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Jocarus Daetarn

A man seeking answers on a long lost memory, no matter what he may uncover, and to find a place in the world.

0 · 396 views · located in Alternate Ancient Egypt

a character in “The Key to the soul”, as played by ViviOrunitiaFF9


Jocarus Daenarn
None as of yet.
Undying Faith || Two Steps from Hell

20th of August
|Sexual Preference|
Leader capabilities, logical fighter

|Eye Color|
|Hair Color|
Dark Brown
|Body Type|
|Standard Dressup Attire|
Jocarus tends to wear rather plain and basic travelling clothes, both sturdy and practical, so that he blends in and doesn't attract too much attention while always being ready for action. The pants are dark brown, he has brown boots, up to his knees with the pants tucked in, and wears a black trench coat which falls to his knees over a faded dark blue, almost black, long sleeved top made of thin, not great quality, fabric. He also has a strip of dark blue fabric which he repaired into something of a scarf which also works to protect his face from the sandy winds. He wears finger less brown leather gloves and has a tattered, self-made, brown fabric messenger bag that he is almost always seen with, along with a spare top for if anything were to happen inside the bag.
|Height & Weight|
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 182lbs

|Birthmarks, Tattoos, and Scars|
Jocarus has a scar along his left palm from a knife wounds years previous. He also has a birthmark on his right arm near the shoulder, a red mark almost in the shape of a crescent moon.

Being a Leo, Jocarus is known for speaking his mind, which has landed him in trouble more than once. Although Leo's are natural leaders, Jocarus sees himself as more of a teacher. He will guide people to their full potential. Though despite this he has also shown a proficiency for strategic thinking, and leading. Also, he is usually left with the bulk of the information gathering and tends to remember information that others do not. If he knows he is right about something then he will not back down easily, showing how stubborn he can be. This plus his sarcasm, occasionally cold nature and odd few criticisms tends to push some people away, leaving them with the impression that he is a little pompous or self righteous.

If things are not going the way they are meant to then Jocarus can get quite bossy and he will enter into things if they are not fair on one side or he thinks that he will help, making some think him quite interfering. He tries his best to keep things fair and see everything from both perspectives, which is aided with his quick mind for making connections. He is rational, very intelligent, inquisitive and has a respect for rules and structure, but not always respect for those who set or enforce these rules. It is difficult to finally gain his full trust, but when someone has it, it is almost impossible to break. He is actually a little too trusting when it is earned and always makes excuses for people who treat him badly without even realising, however there is only so much that he can take. He is creative and can be rather bold when the situation calls for it. Although he puts up a persona of cool and calculating, there is a gentleness hidden within that he only shares with those that he holds closest to his heart.

-The day
-Having a purpose in his life
-Helping those he can
-Fishing and swimming
-Exploring and going adventuring

-The night
-Conflict (doesn't mean he wont fight though)
-Being ignored
-Adults who act like small children constantly
-Being feared

Jocarus has been known for his quick decisions, as more than once it has kept him and other out of trouble and danger's way, though most of these quick decisions have been based on a gut instinct with a little smart thinking. However, his true strength lies in his logical and rational mind allowing for him to craft clever strategies and tactics. Being somewhat near a river, he's had plenty of opportunities since he received his abilities to practice. Due to this he has learned a variety of ways to use water to his advantage. Aside from his abilities, he also has a little skill in sword fighting and hand to hand combat, but not much. He also has a good head for strategy and leading. One thing he is particularly good at however is analysing and exploiting weaknesses.
While his variety is good concerning his abilities, he has very little defensive moves, and his defensive capabilities are somewhat lacking. He also has difficulty controlling the water. It's easy to throw it or send a wave but when making a flow it can sometimes fall apart in front of him if he doesn't focus. On this, he controls the water mostly with his body. He has to literally direct the water, primarily using his hands and arms (although once he has directed the water and can focus on keeping it with him, he can hold it up with his mind but it is difficult and tends to be something he does more with large bodies of water for protection as he has to keep it moving). Therefore, if he cannot move his body to direct it, he can't use his abilities. Another downside to his abilities is that he has to keep the water moving - once it stops in his control, or even slows down too much, he loses his hold on it - and over usage of them can be in issue concerning his energy. He has good endurance, but can only move the water for so long. While he does have some skill with his sword and hand to hand fighting, he has very little experience. Also, he can be a little unsure about himself and can hesitate before acting.
He has a slight fear of heights, but is mostly afraid that he is no longer wanted by those he cares about. He also worries a lot about disappointing people, and can become a little hesitant to do things because of it.

|Combat style|
Jocarus is just as much a fighter as he is a defender. His ability allows for him to create strong attacks and prevent a number of attacks on himself. However, his abilities limit his variety concerning just how he can attack. However, with his abilities he tends to do short and long ranged combat instead of close quarters, and his usual tactics in a fight is to direct attacks away or block them while looking for a way to counter. He doesn't often start a fight, he tries to keep others from fighting also, but when he does most should stay out of his way as he tends to leave destruction in his wake. this doesn't mean, however, that he could not, or would not, switch to more subtle ways of fighting if he had to. He is willing to do what he must to survive and to protect others.
Hydrokinesis - Jocarus has the ability to manipulate water, along with other liquids that have water in them, in any form, and in almost any container. With this ability he can move a stream of water, send a wave, control large bodies of water and so much more. While he is strong with his abilities, due to them being weakened slightly from the part of his soul he give up he sometimes has a little difficulty with his control. More than once he has tried to move a stream of water only for it to fall apart in front of him. He can both attack and shield himself with water, and can even - though harder to use - change the state of the water to ice and back. Significantly harder, and something he has little practice in, Jocarus can also manipulate objects containing water, or other liquids. For example, he has been able to move plants in the past, but only with extreme concentration, usually he just pulls the water from them. He has also been able to move blood outside of the body, but as of yet he hasn't been able to manipulate it within. If a body were to have an open wound he could pull blood out or stop it flowing, but until then it is untouchable to him. Saliva, sweat and other liquids that are easily accessible outside of the body, or liquids released, are also controllable.
Sheut - Jocarus chose to give up his shadow upon opening his container. When his mind returned to the world, missing his shadow felt... strange. He could instantly feel as though a part of himself was missing, and not just his shadow. Something from within. The adjustment was difficult also. Not only did his lack of shadow reveal to people of his powered status, making him an easy target for those who were completely against "his kind", but there has been a paranoia at the back his mind since that day. There is a worry always that he is being stalked, like some kind of prey. He tries to dismiss it as nothing, but there is only so much he can take. After he relinquished his shadow the memory of where he was born, all memories of it, faded from his mind. Every now and then he will still get eh occasional flash of images and emotions after smelling something familiar or seeing an object that reminds him of it subconsciously, but he can never hold onto the memories and they flutter away before he can see.

|Equipment & Weapons|
A sword he stole from his uncle.
His bag for holding whatever he needs.
A waterskin for drinking and manipulating.
A small knife he bought years ago.
A coin bag, holding some coins.
Some food supplies, enough for about a day.
Spare top.

In a land far away from his current home, Jocarus' mother worked hard to support her family, now missing the father of her first child after he died in on the wars he was forced into. She had to live with family at first to support them, but soon eventually was able to support a place in what was considered the worst place they could go. Shortly after, she found out why. On her way home late into the night she was attacked - mugged, raped and beaten - and left to die on the streets. But she survived, she made herself get through it for her children. She had always been suppressed when she was younger, but had still developed a strong will and refused to let something like this be the death of her. It was around a month later that she realised she was pregnant with the child of one of the men. Though she told almost no one of what had happened, afraid of how her home would react to it, she decided to keep the baby at her mother's insistence. While there were doubts as to how she could love the child, when he was born all thoughts of this were abandoned. He was raised with as much love and care as her first child, another boy.

Though Jocarus' first four years passed rather normally, it soon became apparent that he was more than met the eye. He was exceptionally smart for such a young age and learned most of what his mother taught him shortly after she told him, committing it deep into his memory. It was because of these skills that one of his relatives who was going to Egypt asked to take him along. His mother was reluctant at first, but she eventually agreed. Their relative said they would come for him the following hot season. Not long before he turned five, Jocarus was called for by this relative, which he found out was his uncle from his father's side, and, though he was young, understood what was happening, that his mother was sending him away but he couldn't think of a reason why. Even from a young age he never thought of his abilities as anything special. Regardless however, he got on the boat as his mother wanted and left his the man from his family.

It took an entire season to finally make it there, and when they arrived Jocarus was now five and had not anticipated what he would see. It was incredible, far beyond anything he could have imagined growing up in the small town he had. He didn't have long to bask in it's beauty however as he was taken along further, far beyond where most would and to help his uncle work in a lesser part for the city's warrior-king, Seisostris III. He grew up here, learning more and more of the land, along with his home town, being a great asset to where he was taken to assist. While his sharp memory, quick mind for logical subjects and such, which developed well over the years he stayed, made him very useful, there were many who surpassed him and so he never rose from where he was, much to his uncle's annoyance. Jocarus loved his uncle, he was his only father figure, but because of this he often made excuses for anything his uncle would do to him. If the uncle were to hit him, he would try to see it as just a little thing, that his uncle was upset or stressed. He refused to acknowledge anything bad his uncle had done. Even when he had suspected his uncle of a theft from where he worked. Jocarus didn't want to see it and therefore he didn't. But, after stories of this increased, Jocarus began to get curious and started to look into it, now 12 years old and wise beyond his years. Unfortunately, he found nothing.

He had a number of close friends that he spent his time with, often getting into a little bit of trouble despite his attempts to keep them out of it. He managed to keep them safe from any serious danger, which was quiet often seeing as they were as adventurous as himself and loved to explore around the river and anywhere that seemed exciting. The public arrival of the artifacts many years later also came with the terrible news that the town where his mother was had been attacked. They had heard she had survived, but could not be sure. Though mostly always strong, Jocarus was finding it hard to hold back his emotions for a while, and withdrew from his friends for a few weeks. In this time he had noticed his uncle had shown nothing towards the news, not even for a second. Jocarus was perceptive, almost too much, and could see nothing from his uncle. As if his Jocarus' mother meant nothing to the man. He didn't much appreciate the apathy, but he didn't act on it. Not until rumours started of an artifact that was meant to reach the high priests being intercepted and stolen. Only a few people had known of it and where getting investigated thoroughly. His uncle was particularly cruel after this to him. He had just thought that it was because Jocarus hadn't been able to help his uncle with his work while he dealt with the news. It wasn't long until he learned it was concerning that, but was so much more.

When one of the sword fighting lessons his uncle had organised for Jocarus was cancelled, he returned to his home disappointed, but not angry. As he arrived home however, he heard his uncle talking to what he assumed was one of his uncle's friends and, not wanting to disturb, tried to get to his room quietly. But he stopped as his mother was brought into the conversation and began to listen in, curious. As he listened, horror filled up inside him while his uncle spoke of how he had organised the attack to procure a very valuable item, an artifact hidden in his rooms. At first he didn't believe it, couldn't, but slowly it began to corrupt his mind until he had to find out. The next time his uncle was out for the day, Jocarus began to search his uncle's rooms to find it. After hours, he finally discovered what he was looking for. He had heard that the artifacts were always boxes of some sort, and of great quality. Inside a chest, a cold, which almost felt wet to the touch, glass pot resided. Markings were etched into the sides and it was far smaller than anything he had expected, but he knew it was what he had searched for. Careful not to let it open, as he had heard what happens when they were opened, he lifted it out and studied it. Before he could continue, he heard his uncle shout from the doorway. He had come home early to see Jocarus holding his artifact, which he was confronted about there and then. Despite his best efforts, Jocarus kept the pot away from his uncle. When the truth was out, that he had destroyed his home town for the artifact, Jocarus, in disgust and anger, deliberately let it go in front of them. He hadn't expected what would happen when it broke however.

A deep moaning filled his mind in place of shattering glass and blue flames engulfed his entire body. Darkness enveloped him and an almost weightlessness settled over him. He felt like he was floating. It would have almost been a good feeling if the unnatural darkness wasn't making him shake with fear. Before him, the five aspects of the soul began to glow into existence in the void. A peaceful voice whispered to him, asking which of the prices he would pay. At first, he couldn't even think. Everything was just too much. It felt like minutes, hours, days since the voice asked. Then it spoke again, waiting for its answer. He had felt that he didn't need these powers, that he was fine without. But before long he began to think on how the power could benefit him. the enticing call of it was slowly pulling him further and further towards an answer. As he considered the aspects, he chose what he felt would be something mostly unneeded. He chose his shadow.

When his mind returned to the real world, he drew in a panicked breath and collapsed to the ground. Jocarus took a moment to regain his composure until he heard his uncle's voice, suddenly remembering that he wasn't alone in the room. His uncle was screaming at him "What have you done?" and pulled his sword from its sheath (which he threw to the ground) to kill him. In a moment of panic, Jocarus lifted his hands to protect himself and a stream of water from the nearby container holding it threw itself against his uncle with enough force to push him back. Though stunned, Jocarus thought fast and pushed himself up, grabbing his uncle's sword and its sheath and fled for his room to collect anything he could. Before he left, he grabbed a large bag of money from his uncle's store in their main room and left running.

In an attempt to get as far away as possible from his uncle, despite knowing the man would never go to anyone about this as then they'd know he hadn't given the artifact in, Jocarus began living in a small place as deep in the city as he could manage with the money he had stolen. Here he hides from his Uncle, working to support himself. The relocation helped with the situation with his Uncle, but not with something else. The disappearance of his shadow was troubling to him. He knew it was out there, waiting for him. He knows that he isn't safe. He knows that one day the time will come to face it. But right now, he's just trying to get by.

He has a strange obsession with keeping his teeth clean.

So begins...

Jocarus Daetarn's Story