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Nathan Westhouse

"Something's not right..."

0 · 194 views · located in Upper Brookfield

a character in “The Day We Die”, originally authored by pieluver, as played by RolePlayGateway


Nathan Westhouse

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[center][color=#7A378B][b][font=segoe print][size=300]Nathan Westhouse[/size][/font][/b][/color]

Nathan Michael Westhouse



Are you past life aware?:
Nate verges on awareness. His mind is often plagued with sensations of past lives, most of past deaths, but he can't quite come to terms with what his mind is telling him. The deja vu and the paranoia aren't enough yet.

Boy 4

Nathan is a quiet boy, not in that he is shy, but because he really isn't interested in other people. He does have a few friends, and he is fiercely loyal to those friends but he doesn't really associate with anyone outside his small circle. And even within his group he typically keep to himself. He might talk and laugh with them, but internally he is still distant, because he prefers isolation. He still loves all his friends and would do anything for them though, even if he typically does not divulge his thoughts or feelings on matters. He won't hesitate to sit down for a good listen if one of his friends needs someone to talk to.

While Nate does not appear to emote much, he does, just very quietly and under a few layers of skin. He is not quick to anger, at least not with his friends, and his tongue is not sharp. He is no stranger to the concept of revenge, either. Sadness follows him around, though he usually can't put his finger on where it comes from. Perhaps the lurking feeling that death is just around the corner for himself and his companions. He is very purposeful, though his emotions can trip him up and cause him to withdraw, and he usually speaks with slow deliberation. He says what he means and means what he says. He's also very focused. Especially when it comes to sports. He loves sports for the raw, silent energy they offer. It makes him feel rejuvenated and in control, something he desperately needs.

Nate also entertains a dose of apathy when it comes to most things. He doesn't feel much passion for anything other than his sports and his friends, the two things that have always been there for him. He really doesn't care what other people think about him, and he pays little attention to the future. He's a bit selfish in that regard, he typically does as he pleases, skipping school or vanishing for hours on end to dwell in his own quiet and recharge. Of course, he is a creature of habit, and he doesn't usually have surprises hidden up his sleeves. They aren't worth the effort.

Your Details:
Nate currently lives in a broken home. He lives with his mother, and his younger brother Maxwell lives with his father. When they were young, the couple mutually split up. Both children stayed with their mother for a short while, while their father moved across the country, following his job. Ultimately, upon discovering that their father was the wealthier parent, Maxwell moved in with their father and never looked back. They mother was momentarily pleased that at least Nathan had stayed with her, but her older son was only becoming more distant towards her as they days, months, and years passed them by. As a financially struggling single mother, she cannot afford to spend much on her son, but he doesn't seem to mind much. One good thing, at least. She doesn't mind that he's only just scraping by at school because she doesn't want to alienate him even more.

His friends
The forest
Feeling out out of breath
The colour green
Feeling useful
Feeling safe
Writing (He mostly writes down all the flashbacks he experiences to keep them out of his head)

Loud people
Nosy people
People who hurt his friends
Spicy food

Nate has many secrets, not because he's trying to keep them, but because he doesn't open up to people very much. So he's remained a mostly elusive person. He does have some real secrets that he will never divulge if he can help it:

The Deja vu and slight paranoia he's been experiencing. He will never tell anyone about the sneaking feelings because he thinks they mean he's going crazy.
His parents splitting up. He doesn't talk about his family at all, and he spends as much time out of the house as he can.

Nate has a lot of fears, and he has a lot of time to think about them. He most often worries about being killed, and about his friends dying. The worries are almost unconscious, and he can't really do anything about them. He's also afraid of heights.

Sexual Orientation:






Lightly muscled but obviously strong. He isn't interested in the body-builder look, he's more suited for swiftness. He mostly focuses on his speed and core strength.

While not quite slim and elegant, Nate has an air about him that is languid and disinterested. His deep blue eyes are usually half closed, his expression impassive. His hair is a battle between a brown so dark that it verges on black and a lighter brown, due to the amount of time he spends out in the sun. He usually looks a bit ruffled, as if he just rolled out of bed, and his clothes have the same look. he really doesn't care what he wears, but his mother takes a lot of time to buy and a lay out clothes for him so he looks at least a bit presentable. His face is rounded, with a soft, recessed jawline. His skin is mostly uniform, but he has an obvious tan-line where he wears a sports watch on his left wrist, but he never takes the blue band off, so it doesn't really show.

So begins...

Nathan Westhouse's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Haring Character Portrait: Amber Breth Character Portrait: Charles Hill Character Portrait: Paige Parker Character Portrait: Briton Hadings Character Portrait: Oscar Glass
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Lacey Harvelle

Lacey grinned at Amber as she showed her the note and nearly squealed. She hopped up out of her seat.

"Outfit time!" She grinned happily and motioned for the girls to come. "I can't wait! My sister and I went shopping the other day. My mom nearly killed us with all the skirts and jeans we bought." Lacey plucked out at least a twenty-dollar bill, which was probably more than what the milkshakes and fris cost. But she didn't care. She came to this diner all the time. If she paid too much this time, she usually was given something free during her next visit. "Alright, ladies. Up and at 'em. We're about to get beautified."

Lacey linked arms with Amber and Vi, tugging both girls closes to her and begging Paige with her eyes to link up with someone. This was girl time and girl time meant close time. Sure, the probability of all four of them fitting through the door was probably slim to nothing, but the attempt was always fun.

"I call shotgun," Lacey reminded them, daring Violet and Paige with her eyes to even think about going against her. They could race for it if they wanted to. Lacey was very determined, even in her play time. She glanced down at her phone as they headed for the door and released one of the girls to flip through her texts. Her phone had been on silent and her mother texted her.

We need to talk

Yeah, right. Lacey would not be caught dead alone with that woman.

Shaking that off, she glanced at the guys as they got ready to go, a look of glee on her face as it was very obvious this time that her friends were coming. Don't get Lacey wrong; she was very much aware of what had happened with Briton and promised inwardly revenge. Ryan Chaffon was actually friends with Max, as Lacey recalled. Payback's 'bout to be a bitch, she thought, eyes lingering on Briton longer than she meant to. "Okay, guys. We'll see you guys later. All of you." She made sure to add that emphasis, just to reiterate her earlier irritation with Nate. She wasn't Nate-crazy like both Vi and Amber obviously were, but she wasn't not his friend either. And damnit, he was going to spend time with all of them.