stone can be slowed/stopped by water, ice or cold.

The heat/hot weather

The cold/cold weather



Video games
Sci-fi movies/shows

Being talked down to
Not knowing what to wear
People assuming she's stupid

Losing her brother/only family

She's a closet nerd

On the outside TĂĄlia seems like the glamorous, color coding fashionista, and she is. She loves clothing and fashion and dreams of one day owning her own boutique or clothing line. She claims that it's thanks to her that her brother has a good fashion sense. She loves anything girly, fashionable and trendy and adores going shopping. Deep down however, TĂĄlia is a quirky nerd. Only those who are super close to her know this about her. She's very smart and absolutely loves math, but hides it by maintaining her grades at a B-C average. She's afraid others will make fun of her if they really knew, but she loathes it when people assume she's stupid. She loves science and any TV series or movie that deals with that. She absolutely loves playing video games, and is very good at them. Again, only her closest friends and her brother know this secret side of her. She doesn't have very many friends, however, because of her stone cold glare and harsh exterior. She keeps it all well hidden behind the outfits, gorgeous shoes and beautiful hair. Only those that take the time to get to know her get to see this side of TĂĄlia, but not many people bother to do so. When she's school TĂĄlia, she can be very blunt and brutally honest. She can be a bit of a stone cold bitch when she wants to be and says she has fans not friends. When she's at home or with people she trusts, she's much more relaxed. She's very sarcastic, but in s funny way and she loves teasing people and pulling pranks. She's competitive when it comes to her video games and will often make her brother play with her just for the satisfaction of beating him. She's like two completely different sides to the same coin. Those who don't run away and actually attempt to get close to her are usually pleasantly surprised.


TĂĄlia and her brother grew up under very strict parents. Their father was n the military and their mother was extremely religious. They had to practically be the perfect kids. She was the princess of the family. Everyone adored her, including her brother. Their mother always made sure they fit their roles perfectly so when her brother came out as being gay, they started treating him like a dog and it broke her heart to watch. He was her best friend, her protector and she felt useless because she couldn't help him. The best she could do was keep him company. She would often get in trouble and be beaten for sneaking some food or drunks for him, though she'd always lie to him and say she never got caught. This went on for much too long, and she slowly began to develop a cold exterior towards her parents. Eventually her brother was fed up and reported them to the police then requested to be emancipated. He promised her he'd fight for her to the bitter end, and he did. After he gained custody of her she quickly packed everything and moved in with him without even thinking twice about it. They didn't have much, but she didn't care. She was happy that they were out of that house and that her brother could finally be himself. She's lived with him for almost 3 years and he has become like a father to her, as well as her best friend.

So begins...

Talia Beaumont's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix Character Portrait: Nathan Parker
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Image Ezra couldn't not smile at Lucas' comment. He had to be one of the cutest kids he had ever met, and Ezra had met many kids. Most of them usually tend to gravitate towards him and he doesn't mind at all. The toddler slipped off of his lap to play with Kelsey and the two kids followed Willow towards the exit. "Let me know if you need any help with them" Ezra offered before she could leave the kirchen. Of she truly did need help, he was certain Eric wouldn't mind. His best friend suggested to explore the mansion and though it didn't sound exciting, Ezra knew it would be. For one, because the mansion was magical. There could be so many different things and secrets hidden throughout the hoiae. Secondly, he would be with his best friend. Whatever they did, wherever they went it was always fun. "Deal then let's go" he agreed as he got ro his feet. Once ric was on board, the Spaniard headed out of the kitchen and stopped when they reached somewhat of a fork. "You're calling the shots today, which way?" Ezra asked, gesturing the few different hallways.


Image once they were all in the car Camila buckled in, settled in the back seat. Nathan asked if everyone was buckled and ready and she nodded, resting her head against the inside if the car door. She was still exhausted from the day before, and crying as much as she had took a toll on her. The entire way to school, Cami continued to stare put the window, her mind focused in Talia and what she could be going through. One of her best friends was in serious conditions and she couldn't even help. Once the car was parked at school Cami let out a short breath and stepped out of the car then turned to them. "Thanks for bringing me" She said softly before adding that she'd see them later and tool off to class.


Image Grayson didn't hesitate before following Remi out of the kitchen. Willow was already taking care of the kids so there was no need to hesitate. "how are you feeling?'. The blonde loomed uo at his best friend and smiled a little. The truth buh? He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "If i say I don't feel okay will you try to make be feel better?" he joked, though he honestly didn't feel that great. His sister was still missing and he had no idea where or how to find ber, or if she was in pain or not. He could only hope she was at peace. "I'll be fine" eventually. He decided to leave that last bit out of his comment to keep his friend from worrying roo much and continued to search.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix Character Portrait: Eric Newman
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Image Eric chose right and Ezra smiled, glad that his best friend had actually picked on his own instead of making Ezra do it. Eric had always been the playing it safe type, while Ezra was always the one that got them into messy situations. Eric never seemed to mind, but he cringed every time Ezra suggested something risky, knowing there was a good chance it would end badly. This time, however, if they got themselves in trouble it would be Eric’s doing, not that Ezra would blame him for anything. He simply wanted Eric to have fun for once without having to worry about what could happen. ”What could happen may never actually happen” was always Ezra’s response to Eric pointing out the risks. sometimes it was Eva related but most of the time it just involved the two of them. It was much easier to convince him when his sister wasn’t involved. As they walked, Ezra noticed something strange, or rather he felt something strange. ”doesn’t this...seem really familiar to you?” he asked Eric, wondering if they had passed through here already. It was much more than that though, it felt like he had been here many times before. But that was impossible. Up until the night before, he never even knew this place existed. Not even the ones that lived here in town knew, so how could he when he lives thousands of miles away. Maybe it was just in his head. That’s what he hoped at least. The house himself gave him an odd, kind of eerie feeling. He thought about Willow staying behind with the kids and almost wanted to run back and find her. Last time they were separated, Talia was severely hurt. He had no doubt that Willow was powerful, but so was Talia. Aside from that, she had the kids. Maybe they should have all came together, he thought.


Image The house was like a maze, it seemed like they were going around in circles and they had just started. "If Kelsey was here she would put the biggest smile on your face." Grayson stated and Remi knew he was right. It was some sort of special talent that Kelsey had. Lucas seemed to have the same talent. They always made him smile despite how bummed he was feeling, granted, he had never felt this bad before. Talia was his only family. Remi couldn’t even bare to think about losing her. Gray commented on Remi’s mood getting better once he saw Talia awake and the blonde smiled the smallest bit. He really was lucky to have him as a best friend. He had some special talents of his own. Remi knew Gray was right, Talia would be awake. She had always been a fighter. For as long as Remi could remember, his sister had never given up on anything and the more people pushed her down the harder she fought to prove them wrong. She was be awake and ready to kick the bastard’s ass in no time.He could almost imagine the steam coming from her every time she got really angry over something, it almost made him laugh. ”Right, but we need to find that damn infirmary first” the blonde responded as he looked around and slowly came to a stop. ”And i think we already came through here” he added. The surroundings looked familiar, but then again, everything else had looked familiar too, as if they had been here before. The blonde looked at his best friend in confusion hoping he knew where they were. Which ever way he looked, everything looked the same.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont
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Image Ezra had been staring at the door for several seconds when he heard his best friend speak up. He made it sound as if Ezra had been trying to convince him to go inside. The Spaniard smiled a little and nodded. His best friend knew him so well. ”Yes Sir” he said, adding a quick salute before head to the door. Now they had a problem at hand. How were they going to open such a door? Ezra hoped it would open just by simply pushing or pulling but, just as expected, it wasn’t that simple. Ezra stared at the knob for a moment before looking at Eric. ”any ideas?”. This whole thinking and planning thing was a bit more in Eric’s area. Ezra was the one that acted first and thought later. Maybe Eric could think of a way the door might open. Whatever was inside must be important if it was behind such a large and secured door. For some reason, Ezra hoped it was some sort of cool training ground equipped with all kinds of weapons. That would certainly be an interesting find.


Image Remi wasn’t nesessarily all that concerned about Mathew’s education like Grayson assumed, what concerned him most was that he was here and now. Despite Grayson being Remi’s best friend, he had yet to build up the courage to tell him about his recently developing crush on the smaller blonde, which could only mean one thing. This was going to be a very stressful walk to the infirmary, as if it already wasn’t stressful enough. ”why didn’t you tell us you knew where the infirmary was?” Remii half demanded, finding it a little odd that he hadn’t mentioned it before. Mathew wasn’t the type to hide something like that, especially knowing how badly Remi wanted to find his sister. He was expecting some kind of explanation, but instead only got a shrug. ”Follow me” he instructed before turning and heading in the opposite direction. Remi and Grayson exchanged a look before the taller blonde began to follow the boy. His eyes were practically burning a hole into his back. There was something off about him, Remi just couldn’t pinpoint what. -


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont
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Image Ezra had planned on letting Eric open the large door since he was the boss at this moment, but it seemed that his abilities weren’t quite right for the kind of locks keeping them out. The Spaniard thought for a moment about what Eric said. The locks were constantly changing which meant they would need something fast enough to keep up with them. Cosmic energy generally had a good speed so he decided to give it a try. Stepping up to it and placing his hands on it like Eric had done before, he closed his eyes for a moment then let out a soft whistle. ”I see what you mean” he said, but didn’t back away from it. He wasn’t planning on giving up anytime soon, not without giving it a try first. He maintained his eyes closed and his palms to the door as he began to gather up as much cosmic energy as he could. The dark hallway began to light up from the light radiating off of his body as he attempted to connect it with the door. The first try failed and it shoved him away slightly. The 19 year old furrowed his brows and placed his hands on his hips. ”Playing hard to get, I see” he said, directing it at the door. After deciding to try again, he began to do the same as before, only this time he waited a little longer, gathered up more energy and quickly injected it into the door. Suddenly there was a loud click followed by several smaller clicks and finally the large double doors began to slowly open. The proud Spaniard back away from the door with a satisfied smile and looked at his best friend, ready to dive in and explore.


Image Grayson seemed as uneasy about Mathew’s behavior as he did, but it was Mathew. It looked, sounded and walked just like him. The small blonde continued to walk ahead of them a few paces without looking back for a single instant. He seemed determined to get to where they were going. Thinking about it more, it shouldn’t be that odd that he was so quiet. After all, he was just as worried about Talia as Remi was. Of course he would be completely focused on getting to her. Still, something didn’t sit right. Remi returned Grayson’s unsure look but continued to follow Mathew anyway. More than anything, he wanted to get to his sister. Finally, after what seemed like a very long and awkward walk, they stopped in front of a somewhat large door. It was closed and by the energy coming from it, it had some pretty complex locks. ”How do you plan on getting in-?” Remi asked, only to be cut off by the sound of clicking locks. The taller blonde stared in both shock and amazement, trying to decipher how the teen had managed to unlock such a complicated door so quickly, but the other didn’t give him time to answer. The large door slowly opened to reveal and very simple, very clean and very white room full of all sorts and sizes of shelves and cabinets, all stocked with every kind of medicine one could possibly think of. Mathew led them towards the back of the room and slowly pulled back one of the white curtains to reveal a sleeping blonde. Suddenly Remi forgot everything he had seen up until that point. All he could see was his sister. He rushed up to her side and placed a hand on one of hers. She was warm, her energy felt stable and the cuts, bumps and cruises that had taken over her body the night before were all gone. However, she wasn’t awake. Or at least she didn’t appear to be. ”Lia...can you hear me?” he said quietly, but loud enough that she’d be able to hear. Still, there was no response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont
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Image Ezra had impressed himself a little. He didn’t think the door would open so easily. Thankfully his cosmic charm did the trick, as usual. He followed his best friend inside and looked around. It was too dark to be able to see anything. Eric started looking for a light switch and so did he. He imagine it to be something odd like, a switch that needed supernatural energy to turn on or something like that. Luckily, they didn’t have to look for long. As they stepped further in, the lights began to turn on on their own, one by one. As soon as the last one flashed on, the large double doors slammed shut. Ezra turned around with a start before looking at his best friend, then looking around the room. The entire area was covered in sorts of weapons, targets and several things that he had no idea what they were. At the far end of the room there was another, slightly smaller door. Ezra looked back at the door then at Eric. They were stuck inside a room full of weapons with only two options. 1) Turn around and leave or 2) go forth and explore the next door. Ezra knew which he would pick himself, but he wasn’t calling the shots this time.


Image Remi stared at his motionless sister, a lump started to build in the back of his throat. Grayson’s hand on his shoulder made him flinch a bit but he just let it be. Managing to look away from his sister long enough, Remi looked at Mathew. Much to his surprise, the blonde didn’t look as excited or relieved to see her as Remi imagined. ”She’s recovering fairly quickly” the small blonde explained, placing a hand to the back of her forehead. ”And here i thought I’d finally get to talk to her after 16 years”. This threw Remi completely off guard. EIther Matthew had gone completely nuts or he was attempting to confused them. EIther option was a little irritating, but before Remi could protest, a quick flash of light came from Mathew’s body, leaving the blonde temporarily blind. Once his eyes readjusted, he realized Mathew was gone and in his place was a tiny, green winged creature, about two inches tall, that hovered above Talia. Remi blinked in confusion before realization began to set in. ”Alright, who’s are you, mine or Talia’s?” he asked, a little annoyed that the creature had tricked him. The small fairy like being chuckled and flew over to Remi’s shoulders. ”Yours” he said simply. ”I figured you’d like the other form better” he added with a snicker. Just a few minutes in and Remi already didn’t like him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont
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Image Ezra couldn’t contain his smile when Eric gave the green light to go explore what was behind the smaller, less intimidating door. His friend went on ahead and Ezra followed immediately. It looked like Eric was just as surprised as he was about the door being unlocked. As soon as it opened, candles on both sides of a thick brick wall began to light up, illuminating a very steep staircase that seemed to go on for miles. The candles stopped lighting up once they reached a certain point and Ezra guessed they;d have to walk further down to get them to continue turning on. He personally didn’t have any problems with that and, since Eric had already agreed to the exploring, the spaniard continued on and began making his way down the staircase. Once he walked a few more steps down the candle began to light up again, yet they were still unable to see the bottom of the stair case. Ezra couldn’t resist the mystery of it all. He glanced back at Eric with an enthusiastic face. ”What if it leads to some sort of torture chamber” he suggested, mostly intended to freak out his best friend.


Image Remi glared at the winged creature on his shoulder and made a swift motion to attempt to swat him away, but it just dodged his hand and perged himself right back where he was before. ”I don’t know, no one ever tells me anything” the creature said in response to Grayson’s question. Remi was immediately relieved that his best friend didn’t say anything about the muse’s previous comment. ”So then who does know?” the blonde asked a bit impatient. He did a quick take of the room they were in. There’s didn’t seem to be any signs of anyone being there with Talia, but they couldn’t have just left her alone. ”Magma” the creature responded, seemingly out of nowhere, and Remi eyed him in confusion. ”Pardon?”. He had heard the creature correctly, he said Magma, but what was that supposed to even mean. ”Magma knows when she’ll wake up?”[/color] he tried to explain, but Remi remained confused. He was fully prepared to ask for an explanation, but was cut off by the sound of the door opening and closing. A very tall, slender woman with long red hair, chocolate brown eyes dressed in all white and topped with a pair of red rimmed square glasses stepped in. She gave them a quick look over and smiled softly. [b]”I thought you’d be coming today” she spoke mainly to Remi and the blonde simply stared. She spoke as if she knew him already, but he didn’t remember meeting anyone like her before. She would have been very hard to forget. ”Welcome Remi, Grayson, please have a seat” she added, gesturing to the chairs beside Talia’s bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont
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Image "Of course you would say something like that to freak me out. I should push you down the rest of the steps.". Ezra couldn’t help but to laugh at his best friend’s response. He was right, he only said things like that to freak him out. Ezra doubted that they were headed towards a torture chamber, but it was fun to mess with Eric. ”You love me too much to do that” he teased, referring to the second part of his comment. He continued to walk down the steps as the candles continued to light up, eventually getting them to the very bottom where there was another door. SOmehow, the fact that it was unlocked didn’t surprise Ezra. After making sure his best friend was behind him, the spaniard pushed the door open and stepped inside. Just as it had happened in the room before, the lights turned on automatically. This time they revealed something even more interesting. ”I have a feeling we’re going to be spending a lot of time here” he commented after taking a look around and realizing they were in some sort of odd training ground. Something also told him they weren’t supposed to be here on their own, but he kept this thought to himself. Eric was already freaked out enough.


Image Somehow the fact that the unknown woman knew Remi and Grayson’s names didn’t surprise the blonde. He took a seat just as his friend had done and gave the woman a quick look over. Judging by her name, she had to be Talia’s muse, but she looked completely different from his. For one, she was a normal person’s size. SHe didn’t have wings, nor did she glow in any way. She just looked like a very beautiful human girl. ”They want to know when she will wake up, and so do I” the small fairy-like creature spoke first. Remi didn’t even know what to call this creature, but that didn’t concern him at the moment. Finding out what was going on with Talia did. ”I want a straight answer” the blonde said firmly, making sure not to be rude but still demanding enough to show her that he wouldn’t take a half-assed answer. The woman simply nodded and stepped towards Talia’s bed. ”She’s doing well” she began to explain as she walked closer, placing a hand over Talia’s forehead. ”She’s recovering much faster than I expected and her wounds are almost completely healed, both internally and externally” the woman continued, her gaze focused on Talia’s face. Remi watched her curiously. ”But as to when she’ll wake up, I don’t know. That depends on her”. Though he knew the woman was telling the truth, that answer didn’t satisfy him. He needed something more concrete than an “i don’t know”. ”What do you mean it “depends on her”?”. She remained silent for a moment before speaking again. {b]”It depends on how strong her will is.”[/b]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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Celeste wasn't sure what to do with the motley crew that she was given to work with. Every other generation of the elementals had managed to get along and seemed to be all related. It was more convenient that way. But everyone she was working with this time was different. Though similar environments the personalities are completely different. They clash and cause problems. Celeste can only imagine what could happen if she partnered the wrong people together. With a sigh, she walked away from her crystal ball. She had been watching the teenagers at school. She wanted to make sure that they were okay. There was no need to watch the young adults, she could hear them. Or at least she could sense them. There was nothing wrong going on so she didn't need to intervene on anything.

Sitting down in a chair, she leaned back and waved a hand. The elements muses appeared before her. They were all in the forms that were preferred by their users. "They need help. Talia is getting better, but she isn't well just yet. I do not want her training until she is at one hundred percent." Talia's muse nodded and completely disappeared to be with her. The rest of the muses were waiting for the rest of the instructions. Celeste was not sure what to do with them. They would not be needed training, but they would be needed to watch them through the night. "The rest of you. If you have not already introduced yourself to your owner, then do so tonight. They need guidance and a protector." Celeste turned to Damian's muse. "Don't let Damian hurt anyone, Gravity." The muse nodded. With a wave of her hand the rest of them disappeared. Next, Celeste needed to gather the elementals and prepare them for battle.

Another wave of of her hand, she appeared in the main ballroom. Mumbling a few words, she had her elementals appear before her. For a moment she was silent and allowed them to be confused. There was no need to speak just now. She wanted to make sure she got everyone except for Talia. Once they seemed to settle down and Remi was down asking questions about his sister, Celeste took a few steps towards the group. "Hello children. Sorry for gathering you all here on such a short notice. But it just could not wait." Celeste took a deep breath.

"Lord Kain has been growing stronger than anticipated. After the situation with Talia, I cannot risk losing any more of you." She started. "Training starts today. To keep things in order I have broken everyone into four groups with group leaders. For safety reason stay with these groups during training." Celeste did not mean to sound like a teacher, but she means it when she says for everyone to stay in their groups. She ran her fingers through her hair.

"Ezra you will lead Willow and Ophelia. Eric you will lead Damian and Matthew. Remi you will lead Evangeline and Delaney. Greyson you will lead Nathan and Camila." Celeste was hoping that her arrangement would keep people from getting hurt. "Leaders. Your only job is to make sure that the people you are in charge of do not get seriously injured. And please do not seriously injure each other." Celeste glanced over at Damian for a moment before looking over the ground. "The muses will tell you where the training facilities are. If you need me ask a muse to fetch me." With that she smiled gently and waved her hands once again leaving the group to train and be ready for Lord Kain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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Whatever important thing that Greyson was doing seemed not to matter anymore, for he was in the ballroom with the rest of the people that currently reside in the house. It seemed he wasn't the only one completely confused to why he was standing here. He could have sworn he was with Remi and Talia. They were getting vague answers to some questions that they had. Remi was with him, but Talia was not. She must still be in the infirmary, which means she is still not well. That was something that was obvious. What they had managed to figure out was that she was fighting for her life. Knowing Talia, she wasn't going to let Lord Kain attempt to take her life without some sort of vigorous attempt. Greyson knows that she will be okay. She always ends up okay. His attention was pulled towards Celeste. She must have been the one that called her here. Which meant that whatever was being said was vitally important. He listened to everything she had to say. "Greyson you will lead Nathan and Camila." Training started today and he was one of the leaders. It was an honor, but Greyson didn't really feel like the leader type. Luckily he didn't have problems with either Nathan or Camila. This should not be a problem. Or at least he hoped not. Celeste disappeared and a sigh escaped him. "Guess we should start looking for the training areas." Greyson stated.


Eric was confused. First he was with Ezra in what they figured was some kind of training area and now they are in the ballroom. Everyone else was confused, so Eric felt a bit better about his confusion. He noticed Celeste and realized that she must of been the reason that they were all here at the moment. So he decided it be best to listen to what she had to say. It was a bit worrying about how powerful Lord Kain was. He was coming after them and Eric immediately started worry about Evangeline. Though he was certain she could handle herself, that was still his baby sister. His whole world could literally fall apart if anything happened to her. "Eric you will lead Damian and Matthew" Eric did not mind being a leader. He kind of wanted Evangeline, but he wasn't going to say anything to Celeste. There had to be a reason for why they were put into these groups. Celeste disappeared and Greyson suggested they start looking for the training facilities. "Actually. I think Ezra and I found it by accident." He stated, looking over at his best friend suggesting he lead them towards that area.


Evangeline was no longer in school. That wasn't the problem. It's not like she enjoyed being in school. Her dyslexia made it hard to want to go in the first place. What she was confused about was why everyone was called into the ballroom, though once she saw Celeste the confusing vanished. Eva just assumed that she needed them for something very important. And it was. It was about Lord Kain and the groups training. Evangeline was afraid to fight. Any single one of them could end up just like Talia. That wouldn't help the situation, in fact it would be really bad. "Remi you will lead Evangeline and Delaney" Evangeline was more than okay with her group. It wasn't with Damian which was all that mattered. Greyson suggested they get started and Eric and Ezra led the group toward the facility. Eva stayed close to Delaney, thinking that if she was with her Damian couldn't bother her.


School was over. Or at least it was over for Ophelia. She was standing in the ballroom with the rest of the people that currently live in the house. It wasn't like the brunette wanted to be in school, especially because she would much rather be glued to Talia's side or bothering Camila about boys or cuddling Nathan or even cuddling her kitten. Anything was better than school. But this particular reason of being called out of school was an important one. It was about Lord Kain and Ophelia listened. She hated Lord Kain with every fiber in her being. No one messes with her friends and expects to live. She was already planning the different ways to burn him alive. "Ezra you will lead Willow and Ophelia" Willow? Of all the people she could have been paired up with, it had to be the rainbow haired girl. Ophelia was not happy. Ever since she has been interested in Nathan, neither her nor Willow ever got along. Ophelia never really tried to get along with her and vice versa. Not even for Nathan's sake. It was better if they just didn't hang out. But now they were in the same group. It was going to be fun fighting her. Even though Celeste strictly warned them not to seriously injure anyone. Willow has tough skin, she should be able to take some burns. Greyson, Eric, and Ezra didn't hesitate to start the group with their training. Ophelia just wanted to face Kain and melt his face off already.


Matthew was glad to be out of school. But if his mother found out he would be in serious trouble. Celeste was the one that summoned them so it must have been serious. Matty looked around at everyone trying to figure out why they were here before Celeste told them why. Of course it was about Lord Kain and having to defeat them. But she was starting their training today. Matthew wasn't looking forward to training. He was afraid of this battle. He almost lost his best friend to this Lord and he didn't wanted to be next. Leaving his sister behind was not something he intended to do. But it wasn't up to him. The stars chose Matthew to be the one and he has to accept that. "Eric you will lead Damian and Matthew" He was completely unsure about the group, but he couldn't ask for a switch. Celeste had a reason for everything. At least he wasn't with Remi. He wasn't really happy with the constant rejection. This morning he was being nice, but Matty still would have rather he played nice elsewhere. Remi was toying with his feelings and he wasn't going to be able to take it anymore. The leaders started exercising their right to lead and lead the group towards the training areas. Matthew could honestly say that he was not ready.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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ImageTo say that Ezra was confused was an understatement. One moment he was in some sort of training room full of weapons he had never seen before, and the next he was in a large room along with everyone else. And there was that woman again. Celeste, who explained many things to them. Among those was the need to get rid of this Lor Kain figure and Ezra could not agree more. What that thing that done to Talia was not something that could be easily forgotten. Judging by the fact that she wasn't there with them, he only guessed she was still unconscious. She had to be, otherwise she would be kicking and screaming to get permission to go after the villain that hurt her. He must have done a good amount of damage. Celeste also explained how they would be starting training and Ezra smiled to himself. If he was correct, they would be training in the room Eric and him had found earlier. He was also to lead and was given two team mates, Ophelia and Willow. He had no problem with Ophelia, in fact they got along rather well because of Cami. Willow he had just met, but regardless they also got along. Not to mention he had already gotten attached to Lucas. The only worry was their relationship with each other. Ezra had no idea what state that was in. If they didn't know each other or if they were friends that would be easy to handle, but they very well hate each other and Ezra had no clue. He decided it would be best to ask Ophelia directly. He didn't know Willow well enough yet to ask such a thing, which would make it kind of rude. Eric suggested they lead everyone to the training room and Ezra nodded in agreement. They had just came from there. On the way over, Ezra thought it would be a good chance to ask. "Please tell me you and Willow don't hate each other's guts" he muttered to Ophelia, only loud enough for her to hear.


ImageCamila remained in silent confusion as everyone talked and questioned what was going on. Cami was no longer in school, which any other day would have been a reason for her to freak out over missing important classes and information, but her head was just not in it at all today. For the first time ever, she was glad to be out. It appeared that she was back at the mansion. Everyone was there with Celeste. Everyone except Talia that is. She looked at Remi, who seemed a bit calmer than before, hoping to figure out where she was. Celeste explained in detail what would happen from then on and Cami listened closely. She didn't say anything about Talia's condition. Nothing they didn't already know anyway. Cami frowned slightly to herself at the sound of the words "war" and "training". If there was anything Camila wasn't, it was a fighter. She always prefers to talk things out rather than fight, but she was convinced that Lord Kain wasn't someone you could simply just talk to and come to an agreement. Not after what he had done. Not to mention that knowing her best friend was still injured because of him gave her the teeniest motivation to kick his ass. Camila was past being sad, now she was determined. Determined to make Kain pay for what he'd done to Talia. Still, fighting and killing was not her cup of tea. And as if that wasn't nerve wrecking enough, she was put in a team with Nathan and Grayson as the leader. Never mind the fact that Cami used to have a crush on Nathan, now her current crush and the only person that could make her forget how to function as a proper human being was to be their leader. SHe let out a somewhat shaky breath as she followed everyone to the training center, which her cousin had apparently already found without permission, and decided to focus her mind on something else. She matched her pace with Remi's and smiled weakly up at him. "Did you see her?"


ImageRemi was not happy. He had finally been allowed to see his sister, and now he was taken away from her just like that. Celeste appeared before everyone once again and Remi glared half heartedly. He knew she wasn't a bad person, but he also knew she was the one that had taken him away from Talia. Regardless, he wasn't too upset, only because they were getting the chance to train and later on kick Kain's sorry ass. The blonde almost smiled, thinking about all the ways he could get revenge. No one hurt his sister and got away with it. As Celeste explained the training teams, Remi tried his best to keep his mouth shut. He had already forgotten he was one of the designated leaders, but now he was actually given people to lead. Delaney and Evangeline. He could work with that. Luckily, as far as he knew, the two of them got along just fine. Also, as far as he knew, neither of them had anything against him personally. He just hoped They were as ready and willing to fight as he was. As they headed to the training ground, Camila caught up to him. She quietly asked about Talia and Remi nodded in response. "She was still unconscious" he said plainly. There was no reason to say she was better when she wasn't. The brunette frowned at his response and he did the same. Even though Talia was his sister, Remi knew Camila and Ophelia loved her just as much as she did. "Don't you worry, we'll get Kain back for this. That you can count on". As they arrived at the training center, Remi headed straight for the weapons. If he was to lead he had to start right away. He looked at Eva and Delaney as they approached him and gave them somewhat of a smirk. "You girls ready to kick some galactic ass?"


ImageIt's as if her body was on fire. Talia had absolutely no idea where she was, or if she was even alive. One thing was certain though. She remembered what brought her here. She remembered perfectly clear. That ugly creature had dared to put his hands on her, to hurt her, and on top of that, mess up her new outfit. Dead or alive, Talia was going to kick his sorry ass to the moon. She could feel the adrenaline running through her veins, or maybe it was just the burning desire for revenge. Whatever it was, it was making her feel much better. She could hear voices, one in particular, that sounded very familiar. Remi?. She couldn't see and she could hardly hear, or make out what was being said, but that was definitely her brother's voice. He called her name several times, but she couldn't get herself to respond no matter how much she wanted to. This made her even more irritated, if that were at all possible. The voices continued to surround her for several seconds, and then all of a sudden it was quiet. No voices or sounds heard. Had she gone deaf? That would just be the cherry on top of the revenge-driven cake. Deaf or not, she had to see where she was at least. She fought harder and harder to regain her senses, and she could hear a faint beeping noise. So she wasn't deaf after all, nor was she blind she realized, as her vision slowly adjusted. She was in a white room, alone. AT least that's what she thought, until a woman appeared before her. She had never seen her before, but the woman was smiling down at her. The blonde immediately sat up, ignoring the spinning sensation in her head. "Touch me and i'll scorch you so badly your great-great-great grandparents will feel it". The woman seemed to find her threat amusing, which only added fuel to the burning hate fire. "Well you seem to be feeling better" she said in a soft tone, which for some reason annoyed Talia beyond belief. "Damn right I am! Who the hell are you? And where is that ugly bastard that dared to hurt me" Talia demanded. The woman didn't seem to know how to answer. "Forget it, where are my shoes, i'll find him myself" she attempted to get up, impatient with the woman's silence, but was stopped. "All in good time" she responded finally.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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Delaney didn’t know what had happened. She had been sitting in history class, tapping her pencil on her desk as she stared out the window when all of a sudden she turned her attention to the blackboard but it wasn’t there. Instead of sitting in a desk in front of her teacher, surrounded by classmates, she was in a ballroom, in front of Celeste, surrounded by everyone else in the mansion. She sighed quietly. She had a feeling she knew what this was about. Practically every time she had shown up one name was always mentioned. As Celeste spoke, that same name appeared: Kain. Once again, there was also little mention of Talia. She wondered how the girl was doing, and glanced at Remi. From the look on his face, he guessed not well. Celeste then disappeared and left the others alone. Eric talked about the training room, and everyone started moving. Eva was suddenly by her side and Delaney sighed again. Everything was happening too fast for her to process, and she tried to run through what was said again. They would have to fight Kain, Remi was leading a group of her and Eva to train, and now they were going to a training room Eric and Ezra had already found. Delaney barely talked as Eva and she made their ways to the room, only making room for one comment. “I don’t like this.”

They finally reached the training room and Remi went right for the weapons. “You girls ready to kick some galactic ass?” No. She wanted to run. She didn’t want to fight. But she knew she would have to. It was inevitable. Plus, fighting meant hurting Kain, the one who hurt Talia. She couldn’t say no, especially since Talia was hurt. Delaney couldn’t say no to Remi. She half smiled and nodded her head. She would have to fight eventually, so she might as well get ready for it.





Nathan was in a ballroom. He had sworn he had just been in school a few minutes earlier, but now he wasn’t and he wasn’t complaining. He would rather be out of school than in school.
He looked around and noticed everyone from earlier, and then saw Celeste. She assigned groups and Nathan looked around and found Camila and Greyson, who he was assigned to a group with. But one group in particular caught his attention: Ezra, Willow, and Ophelia. That was not good. He had his best friend and his girlfriend in the same group, bound to fight each other at some point. And it was an understatement to say they didn’t get along. He just hoped neither ended up in Talia’s position in critical condition, or whatever condition she was in. Celeste had not mentioned and no one had really asked. Nathan sighed and looked for Ophelia, who was with Ezra. Seeing Ophelia was busy, he jogged over to Willow.

Willow didn’t know what had happened, but she wasn’t with Lucas or Kelsey anymore. Instead it was Celeste and the others. She crossed her arms, slightly annoyed. Whatever they were all here for, it better be important. She still had work to do and she wondered who was caring for the kids now. Maybe it would be her muse or Greyson’s. If it was hers, she hoped she’d get to meet him or her soon. She wanted to know where hers was and if it was the man Lucas had drawn, which would make sense. “Ezra you will lead Willow and Ophelia.” Ophelia? Willow squinted her eyes at Celeste. Of all people, she had to be stuck with the rich, hothead. The person she least wanted to be near. Even Damian would be better. Ezra, she didn’t mind, even if she barely knew him. Everyone started moving and Willow realized someone was suddenly next to her. She didn’t even have to look. “What, are you gonna warn me not to hurt your girlfriend?” Her best friend laughed and shook his head. “You know me so well. I’m worried about you guys killing each other. So just don’t kill her, okay?” She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Yeah, you don’t have to worry about that. I don’t plan on killing her while you guys are an item, because if I did I’d have to hear you mope about it and then mess with your head.” Nathan shuddered slightly. He wished she was kidding, but he knew her better than that. Willow barely joked about stuff like that. “If you’re little girlfriend plans on playing with fire, then I hope she likes mind games.” Willow mumbled the last line before taking a few steps ahead of Nathan, entering the training room and leaving him behind.



He had been forced to go to school, and now he was being pulled out of class. What a joke. He leaned against the wall he was next to, and surveyed the group as everyone looked around or looked confused. He didn’t know why he was here either, but he wasn’t going to let on that he was as clueless as them. The woman from the earlier announcements, Celeste, stood before them and told the Lord Kain had even become more powerful and they would be needing to prepare for battle. He smirked slightly. Fighting Lord Kain? He didn’t think so. He loved to fight and the pain that came with it, but he knew that most of the people in the ballroom were running on raw emotions from the incident with the one girl, Talia. Lord Kain had beaten her so brutally, but she was irrelevant to him. It was quite amusing to see everyone so riled up about one man. Damian was somewhat jealous, that one man could muster up so much hatred and fear at just the mention of his name. He was not power hungry, but being recognized and known as an eminent threat, he imagined, must be a beautiful thing. “Eric you will lead Damian and Matthew.” The statement made him scoff. Him, be led by another? Absolutely not. He did things on his terms. he had been a loner all his life and he didn’t plan on that changing.

Celeste commented on people not seriously injuring one another, and he found a hint of humor in it. It had been directed at him, but there was no need for it. At least not with the training everyone would be doing together. Damian was not interested in the training. He had no desire to train with anyone. Except Eva. What the two of them would be doing is something of an experiment, to say the least. He would not be taking part in training, but the training room did sound enticing. A small peak at it wouldn’t kill anyone. He watched as everyone filed out of the ballroom and he waited a few minutes before trailing them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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ImageWillow immediately answered Ezra, but instead of facing off against him she expressed how she thought it was too early for her to invade his head space. Ezra honestly didn't care, not to mention that if he was to be the leader he had to see what they could and couldn't do in battle. Willow's power was mind control, which meant that Ezra's main focus with her had to be on her hand to hand combat. He had no doubt she could control her powers just fine. Ophelia took the opportunity that Willow dropped to present her power. Ezra smiled slightly as the ball of fire fell to the ground and slowly died out, then looked up at the brunette. "That's great Ophelia, but I wanna see what you can really do" he said as he slowly began to form an invisible wall just large enough to cover his body. The only evidence that it was there were the silver outlines that Ezra decided to add to show her that he was protected. "Can you break this wall down?" he asked, knowing that she could. He was just curious to see what kind of technique she would use to do so.


ImageThe assortment of powers was a rather strange one, but Camila didn't complain. She would just be happy if no one got injured. Grayson suggested they begin with handed to hand combat and the brunette was immediately nervous. The only thing she knew about fighting was the very few defense tricks Ezra had shown her when he used to do street fighting. But she had never had to use them, so it would be a miracle if she even remembered how to execute them correctly. She remained silent, despite her nerves, not wanting to put a damper in Grayson's leading and just hope Nathan would volunteer to fight first, meanwhile Camila recovered herself enough to be able to at least throw some punches.


ImageEvangeline expressed how cool she thought Remi's demonstration was and the blonde smiled slightly. It's something he often used on Talia when she was tired and out of energy. His sister hates coffee, but Remi's energy surge always managed to perk her right up without the need to drink the black liquid. Now that everyone know the other's powers, it was time to get started. Delaney picked up a weapon, asking if anyone know how to use it. Remi shook his head. "Not a clue". Just because he was the leader, didn't mean that he knew everything. The blonde had never had to use a weapon in his life, so he had no idea how to use any. He thought for a moment. Were guns the best way to start? He recalled Delaney mentioning how her power was controlling plant life, something unusual but very beautiful. However, very powerful as well. "Have you ever tried making a weapon?" he asked as he turned to the blonde, taking the current weapon from her hand. It was a powerful one, but if she could manage to create one out of her element it would be much more powerful.


ImageTalia didn't understand why she couldn't go fight. She felt fine, but the woman said she wasn't healed. The blonde sighed in annoyance. "When will I be healed then?" he almost demanded. Magma turned around and walked up beside her, handing her a small pill and a glass of water. "Take this and you should be all set" she explained. Talia stared at the pill slightly surprised. "Seriously?" she asked almost not believing it. The woman nodded and Talia didn't hesitate to take the small pill. Seconds after it was in her stomach, it was as if every aching part of her had disappeared, or been replaced with brand new ones. She smiled brightly and got to her feet. "Well let's go!". In the blink of an eye, Talia and her muse were standing outside of what she guessed was the training area. The woman inspected her one last time and then placed a soft kiss on her forehead before disappearing. The blonde let a small smirk spread on her face. She ran her fingers through her long hair, adjusted her new clothing that Magma had provided for her and made sure her heels were in place. It was time to kick some ass. She pushed on the double doors with enough force to cause them to fly backwards and slam against the walls with a loud thump. Everyone seemed to be in groups, but she didn't know which one she was in. She decided she'd just have to find one of her closest friends and join their group. Not that it mattered much. All she cared about right now was hurting that bastard that hurt her. She spotted her brother and stomped up to where he was standing. "Alright, who do I kill?". The anger radiating from her body was so intense, it was almost visible. She needed to hit something, anything. She needed revenge.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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Neither of them knew how to fight with the weapon, and Delaney nodded her head. I guess it made sense. None of them really seemed to be the type to be holding someone hostage or practicing knife skills on the side. There were other types of weapons near them, but there would be no point in asking about them if they said no to the first one. Remi took the weapon out of her hand and put it back. “Have you ever tried making a weapon?” Delaney looked at him, confused. She didn’t know how she could make a weapon. She looked around. She didn’t see anything she could work with, so she’d have to start from scratch. She shook her head slightly, answering Remi’s question. She looked at Eva before extending her hands in front of her and closing her eyes. She had to concentrate. She didn’t know how to construct a weapon or what kind of weapon she should even make, but something was better than nothing. Just as she was about to start, she heard a bang. It wasn’t too loud, but it was loud enough to make her jump and lose her focus. Then she saw Talia standing by them, right next to Remi. Delaney was amazed, and couldn’t think of what to say. But right now, words didn’t seem to matter. Talia was seemingly perfectly healthy. Already.



Nathan could work with hand to hand combat. He was excited now, actually. He looked at Cami, who seemed to have shrank back the slightest bit. He smiled at her and stepped up to Greyson. He would take the first fight. Not just because he wanted to, but because he knew how Cami felt about fighting. She most likely didn’t want to participate, and until she had to, Nathan would take a few rounds with Greyson. He held out his hand to Greyson to shake before they started. The fighting would be key to training, and it would be fun to see what everyone was capable of.



Ophelia made a weak attempt, or what appeared to be weak attempt, of a fireball and tossed it at Ezra’s feet. Willow watched as the orange ball disappeared shortly after hitting the ground. Ezra was quick to react, creating an practically invisible wall in front of him. Willow watched silently as the two continued training. There was not much she could do but sit and watch. After a few minutes, she heard a loud bang and turned her head to see what the noise was. It turned out to be a person. She watched as Talia came charging in. Willow watched as the girl stormed over to her brother, a visible fire raging within her. She raised an eyebrow. She wasn’t surprised at how the girl was acting, but how quickly she had recovered. It seemed like the tragedy had happened two hours ago. “Well would you look at that..”



“Well you don’t have a choice. We need to protect ourselves against Kain and training with others will help.” Damian found it hard to believe that he was being told, almost threatened, that he had to stay and train with them. Participation, apparently, was a must. He didn’t think so. He stared at the two for a few moments. Matthew had backed away and Eric had crossed his arms, showing he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Damian quickly assessed the situation, and it appeared it would be in his best situation to submit to the demands and agree to train. But no such thing would be happening. Not now, not ever. “I am well aware of the predicament we are all in, and the misfortunes that have occurred since we have arrived. However, I do not believe in group work. I have never worked with others, and doing so goes against my personal beliefs.If I asked a Catholic to kill a sinner because it guaranteed the safety of thousands, what do you believe he would do? While their faith declares they should devote themselves to the wellbeing and care of others, killing defies their Lord’s highest laws, the Ten Commandments. It goes against all their beliefs. Your demanding me to participate, to throw away the beliefs I hold most dear and shape my life according to, is asking me to defy my own God.” The comparison he made may have seemed a little extreme, but it related to their case. In this case, Damian was the Catholic. Lord Kain was the sinner. The thousands were the rest of the group and the world, for that matter. A door closed and Talia walked swiftly across the room, straight to her brother. “What good is a fighter at war, if also at war with himself?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Delaney Scott Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont
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Remi watched as Delaney attempted to make a weapon out of thin air. He was ready and willing to explain what he meant, but she appeared to have grasped the idea just fine. The blonde gave her his undivided attention, until a loud bang caused him to look up. If he had the weapon in his hand still he would have dropped it from the shock. His sister walked into the room as if she had never been even touched. She looked even better than before. She walked straight to him, asking who she was supposed to kill, but Remi didn’t give her an answer. He simply wrapped his arms around his sister and hugged her as if he hadn’t seen her in years. He didn’t say anything in fear that he would burst out in tears. Talia, however, couldn’t keep quiet. “I’m fine, i’m fine” she whined, but couldn’t help but smile at her brother’s reaction. Once she managed to get herself away from Remi she looked around the room. Matthew was the closest one to her. The blonde didn’t hesitate before rushing over and hugging her best friend tightly. Matthew could not believe that his best friend was okay. Celeste wasn’t saying anything about her condition and he never got to see her. He had thought the worse, but here she was. Alive. And hugging him rather tightly. Matt didn’t want to let go of her. “I can’t believe you are here! I-I-I thought I would never see you again!” he exclaimed, still shocked that she was even standing before him. Matt pretty much dragged his best friend towards his group, leaving Remi and his group alone.

Delaney watched as Remi and Talia embraced each other, and she couldn’t help but smile. It was obvious the two loved each other beyond belief, like normal family members did, and the interaction made her think of her own family. She thought of her family, and even Nathan. She couldn’t bring herself to even look at him. It brought a sour taste in her mouth, and she frowned the slightest bit. He didn’t matter right now. Talia was okay, and Remi was finally able to stop worrying about her dying. That’s all that mattered. She looked at Eva, who seemed to be watching the siblings as well. Delaney nudged her friend with her elbow,
“This is probably the most beautiful thing I’ve seen since we’ve got here.”
Delaney then turned her attention back to Remi, who seemed content.

Evangeline watched this interaction between brother and sister. It was a beautiful thing. Remi clearly loved Talia. It made her think of her own brother. Despite how crazy he may seem, she wouldn’t know what to do without him. Eva glanced over at him and smiled softly. She would have to remember to make sure that she tells her brother that she actually does love him and that he isn’t the protective monster she claims him to be. Her attention went to Delaney as he nudged her and she nodded in agreement. “I know. I’m glad she is okay.” Both the girls towards Remi. He looked happy now. No more worrying about his sister well being. She was more than fine and even ready to fight Kain. “Alright Remi. What’s the plan?” Eva asked, ready to get training officially started.
Remi watched his sister with a smile. He hadn’t smiled in way too long. He had forgotten what it felt like. It was Eva’s voice that brought him back to the issue at hand. He looked at the girls and placed his hands on his hips, directing his attention to Delaney. “Alright, so how about that weapon?” he said, staring at the empty space she had been staring at before. He knew she was more than capable of making one. She just had to concentrate. WIth a power like hers, it would be fairly easy. “Try making a bow and arrow” he instructed. It would be the easiest to make using plants. “Just close your eyes and picture what you want it to look like”. Remi had attempted to make many weapons before, but he imagined Delaney’s would look much better than his.

The moment was over and Eva asked Remi what their next move was. He brought his attention to her and Delaney nodded. Of course, the weapon. “Try making a bow and arrow.” Delaney hadn’t thought about that one. She didn’t know what she planned on making before, but now with instructions, she couldn’t let her imagination run wild. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. She extended both hands out, and relaxed. All she had to do was think of what it wanted to look like, and it should be there. It didn’t take as much effort as she thought. She focused her energy in her hands and thought about the bow and arrow just being there. She felt the plants being formed in her hands, small vines twisting and turning and binding together. She let them expand and multiply until she thought what she had done was sufficient. She peaked one eye open, and examined her work. It wasn’t as big as she had expected, but it was a decent size. She ran her fingers over the bow to see how sturdy it was, then did the same with the arrow. Not too bad, but could be better. She set the bow down, and clutched the arrow with both hands, changing the chemical components around. She set the arrow down once it was more sturdy, and did the same with the bow. She offered the finished product to Remi, waiting for his approval. Remi watched in amazement as Delaney worked her magic. It really was a very beautiful and unique element. He almost wished he had it, instead of his. Once she had finished, she handed him the finished product. The group leader took the weapon into his hands, examining it closely, and let a smile appear on his face. “Nice!” he exclaimed, more than happy with the outcome. Especially since it was her first time making it. He lifted his hand up to give the blonde a high five before handing her the weapon again. She could clearly manage her power very well. The leader then turned to Evangeline. He thought for a moment on how to get a good idea of what she could do. If the girl could manipulate air, that meant she should be able to expand and compress it to her liking. Remi looked down at the weapon Delaney had created. He carefully took it from her once more and set it on the ground. “Try shooting the arrow” he said, directing his attention to Eva now. “But no using your hands”. Remi was curious to see if the girl could pull it off. A bow and arrow took great precision to be able to shoot it correctly. If Eva could manage to do that by using nothing but air, he would be impressed. Evangeline almost missed Remi’s order, he was so mesmerized by Delaney ability. The weapon was beautiful. But now Remi was asking her to shoot the arrow without her hands. How was she supposed to do that? Then it hit her. Remi wanted Eva to manipulate the air and shot the bow. For a moment she stared at the bow, laying on the ground. Holding out her hand, she managed to moved the bow a little. She was having serious difficulty getting it in the air. Taking a deep breath, Eva managed to get a steady stream of air going. The bow lifted off the ground and now she was focusing on the arrow. The arrow lifted up and she struggled trying to get them together. The streams of air refused to cross and she needed to figure out to get them in the same stream. Slowly, she got the bow and arrow on the same stream of air and using another stream she got the arrow to get shot out of the bow. It didn’t go very far, but she got it.

Remi gave Eva his undivided attention. At first it seemed like she wasn’t going to get anywhere with the task he had given her Maybe he was asking for too much, too soon. Still, he remained silent and let her concentrate. After a few more tries, the blonde watched in surprise as Eva picked up the bow and arrow and managed to shoot. It didn’t get far, but it was a lot better than what he had expected to see. The leader smiled in satisfaction. “I think we’re off to a very good start”.