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The Forgotten Plane

The Forgotten Plane


a part of The Forgotten Plane, by Oblivian.


Oblivian holds sovereignty over The Forgotten Plane, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

459 readers have been here.


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The Forgotten Plane is a part of The Forgotten Plane.

5 Characters Here

Ren Keller [15] "I'll help you get away from them, but don't go thinking that we're friends."
Aileena Barton [15] "Life is like a checker board, though it's hard to determine if we're playing chess or checkers."
Akane I. Mizushima [11] "Leave me alone. Just because I spoke to you just now doesn't mean that you can do whatever you like."
Alexander Shaw [1] "You think life is all fun and games? Let me enlighten you on how things are around here."
The Jackson Twins [0] "Wanna play pirates?"

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Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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The cities have been one of the main areas people that had Faded Away gather, the concentration of people seeming to draw those that have lost their existence to appear. One such person that has long since lost their existence laid on a bench near the park area, a black cloak being used as a blanket as he face covered by the cloak's hood.

A new day had just started, but one could sometimes never even notice when one ended or started if it wasn't for the bothersome shine of the sun falling on their face. Ren awoke from that very light, having rested on a bench as the silent movements of the people around him from the original plane pass him by. It wasn't a bother to sleep on the street here, since no one even notices you even around. Sitting up straight, he raises his hands against his face underneath his dark hood, rubbing his eyes. Letting out a deep sigh, he stood up, looking around for any sign of someone that wasn't ignoring his existence around him.

" least no one bothers you like this..." He mutters to himself, attempting to say something positive about the situation. He had been starting to do that in order to make it all seem less depressing for about a year now. It helped a bit, but the fact that one no longer even existed among other people would still get to them. "Well better get moving.." He mutters to himself once again as he starts walking along with the crowd of people that fazed past him. It helped him in avoiding getting caught by any Outcast members in acting like he was part of the crowds. Luckily it was a weekend and a number of people were gathering in the park. The perfect chance to try and slip out of the city in hope of not getting detected by an Outcast, or, even worse, get tracked down by a hungry Lost One. Little did he know that on this morning, his life of traveling on his own in the Forgotten Plane were going to change.

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Character Portrait: Aileena Barton
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Aileena opened her bright green eyes and looked around. Nobody else was around, because she had spent her night perched in a tree. She had been awakened by the sun, its light finally reaching her after numerous futile attempts. The leaves could only provide so much shade from the light, not she minded much. After all she was still an innocent little kid at heart, it was what made her the key to lightness.

The red head yawned a bit before jumping down out of the tree. She was about a twenty minute walk from the nearest city. As much as she loved people, she knew that she couldn't help all of them. The Lost Ones and possibly the Outcasts were beyond hope. Don't give hope yet. If they don't have you, who will they have? a small voice said inside of her. The teenager reached into her small drawstring bag and pulled out Aneelia, her doll. She wasn't sure if she'd had her during her short time in the Original Plane or if she had found her by chance here in the Forgotten Plane. No matter how or where, it was comforting to have somebody around with her who wouldn't use her, only remind her of the possibilities and help her strive to become better.

Unsure of what day it was, she was at a loss as to whether or not she should risk traversing into the city. Though she had come across some before, the most notable one being Philadelphia, she preferred small suburban towns to the bright lights and constant memories of the other plane. It confused her as to why one would stay close to home, mourning what was lost in the first plane. It would be so depressing and dreary, no wonder people became Lost after they had Faded.

Sighing, she closed her eyes and sat at the base of the tree, looking at the basic terrain around her. "Do you think there is something more than here, Aneelia?" she asked her dear doll, whom also served as a sort of second self to her. "If there is, I hope I get there eventually."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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Walking along the path he was taking, trying his best to blend into the other people that were of the original plane, his attention turned to a girl underneath a tree, talking to a doll. It wasn't something he would see often, believing it was another person that couldn't see him from the original plane. Watching her from underneath his hood, he wondered what she was doing with a doll. His attention still drawn to her, stopping in his tracks as the people around him began to walk through him now, giving away his disguise within the crowd. "What's...this feeling?" He muttered quietly as he watched, noticing a strange warm feeling from her that he couldn't identify. But his caution in getting to close to people kept him from even taking a step toward her as he silently watched her from the nearby path with all the people from the other plane fazing through him.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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The sun felt warm against her dead skin, its living qualities filling her and awakening her even more. The day was so much lovelier than the night in her opinion, though during the night there were less of the original plane residents milling around. She sometimes felt awkward about being able to see their every moves, when they would never be able to see her or really even know that she existed.

Speaking of existence, there was an overly concentrated soul near by. Aileena turned to see a dark figure in a hooded cloak watching her. She stood up and tucked her doll away in her back pocket. She began to approach him, though she was prepared to alter the light around her in order to render herself invisible. "May I help you?" she asked as she came nearer to the boy. She could feel mixed emotions coming from him, a contradiction of light and dark. What exactly that meant though would be determined by his words and actions, as no two people on the Forgotten Plane were exactly the same.

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Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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"May I help you?"

The second she spoke back, he suddenly gasps. She wasn't part of the original plane, she was in this one with him! Realizing that he was spotted, he suddenly darted off, running toward the tree area of the park. He couldn't take the risk of being seen. If she was part or sided the Outcasts, they would be all over the area in seconds if she knew who he was.

As he kept running, he would peer back, seeing f she was giving chase or stayed behind.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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Akane sighed, staring at the blank piece of music manuscript paper lying on her lap. Sitting in the shadow of a tall cypress, she had been trying to write music for the past hour, but nothing would come to her. She hummed tunelessly to herself, trying to find a melody that would suit her, but the effort was fruitless. There was something weird in the air today - Akane could feel it.

I'll try again later. Perhaps it'll get better, she thought, standing up and shoving the sheet of paper into her bag. As she prepared to leave, however, an unusual sight caught her eye.

A boy was running in zigzagged lines toward her. He had a strange expression on his face. He looked scared, yet determined and angry at the same time, somehow. Akane watched him for a minute, wondering what he was running from. There wasn't any danger, as far as she could see, yet the boy kept glancing over his shoulder as though some invisible enemy were chasing him.

Too late, Akane realised that the boy was heading in her direction. She tried to move out of the way, but was too slow. The boy, preoccupied with glancing over his shoulder, hadn't noticed her. He collided with her and both fell. The impact flung Akane a short distance away, hitting her head in the process. Lying on the ground, Akane frowned. Why does this scenario seem so familiar?

Suddenly remembering the boy, she sat up. "I'm so sorry!" she apologised quickly. "I was a little preoccupied... I hope you aren't hurt?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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Aileena was a bit dismayed as the boy suddenly turned and ran away from her. She looked around, trying to see if there were an Outcasters near by. Seeing nothing suspicious, she decided to pursue the boy, but she knew to keep her distance and not go rushing blindly into who knows what. She looked around her a bit, then began to match her movements with someone headed in the same direction. Given that she was invisible to the ones on the Original Plane, it was rather easy for her to slowly fade out of sight.

The light that was reflecting off of her was instead given a rather normal appearance and only if one looked very closely would they notice slight movement as she continued to follow the strange boy. Oh, the advantages to being able to render yourself invisible.

Eventually she caught up and found that he had run into another girl. They both fell from the impact, causing Aileena to jump out of the way so that her presence wasn't revealed quite yet. She was quite interested in who these strangers were and one the first one she'd come across had run off. The last time she checked, she didn't look too terrible. Maybe her red-orange hair just resembled a demon or something, though she would hate to be compared to such a mean creature.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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0.00 INK

Running into another girl, he stumbles back, managing to avoid falling onto his but as he looks ahead at the girl. "Dang it.." He mutters as he get's defensive, lifting his arms as he expected a sort of fight. But when she started apologizing, he realized it wasn't what he thought. "No I'm..fine..." He replies, carefully looking at her as her as he examines her a bit. "Your...not an Outcast...are you?" He asks, still remaining a safe distance. He had be chased for far to long, so to him there was a high chance she was still working with them since many are.

As he asked the girl this, some rustling in some bushes a bit behind them began to move, slowly but surely giving the sound of something moving and slowly getting closer to where the other girl that was hidden was at.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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0.00 INK

Aileena mentally slapped herself for not being quieter- and walking straight into a bush. At this rate, she would be captured in no time. This is what you get for coming into a city and trying to help people. Next time, stick to the suburbs. She quieted her breathing and slowly retreated away from the spot she had been standing at before reappearing quickly, as if she had always been visible to them.

Stepping out from behind the bushes, she looked at Ren from the side. "May I help you?" she asked, repeating her original question and wondering if he would run off again this time. Aileena glanced at the other girl, smiling and waving to her before turning her attention back to Ren.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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"You're not an Outcast, are you?"

Akane stared at the boy. Vaguely, she remembered something about the many Outcasts, and the strange things they did. She wasn't one of them, so...

"No, I'm not an Outcast," she replied. "Why would you think so, though?"

At that moment, a girl with fiery red hair stepped out from the bushes nearby. "May I help you?" she asked the boy. She smiled and waved at Akane. Confused, Akane waved back. Something weird's going on. I knew there was something in the air today.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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Ren looked back at the girl from before, stepping to the side as he looks at both of them at a time. "Your..both..not Outcasts then?" He asks cautiously, still hard to trust since almost everyone he's met has had some ties with them. Keeping his guard up a bit, his attention turned to something else as some movements in the bushes nearby grew louder. At the sight of something lunging from the green, he lunges at the red haired girl, knocking her to the ground just as a black four legged beast just barely missed her. With the appearance of a large hair-less black wolf, the beast lands between them two and the other girl he bumped into, turning it's back to the girl as it drools, looking at Ren and the red haired girl.

"Lost One!" He says as he gets up with the red haired girl by her hand as pulls her along. "Run!" He tells the two of them as he darts through the trees with the creature giving chase.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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The red head was happy to see that the other girl waved back to her. But then she found herself being tackled by the dark haired boy. Aileena looked up to see a large, dark, lumbering beast looking down at them as if it had just found a snack. She gasped before she was pulled to her feet by the boy.

Her hand instantly went to her back pocket, making sure that Aneelia was still in her back pocket. Relieved that she was she started to run as apposed to being half dragged by the guy. She looked behind her to see the creature still giving chase. Since when had Lost Ones inhabited cities?! She tore her hand away from the boy's and began running a seperate way, hoping that it would chase after her and leave the others alone. If she got lucky she would lose it long enough to make it appear as if she was never there.

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A tall blonde boy walked down the street of a city of moderate size. His stride was long because of his above average height. The boy wore long and slim black dress pants along with a white button up shirt that had the top button loose, revealing his collar bone. The boy walked along the side walk with the rest of the pedestrians, making their daily routes. Besides for the boy's delinquent look, this would look like an average scene to any passerby. However, none of those around the boy could see him. The boy no longer belonged to the world of humans, so why would he even walk with them? Could he possibly be a wolf among sheep; trying to use the humans as a disguise to make himself look nothing out of the ordinary? Or could it be that the boy keeps closer to the humans almost to keep his own humanity?

"What a lonesome thought," The boy said aloud, a wry smile on his face as he broke the fourth wall, "But I don't think I'm so weak that I would need to rely on humans. Such would be a tragedy worth lamenting."

This boy has lived in this world for three years now, his heart shutting off every moment he stays in this place. He is a member of The Outcasts.

Just then, the sound of a few sets of patting feet could be heard. Shaw's eyes darted to his side as two beasts ran by, as if they had a scent of something. "Lost ones? What're they after?" Shaw asked himself as the beasts had ignored the boy. "Maybe they're searching for something." Shaw then smiled with a devious grin. "I wonder if I can find what they're looking for first."

The boy then sped after the animals, which would seem idiotic to most in this world; generally speaking, people run away from the "lost ones".

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Character Portrait: Alexander Shaw
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A tall blonde boy walked down the street of a city of moderate size. His stride was long because of his above average height. The boy wore long and slim black dress pants along with a white button up shirt that had the top button loose, revealing his collar bone. The boy walked along the side walk with the rest of the pedestrians, making their daily routes. Besides for the boy's delinquent look, this would look like an average scene to any passerby. However, none of those around the boy could see him. The boy no longer belonged to the world of humans, so why would he even walk with them? Could he possibly be a wolf among sheep; trying to use the humans as a disguise to make himself look nothing out of the ordinary? Or could it be that the boy keeps closer to the humans almost to keep his own humanity?

"What a lonesome thought," The boy said aloud, a wry smile on his face as he broke the fourth wall, "But I don't think I'm so weak that I would need to rely on humans. Such would be a tragedy worth lamenting."

This boy has lived in this world for three years now, his heart shutting off every moment he stays in this place. He is a member of The Outcasts.

Just then, the sound of a few sets of patting feet could be heard. Shaw's eyes darted to his side as two beasts ran by, as if they had a scent of something. "Lost ones? What're they after?" Shaw asked himself as the beasts had ignored the boy. "Maybe they're searching for something." Shaw then smiled with a devious grin. "I wonder if I can find what they're looking for first."

The boy then sped after the animals, which would seem idiotic to most in this world; generally speaking, people run away from the "lost ones".

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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0.00 INK

"You're both not Outcasts, then?"

Akane frowned a little at the boy, irritated. "I already said no," she muttered under her breath. Honestly, do I look like one? However, before Akane could say anything, the boy's attention was diverted, his head turned slightly to the side. What's he staring at? Akane followed his line of vision, but didn't see anything.

Suddenly, something large landed in front of Akane, its back to her. Akane let out a small noise of surprise and fear, but she hadn't had time to do anything else when the boy seized the red-haired girl by the hand and started to flee. "Lost One! Run!" he yelled. Akane quickly scrambled up and chased after the two of them, the Lost One hot on her heels.

Without warning, the red-haired girl pulled away from the boy's hand and started to veer off a different path. "No!" Akane screamed at her retreating back. "Come back!"

Even as Akane yelled to the girl for them to stick together, she could feel her side starting to ache. She had never been good at sports and knew that she couldn't run at this speed for much longer. If this continued, then she would surely perish. Determined, Akane continued to run, stumbling every now and then.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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Hearing one of the girls call out to the other as she took a different path, he quickly reacted almost out of instinct as he lunged his arm in the direction she was running to, almost screeching his feet along the ground. With the swing of his hand, a portion of his shadow extends toward a tree as he narrows his eyes, trying hard to concentrate in order to make a portion of the shadow solid. The shadow manages to form a solid sharp edge, as it chops off a portion of the trunk, causing the tree to tip over. Out of sheer luck, the tree manages to land on top of the creature, trapping it underneath as the beast struggles effortlessly. Panting a bit from getting worn out, making his shadow solid still hard to do, he looks at both girls. "This way, those move in groups, there will be more soon!" He warns them, making sure they follow him instead of running off on their own. Still tired from the attack, he runs ahead.

After a bit, he stops, leaning against a tree as he catches his breath.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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Aileena was going to ignore the other girl as she began to run off on her own, but then she heard a loud crash. A tree had fallen on top of the Lost One. "What?" she asked, confused by what had happened. She looked at the other two, who were both notably tired from running. She simply nodded and followed them away from the fallen tree and the Lost One.

Finally the three stopped to catch their breath. Aileena took deep breaths, calming herself down. "I forgot how hostile these cities are. It's hard to talk to anybody with those evil creatures around." She pulled Aneelia out of her pocket and brushed her hair so that it was straight again. She wanted to make sure that she was alright, but knew that a teenager talking to a doll was a bit strange to most people. She looked around for any signs of more Lost Ones. She couldn't sense anything unusual, just the typical day in the city.

"I'm Aileena by the way," she said, deciding to introduce herself to the two. She smiled warmly at them. "And this is Aneelia." She gestured to her doll before looking to the others for their names.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane I. Mizushima Character Portrait: Aileena Barton Character Portrait: Ren Keller
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Akane jumped as the tree fell with a loud crash. She slowly came to a halt, still breathing heavily from her run. The red-haired girl took a similar-looking doll out from her pocket and started brushing its hair. Akane stared. She couldn't help it. It had been ages since she'd seen anybody showing affection, and the sudden display took Akane by surprise.

"I'm Aileena by the way," the girl said, smiling. "And this is Aneelia." Akane continued staring for a minute before she realised what Aileena had said. "Oh." Blinking, Akane spoke. "I'm Akane. Pleased to meet you... I guess?"