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The Feed

The Feed


The Feed, A feast to die for.

1,126 readers have visited The Feed since Wolfheart created it.


A private RP by desire99600 & Wolfheart

The Feed


The Plot

Vampires are immortal, beautiful, mysterious…in media they are almost looked at as hero’s as sexual beings. Though no one really believes that they actually exist.

But they do…

Every ten years the Vampires hold what is called The Feed. It is a gathering of all inhuman creatures that feed off of humans. Vampires, Werewolves, Succubus, Incubus, and Demons…The Feed is a type of offering, it is held to keep peace between the races. The Vampires select a few hundred humans, with the best blood and lure them to a hidden under ground coven, they are stripped of everything and washed in cold water, they are dressed in a white gown and strapped down to a sacrificial stone table, where twice a week the creature gather round and feed from the humans. The humans are kept hydroid and The Feed lasts a whole month, by the end of the month if the human is not dead they are executed.

The Feed is done slowly to ensure that the creatures enjoy their selves and so they may talk amongst each other and keep the piece.


Fresh out of high school, all they want to do is enjoy their high school graduation gift, a trip paid in full by their parents to Pairs, France. Unfortunately them their vacation isn’t going to go as planned, when they meet the young and alluring Demetrio their dream vacation turns into from a Daydream to a Nightmare, when they realize they have been lured down to The Feed. But hope may not be lost just yet, it seems as though they might get help, only time will tell.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Ezio August
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The mornings early beams of sunlight crept into Amarius’ room and onto his face. He opened his eyes his face started to sting. He pulled the covers over his head as he started to drift back to sleep. Before hear a loud giggle followed by a sudden pile of weight on his chest causing him to lose his breath for a moment but he didn’t even flinch or grunt like a normal human would, he stayed still as if he was lifeless. The little body giggled again and in a flash he was out from under the covers and standing beside the bed he had just been laying in. The little girl that had jumped on his stomachs mouth dropped surprised before her tiny pale lips formed into a smirk.

“Mar mar, your silly!” the little girl chirped happily. She was no older than five and she was practically a spitting image of Ezio. She was the product of his father’s most recent love affair and Ezio loved her to death. There was no telling how many half siblings Ezio had, his father had been with so many women; Humans, demons, vampires, even a werewolf once or twice. But, Abigail was the only one he knew of, mostly because his father was still with Abby’s mother at the moment, though he was sure that would be ending soon.

Ezio cocked his head to the side looking at the little girl as if she were his next meal, though there being a more playful look behind his eyes. “What are you doing up this early missy?” he asked in a big brother tone, noticing she was fully dressed and by the looks of outside it was only about six am.

“The collectors are coming to get there singnments. Daddy says you has to get up!” she said jumping off his bed and wrapping her arms around his leg in a cute little hug, he was a giant compared to her. She ran out in a flash hearing her mother’s voice calling her. “Shit!” he whispered to himself as he searched his haphazard room for clean shirt. He grabbed a black one slapping it over his fit torso. He ran his fingers through his golden locks ruffling it a bit as he quickly made his way through his father’s beach side mansion. The sun burned his skin as he passed through the living room, his step-mother having all the windows open, he shielded his face as he passed through, he was in a hurry, he should have been up hours ago to help his father. The collector meeting was almost as big a deal as The Feed itself. There was a group of ten skilled collectors, they were the ones who kidnapped or lured the unlucky humans to the feed. Ezio rushed down the hundreds of stairs that lead down to the massive coven under is father’s mansion where the feed was held. He was finally able to pull his arm away from his face.

The farther down he went the darker and colder it got, it was practically a cave. When he finally reached the bottom floor the sacrificial tables where already ready for The Feed, the white gowns where placed on the tables. He made his way through the maze of stone tables until he reached the meeting room. He opened the door hoping to sneak in though his father shot him an agitated look as all the collectors already sat at the table listening to his father’s opening speech. Ezio rolled his eyes and took a seat next to Demetrio.

“Nice of you to join us Amarius.” His father spoke in his deep, dark tone.

“Sorry, forgot.” Marius replied dryly.

His father continued giving each collector their quote, gender and age group. Finally coming to Demetrio. “Last but not last, Demetrio, you’ll be targeting females 17-21, we need 50 to 75 five this year.” He said jotting something down.

Ezio hated this damn meeting, he wasn’t even a collector, but his father was convinced he would take over The Feed one day. Ezio of course wanted no part in it.

“Alright, everyone has their quotas to fill, you have a week, 3 hours, and twenty minutes. Better get started.” He smirked and with that the meeting was over. Ezio stood to leave “Son, stay.” His father hissed in a low voice only Ezio could hear.


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Character Portrait: Caine Giovanni
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Caine woke with a yawn, stretching his arms up above his head. His shades threw slanted lines of sunlight across the room, one of those rays falling right across Caine's eyes. He hissed, and shot the shades a dirty look, as if it would help. They wouldn't close all the way, so, everyday, when the sun was in a certain spot, they woke him up just like this. The bad part? His sleep was inturrupted early, even on weekends. The good part? They worked as an alarm clock, so he didn't have to replace the one he broke a few months ago.

A soft, sleepy moan came from the sheets next to him, and a small arm stretched across him. Caine turned his head. A motion that hurt, due to a pounding migraine. He's been out last night, at a club, and picked up a girl. Unfortunately, he'd also had a little too much to drink. He sighed and sat up, careful not to wake the girl, rubbing his eyes to clear the last bits of sleep fog from them, before standing and stretching himself out. Once his muscles were loose, he got dressed, got himself a hot cup of coffee, took some headache pills, and came back into the bedroom.

By now, the girl was up. Small, brunette, pretty, and a head full of air. "How about we go somewhere today Caine? Maybe spend the whole day together?" She asked, coming close and curling up against his side as he sat on the edge of the bed. He rubbed the back of his neck, already regretting what he was about to do, but unable to help it. He was hungry, and the girl's blood was sweet smelling. He hadn't eaten anything in days. Caine usually tried to hold off feeding until the last moment. That way, he didn't waste more life than necessary.

He turned his head to her, with a wonderfully charming grin, despite his inner guilt. One thing about having an incubus as an adoptive father and a succubus as an adoptive mother, was that, even if you weren't their true son, they taught you all they knew about seducing mortals. Caine was an expert, and he didn't even need powers. She looked up at him, hope in her eyes. She knew what kind of guy he was, the "show you to the door the next morning", kind, yet, his smile had suggested that he was up for spending the day with her. Will I be the one he changes for? Her thoughts ran through his mind, happy and excited, though he didn't need his mind reading ability to know what she was thinking. It was all over her face.

"Sure." He smiled, leaning towards her. "How about some breakfast first?" He closed his mouth over hers, kissing her. She giggled, missunderstanding what he meant, and kissed back, throwing her arms around his neck.

His kisses moved along her collarbone, to the pulse on her neck. It was there, just under his lips. Her blood, beating, flowing. Unable to contain it, he sunk his teeth into her throat and drank. She didn't even know what had happened before she was dead.

When she was drained, Caine pulled away and wiped his lips. "Sorry babe." He said, pushing the bloodless corpse back. "Gotta do, what you gotta do." With that, he placed a hand over the girl's still heart, and drew her soul. He was a reaper, meaning that the souls of sinners belonged to him, and it was his job to, either send them to hell, or allow them to roam the earth as ghosts. Neither was a happy thing, but being a ghost was less.. painful than Hell. Being a spirit made you empty, hollow, and uncomfortable for the rest of eternity, the only things you are permitted to feel being misery, pain, hunger, cold, anger, jealousy, and sadness. Nothing positive for an eternity. However, in Hell, you became a tortured slave to the devil. So, for the victims he himself deceived and killed, Caine gave the souls a choice. Something that none of the others got.

With the girls soul floating before him, a small, softly glowing orb of mist, he held out both hands, palms up, presenting the choice. The right hand being Hell, the left, roaming as a spirit until the end of time. She chose Hell, and floated until hovering over his right hand. With that, he closed his fist around the orb, and it dissipated, damned to Hell.

Sighing, Caine stood and left the room. Outside, he caught up with Elaine, his father's favorite servant. "Clean the body in my room." He said simply, with a sort of weariness to his tone. He was tired of being forced to kill, and then having to send his own victims off to a fate worse than death. However, it was best no one know that. Elaine would dismiss it, seeing as it was early, and she would figure that he was just tired from lack of sleep, but he had to be more careful. Not everyone would overlook it, and what would the immortals do to a Reaper who didn't want to do his job anymore?

He went down the hall, passing his parent's rooms, and walked into the kitchen, where his father was sitting at the table, doing paperwork, his mother sitting on his lap laughing and telling jokes as he worked. His adoptive parents were pretty much attached at the hip. If one was near, you knew the other was around somewhere. Upon entering, his parents, the former Reapers, looked up. "Caine, how nice of you to join us." His father said sarcastically. His parents were early risers, and, as such, had probably been up for hours. Caine just shrugged and refilled his coffee. "The first part of the Feed starts today." His father said, growing suddenly serious, and his mother's laugh died. "The collecting. You'll be there this year. If I catch you trying to skip out again, I'll kill you. You have a job to do. You're just as important as the Collectors."

Caine had no doubt his parents would make good on that threat. They were one of the few immortals who could actually kill him. They, unlike so many other immortals, were older than him. 2,000 is not an easy age to reach. It was a miracle he'd managed it. His parents, were in the 10,000's. The two of them had long-since retired from their jobs as Reapers, but that didn't mean they weren't still of extremely high status.

Caine just shrugged, and rolled his eyes. He hated The Feed. Too many souls to collect. Lives that didn't have to be wasted, if only the immortals could learn to get along peacefully without the horrible event. He turned to face his father, a flicker of defiance in his eyes. His father caught it and stood. "Clarise, out." He said, ordering his wife from the room, standing. Caine recognized the look in his adoptive father's eyes. He was about to show his son who still held the power.

"Save it." Caine said, holding up a hand, and draining his coffee into the sink. "I'll be there."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remy Winters Character Portrait: Colette Hilton
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Colette walked into her hotel room and threw her suitcase onto one of the two beds. She ran over to the sliding-glass door, and threw it open, stepping out on the balcony, taking in the veiw. "Paris!" She breathed, turning to look at her friend with an excited grin. "Oh, you have no idea how much I need this trip." She said, running her fingers through her hair, and coming back into the room. Finally. A break from her stressful life at home. She just hoped Milly was fairing okay without her. She'd practically raised her little sister, and had never spent more than a day away from her. If her father had one of his breakdowns while she was gone, would Mil be able to handle it on her own? He'd assured her he wouldn't. Promised her that he was feeling better, but Coley couldn't be positive. He'd said that before... Still. A trip around Europe with her best friend was something she couldn't say no to, no matter what might happen.

She moved to her suitcase on the bed, and threw it open. "Let's unpack as quickly as possible." She said with a mischievous smile. "I want to go sight seeing. And I don't just mean buildings. I'm talking about some of these Paris boys too." She laughed lightly. "Maybe we'll find a couple that speak a little English."

Coley threw her clothes from her suitcases, into her dresser and closet, haphazardly. She'd never been the neatest person in the world, despite her put-together-and-pretty exterior, the real Cole was quite a mess, and her excitement about getting out to the city only made this worse.

Sorry Colette's is so tiny -.-


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remy Winters Character Portrait: Colette Hilton
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Remington threw her purple and black suite case on her bed giggling as her friend threw the balcony door open. In all honesty she couldn’t believe they were here sure they had been talking about this trip since the middle of senior year but talking about it and actually being here were two different things. She walked out on the balcony next to her friend. Their hotel room had the most amazing view of the Eiffel Tower. The view was breath taking and in all honesty Remy never saw herself doing something like this, being somewhere like this, she had never had a charmed life. "Let's unpack as quickly as possible." Coley said with a mischievous smile. "I want to go sightseeing. And I don't just mean buildings. I'm talking about some of these Paris boys too." She laughed lightly. "Maybe we'll find a couple that speak a little English." Remy’s best friends voice brought her from her thoughts.

She hadn’t even realized that she had gone back inside the hotel room. “Maybe will learn how to really French kiss.” Remy smirked playfully “I say we hit the clubs up first!” she said pulling her phone out and instantly searching for clubs. “Perfect.” She said excitedly “Anges Dans L'amour is the most popular underground rave club in Paris, France. “ She said excitedly reading from her phone “It opens at eight pm, which is in about two hours! We have to be there, I don’t care if we have to sneak in, you should read the reviews on this place.’ She said as she skimmed over them herself.

She dug through her suite case before pulling out a short black leather and blue sparkly dress. “Besides the only place I’m getting away with wearing this beautiful piece of work is here, Booker would kill me if he knew I even bought this.” She smirked having to hide the dress from her over protective brother when she packed it. “So what do you say sista, I can’t party without you.” She smiled.


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Character Portrait: Ezio August
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Amarius wasn’t looking forward to listening to his old man’s speech about being responsible and taking The Feed seriously, he heard this constantly I mean his father ran the damn thing. He rolled his eyes as he sat back down the meeting table and waiting for his father to speak. “Marius I know you’re not going to want to hear this, but there’s been a change this year for The Feed.” his father began sparking a small interest in the hybrid. His bright eyes sparkled as he waited for his father to continue, listening carefully. “Your grandfather has decided that you is going to take part in The Feed this year. Which means, it will be more brutal.” He said as he took a large drink of his scotch. “I expect that you will hold your tongue and respect any of his wishes.” He finished.

Ezio frowned deeply his eyes becoming angered “Let me get this straight, your allowing that monster, the Devil himself, Lucifer, to partake in this already gruesome event. What the fuck is wrong with you. Have you lost your mind.” He raised his voice something he rarely did to his father “So your taking more lives than normal, making them suffer a more horrifying death.” He shook his head “Amarius Ezio August lower your tone at once.” his father’s voice boomed like thunder throw the meeting room, but Ezio didn’t flinch, his father could strike fear into anyone, his father had the power to take any immortals life, but Ezio had grown up with the man, he wasn’t scared of him. “Mom would really be proud of you, oh but you forgot everything you had with her a long time ago.” His voice was full of hatred towards his own father. He got up leaving the room without another word he could hear his father calling after him, but he didn’t stop or turn around.


It had been a few hours since he had fought with his father and he sat in the corner of a darkened pub in the older part of Paris a pub he went to quite often. It was dark and cold, the walls a blood red making the bar that much darker. He watched the waitresses as they took orders and the guest laughing and carrying on, anyone of them could be lured, anyone one of them could be the next person he would have to Feed off of at the Feed. It sickened him to think of that, he felt bad for the mortals. His eyes were glassy as he hammered down the rest of his Vodka. He lit a cigarette and took a long toxic smoke filled drag, letting the smoke feel his lungs before he blew it back into the already smoky, dark atmosphere. The next month was going to be hell for those unlucky victims, he thought as he took another drag of his cigarette.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remy Winters Character Portrait: Colette Hilton
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As Coley unpacked, she listened to her best friend talk. “Maybe will learn how to really French kiss.” Remy said with a smirk, and Cloe laughed lightly, shooting her friend a mischievous grin. “I say we hit the clubs up first!” Her friend said, just as Cole had finished unpacking. She kicked her suitcase under her bed and flopped back onto it, hands under her head as she stared up at the ceiling, listening to Remy talk, but also letting reality sink in. She was here. In France. With the one person in the whole world that never expected anything but herself from her. And there was no stress. No problem to solve. No one to pretend for. It seemed unreal. “Perfect.” Remy said, yanking Cole from her thoughts. She turned her attention back to her friend, rolling on her side. “Anges Dans L'amour is the most popular underground rave club in Paris, France. It opens at eight pm, which is in about two hours! We have to be there, I don’t care if we have to sneak in, you should read the reviews on this place." Coley grinned.

"Screw sneaking in, the legal drinking age in France is eighteen, I think." She knit her eyebrows and pulled out her own phone, suddenly wanting to know, she looked it up as her friend dug through her suitcase and pulled out a slinky black and blue dress. "Yep, eighteen." She confirmed, just as Rem pulled out her dress.

“Besides the only place I’m getting away with wearing this beautiful piece of work is here, Booker would kill me if he knew I even bought this.” She said, and Coley nodded in agreement.

"Oh, he'd do more than kill you."

“So what do you say sista? I can’t party without you.”

"Remy, it's like you don't know me." She teased, a mischievous gleam in her eye. "Have I ever turned down a chance to party?" She moved to her things, and began rifling through them for something to wear, smiling.


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The girls got ready for the club, they took the whole two hours prepping and preparing for a night of Paris fun. They head out on the town the city of Paris was lit up, Remy knew now why they called it the city of love. It was beautiful and romantic. They made their way down the cobble stone streets ending up right out front of the popular club, though a line that stretched around the block was already formed outside the swanky night club and the music blared from inside “No way in hell were waiting in this line, time to put our good looks and charm to the test.” She smirked grabbing her friend’s wrist as she marched up to the bouncer. “soir chérie, pourquoi ne pas vous laisser mon ami et moi dedans, c'est notre première fois ici, à Paris, et bien vous comprends bien? “ she spoke the language as if she had been speaking it her whole life, but the truth was she had started learning the language the moment she found out she’d be coming.

She pouted her bottom lip a bit and the bouncer looked over her and then Coley before sighing and opening the rope to let them in, Remy could her the irritation of the others who waited in line, but she could care less, all she wanted to do was dance the night away with her best friend, and that’s exactly what they were going to do.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remy Winters Character Portrait: Colette Hilton
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When Coley was done getting ready, she looked herself over from head to toe in the mirror to make sure she didn't forget anything. Her hair was curled into soft, bouncy ringlets that hung down to her hips, her eyelashes full and dark, and her eyelids painted with a thick coat of silver glitter, sparkling every time she blinked. She smiled at her reflection and slipped into her party dress, a tight, short black spaghetti strap dress. The straps were made of small silver crystals, and the top part of the dress, ending just under her chest was completely covered in larger crystals. The swooped low, revealing the tiny date tattoo between her shoulder blades. Underneath the dress, she wore a pair of thigh-high lace tights, and on her feet, a pair of glittering silver heels. She was ready for a night out with Remy in Paris.

After appraising herself, and sticking her few essentials from her purse into her bra, she went out into the room to find Remy fully ready. Cole laughed lightly and whistled. "Hot." She smirked, before they left.

Once at the club, Coley frowned at the long line. “No way in hell were waiting in this line, time to put our good looks and charm to the test.” He friend said, and she smiled mischievously as she tugged her right up to the front of the line. Coley raised her eyebrows, impressed with her friends French, before giving the man a pleading look.

He looked the two of them up and down before letting them in, and Coley stepped in immediately before he changed his mind, ignoring the sounds of protest behind her.

Inside, the music pulsed, and she grinned, slipping an arm around her friend's waist, and pulling her in so she could hear her. "Dance first, boys first, or drink first?" She asked, loudly over the sound of the music.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Colette Hilton
Character Portrait: Ezio August
Character Portrait: Remy Winters
Character Portrait: Caine Giovanni


Character Portrait: Caine Giovanni
Caine Giovanni

"There have to be better ways to keep peace than The Feed."

Character Portrait: Remy Winters
Remy Winters

"Perfection is somthing you work towards, unless of course you've achived it already!"

Character Portrait: Ezio August
Ezio August

"Immortality is a curse not a gift."

Character Portrait: Colette Hilton
Colette Hilton

"Trust me. I'm not someone you want to be messing with, sweetheart."


Character Portrait: Caine Giovanni
Caine Giovanni

"There have to be better ways to keep peace than The Feed."

Character Portrait: Ezio August
Ezio August

"Immortality is a curse not a gift."

Character Portrait: Colette Hilton
Colette Hilton

"Trust me. I'm not someone you want to be messing with, sweetheart."

Character Portrait: Remy Winters
Remy Winters

"Perfection is somthing you work towards, unless of course you've achived it already!"

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Character Portrait: Remy Winters
Remy Winters

"Perfection is somthing you work towards, unless of course you've achived it already!"

Character Portrait: Ezio August
Ezio August

"Immortality is a curse not a gift."

Character Portrait: Colette Hilton
Colette Hilton

"Trust me. I'm not someone you want to be messing with, sweetheart."

Character Portrait: Caine Giovanni
Caine Giovanni

"There have to be better ways to keep peace than The Feed."

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