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The King They Deserve



a part of The King They Deserve, by Mindfang.


Mindfang holds sovereignty over Alteratio, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

314 readers have been here.


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Alteratio is a part of The King They Deserve.

4 Places in Alteratio:

3 Characters Here

Carabell Jaegafl Blackwood [3] "Today looks like an excellent day to go hunting. Right Bael?"
Samara Ryan Blackwood [3] Maybe it is time for a change
Jezebel Snowshade [1] "Even kings must ultimately face the end."

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Character Portrait: Carabell Jaegafl Blackwood Character Portrait: Samara Ryan Blackwood
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Character Portrait: Jezebel Snowshade
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#, as written by Ever
Snowshade Manor

[center]Rays of dreary sunshine filtered through the middle split of the red velvet curtains in the utmost unpleasant manner, the bustle of servants hurriedly rushing to and fro in attempt to draw a bath only making Ever’s distaste for the morning to grow. Desperately tightening her eyelid’s protective covering, the heiress was struggling to regain the blissful moments of sleep that had evaded away from her...and was being unsuccessful. No sooner than a few moments passed in futile attempts, a maid servant gingerly tapped the young woman’s shoulder, the words not quite registering in Ever’s mind. Would allowing me to sleep be too much to ask for? resonated the bitter thoughts, an irritated sigh following in suit of the stirring.

Stepping out of the porcelain clawfoot tub, a shiver coursed through her small frame at the sudden cold. However, that invasive feeling was immediately banished as a fur robe was tightly tucked around her naked form, a maid already guiding her to where the outfit of the day was meticulously arranged on the crimson covers. Hm… green today? Lovely.. my favorite color. murmured her sarcastic thoughts as she dropped the fur robe, her maids promptly responding in action. As the dress was fussed with and corseted breathtakingly tight, Ever couldn’t help but allow her gaze to drift to the window. I can’t wait for winter to come…. it looks too foreign without it’s blanket was her appraising thoughts, those feline-esque orbs flickering to the gathering clouds. Maybe my wish will be granted soon enough..

The whole ordeal with changing to look presentable in the morning wasn’t an easy task, heavens no, but it came as natural as breathing or talking by now. After all, she had 10 years to practice it. An hour later, a surprisingly short amount of time for what she just had been through, the heiress was swiftly walking down the halls of their manor, hunger fueling her. In a matter of minutes, the eldest Snowshade was in the dining hall, a frown painting it’s way onto the corners of her mouth. Mother isn’t here yet….. just lovely. mused her worried thoughts, a slight twinge of annoyance in them.. After all, now she would have to wait for the appearance of the Head to begin eating breakfast.

[OOC: Ignore me posting in the wrong place .-.']


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Character Portrait: Carabell Jaegafl Blackwood Character Portrait: Samara Ryan Blackwood
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Carabell unlocked the armory and stepped inside, a smile spreading across her face. She never got tired of par-oozing and browsing the many weapons and amours that decorated the dark, dim room. She took her time walking, as she gazed over the battle axe display to her right. 3 tables and 7 wall hangers filled magnificent bludgeons, sharpened to perfection by the Dragonmiir boy Carabell's sister seemed to be friendly with. Carabell didn't know much about Dragonmiir other than his name, and the fact that he's a blacksmith's son. Or that he knows Samara. Carabell ran her fingers over the glass casing that housed the finer swords collected by the Blacksmith family. One in particular caught her eye.

A cutlass stolen from a pirate captain who had targeted the Blacksmith mansion for reasons unknown, back before her father had even been born. It still shown brilliantly and new, as if just crafted. Along the edgings of the scabbard, shined a beautiful mother of pearl. Of course all of the crew had been executed, for attempting to steal from the royal family. Carabell's great grandfather was the head of the family at the time. She remembered him being gentle, and kind the one time she saw him. Lying on his death bed, and marking her grandfather as the new head of the family. She was only 4, so the memory was fuzzy to her, but she couldn't imagine him being cruel enough to kill an entire group of people for something as petty as thievery. Then again, thievery didn't mean as much to her as it did most people.

Finally She made it to the end of the armory hall, where the stands that held each member of the household's handpicked armor and weaponry lied. Her father's in the middle. A few spaces to the right, lied the empty stand where Carabell's should be. Lying behind it, was one of her usual black dresses, that she had placed there. Having of course locked the armory back behind her, Carabell began undressing, and redressing into her new set of clothes. She then carefully placed her armor back on the stand, and placed the crossbow on the arm posts next to it. With a huff, she turned around, and went to leave the armory.

Not looking behind her before locking the door, Carabell turned around only to be met with the dissatisfied eyes of her twin sister, and the stern look of their bodyguard, Eva. 'Maker be damned.' Carabell first thought, as soon as she saw them. A bead of sweat trickled down her face as she waited silence for what felt like hours. Finally, Carabell decided to break the ice, for some reason taking a nervous breathe before speaking. "Its good to see that you are back dear sister. How was today's visit to the temple? Did you receive any injuries this time?" She asked, hoping to keep a light topic. Bael watched from the shadows in the corner of the hall, apparently intrigued by the atmosphere between the sisters.


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Character Portrait: Carabell Jaegafl Blackwood Character Portrait: Samara Ryan Blackwood
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Blackwood Armory

The surprise look on Carabells' face was one not uncommon to Samara or Eva. To many times had the duo caught Carabell doing something she should not. Samara looked her over quickly, the dress she currently wore had no dirt at all. This ment she had arrived early enough to change over from her adventures in the forest.

"Must have been a long walk in that outfit, especially without a steed" Samara said "Who by the way must have jus been fine with being tied to that tree with no more but the grass below his feet to eat" Samara stopped herself, she was begining to sound more and more like a condescending elder than a sister. Samara embraced Carabell in a hug, her chest plate pressing against her sisters chest. Samara pulled away "I am just glad your safe. I know you can handle your own, but it's still my job to look after you"

She and Eva made their way around Carabell and opened the armory door. Eva stepped inside first, Samara turned to her sister one last time "The temple was invigorating as ever. You should come with next time" and with that she shut the door.

"You seem stressed my lady" Eva said helping Samara remove her armor and place it upon the stand, as well as her own.

"I feel as though I am turning into a bureaucratic noble women" She said unbuckling her chest piece and pauldurons.

"My lady, you are a noble women" Eva said jokingly, she pulled her metal greaves and boots off.

"You know that is not at al what I want to be" Samara said removing her chain mail top and placing her armor on the stand, she turned around with little more than a strip of cloth over her bare chest "I just feel as though I am pushing her away"

"Carabell loves you" Eva said pulling on her leather hide boots "She is just slightly envious of the praise you gain"

"I do not do it on purpose" Khalan said pulling her normal attire on, a functional dress of leather armor.

"She will see it in time" Eva said buckling her leather padded jacket "Give her some time"

Samara walked over to the weapons racks to her section of steel made for her by Dragonmiir.

"You love him don't you" Eva said placing her shield on her armor stand

"He is a very unique and stunning individual" she pulled down her dress sword, a slim broad sword engrave with runes filled with sapphires "And a unmatched swordsman and skilled blacksmith"

"So you do love him" Eva jested grabbing her scimitar and sliding it onto her back, she walked over to her spear

Samara sheathed her sword and placed it on her hip "Yes" she grabbed her wrist blades and placed them under her sleeves. A knock came to the door "Lady Samara?"

"Yes" she said locking them in place

"Your father requests your presence in the main hall" the servant said

Samara looked at Eva, who simply gave her a shrug "We are coming" Samara said as the two walked toward the door.