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The Hidden Star

The Hidden Star


Private between shatari19 & Tales of the Wraith

2,112 readers have visited The Hidden Star since shatari19 created it.




City of Silanos, Capitol of the World

The world of Irisu is vast and beautiful. The creatures are all lovely in their own ways and tend to stay away from civilization. The capital of the world is Silanos. The city was built in the middle of the Karhana Mountain range. By doing this, the ruling family thought that no enemy could reach them. They welcomed only their closest and most highly regarded acquaintances to live in the city. There are also many other smaller cities littered about the world that are not nearly as beautiful as Silanos. The King of Silanos is in charge of protecting the entire world. As of now, the only enemy is the slowly rising empire of Nuhardos. The ruler of Nuhardos seeks to become the king of Irisu though the current King sees him as no threat. It hasn't taken long for things to slowly become worse and worse. A war is quickly approaching.

As the days slowly tick by, the King begins becoming more paranoid by the minutes. He's begun locking himself in his study, refusing to see anyone save for his advisers. His own daughter hasn't seen him in months. The King fears for his life, assuming that the other ruler means to have him murdered by the Assassins. How wrong he was. Instead of killing the King, they have sent the Guild Master of the Assassins after his daughter. His orders: To kill the young woman. What would happen if the man instead kidnaps her? Would the Princess be able to break through all of the Assassin's defenses that he's surrounded himself with? Could they eventually love each other?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kenna Arianna Santioa Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
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"So, what happens when we get to this...guild of yours? Am I to spend the next few months, or who knows? Years confined in a glorified box waiting for the war to end? Perhaps released with no kingdom left to go back to? Have you thought this through, or is this purely last minute instinct?" Kenna asked. Her words..they did not please him. The assassin was silent for a moment. However, this allowed Kenna to continue speaking. "Why do you always put me in front, it is perfectly possible for me to ride behind you, I'm beginning to think you're flirting with me."

The Princess's words caused him to become confused. Why would she even say such a thing? However, her tone had not been as it usually was. It was almost as if...she was teasing him. Oachi suddenly pulled them to the right a bit, heading towards the path that would eventually lead to the Mountain. "If I'm flirting with you then truly I must be mad." There was a a light laugh upon his voice. He honestly could say that he would never allow himself to flirt with a Santioa..or even become close with one.

It was simply unheard of. "As for your earlier questions. I suppose that it is safe for me to answer you here." He paused, allowing a brief silence to flow between them. "When we get to the Guild, you will remain there unless given permission to leave. We cannot have Lorn finding you an easy target. You will only remain with us until Lorn is dealt with. After that, you will be escorted back to your precious Silanos. The state of your Realm is of no concern to me. Protecting my people is all that I am concerned with."

That wasn't all true. He'd taken her to protect her. Regardless of how much he was finding that he disliked her, she still did not deserve to die. It was a thought that he kept repeating to himself, he realized. It was true though. "We will travel for some time this day. I would very much like to get as much distance between us and the village. The sooner we reach Axijan, the better. The moment Lorn realizes what I've done, he'll be after us. His wrath will be terrible."

It was hard to know what the other man would do once it was realized that the Princess was still very much alive. Honestly, Tannin would welcome the challenge. It had been some time since he'd had anything of this magnitude to focus upon and he was finding that he rather enjoyed it. It had given him purpose once again. Tannin knew that the letter he'd sent to Verrengar would arrive soon and everything would be made ready for their arrival. "Tell me something, Princess, did she come to be your pet? The two of you seem rather close." He was unsure if she would answer him but he was at least trying to make things a bit more comfortable between them. Even if she continued to fight him...he would still act so.


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Character Portrait: Kenna Arianna Santioa Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
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"If I'm flirting with you then truly I must be mad."

"It wouldn't surprise me. Anyone who willingly leaps from a tower has questionable sanity." She chimed again, continuing to feed her pint-sized pet. Her voice wasn't cruel like it had been the day before, albeit there was still a trace of irritation in the way that she spoke. Despite forcing herself to be more pleasant, she obviously wasn't in her 'ideal' environment. She noticed the horse move of his own accord, reaching out and stroking his mane. She loved animals, especially Horses... Shiva was a close second, but she craved Araiah's presence. This horse looked nothing like her four legged and ivory haired friend, but she missed her all the same. She never realized just how much she'd miss her. Suddenly she found herself thinking about the first day she met Araiah, when her father brought her to Kenna as nothing more than a foal. She was so strange looking back then, but now Araiah was a very beautiful horse.

"As for your earlier questions. I suppose that it is safe for me to answer you here."

Her thoughts were broken as he finally decided to answer her serious question. He couldn't see it, but her eyebrow raised as he spoke, and she awaited the rest of what he was going to say. The pause was causing her to grow impatient so she gave Shiva the last few bites of carrot to occupy herself. If she didn't, she probably would have said something out of the way.

"When we get to the Guild, you will remain there unless given permission to leave. We cannot have Lorn finding you an easy target. You will only remain with us until Lorn is dealt with. After that, you will be escorted back to your precious Silanos. The state of your Realm is of no concern to me. Protecting my people is all that I am concerned with."

"If that was your only concern, we wouldn't be here with two very different personalities and moral codes struggling to coexist on one horse, now would we, Assassin?" She stated in a calm tone, despite an obvious sigh escaping her lips. She wasn't sure who he was trying to convince, but he obviously wasn't being very honest as far as his 'concerns' were concerned. She had not qualms about pointing it out either. In fact, she found that she was rather enjoying getting underneath the Assassin's skin. Unless he caught her in escape, there was little he could do about her behavior.... so taunting, teasing.. it was all free game, and despite his 'big' and 'bad' status, she had diplomatic immunity in this situation.

"We will travel for some time this day. I would very much like to get as much distance between us and the village. The sooner we reach Axijan, the better. The moment Lorn realizes what I've done, he'll be after us. His wrath will be terrible."

"Good thing I've got a relatively short man, a very distinctive horse, and Shiva by my side then I suppose. I feel better already." She actually gave a light chuckle as she said this, holding no real malice or contempt in her voice but definitely slightly mocking him.. Tannin was a rather short man for his age, and Shiva wouldn't amount to a lot of protection.. Everything she said had a certain point... Especially since she'd never met an assassin before. How was she supposed to know he was telling the truth..? She did however believe him about who he was, but even still, would he be able to properly protect her or were they simply racing against the inevitable?

"Tell me something, Princess, did she come to be your pet? The two of you seem rather close."

"My father used to go hunting a lot before my mother died and left shortly after she died as well... I took it harder than most when we lost my mother.. and I eventually fled the castle because no one spoke of anything else the entire day." She informed him, thinking back on the day, she could even see her younger self running through the snow to escape the loud gossip of the adults inside. They had so many opinions and yet none of them had any ideas on how to bring back her why did they feel the need to keep talking about it?

"I nearly froze to death that night, because I was too stubborn to go inside. People that barely even knew my mother were acting as if they'd grown up with her their entire life.. That's part of being a royal I suppose, but I was only nine at the time... Anyway, my father just returned from a hunting trip and found the two of us nestled in the snow. We were both blue in the face, and he rushed us both inside only to find that Shiva wasn't actually a child, she was a Cabbit. She'd found me in the snow and curled up with me in her larger form so I wouldn't die... She's around the size of a six year old child in that state so she couldn't do much else.. Besides, she was a baby then too, she didn't know the native tongue at all." She didn't see the harm in telling the story. There was little he could use against her from it. Though she only found herself petting Shiva afterward, remembering how she owed her life to that little ball of fur.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kenna Arianna Santioa Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
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Tannin allowed his gaze to rest upon Kenna's back. He was curious about the creature that she seemed so intent upon keeping with her. "My father used to go hunting a lot before my mother died and left shortly after she died as well... I took it harder than most when we lost my mother.. and I eventually fled the castle because no one spoke of anything else the entire day." The Princess began. Tannin was surprised that Kenna was actually answering him. He'd not expected.

"I nearly froze to death that night, because I was too stubborn to go inside. People that barely even knew my mother were acting as if they'd grown up with her their entire life.. That's part of being a royal I suppose, but I was only nine at the time... Anyway, my father just returned from a hunting trip and found the two of us nestled in the snow. We were both blue in the face, and he rushed us both inside only to find that Shiva wasn't actually a child, she was a Cabbit. She'd found me in the snow and curled up with me in her larger form so I wouldn't die... She's around the size of a six year old child in that state so she couldn't do much else.. Besides, she was a baby then too, she didn't know the native tongue at all."

Tannin remained silent even after Kenna had stopped talking. He could suddenly understand why she was so attached to the small creature. He felt a small smile trying to find its way to his face though he was quick to hide it. "You are lucky that Shiva found you. Even more so, I imagine, that she has remained by your side since then. She must care for you greatly and you her." He said, his voice fairly quiet.

Oachi continued along the path, heading in the direction of the nearest mountain. He knew that there was a path that led up and along the rocky terrain which would make it a bit easier for the horse to travel. The assassin went silent, finding that he had nothing else that he wished to ask the young woman. Still, he could not understand why he'd decided to save her. She was ungrateful and was only making his life harder than it needed to be. At least, for the moment, they were not at each others throats.

They continued along for some time longer before Tannin brought Oachi to a stop. They were nearly at the base of the mountain. He wished to get some rest before they began the trip over the mountain. Sliding from the horse, Tannin then helped Kenna down as well. Once the young woman was on the ground, Tannin began setting up camp for them. He quickly fixed up a makeshift tent, making sure to tether it down and then fixed the Princess a bedroll within. He would allow her the privacy of the tent. He, after all, would not be resting much that night.

He then set about finding some dry wood so that they could get a fire going. The Assassin remained fairly quiet as he got a fire going. "Is there anything that you prefer to eat? I had not thought to ask you before." He suddenly asked the Princess, his gaze turning to the Princess.


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Character Portrait: Kenna Arianna Santioa Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
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"You are lucky that Shiva found you. Even more so, I imagine, that she has remained by your side since then. She must care for you greatly and you her."

"I thought so too, at the time, and every day since then... but with so many attempts on our lives, I'm beginning to think that all royals are doomed to live unfortunate lives.." Kenna replied to him in an equally quiet tone. Though her tone didn't hold any intent. She wasn't trying to argue or attack him for kidnapping her, in fact she was responding to him apathetically if anything. She was speaking her mind, but there was no real anger or even sadness accompanying her words. She was beginning to accept that maybe her fate was to live a short life. It would make sense... The wealthy die young to repay Leirina for their easy lives while the poor are given long lives to make up for the struggles they faced, "My mother died young... and this is the second time in my life that I've nearly died, apparently." She kept her eyes on the sky, and although she didn't really feel up for conversation, there was nothing else to do. Riding all day on Oachi proved to be rather boring in the end. How did he do this for a living? Traveling was nothing like the ballads told. Traveling was uncomfortable, boring, and she really doubted she would enjoy the mountains. She hated snow more than any other type of weather, not that she was very fond of the rain either, "Perhaps the monarchy are simply not meant to live long lives because we've lived more luxuriously than others."

Kenna grew quiet after saying that, unsure of what else there was to say. She wasn't accustomed to getting to know strangers, seeing as she rarely encountered someone she did not know at the castle... so this was highly awkward... especially since flirting would get her nowhere with him. That was a bit dull actually, she might have actually enjoyed herself a bit if he had been susceptible to her charm... but no, he was too much of a textbook assassin to allow her to get in his head.. This is no fun... She thought to herself exasperatedly. She zoned out for the remainder of the ride, seeing as she had forgotten all of the questions she wanted to ask Tannin after their conversation about Shiva.

She had nearly fallen asleep when she noticed that they had stopped moving. She looked up at the mountain wide eyed. She was amazed, because she saw only mountain as far as her eyes could see. It was so tall... She'd never seen a mountain so up close before. She was aware that they were massive, but she never imagined that they would be that enormous. The mountain probably touched the sky.. She didn't even pay attention to Tannin as he set up the camp, she just walked over to the mountain, reaching forward and touching the cold stone. It was almost worth the boredom, but she really was starting to miss home.

"Is there anything that you prefer to eat? I had not thought to ask you before."

"I prefer to avoid eating meat when possible... It makes me sick just thinking about an animal being harmed.." She replied, which probably explained how she was so slender and fragile. She didn't have any protein in her diet at all. Questions finally entered her head, although she doubted he would answer them. They were far more personal than those she'd asked before.. What is a guy like Tannin doing here? He is short, but he is also relatively aesthetically pleasing... Why doesn't he have a wife and kids? Why is he living this horrible life?

"What brought you to this point...?" She finally asked, leaning against a nearby tree instead of sitting on the ground. She ran a hand through her long brown hair, doubting she'd get a lot of sleep tonight.. She never really thought about it before, but it was terrifying being outside at night... especially so far away from home, "Don't you want to get married and have a family?" She asked, staring at the fire once he got it lit. She didn't understand him at all.. Then another thought came to mind and she giggled a bit. Perhaps he did have children... just not in the conventional way? Then she shook her head, "Or do you simply take lovers to handle that..?" She asked in a nonjudgmental tone. She honestly was just asking out of curiosity.. because most men at the castle.. their main goal was to find a hole to fill. She was perplexed by the fact that Tannin didn't seem sexually inclined at all. In fact, he was rather professional for a man who had a princess captive, "I've never met a man who isn't interested in producing sons... and as we've discussed before, society automatically expects female captors to be defiled.. What is it that makes you so different from those men?" She was honestly being serious. She wasn't taunting him, although she did find the topic to be rather entertaining. Despite being chaste, she did enjoy talking about the matter. Just because she couldn't partake in it, doesn't mean she had to be entirely oblivious to the act. Kenna knew a lot about how children came into this world, despite her father's best attempts to keep his daughter's mind pure. She was a persuasive young woman and Mahayana was always willing to teach Kenna, regardless of what the material was. She was meant to teach Kenna how to be a good wife after all, of course Mahayana would educate her in how to please her future husband... it was pretty much what her father hired Mahayana to do... He just didn't want to come to terms with the idea. Kenna spent a good deal of her time flirting with the guards, mostly because it was a great pastime, but yet nothing she did seemed to have an effect on Tannin. He was... interesting.


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Character Portrait: Kenna Arianna Santioa Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
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"I prefer to avoid eating meat when possible... It makes me sick just thinking about an animal being harmed.." Kenna answered. Tannin glanced at her fully, able to take in her appearance. It was easy to see that she was thin..and now it made more sense. A few moments later the Princess was speaking to him once again. "What brought you to this point...?"

The assassin remained silent for a moment, tilting his head as he continued to regard her. Honestly, he'd not expected her to ask him such a thing. "You mean hear and now? That is quite a long story and I doubt that you are truly interested in it." He said, continuing with the fire. He was not sure how he was to tell her of his past and so he was trying to redirect her. He was unsure if it would work and if likely wouldn't work for very long.

At last, Tannin got the fire going and Kenna spoke again. "Don't you want to get married and have a family? Or do you simply take lovers to handle that..?"
His gaze suddenly met Kenna's as he stood. He wasn't sure that he cared for her questions. They were personal and it wasn't something that he was used to being asked. "I've never met a man who isn't interested in producing sons... and as we've discussed before, society automatically expects female captors to be defiled.. What is it that makes you so different from those men?"

Tannin debated on whether or not he even wanted to answer her questions. Truly, he had no reason to yet he felt like he wanted to explain himself to her. There was no telling what she thought of him. "Don't most men wish to marry and have families?" He finally asked, turning from her as he moved about their small camp to gather supplies so that he could fix them something to eat.

It was only as he made his way back to the fire and sat down did he continue. "However, there are few that would willingly marry a murderer. Let alone one that oversees all the others. And, lets add to that the fact that I belong to the most hated bloodline in the world." He let out a cynical laugh as he moved his head slightly. It was clear that the assassin did not think that he would ever marry though deep down he did wish for it. "I have long since accepted the way my life is and will forever be."

Another pause as he debated about her other question. Why he'd not touched her though it was understood that he would. Did he even want to answer that? She would probably assume that he couldn't do such things at the way this conversation was going. "The reason...I refuse to touch you is that I am above such things. I do not need to defile you nor do I feel any desire to do so. I am content with simply keeping you safe from Lorn and anyone else he would send for your head."

Kenna was a lovely girl, a man would have to be a fool not to see it. However, the assassin thought that it was only skin deep. He'd had her anger coming at him for most of the time they'd been together but he could not blame her. He was the one that had taken her from her home. Even if he was trying to protect her..she didn't seem to be able to understand that. He was actually surprised that she'd not asked him about the scar that had ruined his appearance. It was typically one of the first things that he was asked when speaking with someone who didn't know him.

Their meal was finished and Tannin offered the Princess a small bowl of soup. He'd made sure to leave the meat out of it, deciding that he could eat some of the dried meat later on in the evening if he was still hungry. "Eat. We'll need to be leaving early and it would best to keep your energy up."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kenna Arianna Santioa Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
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Apparently Tannin had nothing to say about her vegetarian lifestyle, which in the end was probably for the best. Kenna was stubborn and opinionated, it would have only led to a major debate if he chose to disagree with her belief or tried to persuade her otherwise.

"You mean here and now? That is quite a long story and I doubt that you are truly interested in it."

"What else is there to do?" Kenna inquired and quirked an inquisitive brow in the redhead's direction. He might have been fine with boring, but she wasn't thriving very well, she was starving for conversation, "Trees and grass don't make fine company." She honestly didn't want to just sit around and play damsel in distress. She wasn't much of a helpless eyelash batting dimwit, she wasn't going to pretend to be now, "If I didn't want to know something, I assure you I wouldn't bother to ask." She chimed, smiling before a smirk had a chance to splay across her features. She watched him with the fire, a little amused. She'd seen Mahayana do the same thing in her bedchambers many times, but never learnt how to do it herself.

She got closer once the fire was lit, seeing as it was getting colder and she could tell the topic wasn't appreciated, but she gave no indication of that knowledge on her facial features. She'd never learn anything if she didn't step on a few toes. Besides, she needed to know what kind of man she would be dealing with, it would make her escape go much more smoothly.. Not to mention forming a 'bond' would make her come across as a thousand times more trustworthy. In the end these questions would do her a great service. Perhaps one day during their journey she would ask him to teach her how to make the fire, she didn't want to freeze to death during her escape after all. She kept gaze with Tannin, entirely comfortable with the topic. She spoke of sex and romance often, so it wasn't something she considered taboo or embarrassing. It was natural, especially for a princess. Half of her occupation was to make a family, a male successor to be exact.

"Don't most men wish to marry and have families?"

Kenna nodded in agreement with Tannin, though she wasn't sure if he turned around to fast and missed the gesture so she spoke up as well, "I'm pretty sure that everyone secretly craves those things."

"However, there are few that would willingly marry a murderer. Let alone one that oversees all the others. And, lets add to that the fact that I belong to the most hated bloodline in the world."

"Few is not equivalent to none. There are so many in this world and each one has different tastes..." She smiled, blinking as Shiva climbed up her shoulder and curled up. She was really enjoying the conversation, for once since this chaos began, "Women are more scandalous than men think, we're just better at concealing it. I think you're not putting yourself out there. Aren't there any women in this guild of yours?" Her tone grew innocent, actually intrigued. Women didn't play valuable roles in society in Silanos, but she heard of many poorer women being successful outlaws.

"I have long since accepted the way my life is and will forever be."

Immediately after his pessimistic words, Kenna frowned, "I don't think the fact that you are a murderer is what keeps women away. War is simply legal murder." She reasoned with him and didn't even bat an eyelash at her comparison. It was her actual belief, she didn't like eating animals so she considered any destruction of life as murder. She then looked up to the stars as she spoke, her voice calm and genuine as she continued, "Anyone who can pick up a knife is capable of murder... So in the end aren't most women married to a murderer?"

"The reason...I refuse to touch you is that I am above such things. I do not need to defile you nor do I feel any desire to do so. I am content with simply keeping you safe from Lorn and anyone else he would send for your head."

"Are you a virgin?" She asked directly, not afraid to come across as too bold. Honestly, Kenna had little room to talk, because she was as well, that much was obvious due to her highborn status. Then she giggled a bit, "If the problem is that you wouldn't know where to put it, I can tell you. Mahayana was very informative." she giggled again after saying it. She wasn't making fun of him in a cruel way, just simply having lighthearted fun teasing him. She'd never met a man who wasn't obsessed with the idea of sex, "You're a bit strange, though I suppose I am grateful for that...." She responded with a light laugh. Then she forced herself to stop laughing and she looked to Tannin with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, or perhaps it was the glare from the fire hitting her eyes, "On the bright side, if you were the type that chose to defile, at least your easy on the eyes and not fat or hideous." She said so in a nonchalant manner, not even phased by admitting it aloud. She spent WAY too much time talking about these things. She was dead serious as she spoke, always being far too blunt with her word choice, "You should be a little more confident in your appearance, girls would surely flock to you then." It was only helpful advice, perhaps losing his virginity would lighten his mood? The guards always seemed to be in a better mood after visiting a brothel.

"Eat. We'll need to be leaving early and it would best to keep your energy up."

"Yes sir, if I wasn't aware of who you were, I'd mistake you for a knight. You're quite bossy. Perhaps that's what keeps you from getting a wife." This time it was obvious that she was teasing him, a snicker breaking out past her smile. Then she looked down at the soup. He listened? That was a pleasant surprise, "Thank you." She stated quietly, seeing as she was not accustomed to saying it often, especially for being fed. Food was something she was used to being given without expressing gratitude, but she realized it was not promised to people in the real world. she ate quietly, giving Shiva all the bits of carrot that was in the soup.

"I do understand that what you've done so far came from good intentions.." She began when she finished eating, sitting the bowl down near the fire, "I just do not have the luxury to care about my own life.. Royals are born to serve and die, it's why we get luxurious things... Forced marriage alliances.. The rules are ridiculous... and no matter how you reign your country there is always one group or another who will hate you enough to plot your demise... It's practically written by the gods that royals will die young.."


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Character Portrait: Kenna Arianna Santioa Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
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"Yes sir, if I wasn't aware of who you were, I'd mistake you for a knight. You're quite bossy. Perhaps that's what keeps you from getting a wife." The Princess said. It was easy for him to tell that she was teasing him. The assassin ignored her comments, turning his attention to the meal. However, the silence did not last long as Kenna was thanking him. His eyes flicked up to her for a moment, eyeing her. "You are welcome. I see no reason for you to suffer too badly while you are away from your home." Together, they ate in silence. Tannin was quick to finish though waited for the Princess to finish, simply watching the fire.

"I do understand that what you've done so far came from good intentions..I just do not have the luxury to care about my own life.. Royals are born to serve and die, it's why we get luxurious things... Forced marriage alliances.. The rules are ridiculous... and no matter how you reign your country there is always one group or another who will hate you enough to plot your demise... It's practically written by the gods that royals will die young.." She said. Tannin's gaze had shifted to her and was currently regarding her for a long moment.

He rose, then, taking both of their bowls. He paused, his eyes back on her. "Just because it is normal for such things does not mean that you need follow into it so willingly, Princess. I was destined to die at least twice in my life and yet I still stand. You have every right to live your life as you wish it. I understand that you are in a different situation than I, but just imagine..had something gone differently in the past how different a world we would live in."

He quickly took care of their dirty dishes and then returned to the fire. "I would like to suggest that you get some rest, Princess. We'll be leaving early in the morning. Take the tent, I've no need for it." He moved, taking a seat. He then removed his sword, placing it next to him. He knew that he was tired though he would be fine where he was for the night. Kenna, however, was not used to traveling under such conditions.

When he was alone, the assassin mulled over their past conversations. She'd commented that perhaps he was a virign..and he'd said nothing on the matter. He'd seen no reason to. In fact, he'd had several lovers though as of late simply hadn't had the desire nor the time. He'd been running all over the place it seemed since Lorn had begun trying to overthrow Kenna's father. He would let her think what she wanted. Should she ever mention it to anyone at the Guild she would be corrected.

The night passed uneventfully. Tannin only moved once the sun began to rise. He went ahead, packing what he could while the Princess remained within the tent and then readied Oachi. He'd decided to allow Kenna to rise on her own, setting about fixing them something quite to eat that morning.


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Character Portrait: Kenna Arianna Santioa Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
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"Just because it is normal for such things does not mean that you need follow into it so willingly, Princess. I was destined to die at least twice in my life and yet I still stand. You have every right to live your life as you wish it. I understand that you are in a different situation than I, but just imagine..had something gone differently in the past how different a world we would live in."

Kenna was surprised by his opinion, but it wasn't unwelcome. Her brows furrowed, but in confusion instead of anger, "You do not believe that the higher powers decide human fate?" She understood that their regions believed in different goddesses, but she still would have thought that the two religions would be at least a little similar.. Though she figured it could be the reason the two regions were at odds. They were apparently an entirely different class of people, "Yes.. that is true, but how does one turn away from responsibility? You feel responsible to lead this guild of your's, do you not..?" Kenna asked Tannin with a very serious tone, although her expression was not as tempered and venomous as the night before. She was more... cooperative and persuasive, she was trying to explain her situation, "I'm sure it's at least slightly similar to ruling a kingdom.. a smaller and slightly more murderous one, but it's being in charge of the safety of your people and governing your faction all the same.."

"I would like to suggest that you get some rest, Princess. We'll be leaving early in the morning. Take the tent, I've no need for it."

She was surprised by how fast Tannin managed to handle the dishes, but there weren't a lot of them to begin with, so she assumed it was simply quick because he was accustomed to this lifestyle, "Fine, fine.. Traveling is far more dull than I expected..." She sighed, standing up and rolling her eyes before proceeding toward the tent, but came to a halt right before entering, tapping her cheek a few times before speaking to him one final time before retiring, "Or perhaps it's the company.." She laughed after considering her words, entering the tent and laying down. Though she could not sleep immediately. The space was smaller than she was used to, so she felt rather claustrophobic. She did not mention it, seeing as there was no way to mend the situation.. it was just highly uncomfortable. Why do people even make tents if they are this horrid? She thought to herself with a silent huff. Kenna did not understand the less financially fortunate at all, but she was beginning to realize that living among them was extremely uncomfortable. She'd give almost anything up for a proper feather bed instead of a bed roll right about now.

She stared at the top of the tent for quite some time, missing her father, Mahayana, her horse Araiah, and her old wardrobe. Nothing about this new life was comfortable.. She wished to pray, but not until she felt that Tannin was asleep. She did not feel comfortable expressing her religion so openly toward an outsider. She simply mumbled the song from the night before, making sure she wasn't loud this time around. She knew he was likely still awake and she did not share her singing voice with anyone, not even Mahayana. Singing was private, at least for royals. Musical entertainment was left upon the middle or occasional lucky lower class individuals...

Next Morning

Kenna woke halfway through the meal he was preparing, exiting the tent, but not before tending to her hair. She had to at least retain a certain level of dignity. She was going to keep a set of standards, and her hair was one thing she was not going to compromise on. She tilted her head as she came outside, "I fell asleep on the way here, so I don't suppose being at a small distance would harm anything. Which direction is the stream? I'd like to wash up to be honest." Kenna announced in a tone that only women of royalty or those that were exceptionally brave dared to use in the presence of men. This was the longest she'd ever gone without a proper bath, and she really wanted to at least run cleaner water through her hair, but also over her neck, chest, and face. She did not want to be dirty, even if she was currently living far less fortunately than she did in the castle. She refused to look like a dirty faced peasant. She had pride, the pride of a royal, she did not want to keep the hygiene of the poor folk. She blamed half of their illness on the nastiness of their bodies, and half on the will of Leirina.

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Irisu by shatari19


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Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche


Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
Tannin de La Roche

"I'm so much more than what I appear to be."


Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
Tannin de La Roche

"I'm so much more than what I appear to be."

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Character Portrait: Tannin de La Roche
Tannin de La Roche

"I'm so much more than what I appear to be."

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