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Willow Harmony Phoenix

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a character in “The Chosen Elements”, as played by JacquelineJuliet





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| Full Name |

"That's me."

Willow Harmony Phoenix

| Nickname |

"Call me Willow, Harmony, or Phoenix. I go by each part of my name. Doesn't matter, but close to no body calls me Phoenix. Just don't call me Will.

Willow, Harmony, Phoenix.

| Gender |


| Birth Date |

May 11th, 1996

| Sexuality |

"I've experimented. Girls just aren't for me."


| Relationship Status |

"Not really looking, but love can sneak up like a bitch."



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| Age |


| Weight |

"I love food so I don't weigh myself. I'm healthy so I couldn't care less."

157 lbs.

| Height |

]"I'm on the taller side."


| Body Build |

Lean, hour glass figure

| Eye Color |

"I don't like my eyes."

| Glasses or Contacts |

"I wear contacts more than glasses, but I like both."


| Skin Tone |


| Distinguishing Marks|

"My hair is enough."

Willow has vibrant hair which she is well known for. She also has some piercings in her right ear and her left ear.

| Hair Color |

"Depends what day it is."

Willow has gone from red, to pink, to blue and pink, to orange, to yellow, to purple, and to lavender and cotton candy blue. She is a natural brunette, but her current hair color is pink.

| Overall Appearance |

"Beauty fades with time."
Standing at 5'9, Willow has a lean build. She loves to change up her closet every now and then, but primarily wears indie more than any other clothing. She is happy with her appearance and style and does not care what others think of her. There will be days she leaves the house wearing her pajama pants and bunny slippers. She is more concerned with how she feels about herself than how others do.



| Element |

The mind: Mental Manipulation/Mental Abilities

| Definition |

"The power to manipulate thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions of others." — Super Power Wiki

| Limitations |

  • Does not work on mindless beings
  • May be limited to a certain range to work
  • May be limited to a certain number of targets at a time
  • Users of Psychic Shield are either immune or highly resistant

| Strengths |

| Weaknesses |

  • Animals, especially bunnies
  • Lucas
  • Physical combat

| Likes |
✔ Animals
✔ Bunnies
✔ Lucas
✔ Drawing
✔ Doing hair

| Dislikes |
✘ Bugs
✘ Hypocrites
✘ Dancing
✘ Surprises
✘ Overly happy people

| Fears |
✘ Being hated by loved ones
✘ Suffocating
✘ Caring too much

| Secrets |

"What exactly are you looking to hear?"

Willow, rather than her mother or sister, supports her "brother". Willow hates her older sister, the mother of Lucas. She also has an older brother she wishes she was closer to.

| Personality |

"You either like me or you don't. Simple as that."

Willow is extremely sarcastic. Practically every sentence she says has some sort of sarcasm in it. Her biting sarcasm is her way of keeping people out so they can't break past her walls. She loves to joke around with people, but her cold and distant demeanor makes it hard for her to connect with people. She doesn't have many friends because of this, but she values the ones she does have.

Willow does not trust easily. It takes her a while to let her guard down long enough for someone to really get to know her. By the time her walls come down, the person has moved on. She also doesn't let her walls down as a result of possibly being replaced. She finds no reason to let others in if they move on when they get bored. Because of her trust issues and doubt in others, Willow is a pessimist. She will be the first person to point out every negative detail in a situation or possible outcome. She cannot help it; it just happens.

Despite her negative attributes, Willow is extremely observant, has a tough skin, and is extremely loving. Willow listens more than she talks, and has a knack for picking out the little things in situations. She never misses a detail. Willow may seem heartless, but she has the kindest heart. She loves animals and children and will do anything for them.

| History |

"Why do you care?"

Willow had a normal childhood. She fought with her siblings, went to the playground, attended school, and had boy drama; nothing out of the norm. She was extremely close with her parents and siblings until age 15. The summer going into her 8th grade year, Willow's father left her family without a word. The girl never saw him again, but for some reason it never bothered her. When her dad left, life just continued.

Her sister, however, seemed to break. Her sister, Lila, the oldest of the bunch, was Daddy's little girl. Lila got everything she wanted and never had to worry about anything. When their father left, Lila started partying and sleeping around. She would do anything to feel loved. Sadly enough, it worked. It worked a little too well if anything. One morning Lila had severe pains in her stomach, so Willow, being worried sick, called an ambulance for her sister. Everyone rushed to the hospital in hopes to find out what was wrong with the oldest child. Daddy's little girl had gone into labor. No one knew what to do. She had never shown any symptoms, her stomach had never shown, and she had carried out her normal routines. How could this have happened? After Lucas had been born, Lila refused to keep him. She didn't want to be a mother, and even though everyone knew she was nowhere near qualified to be one, she should have let the mom raise it. Lila refused; she didn't want anything to do with the child. Willow could not stand to watch the scene in the hospital, so she told her family she would take care of the Lucas. Although no one believed she was serious, they did not object. So Willow became a mother.

Fifteen years old and with a child, Willow took her responsibilities more serious than ever. She raised Lucas as her own, went to school online, and worked a little later on to support her new son. Her mother helped out, but the responsibility of raising a child fell on Willow solely. She never minded. At the age of 17, Willow moved out of her mom's and got her own place. Since then, she has been raising Lucas like normal, even though she knows nothing about her life is normal.

Besides having Lucas, Willow knew something was different about her one day when she could hear Lucas crying. It was the middle of the night and Lucas started hysterically crying. She could not get him to stop with anything she tried. Nothing seemed to be working. It wasn't until she started to get frustrated that she heard Lucas tell her. She could hear what he was thinking, and the more she concentrated on hearing him, the clearer the message came. events like this happened many times when he would cry, but she never knew why. She had accepted the fact that she was different, but had been working with her abilities on the side, even though she had no idea how far she could go or what she could do with them.

So begins...

Willow Harmony Phoenix's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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Ophelia saw the backpacks in the corner of the room and decided to grab her own. Digging around a bit she found her backpack and then went back to her spot. Looking over the cars she was trying to decide how she would get to school. She saw Cami and shrugged the off the comment about going to school. Nathan was going to make her go to school anyway. But Celeste happened to seal the deal. Running her fingers through her hair she smiled at her boyfriend who had finally appeared. He also commented about having to go to school. It seemed the world was against her and her best friend and boyfriend was on the worlds side. "We are all going to the same place. Let's carpool." Ophelia suggested. No point of taking three different cars when they were all together right now. And they would most likely be heading back to the mansion together. "Nathan you are driving." she told him with a smile. Ophelia only drove when she absolutely had too.


Greyson started gathering the dishes in the kitchen that was left behind by the disappearing high school students. He was washing them as Kelsey watched insisting that she helped him. The father just laughed and continued cleaning, when he finished he picked his daughter. "There are no more dishes for you to wash." He told her, walking towards the others were. They didn't have school so he would spending his time with them. Probably Remi most for the fact he was going to need someone to accompany him in search of his sister. He knew Remi wouldn't resist looking. “I don’t know about you, but I think this would be a decent time for Kelsey and Lucas to play. I can watch over them while you and Remi go look.” Greyson nodded thinking that it s a great idea. "I like the sound of that." He said. Then he looked at his daughter. "How does that sound to you sweet heart. Want to hang with Willow and Lucas?" Kelsey looked over Willow and then at her father. "Sure daddy." Greyson put Kelsey down and she jogged over to where Lucas and Ezra was.


Evangeline decided that she would be skateboard when Delaney showed up with two backpacks. Eva took the her own and watched her best friend excitedly pick out a vintage bike. Eva walked to where she was with a small smile on her face. "Guess you found your true love." she teased, pulled a skateboard off the wall. Evangeline dropped it onto the ground and set a foot onto it. "Guess we should go then." She said since now they had their rides to school. Without waiting, she pushed off out of the garage knowing Delaney would be close behind her.


It was much quieter after everyone disappeared. It was like he was back at his own house. When Eva left, it was super quiet. That was why he liked having Ezra around. Kept him busy. But Ezra seemed to be busy with Lucas. Not that he was jealous, he was just bored out of his mind. Greyson was definitely going with Remi. Those two were practically inseparable. He looked over at Ezra. "Well whenever you are done with your playdate, we need to find something fun to do here." Eric said teasing him about playing with Lucas.


Matthew was not happy he had to go to school. He wanted to stay home and keep tabs on Talia. But Celeste had other useless idea. Like attend school like nothing weird was going on. Matty might skip if he feels the need. Not waiting for anyone else, he started walking towards the school. He never drives or bikes or skates. He prefers to walk and sing to himself. If anyone needs him they can just text him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix
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Image Now that everyone was gone, Ezra didn’t know what he was going to do for the rest of the day. He looked over at his best friend, who seemed bummed about his sister’s sudden disappearance. "Well whenever you are done with your playdate, we need to find something fun to do here.’. Ezra ch and shook his head as he looked back to Lucas. ”You play with Kelsey all you want and then come find me once you’re free, alright?” he said with a slight smile and held a hand up for a high five. As if on cue, Kelsey came over to them with a smile. Ezra gave her a quick wave before turning back to his best friend and leaving the toddlers to their playdate. ”So what did you have in mind?”. Ezra was curious to see what Eric came up with. He was the adventure lover out of the two and would constantly be coming up with things for the two of them to do, but he wanted to see what Eric could come up with on his own. The rest of the group seemed to have their own plans already, including Willow. But if she needed help watching after the kids, he would gladly stay behind as well.


[img][/right] It seemed like Grayson and Willow were reading Remi’s mind because they knew what he wanted to do before he even mentioned it. He didn’t think he was that predictable, but then again they were his closest friends. If anyone could figure him out it was them. Willow volunteered to look after the kids while Grayson accompanied him to find Talia. It sounded like a good plan to him. The house may be big, enormous even, but it was still a house. If they looked long and hard enough eventually they would find the infirmary. ”thank you darling” he said, offering Willow a smile. It wasn’t his usual flirty smile but it was better than none at all. The tall blonde got to his feet and looked down at his best friend. ”shall we?”. He kept his lopsided grin in place and waited for the other’s response. If they wanted to find Talia today they’d have to start as soon as possible. WHo knows how long it will take to locate her. At the very least, if she was still alive, Remi would be able to sense her energy as they got closer. The first part of his thought creeped into his head again and he almost cringed at the way he was thinking. There was no if. She was still alive, he firmly believed that. His sister was much stronger than she appeared to be.


Image For the first time in probably ever, Camila didn’t want to go to school. She was still hesitant even when she was telling Ophelia she needed to get to school back when they were still in the kitchen. But now it looked like none of them had a choice. She noticed a couple of the others walk over towards the wall and pick up a bookbag.Cami hurried over herself and began to search for her name. After finding it she grabbed the bag and opened it. She needed to know if the essay that she worked so hard on for so long was still there. If it wasn’t she would be off to a very bad start. She ruffled through books and papers, all of them hers, until she found a familiar looking packet. She pulled the top half out and sighed in relief when she realized it was what she needed. Celeste really had thought of everything. She swung one strap over her shoulder and turned to leave but another name caught her attention. It was Ophelia’s book back just a few feet from hers, and Nathan’s just a few inches over. She picked both of them up and headed back to the two, holding out the bags as she got there. Ophelia had suggested the they carpool before Cami could say anything and she was thankful. She didn’t know if the couple wanted to have her around, so she was hesitant to say it herself. She still wasn’t sure if they did, they most likely wanted to be alone, but Camila didn’t. Not yet. ”Ready” she said quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Damian Thomas Wright
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Delaney mounted herself on the bicycle and gripped the handles firmly, then loosened her grip and repeated. The bike felt nice underneath her. “Guess you found your true love.” Delaney cracked a smile at her friend as she got the skateboard down from the wall. “One of them, at least.” The image of Eric from last night popped in her head, when he planted a kiss on her forehead, and she blushed slightly. The thought didn’t stay for long, as Eva suggested they get going and Delaney nodded her head, kicked the kickstand back and started pedaling. She kept pedaling until she was close enough to Eva and looked around her. Celeste was right. Delaney knew exactly where she was now, and they weren’t even too far from the school. The abandoned forest. “Hey Eva, don’t you think it’s a little funny that our mysterious mansion is located in the supposedly haunted forest?”



Ophelia decided the three of them would carpool, and Nathan knew he would be driving. Ophelia close to never drove, but Nathan enjoyed driving. He did it as often as he could because he liked how relaxed it made him and how he could just drive for what seemed like forever. His girlfriend didn’t even have to say he would be driving, but when she did he cracked a smile at the two. “I expected as much.” He wandered over to the key rack and slipped his keys off, hitting the unlock button and watching as a red car lit up a few feet away. He returned to the two girls to find Cami with backpacks and he smiled at her, happily taking the bag and swinging it over his shoulder.“Thanks. Okay, the car’s right over here. Follow me.” He turned and walked over to the car, slipping in the driver’s seat and putting his backpack on the floor of the backseat. He started the car once everyone was in, buckled himself in, and checked his mirrors. Then he turned to the girls. “Everyone buckled in and ready?” He wondered just how long the drive would be.



Greyson and Kelsey agreed to the play date idea and Remi thanked Willow. She returned the smile to her friend. It was getting better at least. The thought of finding Talia might be doing more to him than she would have imagined. "Make sure to share if you find her." Willow wished she could go too, but she knew Remi would rather have Greyson go with him. Willow didn't mind, in fact she preferred staying back to look at the kids. Then again, she did have to find a laptop somewhere. She just needed her assignments for school, not that she thought she would have many. It was online school and the year was just beginning. Willow turned her attention back to her son, and Ezra made a deal with Lucas. Lucas frowned a little, obviously sad he couldn't play with Kelsey and Ezra at the same time. But after seeing the raised hand, Lucas smiled and slapped his little hand against Ezra's. "Okay! But make sure you've finished playing with Eric. I don't want to ruin your play date." Lucas looked at Eric and smiled a little before turning back to Ezra and sliding off of him. He went to join his mother and was greeted by Kelsey. The three year old smiled at the girl and then Willow looked at the kids. "Alright, kids. Let's go." Willow moved to the door with Kelsey and Lucas behind her.



Damian made his way to the car slowly, in no need to rush to get to school. As he walked he watched the others around him. Eva and Delaney had already left. Nathan, Ophelia, and Camila were carpooling. Matthew seemed to be on his own. Damian eventually reached his car and slid in, nothing bothering to put on his seat belt or take any other safety precautions. He started the car and sped out of the garage, immediately coming onto a dirt road and recognizing the forest. He had always had an interest in the wooded area, so much so he had spent a few nights in it when he was growing up. He had never found ghosts or anything the tales had suggested. It was just a regular forest with nothing special to it, not including the mansion now housing almost 20 people and supposedly invisible to every normal person. Damian stared out the tinted windows at the winding road ahead of him. He knew he would reach school soon, and he wondered what his schedule would be like. Worthless material with worthless people. Nonsense work with nonsense socialization.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont
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Greyson laughed at his daughters eagerness to play with someone his own age. Looking at Willow, he nodded at her as a way of thanking her. He completely trusted her with his baby girl. Although Willow can be a bit aggressive she is a sweet heart when it comes to children. Grey couldn't imagine anything going wrong with her keeping a close eye on the two kids. Remi finally joined the two and he was ready to find his sister. Remi thanked Willow as well. ”shall we?” Grey nodded and looked back at Willow. "Just call me if you need me." He told her, before walking out of the kitchen with his best friend. After some silence and coming to terms of having no idea where he was going, his attention went to Remi. He looked okay. Of course he has seen his best friend look a thousand times better, but he wasn't completely miserable as he had been. Sleep did him good. "Now be honest with me." Greyson started. "How are you feeling?" Just because Remi looked fine, it didn't mean that he was. He could put on a front if he wanted too. Grey was just hoping that Remi didn't think he needed to.


Between the two of them, Ezra was better at coming up with adventurous activities. Eric preferred to play it safe and keep from hurting himself. But he would gladly join his best friend in some crazy activity. Ezra had asked if he had any ideas. And he had one and it wasn't all that fun sounding. "I just want to explore this magical mansion. I mean its huge and there has to be some hidden fun." He explained. It had taken everyone almost forever before finding a bedroom to sleep in. Celeste had to poof the high schoolers to the garage for school. He could only imagine how far away it was. There was an infirmary that was housing Talia. And there were still the rooms above the ballroom that held everyone trapped. Eric was curious to know what else was hidden in the mansion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix Character Portrait: Nathan Parker
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Image Ezra couldn't not smile at Lucas' comment. He had to be one of the cutest kids he had ever met, and Ezra had met many kids. Most of them usually tend to gravitate towards him and he doesn't mind at all. The toddler slipped off of his lap to play with Kelsey and the two kids followed Willow towards the exit. "Let me know if you need any help with them" Ezra offered before she could leave the kirchen. Of she truly did need help, he was certain Eric wouldn't mind. His best friend suggested to explore the mansion and though it didn't sound exciting, Ezra knew it would be. For one, because the mansion was magical. There could be so many different things and secrets hidden throughout the hoiae. Secondly, he would be with his best friend. Whatever they did, wherever they went it was always fun. "Deal then let's go" he agreed as he got ro his feet. Once ric was on board, the Spaniard headed out of the kitchen and stopped when they reached somewhat of a fork. "You're calling the shots today, which way?" Ezra asked, gesturing the few different hallways.


Image once they were all in the car Camila buckled in, settled in the back seat. Nathan asked if everyone was buckled and ready and she nodded, resting her head against the inside if the car door. She was still exhausted from the day before, and crying as much as she had took a toll on her. The entire way to school, Cami continued to stare put the window, her mind focused in Talia and what she could be going through. One of her best friends was in serious conditions and she couldn't even help. Once the car was parked at school Cami let out a short breath and stepped out of the car then turned to them. "Thanks for bringing me" She said softly before adding that she'd see them later and tool off to class.


Image Grayson didn't hesitate before following Remi out of the kitchen. Willow was already taking care of the kids so there was no need to hesitate. "how are you feeling?'. The blonde loomed uo at his best friend and smiled a little. The truth buh? He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "If i say I don't feel okay will you try to make be feel better?" he joked, though he honestly didn't feel that great. His sister was still missing and he had no idea where or how to find ber, or if she was in pain or not. He could only hope she was at peace. "I'll be fine" eventually. He decided to leave that last bit out of his comment to keep his friend from worrying roo much and continued to search.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont
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“Just call me if you need me.” Willow nodded her head at Greyson before he took off with Remi. She doubted Kelsey would be a problem and Lucas knew her deal with playing. The kids could have as much fun as they wanted as long as they used their inside voices and put the toys away. She imagined everything would run smoothly. Greyson had raised Kelsey well, and Willow would like to think she raised her son well, too. He might be a handful at times but she was glad he was always so happy. She stopped at the doorway as Ezra offered help if she needed it. She gave him a two-finger salute before walking out of the kitchen and down the hallway. After they walked down two halls she turned to face the kids. She put her arms behind her back, looking down at the two. ”Now listen up, my little soldiers. We’re going to play a game. It’s called follow the leader. I do something and you copy. Now, please get in a line and we can start.” Lucas and Kelsey lined up behind to her form the small line and Willow turned back around, nodding her head. “Okay, now we start. Arms up!” Willow put her arms up and peeked behind her to see the kids were doing the same, and they were. She smiled and took two steps forward, listening for the footsteps of the kids. They mimicked hers and she put her arms down. She planned to proceed down the halls like this until the three of them reached a room. She just hoped no one interrupted the game.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Talia Beaumont Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix Character Portrait: Eric Newman
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Image Eric chose right and Ezra smiled, glad that his best friend had actually picked on his own instead of making Ezra do it. Eric had always been the playing it safe type, while Ezra was always the one that got them into messy situations. Eric never seemed to mind, but he cringed every time Ezra suggested something risky, knowing there was a good chance it would end badly. This time, however, if they got themselves in trouble it would be Eric’s doing, not that Ezra would blame him for anything. He simply wanted Eric to have fun for once without having to worry about what could happen. ”What could happen may never actually happen” was always Ezra’s response to Eric pointing out the risks. sometimes it was Eva related but most of the time it just involved the two of them. It was much easier to convince him when his sister wasn’t involved. As they walked, Ezra noticed something strange, or rather he felt something strange. ”doesn’t this...seem really familiar to you?” he asked Eric, wondering if they had passed through here already. It was much more than that though, it felt like he had been here many times before. But that was impossible. Up until the night before, he never even knew this place existed. Not even the ones that lived here in town knew, so how could he when he lives thousands of miles away. Maybe it was just in his head. That’s what he hoped at least. The house himself gave him an odd, kind of eerie feeling. He thought about Willow staying behind with the kids and almost wanted to run back and find her. Last time they were separated, Talia was severely hurt. He had no doubt that Willow was powerful, but so was Talia. Aside from that, she had the kids. Maybe they should have all came together, he thought.


Image The house was like a maze, it seemed like they were going around in circles and they had just started. "If Kelsey was here she would put the biggest smile on your face." Grayson stated and Remi knew he was right. It was some sort of special talent that Kelsey had. Lucas seemed to have the same talent. They always made him smile despite how bummed he was feeling, granted, he had never felt this bad before. Talia was his only family. Remi couldn’t even bare to think about losing her. Gray commented on Remi’s mood getting better once he saw Talia awake and the blonde smiled the smallest bit. He really was lucky to have him as a best friend. He had some special talents of his own. Remi knew Gray was right, Talia would be awake. She had always been a fighter. For as long as Remi could remember, his sister had never given up on anything and the more people pushed her down the harder she fought to prove them wrong. She was be awake and ready to kick the bastard’s ass in no time.He could almost imagine the steam coming from her every time she got really angry over something, it almost made him laugh. ”Right, but we need to find that damn infirmary first” the blonde responded as he looked around and slowly came to a stop. ”And i think we already came through here” he added. The surroundings looked familiar, but then again, everything else had looked familiar too, as if they had been here before. The blonde looked at his best friend in confusion hoping he knew where they were. Which ever way he looked, everything looked the same.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix Character Portrait: Eric Newman Character Portrait: Remi Beaumont
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Willow continued her game of follow the leader with Lucas and Kelsey as the wandered the halls of the mansion, trying to find a room. She kept a weak link between the two children and herself, not using it for communication, but making sure the kids were there at all times behind her, even though she could just turn around and look at them. The three of them marched down the halls like soldiers, right foot and then left foot, with their knees stretching up to their stomach’s. Willow led the kids down the hall silently until she reached the end of the hall and stopped abruptly. “And, stop!” The kids stopped right behind her and stood still, copying her. She turned around to face them and smiled. “Now shake it!” Willow started to shake her hips and doing the twist, then started shaking her arms and the kids seemed to love it. She could hear their laughter as they shook their little limbs and followed the pink haired girl. After about a minute, Willow held up her hand to stop the kids, and once she had their attention, “And, skip!”. She put her arms behind her back and lifter her right leg first, then switching to the left as she skipped down the hall with the kids behind her. She kept checking the link to make sure it was stable and looked around the halls. All of them seemed to blend together and she didn’t know which way the room she and Lucas had stayed in was. The mansion was beyond large and she wondered how the others were getting around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix
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The three skipped and skipped until Willow's calves burned and she didn't think she could anymore. She didn't know how much exercise skipping actually was, and she gave props to all the little kids that seemed to go on for hours at a time skipping. She looked back at Kelsey and Lucas, who seemed to have just as much energy as they had when they left. Willow raised an eyebrow, surprised, and shook her head slightly. Kids were full of surprises and that was one of her favorite things about them. She never knew what was going to come out of their mouths or how they were going to act. She stood up straight and proceeded marching with the kids like she had done before shaking with them. The kids followed her league and she turned down another hall. It seemed slightly familiar than the others, and she slowed her pace, allowing the kids to end up alongside her more than behind her. She kept walking until she approached a door that seemed the most familiar and stopped. She looked at the kids and took hold of the knob cautiously, turning it and yanking it open. She peered her head in and looked around. The room was nice, but certainly not the one she and her son had slept in. It was odd, so why did it seem so familiar to her then? She looked around and nodded her head once. Well it certainly was suited for her needs right now. Toys off all kinds and all varieties were stacked, sorted, and separated neatly and put into certain sections of the room. There even a large bed and desk, one in which had a laptop on it. Willow stated at the room, and she felt a tug on her pants. She looked down to see Lucas, standing next to Kelsey, looking up at her. "Mommy, do we get to play in there?" Willow smiled at her son and looked back at the room. It was odd. It seems she had been lead here and the room was so conveniently stocked with everything she needed right now. Was it Celeste, or did the mansion just conveniently have so many rooms in which everything they all needed was provided? She didn't like the house. It seemed too good to be true, but good or not, it was where she now had to stay. Even if it was a bit mysterious or questionable.


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Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix
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After examining the room for a few more minutes, Willow entered cautiously. She sat down on several pieces of furniture to test them out for the kids before they sat on them, and stood once they were clear. She let the kids to come in and play with the toys. She watched as Lucas and Kelsey ran their separate ways towards different toys and she watched them. Nothing bad could happen to them while she was there. She was sure of it. She had raised Lucas practically on her own, and handling one more kid couldn't be much harder. So far, it wasn't. It wasn't difficult at all. She let the kids do as they please but as long as they did it appropriately. She didn't want to be that "lame mom," but she also knew and valued parents who could discipline when necessary and raise their kids well. Willow carried herself to the couch in the corner of the room and opened the laptop on the table. She lifted the lid and stared at the screen. Luckily, it didn't seem to be locked but something about it did seem off. When she opened up the Internet browser, her assignments appeared before her and she raised an eyebrow. There was no way this was a coincidence. It made her uncomfortable that someone, mostly Celeste, could know this much about them. One woman knew all their secrets and everything about them. Something about that thought didn't settle right with the pink haired girl. She wanted to trust the people she was surrounded by, and she wanted to trust other people that just appeared in her life, but she couldn't. She kept her circle small for a reason and her trust level was low. Extremely low. She glanced and Lucas and Kelsey happily playing together and then back at the laptop.


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Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix
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The kids seemed to get tired of playing with what they had been playing with and moved on to coloring. Lucas currently had the green crayon and Kelsey had the red crayon. The two kids colored in relative silence as Willow rummaged around the room for paper and pencils to do her work. She looked in the desk on the far side of the room first, but came up empty. She walked over to the kids and the shelves where they had grabbed their coloring books. She kept going through the shelves until she found a stack of blank, regular theme paper buried in the back of the books. Once the plastic was ripped off the paper, Willow took the stack to the laptop and plopped it down on the couch. She turned back to the room and started looking for a pencil or pen, but came up empty handed. She put her hands on her hips and eyed down the bucket of crayons the kids were using. She casually walked over to the bucket of crayons and bent over, taking a handful of the colored wax. As she made her way back to the couch, she heard someone shuffling through the crayons. "Mommy, can I have the black back?" Willow pinched her lips together and backup slowly, holding the black papered wax back to her son. Lucas happily took the crayon and thanked her, using it to color a horse in. The eighteen year old finally got back on the couch and picked up the purple crayon, set a piece of loose leaf on the table in front of her, and clicked on the link that lead her towards her calculus problems.


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Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix
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The problems seemed to be much more difficult than Willow expected them to be, but after consulting with Google and YouTube on how to do them, they slowly started to make more sense. She eventually returned her attention back to the problems she had copied down and stared at them for a few minutes. Her motivation and eagerness to carry out her normal routine was steadily deteriorating each second and she was close to giving up all together. Oh how she wished she was done school already. Just a few more months. She glanced at the laptop again, and then sighed. She had never particularly liked taking online classes, but she never regretted her decision three years ago. Lucas was worth every sacrifice she had made from then until now, and if it meant doing calculus in a mysterious mansion with a purple crayon, then so be it. She peeked over the laptop to watch the kids and saw much of the same as the last time she had. Peaceful coloring and quiet conversation. She was glad Kelsey and Lucas were getting along at least. Considering the others had gone to their first day of school, Willow assumed they would be sent to school from the mansion for the rest of the days to come, as long as they all stayed there. Her eyes dropped from the kids again to her work and she figured this was what her normal day would be from now on. She wondered what would happen after everyone got back from school. Maybe they would be allowed to have some down time, or maybe Celeste would reappear and send them on a mission. Whatever it was, Willow would find out later. Right now she had to figure out the answers to her math problems.


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Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix
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Willow ferociously scribbled on the paper she was holding until she had solved all the problems, which had taken her less time and more crayons than she had planned. She looked at the broken purple, gray, and orange crayons on the demolished sheets of scrap paper and uncrossed her legs. She straightened out the papers with her work on them and set them to the side. She looked over her other assignments, most of which were readings, and clicked the links to all of the readings. The readings seemed to be fairly short, mainly just introductions to the courses and some introductions to the material she would learn throughout the year. She didn’t stay at the computer for much longer, seeing as she didn’t care to and there were other things she could be holding. Once she felt she had read what she needed to well enough, she closed the laptop and pulled herself from the couch. That was enough school for right now. If she felt she needed to, she could just go back on later and reread everything. She just hoped she had done her math well enough. She grabbed the scrap paper and broken crayons and walked herself over to a trash can in the corner of the room, disposing of the junk and wiping her hands. Willow turned herself around and then walked over to the kids. As she approached them, Lucas jumped up to greet her, clutching onto a piece of paper. “Mommy, mommy. Look what I drew!” She smiled at her son as she took the paper and looked at the masterpiece he had drawn. Upon looking at it, she realized it was not a what, but a who her son had drawn. The picture was quite simple: two male figures holding hands, but one much smaller than the other. The taller of the two had short, jet black hair and was lanky looking, and the other, she assumed was Lucas. She couldn’t even guess who the other could be. She didn’t know any guy with short black hair. Her eyes wandered to her son and she tilted her head in confusion. “Lucas, honey, who is this?” Lucas peeked at the paper once again, and Willow sat down with the kids. Kelsey was now looking at the two of them, about as curious as Willow was. “My friend. He played with me when I couldn’t find you.” The boy chimed happily, and Willow turned the paper towards Kelsey. “Kelsey, do you know who this person is?” Greyson’s daughter stared at the picture for a few seconds and then shook her head slowly back and forth. Neither of the girl’s seemed to know who the man in Lucas’ picture was besides him. Great, she thought to herself.


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Character Portrait: Willow Harmony Phoenix
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Willow watched as the two kids swapped their crayons out for markers and returned their full attention back to the pages before them. Willow, on the other hand, sat staring at the picture her son had drawn and the mysterious man and thought about what Lucas said. When couldn’t he find her? She wracked her brain, trying to think of when she couldn’t find Lucas. The only time she could think of, at least recently, was the night before when she was briefly separated from him. How, in that time, could Lucas have met the man in the picture? Was the man in the picture even real? It could be an imaginary friend for all she knew, and for the sake of her sanity, she hoped it was. Lucas had had only one imaginary friend that Willow could think of, and he had just recently started playing with him. His imagination sure was starting to run wild. She looked at Lucas, watching as he drew a picture of another male, this time with longer brown hair and tanned skin. If she had to guess, the pink haired girl would say it was Ezra, which would make sense. Lucas was going to play with him soon and would most likely give Ezra the picture before they played together. He often did that with others, like Nathan, Remi, and Eva. Willow turned her attention to Kelsey, who was drawing roses and all other kinds of flowers. She smiled as she watched the young girl worked hard to making sure each flower was perfect and wasn’t lonely in the pictured garden. Kelsey was certainly a well behaved kid and Willow was glad she could look after her and Lucas for the afternoon. She had always wondered what having a girl would be like. Willow ran her finger through the hair on top of her head, still damp in the bun. She slid her fingers under the elastic band in her hair and undid the bun to let her hair fall out and dry faster. Her hair fell around her shoulders and ran down her back. She reached behind her neck to separate the hair in half and put it out in front on her shoulders. She combed her fingers through her hair trying to get any knots out, and the twisted the sections of hair absentmindedly as she watched the kids continue to color, her eyes periodically glancing at the picture of the man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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Whatever important thing that Greyson was doing seemed not to matter anymore, for he was in the ballroom with the rest of the people that currently reside in the house. It seemed he wasn't the only one completely confused to why he was standing here. He could have sworn he was with Remi and Talia. They were getting vague answers to some questions that they had. Remi was with him, but Talia was not. She must still be in the infirmary, which means she is still not well. That was something that was obvious. What they had managed to figure out was that she was fighting for her life. Knowing Talia, she wasn't going to let Lord Kain attempt to take her life without some sort of vigorous attempt. Greyson knows that she will be okay. She always ends up okay. His attention was pulled towards Celeste. She must have been the one that called her here. Which meant that whatever was being said was vitally important. He listened to everything she had to say. "Greyson you will lead Nathan and Camila." Training started today and he was one of the leaders. It was an honor, but Greyson didn't really feel like the leader type. Luckily he didn't have problems with either Nathan or Camila. This should not be a problem. Or at least he hoped not. Celeste disappeared and a sigh escaped him. "Guess we should start looking for the training areas." Greyson stated.


Eric was confused. First he was with Ezra in what they figured was some kind of training area and now they are in the ballroom. Everyone else was confused, so Eric felt a bit better about his confusion. He noticed Celeste and realized that she must of been the reason that they were all here at the moment. So he decided it be best to listen to what she had to say. It was a bit worrying about how powerful Lord Kain was. He was coming after them and Eric immediately started worry about Evangeline. Though he was certain she could handle herself, that was still his baby sister. His whole world could literally fall apart if anything happened to her. "Eric you will lead Damian and Matthew" Eric did not mind being a leader. He kind of wanted Evangeline, but he wasn't going to say anything to Celeste. There had to be a reason for why they were put into these groups. Celeste disappeared and Greyson suggested they start looking for the training facilities. "Actually. I think Ezra and I found it by accident." He stated, looking over at his best friend suggesting he lead them towards that area.


Evangeline was no longer in school. That wasn't the problem. It's not like she enjoyed being in school. Her dyslexia made it hard to want to go in the first place. What she was confused about was why everyone was called into the ballroom, though once she saw Celeste the confusing vanished. Eva just assumed that she needed them for something very important. And it was. It was about Lord Kain and the groups training. Evangeline was afraid to fight. Any single one of them could end up just like Talia. That wouldn't help the situation, in fact it would be really bad. "Remi you will lead Evangeline and Delaney" Evangeline was more than okay with her group. It wasn't with Damian which was all that mattered. Greyson suggested they get started and Eric and Ezra led the group toward the facility. Eva stayed close to Delaney, thinking that if she was with her Damian couldn't bother her.


School was over. Or at least it was over for Ophelia. She was standing in the ballroom with the rest of the people that currently live in the house. It wasn't like the brunette wanted to be in school, especially because she would much rather be glued to Talia's side or bothering Camila about boys or cuddling Nathan or even cuddling her kitten. Anything was better than school. But this particular reason of being called out of school was an important one. It was about Lord Kain and Ophelia listened. She hated Lord Kain with every fiber in her being. No one messes with her friends and expects to live. She was already planning the different ways to burn him alive. "Ezra you will lead Willow and Ophelia" Willow? Of all the people she could have been paired up with, it had to be the rainbow haired girl. Ophelia was not happy. Ever since she has been interested in Nathan, neither her nor Willow ever got along. Ophelia never really tried to get along with her and vice versa. Not even for Nathan's sake. It was better if they just didn't hang out. But now they were in the same group. It was going to be fun fighting her. Even though Celeste strictly warned them not to seriously injure anyone. Willow has tough skin, she should be able to take some burns. Greyson, Eric, and Ezra didn't hesitate to start the group with their training. Ophelia just wanted to face Kain and melt his face off already.


Matthew was glad to be out of school. But if his mother found out he would be in serious trouble. Celeste was the one that summoned them so it must have been serious. Matty looked around at everyone trying to figure out why they were here before Celeste told them why. Of course it was about Lord Kain and having to defeat them. But she was starting their training today. Matthew wasn't looking forward to training. He was afraid of this battle. He almost lost his best friend to this Lord and he didn't wanted to be next. Leaving his sister behind was not something he intended to do. But it wasn't up to him. The stars chose Matthew to be the one and he has to accept that. "Eric you will lead Damian and Matthew" He was completely unsure about the group, but he couldn't ask for a switch. Celeste had a reason for everything. At least he wasn't with Remi. He wasn't really happy with the constant rejection. This morning he was being nice, but Matty still would have rather he played nice elsewhere. Remi was toying with his feelings and he wasn't going to be able to take it anymore. The leaders started exercising their right to lead and lead the group towards the training areas. Matthew could honestly say that he was not ready.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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ImageTo say that Ezra was confused was an understatement. One moment he was in some sort of training room full of weapons he had never seen before, and the next he was in a large room along with everyone else. And there was that woman again. Celeste, who explained many things to them. Among those was the need to get rid of this Lor Kain figure and Ezra could not agree more. What that thing that done to Talia was not something that could be easily forgotten. Judging by the fact that she wasn't there with them, he only guessed she was still unconscious. She had to be, otherwise she would be kicking and screaming to get permission to go after the villain that hurt her. He must have done a good amount of damage. Celeste also explained how they would be starting training and Ezra smiled to himself. If he was correct, they would be training in the room Eric and him had found earlier. He was also to lead and was given two team mates, Ophelia and Willow. He had no problem with Ophelia, in fact they got along rather well because of Cami. Willow he had just met, but regardless they also got along. Not to mention he had already gotten attached to Lucas. The only worry was their relationship with each other. Ezra had no idea what state that was in. If they didn't know each other or if they were friends that would be easy to handle, but they very well hate each other and Ezra had no clue. He decided it would be best to ask Ophelia directly. He didn't know Willow well enough yet to ask such a thing, which would make it kind of rude. Eric suggested they lead everyone to the training room and Ezra nodded in agreement. They had just came from there. On the way over, Ezra thought it would be a good chance to ask. "Please tell me you and Willow don't hate each other's guts" he muttered to Ophelia, only loud enough for her to hear.


ImageCamila remained in silent confusion as everyone talked and questioned what was going on. Cami was no longer in school, which any other day would have been a reason for her to freak out over missing important classes and information, but her head was just not in it at all today. For the first time ever, she was glad to be out. It appeared that she was back at the mansion. Everyone was there with Celeste. Everyone except Talia that is. She looked at Remi, who seemed a bit calmer than before, hoping to figure out where she was. Celeste explained in detail what would happen from then on and Cami listened closely. She didn't say anything about Talia's condition. Nothing they didn't already know anyway. Cami frowned slightly to herself at the sound of the words "war" and "training". If there was anything Camila wasn't, it was a fighter. She always prefers to talk things out rather than fight, but she was convinced that Lord Kain wasn't someone you could simply just talk to and come to an agreement. Not after what he had done. Not to mention that knowing her best friend was still injured because of him gave her the teeniest motivation to kick his ass. Camila was past being sad, now she was determined. Determined to make Kain pay for what he'd done to Talia. Still, fighting and killing was not her cup of tea. And as if that wasn't nerve wrecking enough, she was put in a team with Nathan and Grayson as the leader. Never mind the fact that Cami used to have a crush on Nathan, now her current crush and the only person that could make her forget how to function as a proper human being was to be their leader. SHe let out a somewhat shaky breath as she followed everyone to the training center, which her cousin had apparently already found without permission, and decided to focus her mind on something else. She matched her pace with Remi's and smiled weakly up at him. "Did you see her?"


ImageRemi was not happy. He had finally been allowed to see his sister, and now he was taken away from her just like that. Celeste appeared before everyone once again and Remi glared half heartedly. He knew she wasn't a bad person, but he also knew she was the one that had taken him away from Talia. Regardless, he wasn't too upset, only because they were getting the chance to train and later on kick Kain's sorry ass. The blonde almost smiled, thinking about all the ways he could get revenge. No one hurt his sister and got away with it. As Celeste explained the training teams, Remi tried his best to keep his mouth shut. He had already forgotten he was one of the designated leaders, but now he was actually given people to lead. Delaney and Evangeline. He could work with that. Luckily, as far as he knew, the two of them got along just fine. Also, as far as he knew, neither of them had anything against him personally. He just hoped They were as ready and willing to fight as he was. As they headed to the training ground, Camila caught up to him. She quietly asked about Talia and Remi nodded in response. "She was still unconscious" he said plainly. There was no reason to say she was better when she wasn't. The brunette frowned at his response and he did the same. Even though Talia was his sister, Remi knew Camila and Ophelia loved her just as much as she did. "Don't you worry, we'll get Kain back for this. That you can count on". As they arrived at the training center, Remi headed straight for the weapons. If he was to lead he had to start right away. He looked at Eva and Delaney as they approached him and gave them somewhat of a smirk. "You girls ready to kick some galactic ass?"


ImageIt's as if her body was on fire. Talia had absolutely no idea where she was, or if she was even alive. One thing was certain though. She remembered what brought her here. She remembered perfectly clear. That ugly creature had dared to put his hands on her, to hurt her, and on top of that, mess up her new outfit. Dead or alive, Talia was going to kick his sorry ass to the moon. She could feel the adrenaline running through her veins, or maybe it was just the burning desire for revenge. Whatever it was, it was making her feel much better. She could hear voices, one in particular, that sounded very familiar. Remi?. She couldn't see and she could hardly hear, or make out what was being said, but that was definitely her brother's voice. He called her name several times, but she couldn't get herself to respond no matter how much she wanted to. This made her even more irritated, if that were at all possible. The voices continued to surround her for several seconds, and then all of a sudden it was quiet. No voices or sounds heard. Had she gone deaf? That would just be the cherry on top of the revenge-driven cake. Deaf or not, she had to see where she was at least. She fought harder and harder to regain her senses, and she could hear a faint beeping noise. So she wasn't deaf after all, nor was she blind she realized, as her vision slowly adjusted. She was in a white room, alone. AT least that's what she thought, until a woman appeared before her. She had never seen her before, but the woman was smiling down at her. The blonde immediately sat up, ignoring the spinning sensation in her head. "Touch me and i'll scorch you so badly your great-great-great grandparents will feel it". The woman seemed to find her threat amusing, which only added fuel to the burning hate fire. "Well you seem to be feeling better" she said in a soft tone, which for some reason annoyed Talia beyond belief. "Damn right I am! Who the hell are you? And where is that ugly bastard that dared to hurt me" Talia demanded. The woman didn't seem to know how to answer. "Forget it, where are my shoes, i'll find him myself" she attempted to get up, impatient with the woman's silence, but was stopped. "All in good time" she responded finally.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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Delaney didn’t know what had happened. She had been sitting in history class, tapping her pencil on her desk as she stared out the window when all of a sudden she turned her attention to the blackboard but it wasn’t there. Instead of sitting in a desk in front of her teacher, surrounded by classmates, she was in a ballroom, in front of Celeste, surrounded by everyone else in the mansion. She sighed quietly. She had a feeling she knew what this was about. Practically every time she had shown up one name was always mentioned. As Celeste spoke, that same name appeared: Kain. Once again, there was also little mention of Talia. She wondered how the girl was doing, and glanced at Remi. From the look on his face, he guessed not well. Celeste then disappeared and left the others alone. Eric talked about the training room, and everyone started moving. Eva was suddenly by her side and Delaney sighed again. Everything was happening too fast for her to process, and she tried to run through what was said again. They would have to fight Kain, Remi was leading a group of her and Eva to train, and now they were going to a training room Eric and Ezra had already found. Delaney barely talked as Eva and she made their ways to the room, only making room for one comment. “I don’t like this.”

They finally reached the training room and Remi went right for the weapons. “You girls ready to kick some galactic ass?” No. She wanted to run. She didn’t want to fight. But she knew she would have to. It was inevitable. Plus, fighting meant hurting Kain, the one who hurt Talia. She couldn’t say no, especially since Talia was hurt. Delaney couldn’t say no to Remi. She half smiled and nodded her head. She would have to fight eventually, so she might as well get ready for it.





Nathan was in a ballroom. He had sworn he had just been in school a few minutes earlier, but now he wasn’t and he wasn’t complaining. He would rather be out of school than in school.
He looked around and noticed everyone from earlier, and then saw Celeste. She assigned groups and Nathan looked around and found Camila and Greyson, who he was assigned to a group with. But one group in particular caught his attention: Ezra, Willow, and Ophelia. That was not good. He had his best friend and his girlfriend in the same group, bound to fight each other at some point. And it was an understatement to say they didn’t get along. He just hoped neither ended up in Talia’s position in critical condition, or whatever condition she was in. Celeste had not mentioned and no one had really asked. Nathan sighed and looked for Ophelia, who was with Ezra. Seeing Ophelia was busy, he jogged over to Willow.

Willow didn’t know what had happened, but she wasn’t with Lucas or Kelsey anymore. Instead it was Celeste and the others. She crossed her arms, slightly annoyed. Whatever they were all here for, it better be important. She still had work to do and she wondered who was caring for the kids now. Maybe it would be her muse or Greyson’s. If it was hers, she hoped she’d get to meet him or her soon. She wanted to know where hers was and if it was the man Lucas had drawn, which would make sense. “Ezra you will lead Willow and Ophelia.” Ophelia? Willow squinted her eyes at Celeste. Of all people, she had to be stuck with the rich, hothead. The person she least wanted to be near. Even Damian would be better. Ezra, she didn’t mind, even if she barely knew him. Everyone started moving and Willow realized someone was suddenly next to her. She didn’t even have to look. “What, are you gonna warn me not to hurt your girlfriend?” Her best friend laughed and shook his head. “You know me so well. I’m worried about you guys killing each other. So just don’t kill her, okay?” She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Yeah, you don’t have to worry about that. I don’t plan on killing her while you guys are an item, because if I did I’d have to hear you mope about it and then mess with your head.” Nathan shuddered slightly. He wished she was kidding, but he knew her better than that. Willow barely joked about stuff like that. “If you’re little girlfriend plans on playing with fire, then I hope she likes mind games.” Willow mumbled the last line before taking a few steps ahead of Nathan, entering the training room and leaving him behind.



He had been forced to go to school, and now he was being pulled out of class. What a joke. He leaned against the wall he was next to, and surveyed the group as everyone looked around or looked confused. He didn’t know why he was here either, but he wasn’t going to let on that he was as clueless as them. The woman from the earlier announcements, Celeste, stood before them and told the Lord Kain had even become more powerful and they would be needing to prepare for battle. He smirked slightly. Fighting Lord Kain? He didn’t think so. He loved to fight and the pain that came with it, but he knew that most of the people in the ballroom were running on raw emotions from the incident with the one girl, Talia. Lord Kain had beaten her so brutally, but she was irrelevant to him. It was quite amusing to see everyone so riled up about one man. Damian was somewhat jealous, that one man could muster up so much hatred and fear at just the mention of his name. He was not power hungry, but being recognized and known as an eminent threat, he imagined, must be a beautiful thing. “Eric you will lead Damian and Matthew.” The statement made him scoff. Him, be led by another? Absolutely not. He did things on his terms. he had been a loner all his life and he didn’t plan on that changing.

Celeste commented on people not seriously injuring one another, and he found a hint of humor in it. It had been directed at him, but there was no need for it. At least not with the training everyone would be doing together. Damian was not interested in the training. He had no desire to train with anyone. Except Eva. What the two of them would be doing is something of an experiment, to say the least. He would not be taking part in training, but the training room did sound enticing. A small peak at it wouldn’t kill anyone. He watched as everyone filed out of the ballroom and he waited a few minutes before trailing them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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Ophelia was going to go and complain about her assignment to her boyfriend, but Willow was taking up all his precious time. So she just hung back and decided not to say anything. She could just fight her during the training. Next then Ezra came next to her. Ophelia was kind of close with Ezra because of how close she was with Camila. They were practically related. "Please tell me you and Willow don't hate each other's guts" Ophelia let out a small giggle. She was trying to think of a way to explain how much she hated that pink haired girl, but she couldn't. "Let's just say that if I wasn't dating her cousin, I would have already set her on fire." She muttered back with an innocent smile on her face. Nathan knew that the two didn't like each other so he would try and keep them apart. But sometimes when they were together it was a screaming match. At one point they ended up using their powers on each other in the house. That's the only reason why they knew about each other's powers. "Don't worry. I will be on my best behavior. So long as she keeps those mind tricks to herself." She said. The group got out to the training area and Ophelia watched as the pink haired girl joined the two. The pyromaniac acknowledged her, but didn't greet her. She was just waiting for the part to where she could kick her ass.


All that mattered at this point was that Evangeline was not with her over protective brother or the psychopath. Being with her best friend was the greatest thing that could have possibly happened. Being led by Remi seemed okay. She didn't know much about him, but she did know that it was his sister that was attacked first. Evangeline believed that was he was going to be a good leader. Celeste wouldn't have assigned him otherwise. When they got to the training area, the air manipulator looked around. She was kind of nervous about what she was going to have to do. What if she wasn't good enough? What if she ends up like Talia? She just wanted to make sure that whatever happens, her brother was safe. “You girls ready to kick some galactic ass?” Remi seemed eager to get training started. Evangeline shrugged her shoulders. "As ready as I will ever be." She said. Then a question popped into her head. "What exactly is your ability, Remi?" It would be useful information to know.


Greyson did not really know much about who he was in charge of leading. He knew of them, of course, but he knew nothing about them. He did find Camila to be quite cute and he knew Nathan was dating Ophelia. That was the extension of his knowledge. He made a mental note to get to know them later. They got to the training facility and he prayed the muse would take wonderful care of his Kelsey. He waited for Camila and Nathan to come and find him. Once they did he smiled. "Hey. Ready to train?" He asked, trying to make light of this entire situation. "What are your abilities? Mine is being able to manipulate water." He said. Demonstration was unnecessary. They would see while they were training.


Eric was ready to train for the battle. He wasn't sure how he would do as group leader, but his only real job was to make sure that Damian and Matthew stayed safe. It was simple enough. Eric was able to keep Evangeline safe, despite how hard she would make it. Speaking of which, he saw that she was with Delaney and Remi. He trusted the both of them to make sure nothing happened to her. So his focus went to his own group. He didn't know either of them, but that would be fine. He could introduce himself and his ability when they all met up. Once they got to the training facility, Matt and Damian managed to find him. "Hey. Ready to kick Lord Kain's ass?" He asked, rhetorically. "What are your abilities by the way. Mine is earth." He stated, waiting for answers.


Matthew kept to himself the entire time he was on his way to the training facility. He really wanted Talia to be out here with him. His best friend was still recovering and he didn't like it. Remi was leading a completely different group so he couldn't go and talk to him. He was stuck with Eric and Damian. The group didn't sound all that bad. Eric wouldn't have been leader if Celeste felt that he was incompetent. He managed to find Eric. Immediately he greeted them and attempted to make this seem fun. Then he asked for abilities. Matthew decided to speak up first. "I can manipulate poison." He stated simply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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So Remi controlled energy, and Eva controlled air. She had known about Eva, given they were best friends, but Remi’s power was news to her. She raised an eyebrow slightly when he explained his power and seemed to demonstrate on Eva. Delaney could practically see Eva perk up more, like she was given an extra boost. Remi’s power didn't seem so bad, but being able to control something like energy seemed like it could be very dangerous if misused or used for the wrong reasons. It made her realize she was glad she could only manipulate plants. It had never seemed like a very strong power, but she didn't care about that. She turned to Remi, realizing she hasn't explained what she could do. “I can manipulate plants.” Hearing the words come out of her mouth made her seem like her powers were rather lame. She hadn't noticed before. She turned and looked at the rack of weapons next to them. She picked up a knife and clutched the handle tightly. “Do either of you know how to fight with a weapon?” The only time Delaney had held a knife was when she was in the kitchen preparing a dish. She had never held one with the intention of learning how to fight with it.



Nathan met his group in the area and smirked once he saw Greyson and Cami. He couldn't imagine how awkward Cami must feel right now, being in a group with the guy she liked. It was like the two were meant to be together. The thought of Greyson and Cami being together left something like a bad taste in his mouth but he kept his smile. He couldn't let this arrangement bother him. So what if he’s still getting over her? He had Ophelia and she was all that mattered to him. Plus, Greyson seemed like a great guy. As if on cue, Greyson spoke up, breaking Nathan’s train of thought. He had questioned what they could do, and explained that he could manipulate water. That was cool to him. Nathan always wish he had an ability he could see physically being manipulated, but with time, he could only see the effects of his manipulation. “Call me Fr. Time.” Nathan joked lightly. He looked at Cami as she said she was sound, and together, Nathan thought they had a pretty strong group. However, maybe one of the most difficult to control element wise. He wasn't sure how well Greyson and Cami could manipulate their gifts. He knew what Cami could do and had seen her play around with it before, but nothing major. Nothing like he might see today.As he thought about what was to come more and more, something struck him. The actual process of training. He could only assume none of the leaders had done anything like this before, and if they were really going to train, what was going to happen? “So, how exactly are we going to train?” He imagined himself in the gym weight training. Something told him this would be a very different experience.



Willow stood on the side of the combat zone, watching as Ezra and Ophelia walked over. Ophelia made a slight gesture to her, making it evident that she acknowledged her presence. In return, Willow gave a slight head nod. That was all the redhead would be getting, and Willow knew she wouldn't be getting anything else either. At least nothing else friendly. The next thing the hothead planned to give her was probably a fist to the face. It wouldn't surprise her, as the feeling was mutual. Willow couldn't help but be put in an even worse mood when her best friend's’ girlfriend was around. The sight of her irritated Willow. There was no other way to put it. Ezra, having noticed the tension between the two or having asked Ophelia of their relationship, started to lay the ground rules. It was pretty funny to see what he ordered: no killing each other and no killing him. It was like he knew their history. Then he invited one of them to show off, but against him. The invite was a little boring, and frankly Willow wasn't interested much in training her powers. She knew her weak point was physical combat and she would rather have a lesson on that, but it was reasonable that they were focusing on their gifts first. They would take more time to master. But she didn't accept the invitation. “Don't you think it's a little early to be inviting me in, given I only know your name?” She let the sarcasm roll of her tongue, but she couldn't help but smile a little as she spoke.



The others had entered the training area and Damian spotted his fellow “team members.” The phrase made him want to laugh. Seeing everyone in their groups made him want to roll his eyes, but he would never. There was no point in showing such emotions because of others. If they wanted to be puppies and follow orders so easily, they could. He wouldn’t object. It was their choice, stupid or not. Damian stared down Eric and Matthew for a few seconds before walking over to the wall next to them. He leaned his back against it, staring at the wall opposite of him. Eric made some half-hearted attempt at an icebreaker and then continued to question them about powers. Matthew was eager to answer, explaining his power was poison. Damian didn’t bother to answer. He knew Matthew was poison, and he knew Eric was Earth. If they didn’t know what he could do, that was on them. He was not obligated to work with them. He didn’t plan on it, so there was no need to explain himself to others. “I don’t work with others.” He said plainly, his voice as monotone as ever. After a few seconds, he drew his gaze from the wall to the eyes of the others. While he didn’t plan on working with them, he did plan to stay and observe. He wanted to check out the room and see to what extent everyone could manipulate their powers. But until. he waited for the objections and questions that were sure to follow from the two boys.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia Landers Character Portrait: Matthew Jacker Character Portrait: Ezra Vargas Character Portrait: Evangeline Newman Character Portrait: Camila Rosalli Vargas Character Portrait: Greyson Latier
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Ophelia was not looking forward to this at all. Out of the corner of her eye should see Nathan and Camila training together. How did she get stuck with Willow? It was like she was being punished. There was no way she would make it through without needing to set her on fire at least once. Ezra thought it as best that he set ground rules. The first was no killing each other. Ophelia wasn't sure if that one would be followed, but she didn't say anything. His last rule was not to kill him and the brunette giggled a bit. Ophelia would never. Not just cause he was her friend, Camila would kill her. "Who wants to show off first?" The pink haired girl eagerly piped up about how early it was to invade his mind. Ophelia refrained from rolling her eyes. There is never really a right time to invade anyone's mind. And considering it was an open invitation there was no need to worry about it. So the pyromaniac decided that she was just going to go first. Though both of them should know her abilities. Holding out her right hand she created a ball of fire. Once it was dense enough, she tossed straight ahead and it landed on the ground, dying immediately.


Remi did not mind showing off his ability. For a moment there was some silence. She was expecting an explanation for his energy power, but instead he just touched her nose. Evangeline was confused at first, but then she felt it. She had perked up. Not too much, but she felt way more energized than before. "That's cool." she said with a smile. It was like she had just had coffee. Eric doesn't let her have coffee since it can stunt growth, but if she just kept Remi around she wouldn't need it. Delaney brought up her plant power and Eva smiled. She loved the plant power. Delaney has the ability to bring about beauty. It was cool and at least her power was visible. "Air." She said. Evangeline did not demonstrate. It was self explanatory. Delaney picked up a weapon and asked if either of them knew how to fight with it. Eva shook her head. "I'm a dancer. Not a fighter." she said.


Camila can manipulate sound. Nathan can manipulate time. And Greyson could manipulate water. This was what he would consider a mixed bunch. There was no helpful way to combine their abilities and train so they needed to do something else. Greyson thought for a moment and decided that hand to hand combat would be best for now, then he could figure out how to incorporate their abilities from there. "Hand to hand combat. Then we can figure out how to mix in your powers." He wasn't sure if Camila would be okay with fighting them, but Greyson wouldn't hurt her. He highly doubting that Nathan would hurt her. She would be safe, but if she felt uncomfortable she would understand.


Matthew could work with poison. That was actually pretty cool. He was expecting Damian to say what his ability was, but all he did was go and sit away from the group. "I don’t work with others.” Eric and Matthew were both equally confused. It was as if he wasn't around when Kain almost killed Talia or when Celeste told them that Kain was after them. Matthew was a bit intimidated by him, but Eric wasn't. At all. "Well you don't have a choice. We need to protect ourselves against Kain and training with others will help." Eric said, crossing his arms. Matthew took a few steps back. If there was going to be a fight he didn't want to be in it.