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The Fatespinners of Kimom'e

Dynan Imperium


a part of The Fatespinners of Kimom'e, by Aelandran.

You have now entered the Realm of the Imperium. Non-humans beware! You are not welcome! The purity of this land must be maintained...

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Dynan Imperium, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

194 readers have been here.


Nicknamed the Imperium (original, eh?). This kingdom is humanly driven. They survive by the rule of a royal family and lords that would inherit the kingdom should they be removed. Here, the games are politics and military might. Usually, they are combined together. The humans are brash and arrogant. Think Nazi Germany when you think of what these people believe in. They do occasionally start wars with the neighbouring kingdoms.
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Dynan Imperium

You have now entered the Realm of the Imperium. Non-humans beware! You are not welcome! The purity of this land must be maintained...


Dynan Imperium is a part of The Fatespinners of Kimom'e.

1 Places in Dynan Imperium:


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It was sunset when Elagaton laid eyes on the giant wall. It was he had to admit quite spectacular, with the sunset in the back ground. However he viewed it much like a man would view, the guillotine that was to kill him in the same light. "We will rest there in that brush for tonight. It should keep the horses from view. We will need to post a watch all night. Everyone will take a watch, the watcher must make note of guard rotations. How often they are made, how many men are on the wall. Also keep an eye out for patrols, and look for their secret gates they may use to send troops out of. I do not want to be flanked, while standing at the main gate." They organized a watch schedule, Elagaton took the first watch. They would have no fire tonight, it was cold, but necessary. Elagaton observed a couple shift rotations, and saw one patrol leave the gate. He was exhausted by the time it came to wake Haldar. After waking him, Elagaton was happy to find some rest.


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Elagaton, and Haldar rose with the sun. Genithier told them the information they had been waiting to hear. "I saw two men exit out through a hidden gate, 300m in that direction." He said pointing down the wall. "This is terrible, you can't see that area from the main gate. If the Dynan were to flank us using that gate, we would not know until they were right on top of us." Haldar looked grave as he said these words. Then Elagaton had an idea, "Well isn't it lucky for us that humans, do not bath very often?" The to elf elders looked at him in confusion. "We will wait until this gate is up wind from the main gate. I will ride Illiandrith, he can smell them coming. We will have lots of time to avoid the flank." Haldar smiled "That's brilliant... I wonder how long it will take the winds to favour our direction." They did not have to wait too long, by mid day the wind was blowing the right way. "Shall we then?" Elagaton said as he mounted his horse. Elagaton rode, while Haldar, and Genithier proceeded on foot. They would not risk their horses being killed, then crushing their legs. Haldar, and Genither stood in front of Elagaton, as they stopped just short of arrow range from the wall. Elagaton pulled out a white flag wavinging, "We seek an audience with a lord of this land." He shouted.


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Two guards from the front bridge above the gate walked over to the ledge and took notice of the new people hailing them. He waved to the guards beyond their view. At the signal, the men were mobilized and ready by the hidden exit to the lands beyond Dynan. They will never see them coming, the guard thought to himself. "Get the captain!" he shouted down to the stewards at the base of the interior.

He did not reply to the men below, nor did he pay them anymore mind. The beckoning of his captain was for formality's sake; however, any foe outside the gates wishing to parler with the King, yet stay beyond arrow range, show other intents than to be at the mercy of the hosts they are inquiring of. The captain finally arrived to witness for himself the audacity of the three elves at Dynan's front door.

"Did the scouts detect any others out beyond our view?" the captain asked, "Maybe they are distractions for an assault?"

"No sir, rangers were trailing these three since Trogdal, and the North-dwarven lands," the guard replied, "They were making haste the entire way here, and there were none others, even within a two kilometer radius."

"Fools," the captain chuckled, "I wonder what they seek to accomplish...either way, they are beyond arrow range. You know the protocols. You did not need to call me. What is the concern?"

"Sir, there are just three of them," the guard said sheepishly, "We were hoping to break the monotony of the past, I dunno, year?"

"And that, lowly guard, is why you are standing at attention on top of the gates, instead of leading an army," the captain said, "Protocols are in place to protect you and the city! Elves live for hundred of years, and their behaviour is drilled into them at an extremely young age, even for what we would consider young. They know the proper procedure, they have other intentions...
"If something changes, let me know," the captain said turning away, "otherwise, pay them no mind.
"Put the guards at ease, until something happens," the captain finished, by saying to the platoon leader, "Do not send them out until the top-gate has something to report."

At that, he began to walk away. The 'lowly' gate guard simply walked back to the front, and began to watch the three elves. At least he could get some change in the monotony, by looking upon some abominable creatures of the outside world...


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Elagaton waited on an answer from the wall. None came. Illiandith suddenly became anxious, "They are coming from that door." Elagaton frowned "I was hoping we would at least be spoken to. Maybe even a cheerful shout of DIE!" He looked at his men. "Well looks like your time for revenge has come." The men quickly, bowed their heads preparing for their rest. He put away the white flag, then opened his cloak. The royal insignia shining brightly in the sunlight. He dismounted Illiandrith "Gather the rest of your herd, and flee. Stay safe my friend. Laila will see us together again." He kissed his friend on the nose, then watched him leave. They retreated back to the edge of the forest, so the human calvary could not just ride them down. Bows in hand, they waited for the men to come upon them.


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The quick movements detailing an elf's keen and dexterous ability attracted the attention of the guard on the wall. Url (same guard as before, just forgot to name him) called back to the captain just as he reached the bottom of the stairs, "CAPTAIN! They've retreated to the forest! They've drawn bows--"
"And if we should care of three elves deciding to raid a 12 meter thick stone wall with sticks, then we should purge the ground of what little grass it had left, for fear of it cutting us," the captain interrupted mockingly, "Don't waste the ammunition..."
"But sir--" Url was interrupted again.
"Whaaaat have I dooone to deserve your contestation today?! Bloody, Url?!" the captain roared.
"But sir! There's Royalty among them!" Url proclaimed.
"What?!" the captain snapped around and stormed up to him, "Elven Royalty, at our doorstep? Given to us like a feast on a golden plate? Man the ballistas! Cover the exit of the raiding party! I will lead the men myself...our day will be glorious!
"Url! Get me my horse, and a horse for each of our warriors below. We ride to their deaths!" he laughed maniacally. (They attack when I say they attack, but right now, you have 4-6ft long bolts being fired at you)


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The elves laughed as the men shot ballistas at them. "Fools" Said Elagaton. While was ballitsa might be effective against a large target, or a troop of men who cannot move. However the 3 elf's with lots of space, and cover easily dodged them. Elagaton began picking up some of the stray arrows that were undamaged, and stuck them in the ground in front of him. "What are you doing?" Asked Haldar, from behind a tree. "Javelins" Elagaton said, Haldar and Genithier laughed. They continued to wait, until the ballistas ran dry, or the flankers got in the way.


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The captain roared behind the gates to his men, "The outfits and tactics are in order to protect them by hiding them from sight! The principle is that what their enemy cannot see, he cannot kill. This is NOT the way of the Dynan Imperium!" The army roared at the proclamation, "Our armour is bright! and Lustrous! With heraldry that proclaims each soldier's devotion to his King and Country!" The war-band roared again. "Our principle is that what the enemy can see, he will soon learn to FEAR!" At the final words, the men before him roared monstrously. Let them hear that outside, the captain thought. "WE TAKE NO PRISONERS!" The gates began to open, "SHOW THEM NO MERCY!" Another roar followed, "Give the flag!!" At that, a a flag with a golden sheen was raised. The Silver gryphon in it's center gleamed brilliantly in the sunlight.

The gates opened and 15 brilliantly full armour-clad warriors rode out with their shields and lances. The horses, were just as armour-clad as the warriors. They started a slow canter, and then began the gallop toward the forest.

From the west, and out the door, came the rangers. Swiftly running into the shade of the forest, they effortlessly ran through the terrain that they were so used to. Confident in their abilities. They were upwind of them, but that was of little consequence at this point, with so many armed knights galloping in front of them.


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"Fools, aim for the joints in the armour. Stay a few feet in the forest, so they can't run you down. Fifteen men, we will win this battle. As for the archers, I'll keep them busy." Elagaton turned towards the forest. He began to speak in the ancient language, moving his hands in odd patterns. Several seconds later a fog cloud rolled in, obscuring the archers view.


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The captain saw as the supposed prince seemed to call an unearthly fog. "Trickery of cowards!" The captain clasped a silver pendant of the gryphon in the flag. An inner brilliance surfaced, and the pendant shined with a brilliant light. The fog still remained, but the light penetrated, allowing view into the fog. "Arinthor's with us!" The horsemen reached the forest line. The ballista bolts that were setup in the ground glanced off of the horses' armour. One of the pieces of wood glanced the flesh of one of the horses' legs, but the great warhorse trekked on, practically unphased.

The targets of the rangers disappeared throughout a thick fog. From the front gates, just reaching the forest, the rangers saw the blinding light of the Arinthor pendant that the captain was utilizing. Waving his men, they faded into the brush, one with the terrain. The blinding light will protect their flanking from the rear. These men would not escape. They will meet steel in one direction, and the Imperium's arrows in the other.


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Elagaton almost smiled as the enemy peons, fell into perfect place. At long range the elven arrows would do nothing against heavy cavalry. In the tight confines of the forest however, the arrows would go straight through a breastplate. As they passed, he waited for the last man in the line to pass him. Then all three elves fired three quick arrows into the back of their targets. They aimed at the joint in the helmet, and breastplate. Their arrows fired true, three men were left to bleed out on their horses. There was confusion among the enemy ranks, as the attack was a surprise. They were quickly able to locate the elves, but not before the three loosed another barrage. Two more men clutched their throats, trying to breath through what was left of their neck. The men began to realize their stupidity quickly, as their lances were too long to manoeuvre in the forest. They realized their fault, but the time stuck cost them, as the elves loosed another volley. Now only seven cavalry were remaining, they charged with short swords. The elves were forced to split up, using the trees to keep out of the path. Diving, and rolling to get out of the swing of swords, the elves managed to escape the charge. Haldar had a gash on his shoulder, but it would not hamper him. While the cavalry turned around to make another pass, the elves raised their bows. Waiting for the men to straighten out, they fired. Four men were left, Elagaton began to think of other possibilities for his future.


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The captain roared as his men fell to the elves before them. The cowards and their trees! he thought. He roared to his men in High Dynan, "Swords!" At which, each rider left dropped their lances and took out their swords. "Dismount!" The men then proceeded to dismount. Despite the bulkiness of their armour, they were able to dismount with some dexterity. Although they were trained to be able to, the armour itself was quite maneuverable. The captain then raised and waved a flag for reinforcements

The rangers were finally in position behind the elves, with their hand language, the rangers signaled, "Line-up your shots, men. Loose on my mark." His hand was in the air. Despite their nearly flawless camouflage in the foliage, one of the rangers had an awkwardly stuck-out branch, which pulled out the wool slightly from his body. (You can see this, Elagaton, and know they are there. However you also see the "*"'d comment)

*Half-way in between the rangers and their intended targets, Elagaton and his men can see, if they cared to look, what seems to be something like the haze you get on the highway from heat. It is coming up about 4 feet from the forest floor. The ground beneath it is beginning to decay. Within 2 rounds (12 seconds, and not including this round), a radius of about 75 feet is going to be completely decayed. This will stop right in front of both Elagaton's and the rangers' group. On the other side, the same thing is happening behind the unhorsed riders.*


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Elagaton quickly shifted the fog cloud between his men, and the archers. While Haldar, and Glenithier shot the two men flanking the captain. The three elves quickly changed their positions under cover of the thick fog. However the archers let a volley of arrows go anyhow. Elagaton was struck in the chest, and lower abdomen. He dropped to the ground, hitting his head on a rock. Haldar whistled for the Illiandrith, the loyal horse came running. Meanwhile they loosed arrows at the archers, hoping to keep them in cover. Haldar hoisted Elagaton, on to Illiandrith's back. "This is not his fight Illiandrith, see him and our horses back to the town. Now fly." Haldar said in sylvan. The horse took off riding as smoothly as only a woodland horse could. The three horses rode swiftly avoiding danger.

Tales say Haldar, and Glenithier fought valiantly, killing many a score before they were killed.