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Nick Moreno

The Leader

0 · 2,164 views · located in New York, NY

a character in “The Lost and Found”, as played by Collapse


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I was born under the name of:
Nicolas Phillip Moreno

You can call me:

My age is:

I was born on:
January 24th, 1990

I was born in:
Los Angeles, CA

I have been homeless for:
9 years

The Leader

People would describe me as being:
As expected by his title, Nick has strong leadership skills. He's confident, assertive and friendly, and in general, gets along well with everyone. Helpful, loyal, protective, friendly, short-tempered, defensive, sensitive
-- WIP --

Some things I like are:
  • Smoking - preferably weed, but cigarettes suffice when in public
  • Skateboarding
  • The ocean
  • Hot meals
  • Warm weather
  • Adrenaline rushes
  • Hotels

Some things I dislike are:
  • Most outreach programs
  • Expectations
  • 9-5 jobs
  • His temper
  • Cops
  • Christmas
  • His father

Never doing anything with his life. He doesn't expect to go to Harvard or anything, but being able to get a real job and a real apartment would be nice. As much as he wants it for his future-self, he's too in love with the freedom of the streets to give it up just yet.

In the short term, he wants to help the others get their lives in order. He sees potential in a lot of them but unfortunately, knows that most of them will end up as just another "homeless" statistic. A more realistic wish of his would be to get another tattoo, although he isn't sure where he would want it/what it would be of.

I ended up here because:
Nick is the son of Emilia Perez, a flight attendant from America, and Gabriel Moreno, a businessman from Spain. The pair were both only twenty-two when they met at a bar in Madrid and had a one night stand. Emilia was only in the city for a night, since she was working and had just stopped there for a 24-hour layover, so neither of them were expecting more than just a drunk encounter that night. Four months later, after much fear and denial on Emilia's part, it was confirmed that she was pregnant.

She was not ready to raise a child and her parents couldn't afford to take guardianship of the unborn child, so seeing no other option, Emilia reached out to Gabriel. He was also not willing to alter his life in order to raise a child on his own, and if his parents hadn't gotten involved, Nick would have been put in foster care right after he was born. They, however, were thoroughly opposed to the idea of their only grandchild being put into "the system" and decided to take custody of him. They had been planning on moving to the Florida Keys to retire at some point, so Nick's arrival just caused them to do it a bit sooner than planned. He was raised by his grandparents for thirteen years and has nothing to complain about when it comes to his childhood. His family was a bit nontraditional but his grandparents took good care of him and really loved him. He never met his mother and only saw his father once or twice a year for the first eight years of his. After that, there was an argument severed the ties that Gabriel had with his parents, which resulted in Nick being cut off as well. While he doesn't know all of the details, he does know that the fight was about the woman that Gabriel planned on marrying and how he was going to father children with her but reject Nick.

Nick's downward spiral definitely started when he was thirteen and his grandfather died suddenly of a heart attack. Not having a real father sucked, but his grandfather had always been there to fill that role for him so losing him was a big deal. To top it off, he didn't have much time to cope before his grandmother had a stroke. It was six weeks to the date of his grandfather's funeral when she was rushed to the hospital. She survived, but the stroke resulted in the entire right side of her body becoming permanently paralyzed. It was decided that a nursing home would be best for her, so once she was sent there, Nick was placed in foster care.

He'll give you an infinite number of reasons for why foster care ruined his life, but if he was being honest, he'd admit that he wasn't exactly willing to try out the new life. He had the typical teenage angst, topped with bottled up emotions resulting from his grandfather's death and grandmother's stroke. Even if he was living in a mansion with people waiting on him, he probably would have been defiant. He spent around a year and a half in foster care, and in that time, was shuffled between six different homes. He was labeled a troubled kid and did a pretty good job at fitting that description. He'd skip school at least three times a week, never did homework, was disrespectful to his teachers and foster parents, and got involved in the wrong crowd. He decided to leave his foster home when he was fifteen, and by that point, he was not only smoking pot daily, but was the most profiting dealer at his high school. If he hadn't left on his own accord, he probably would have been kicked out or arrested within weeks.

Leaving his home life wasn't as dramatic as it seems it would be, but he never really considered anything besides his grandparents' home to be "home" anyway. He went to school and immediately after, visited his grandmother at her nursing home. She wasn't doing well and would end up dying three weeks later, but Nick knew that he wouldn't see her again. He didn't tell her that he was running away but made sure that she knew he loved her and appreciated everything she had done before him. Before leaving, he discreetly took one hundred dollars out of her bedside stand. She wouldn't be needing it, and if he had asked, she would have given it to him anyway. That money paid for his bus ticket from Florida to New York, and the couple hundred he had saved from dealing was what he planned on using to keep him afloat.

It was a bad plan, and almost as soon as he got to New York, he realized that. He didn't know anyone in the city, and the fact that it was the dead of winter didn't help in his quest to survive on the streets. Two days into his journey, he found himself accepting a bed at a shelter for runaway youth. It wasn't what he had hoped his "free" life would be like, but he had a warm bed, hot shower and two meals a day. For then, it was enough. Plus, the shelter connected him with a job at a local restaurant. Here, he met Miguel Escobar, a kid who was a few years older than himself, who was also waiting tables. The two became fast friends and Nick learned that Miguel and his brother, Chris were big players in a drug ring. Without going into too much detail, Nick agreed to join their team and not only started dealing for them, but moved in with them. About three years in, he quit his job at the restaurant because the drug money was doing more than enough to help him get by. He was living well, but again, this didn't last for long.

Miguel, Chris and another friend living in the house were killed that year by Miguel's cousin. Police pinned it as a gang-related murder, but in reality, the cousin had found out that Chris had been sleeping with his girlfriend and clearly wasn't happy about it. Nick was lucky that he wasn't home, because Miguel and the friend had just been caught in the crossfire and if he were present, his fate would have likely been the same. When police showed up at the scene, a hoard of drugs were found in the house and Nick didn't even try to enter or act like he had known the guys. Again, he was homeless and dealing with the emotional trauma of losing loved ones so suddenly. By now, he had grown an emotional wall though. He knew that he had to be tough to survive on the streets, and he did.

Although he continued to sell drugs, it was more low key and wasn't giving him as much cash as he needed to get back on his feet. He managed to find a job washing dishes in the back of a small pub, Finnegan's Irish Pub. The owner, Finn, was a recently-divorced alcoholic who took a liking to Nick, and offered to let him room in his basement until he could find an apartment. He took him up on the offer, and now, six years later, he managed to convince Finn into letting seven other homeless kids share the space too.

I make a living by:
Drug Dealer

Height/Weight or build:
6'1/Athletic build

Eye color:

Hair color:

He has tattoos on his arm.

Face claim:
Diego Barrueco

So begins...

Nick Moreno's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Roman Killens
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#, as written by Cure

Roman nodded without pressing Nick further. He wasn't sure if Nick was telling the truth or not, but he didn't care so much to the point that he was going to focus too much on it. He nodded to the sign on the window that said 'HIRING'. "I was passing and saw the sign. I need some extra money. It'll probably piss her off, but I don't really care." He shrugged.

Roman suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at Nick, but he didn't try masking the humored exhale he gave. Although he disagreed with every word of Nick's sentence, he still listened; he just didn't buy any of it. There was a time when he disliked Brooke, just as many of the others in the basement do too, and so he would like to think that he wasn't as bias as he might have been when he wholeheartedly believed that Brooke was not on the same level as Elena. Elena was nothing but spite; she had no depth asides from being malice. Brooke was at least a bit different in that regards although Killens couldn't always explain her moodiness, but who the hell could? Plus, Nick was bound to have his own bias as well, and Roman couldn't really hold it against him. Since he figured Nick only said what he had to say to get a jab at Roman bringing back Brooklyn since they hadn't exactly finished their conversation on the topic, he let it go. The need to debate about it was also void and futile for that reason along with the fact that Roman, and perhaps arrogantly so, 'knew' he was right.

Again he shrugged at Nick's ending question albeit it being rhetorical. He placed the cigarette Nick gave him between his lip, holding it there for a little while the two of them walked. He had fumbled for his lighter as they moved but subconsciously forgot what he was doing as he listened to Nick's uncharacteristic rambling. They were both quite similar in that they were relatively introspective and calm. No matter how long he'd known Nick, though, it still always came as a surprise whenever he spoke for lengths at a time, which also made it harder to ignore him. Roman watched his feet move across the ground, falling into a sort of trance as he listened to Nick. Inevitably he felt a bit of guilt. His mind flashed back to earlier that day, to what Brooke said about him being in the way of their relationship, and maybe he was causing problems. He wasn't going to pretend that Brooklyn played no part, since obviously she did, but he wondered if the two months trying to get her back was even worth it. She didn't seem to care or even take notice in how hard he tried to bring her back to the basement; she only saw the bad in it since Nick wasn't found drowning in a pool of his tears. And again, it probably wasn't his place, but to him, at least some of his motives were good. He didn't want her back to ruin Nick's home, if the basement could even be called such. But again he didn't really put too much thought into the possible cons since he was partially doing it for the sake of normalcy.

He looked at Nick for a second and smirked. "That's because I'm basically a walking girl repellent," he said as he crossed the street, getting closer to their destination. As of now, the only girl in the basement who he didn't really have any drama with was Makayla. She always did her own thing, which he appreciated. "Yeah. I don't mind. I'm not really trying to be in the basement anyways," he said although he didn't really want to go into the details about it. He thought about explaining how he, too, seemed to not be doing very well with the females in the basement, what with Savannah's existence, Brooklyn being mad at him, and then Cara which wasn't really as dire, but still put a strange taste in his mouth. Compared to Nick's problem, which Roman felt some responsibility towards, it didn't seem right or necessary to talk about his which were basically arbitrary next to Nick's.

As Finn's came into sight, he remembered he still hadn't lit the cigarette Nick gave him. Figuring he could just wait until they were on the way to get some food, he tucked it behind his ear and shoved his hands in his pockets, rolling a piece of lint between his thumb and index finger. Roman walked a bit more with his mouth slightly agape as he tried to figure out how to say what he wanted. He made sure to avoid Nick's eyes and instead trained on the movement of his feet.

" sorry, I guess." He drew his words out slowly as he tried to piece together his sentence, but he figured that what he said wasn't inaccurate; he just didn't want to say it since apologizing always made him uncomfortable. It was more so out of embarrassment for whatever wrong he did, since he'd rather just overlook any failure on his part. "I get if you're annoyed with me and stuff. I thought bringing her back was some fucking magical solution but I guess it was pretty shitty. I wasn't trying to throw you under the fucking bus or anything." As they came to Finn's he looked back at Nick. "Not that I think you owe Savannah an explanation for whatever the hell is or isn't happening between the two of you, but whatever answer you need to give her doesn't have to involve you getting back with Brooke. I mean, damn, I'll fucking tell her to get lost if you want," he said with a bit more lightness in his voice, although he did mean what he said. "And, if you want, I can try telling Brooke to lay off with Savannah, for your sake. She's kind of pissed at me right now, and I don't know, maybe I should just stay out the way, but since I'm sort of the root between their little feud, perhaps I should be the one to try end it. I dunno," he said in a rush of words, wanting this part of the conversation to be over. He could feel his discomfort bringing a flush to his cheeks, so he quickened to change the subject. "Just hurry the fuck up before I have to eat you," he smiled tightly and said in an attempt to alleviate some of the tension he felt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Brooklyn Archer Character Portrait: Holly Madden Character Portrait: Roman Killens Character Portrait: Cara Forrester Character Portrait: Savannah Stonecraft*
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It was weird to hear Roman apologize, probably because at this point, it didn't seem as necessary as it did the day Brooklyn returned. Nick liked to think that Roman wasn't trying to cause any problems by bringing her back, so it wasn't hard to believe it when Roman actually claimed that. Considering how little Nick knew Roman wanted to do with Savannah, he appreciated that all he offered right now against her was an offer to tell her to get out. That bit of animosity was probably far more civil than the things that Roman could say to her, and offering to try to get Brooklyn to calm down was definitely a sign of kindness too. Nick didn't think that was the best idea, though. Brooklyn was the type of person who didn't want to be told anything, especially how to act. If Roman tried to tell her to lay off Savannah when she was in the right mood, Nick could imagine it would end up with her trying to kill Savannah, and maybe Roman too. It didn't seem smart, but Nick didn't comment on it, or much of anything that Roman was saying. A response didn't really seem necessary, not only because they were at the bar now, but because Nick's occasional nods probably spoke to how he understood what Roman was saying. "I'll only be a minute," he assured, half a smirk appearing as he caught Roman's comment.

The bar was just as packed as expected, and though it was slightly annoying trying to maneuver between the many drunk bodies, Nick knew that it was good for Finn. Heavy business on days like today made up for the days that he barely got any business, and in the long run, the better Finn did, the better they all did. If he lost the bar, that would literally leave them all homeless. Nick sometimes thought about how a situation like that would pan out. He was sure that he would be able to find somewhere to stay because even today, if he really needed a place to sleep, he had people he knew through dealing who would let him use their couch. Nick had connections from his years on the street, it was clear that Brooklyn did as well, and with that, Roman essentially did too. Cara was a no-brainer, considering that Nick knew and had seen first hand that she could house all of them and then some. While Nick hadn't delved too deep into Elena's current predicament, she had made it seem like she would only be in the basement temporarily, so he was sure she had friends around as well. It was the ones like Makayla, Holly, Savannah, and even Robbie and Jackson, that he worried about. He didn't know where they'd end up, and what was scarier to think about, was that he knew he wouldn't be able to help them either. Nick wasn't the type of person who was donating every penny he made to the group and honestly, he rarely offered money to any of them. If anything, it was supplying free weed to some of them when he could tell they were stressed. Still, he liked to feel like he could help them if they needed it and a situation like that would just prove that he was insufficient. The thoughts left him feeling more grateful for Finn, and he decided that he'd try to wake up early tomorrow to lend a hand in cleaning the bar up. From the looks of it, and the stickiness he felt on the sole of his shoes, it was definitely going to need it.

As he closed the door leading to the stairs behind him, the air-conditoned air disappeared and he was met with the heavy and humid basement air. That wasn't all that greeted him, though. While the loudness of the patrons and music above could still be heard in a muffled tone through the door, and as he made his way down, the ceiling, it was much quieter in the basement. Not silent, however, and he was met with one of the louder voices before he even made it to the floor. "Whoa," he grinned, catching Cara as she stumbled on one of the lower steps. "You alright there?" He smelled liquor on her instantly. Not even the expensive perfume he was sure she was wearing could mask the smell. He held onto her arm and led her back down the stairs, seeing then that all of the other girls were down there as well. Brooklyn and Savannah were standing close to each other. That could not be good, but Nick was trying desperately to not let himself fall back into that state of anxiety. He could feel his chest tighten up, so once he was convinced that Cara was stable on her feet, he gave the four other girls a small wave and headed immediately towards his section. He was quick as he rummaged through his backpack and pocketed his wallet as he left the bag on his mattress. He didn't know what he was supposed to say with both Brooklyn and Savannah right near each other, but also with Cara, Makayla and Holly in the room. It was awkward, but Nick tried to convince himself that maybe it wasn't his job to be the referee. He couldn't force the girls to like each other, and he doubted that Roman even asking Brooklyn to lay off would do much good. Maybe he needed to let them work it out. It'd probably end up with a trip to the morgue, but he still didn't have an answer for either of them, and he didn't have an answer for Savannah, and he didn't think he was going to have it any time soon. "Uh, Roman and I are going to get dinner, so I'll see you all later," Nick offered when he was already a few steps up the staircase. He was sure, after saying it, that he had made the situation more awkward by even speaking at all, but the whole situation felt awkward to begin with. In another attempt to make things less tense, when he should have just shut up, he forced a smile and nodded back at Cara. "You better make sure she lays off the vodka, too. Her eyes are already red, white and blue, and it the night's barely started."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makayla Wright Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Brooklyn Archer Character Portrait: Holly Madden Character Portrait: Cara Forrester Character Portrait: Savannah Stonecraft*
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#, as written by Writer

In a rare moment, Holly was content with listening rather than speaking. Brooklyn decided that she would come with them and told her to put her shoes on, and Makayla said that she would come too, but just to walk with Holly and not get any food herself. She was strangely not in the mood to react, but was forced to when Cara traipsed over and flung Holly's sandals at her. Even Holly, who struggled to pick up on a lot of things, could tell that Cara was drunk, but even her rambling about how they needed to leave now before Brooklyn's good mood ended, and the slowpoke comment that normally would have been translated into a challenge to race upstairs didn't change Holly's mind. "I don't want to go. Just bring it back for me, okay?" she requested, dropping her sandals back onto the floor and then sitting back down on the edge of the mattress. "Are you going to go back to the doctor since your stomach hurts?" she said, now looking up at Makayla. Her attention shifted momentarily as she heard Cara stumble on the stairs and Nick appear, but she was still too tired and out of it to jump up or greet him.

"No, you have to come, fresh air will make you feel better. And no, I'm not going back to the doctor. I'm fine, I'm just not hungry right now." She should have guessed that Holly would still be hung up on her going to the doctor's the other day. She didn't need any more of a reminder about how bad that trip went, and regretted bringing up her own health now. Instinctively, her eyes flickered back towards Jackson's vacant section of the basement as she swore to herself that she would beat his ass if he didn't come back with the money tonight. She was broke enough to want to take Brooklyn up on her offer to buy Holly food badly enough that she was skipping out on the very rare occasion that Holly actually wanted to sleep. As long as she was pregnant, she felt weird working the street, but as long as she wasn't working, she was completely dependent on Jackson for money. And she knew better than anyone, that Jackson was not responsible. She hoped and prayed that her threats would warrant him to pull through with the money this time. After the abortion, if he never spoke to her again, she would move on. She wouldn't care, and maybe she'd be better off without the chance of a second pregnancy happening. For now, though, she needed his child out of her, with his money.

Holly didn't want to go, and Makayla telling her that fresh air would make her feel better didn't make her want to go anymore. By now, on top of not feeling well, she was also being moody and being problematic just because, but she wasn't going to stop. "No, I don't want to go. Get it for me and bring it back so I can eat it in my bed." That sounded like a nice idea. Eating takeout in a stuffy basement, on a shabby mattress wasn't exactly the picturesque breakfast in bed scenario, but it sounded like a treat to Holly, who just wanted to sleep and have her macaroni and cheese right now.

Makayla's temper with Holly was definitely shorter than normal lately. She tried to be calm and patient with Holly, especially when she was complaining about feeling sick, but Makayla had been feeling sick for two months and no one was there for her. She couldn't act like a defiant child and still survive. She did everything for Holly and while Makayla didn't ever ask for recognition for that, there were times when she wished it wasn't her job. She did as well as she could to be a mother to Holly, but sometimes she felt like the lack of the true, maternal love that a mother is supposed to have for their child made her even less capable of tolerating Holly and all of the issues that came with her. With Nick coming in and Cara making a fool out of herself on the stairs, she hoped that Savannah and Brooklyn's attention would be diverted from her and Holly for a few seconds. She bent down next to Holly and squeezed her arm tightly enough to signal that she wasn't playing around. "You're going to get up and come get food, or you're not getting anything to eat for the rest of the night."

"But I don't want--" Holly began to whine, only to be cut off by Makayla pinching her cheeks together.

"I don't care what you want. I don't have money for you to get your macaroni and cheese and Brooklyn said she'll get it for you. So you either get your ass up and go with her, or you don't eat anything until the morning. Take your pick." She spoke quietly, not wanting to make a scene, especially when Holly was in a state where it wouldn't have been crazy for her to burst out crying, but with everyone so close together, Makayla was aware that they weren't in complete privacy. She maintained steady eye contact with Holly but released her grip on both her arm and mouth and stood up as she awaited her response.

Holly was surprised by Makayla's shift in attitude as she went from acting normally, to going more hands-on than Holly would have liked in just a few seconds. Although Makayla was better with Holly than anyone, it wasn't the first time that she had seen this side of her sister and Holly knew better than to continue to test her, even though she wasn't feeling well. "You're so mean to me," she whimpered as she slipped her feet into her sandals and brushed past Makayla and Savannah towards Brooklyn. "Okay, I'm ready," she declared as she approached the blonde, taking a few steps past her towards Cara. "Makayla's being mean to me. Can you tell her to go to work so I can stay with you tonight?" she asked, still not feeling energetic enough to acknowledge Nick or even ask Cara why she liked alcohol so much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makayla Wright Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Brooklyn Archer Character Portrait: Holly Madden Character Portrait: Roman Killens Character Portrait: Cara Forrester
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Savannah watched the others go on and couldn't help but arch a brow when Brooklyn offered to get her something too, she wasn't about to let that happen. She might very well poison it.

"No thank you," She said, graciously.

It was then that Holly and Makayla went back and forth like sister's do and Savannah just stayed out of it, it wasn't her place. Not that she really had time to think because Nick arrived with Roman, and honestly, everything else faded into the background. She had a 'gift' for him, but thinking about it now, she wasn't sure she even wanted to show him. She wasn't that girl yet, she would be, atleast enough to keep him interested but then at the same time, she shouldn't completely change who she was for a boy, especially one who didn't even know what he wanted.

Elena was right though, sometimes, you had to tell them what they wanted. She would be herself only...sexier, more interesting.

As Holly went to Brooklyn, Savannah decided it was time to go, and apparently so did Nick. . "Uh, Roman and I are going to get dinner, so I'll see you all later" He said and she pursed her lips. Not even a word.

She moved around the girls and toward the stairs, oddly enough she didn't excuse herself, like she normally would have. She was fastly getting over being polite, it amounted to nothing, not here anyway.

She did however excuse herself when she rounded Nick and took his arm, whether he wanted to go or not. "We need to talk." She said, and that was in the end of it, before she dragged him up the stairs and out of the way of everyone else.

"Look this isn't about us...if there even is an us, that's a conversation, neither of us has the time, or apparently the patience for.... " She said, not bothering to hide the bitterness in her words, nor the roll of her eyes. "I've decided to take the job" She blurted out before they went down that rabbit hole. "I need the money and it doesn't look like my writing is doing anything for me anyway, not whilst homeless anyway. I thought you ought to know." She said, and a part of her hope that he would protest, just a bit, that's why she hadn't just walked off. He hoped he'd tell her that she didn't have to do it, tell her something encouraging, because that's what boyfriends did. Atleast in her stories they did, Nick wasn't her boyfriend, atleast as far as she could tell. They slept together once a few nights ago, but she realized that, that didn't mean a damn thing and she hated being that girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Savannah Stonecraft*
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Nick was already a few steps up the stairs when Savannah latched on to him, claimed they needed to talk, and pulled him up the stairs with her. He couldn't help the thought of 'Not this again...' from fogging his mind as a surge of tension filled him. It had been three days since Brooklyn had returned, and he still didn't have an answer. He felt like the pressure on him to come up with some explanation or answer or decision was tremendous, but at the same time, it had only been three days. He had dated Brooklyn for seven years and at the same time, really liked Savannah. Three days wasn't enough time for him to make a decision that would change his life. Regardless, he followed her upstairs, if only to escape having to talk about his situation with Savannah in front of Brooklyn. Brooklyn was harsh enough with Savannah as it was, and he didn't need their two-way conversation turning into a three-way fight with her. Besides, he felt guilty talking to either of them in front of the other. He wasn't trying to boost his own ego or act like he was some incredible prize to be won, but he felt like it would be mean to act more friendly to one over the other. It fell into the long list of anxieties that had suddenly arose since Brooklyn's return.

Even in the private back room of the bar, where the basement stairs led to, the noise of its patrons was overwhelming, compared to how it usually sounded. It made it difficult for him to focus on what Savannah was saying at first, and when he remembered that Roman was waiting for him, he felt more uneasy. He was sure that Roman was getting antsy by now, and he didn't want him to come looking and find him talking with Savannah. Roman didn't seem to be in a bad mood during their walk back to the bar, and Nick didn't want to give his friend any reason to grow into one. Talking to Savannah when he was supposed to be on his way out to get dinner with him, would probably fall into the "bad mood provoker" category.

When Savannah suddenly exclaimed that she was taking the modeling job she had spoken about days before, his expression shifted from discombobulated and maybe even a bit bothered, to concerned. It was impossible for him to not be concerned. The job description she had given him was obviously too good to be true. Some dude from a pizzeria asked her to be a nude model. It wouldn't involve anything sexual, and she would get good money. It just didn't make sense. In New York City of all places, someone who wanted something like that could pick up a prostitute and take the photos of them for a fraction of the amount Savannah had been promised. Nick obviously wanted to shut the idea down all together, but at the same time, any money was good money. He knew that, and it seemed like Savannah was beginning to realize that now too. If he had thousands of dollars on him, it would have been easier to shut down the sketchy idea and promise to support her himself. As he looked at her, he really that he really, really wished he could do that, but he couldn't, so with no alternative, who was he to forbid her from doing it?

"I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that you can't take it, because I'm not your dad and yeah, I guess you do need a job if you haven't found anything with your writing. All I'm gonna tell you is that I think it's shady. If it's some real, legit modeling thing, they would have went through some agency. You know how many wannabe models there are in New York City? That dude could've went down to any unemployment office and had a million and one applications if it was some legit thing. They want to keep it off the books and off the radar for a reason. Look, the shit that I do to survive isn't good and I know that, but as someone who's doing illegal shit too, it's not hard to see that there's a catch to whatever he promised you. I won't tell you not to do it, but I think you should consider other options first. I know you don't wanna work at McDonald's or anything like that, but what about Barnes and Noble or one of the libraries or some shit like that? I doubt you'll make a ton of money there either, but they'd be jobs where there isn't a chance that you'll end up raped, killed and stuffed in a dumpster." He barely took a break to breath as he reasoned with her, doing his best to voice his concerns without trying to seem too concerned and invested, or too harsh. "I should probably be catching up to Roman. Do you want to come eat with us, or were you doing something with the girls?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Savannah Stonecraft*
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"I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that you can't take it, because I'm not your dad and yeah, I guess you do need a job if you haven't found anything with your writing. All I'm gonna tell you is that I think it's shady. If it's some real, legit modeling thing, they would have went through some agency. You know how many wannabe models there are in New York City? That dude could've went down to any unemployment office and had a million and one applications if it was some legit thing. They want to keep it off the books and off the radar for a reason. Look, the shit that I do to survive isn't good and I know that, but as someone who's doing illegal shit too, it's not hard to see that there's a catch to whatever he promised you. I won't tell you not to do it, but I think you should consider other options first. I know you don't wanna work at McDonald's or anything like that, but what about Barnes and Noble or one of the libraries or some shit like that? I doubt you'll make a ton of money there either, but they'd be jobs where there isn't a chance that you'll end up raped, killed and stuffed in a dumpster." He said and Savannah looked away. It wasn't as if that hadn't crossed her mind, but she pushed it to the back of her thoughts. She wanted to get a real job, something legit, but she couldn't, she was here Illegally, something she may have mentioned to him, or didn't, sure couldn't be sure, but her student Visa was up a long time ago, so she wasn't able to get a real job, something like that would be nice. Barnes and Nobles would be a perfect place for her, surrounded by inspiration, but it wasn't realistic, she would be deported and honestly, she didn't want to go back, even though it seemed she wasn't going to have much to stick around for. If she went back, she would be forced to live with her parents, to whom she held little love for, she hadn't forgiven them or herself for Lucas, and she didn't see that happening especially if she were to go home because she was deported.
Ashamed, Savannah couldn't meet his gaze.
"I should probably be catching up to Roman. Do you want to come eat with us, or were you doing something with the girls?" He said and she took a breath, and shook her head, chuckling ruefully. "You do realize that, that Roman hates me right? I don't know why, but he does, so me tagging along with you two, will make it worse." She said, sardonically. She ran her hand through her thick hair, her curls springing back into it's previous setting, she sighed. "I was going to go see them....I don't have anything else, Nick, My student Visa was up, years ago, I'm not here legally." She told him, and hoped to all the gods that existed that Brooklyn never heard this, ICE would be all over her in seconds. "I need something, and honestly, I already feel like I've begun to overstay my welcome and I certainly don't want to be a burden to you, I know this is dangerous, but....It's better than nothing..." She told him, but then got an idea. "Maybe...perhaps...If you came with me..." She said, and regretted it the moment it left her lips. Didn't she just say she didn't want to be a burden to him. She felt a headache throb against her skull. "Maybe not now, but, some time, if it'll make you feel better?" She offered. He seemed genuinely concerned but not in the protective boyfriend way she'd been hoping for, it was more of a friendly, 'maybe this isn't such a good idea' sort of thing. She was going to go back to Victoria Secret, and return what she had bought, god only knew that she couldn't really afford it anyway, and now it seemed to be a clear waste of her limited funds.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Savannah Stonecraft*
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"No, I think I'm good without going. The people I hang around are risky enough as it is. I don't need some sketchy dude who's probably trying to toss you into human trafficking to land me in jail too." For some reason, Nick's mood shifted into one that was more annoyed than it had been when he had first begun to reason with Savannah. He really did sympathize for her. She wasn't the type of girl who belonged on the streets, and this all seemed new to her. Ever since she landed out here, she had some type of money stored away in a bank account that she was living off of, but now she was faced with the cold, hard reality of what the streets were really like. Her situation was different than most of the others', because she had never expected that she would become homeless. He, Roman, Brooklyn, and even Makayla and Holly, had all left their homes willingly. They knew that at some point, they would run out of money and would fade out of normal society. She didn't. She had these big dreams of becoming a successful writer and the fact that she had went to such a great school, apparently on such a great scholarship too, didn't make that dream seem unrealistic. So, he could understand why she didn't have a backup plan when everything fell apart for her. At the same time, he was so used to this life that it was hard for him to clearly relate to a life that he had never had a shot at having himself. He didn't have a high school degree, nonetheless a college degree, but he was convinced that he had more street smarts than Savannah. That was why he was becoming less patient with her insistence that she needed to take the job. He felt like he knew better than her when it came to this.

"I'm sorry... look, I just know this isn't going to end well, and I don't want to be in a position where I know you need help and I can't help you. I just don't think it's a good idea. You'll be killed or stuck with a solicitation charge or something. There are other jobs that offer money off of the books. Elena's parents were here for years working off the books. Why don't you ask her if she knows any places where you can find some short term work?" He tried to be reasonable, calm and understanding once again. "You aren't a burden. I just don't want you to get hurt."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Savannah Stonecraft*
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"No, I think I'm good without going. The people I hang around are risky enough as it is. I don't need some sketchy dude who's probably trying to toss you into human trafficking to land me in jail too." Savannah gaped t him. He took a tone she'd never heard from him before, it struck her in a way that made her take an involuntary step back. So that was it, he didn't care, not in the way that's she'd hoped. She felt pressure behind her eyes and she pursed her lips.

When she didn't say anything he spoke again. "I'm sorry... look, I just know this isn't going to end well, and I don't want to be in a position where I know you need help and I can't help you. I just don't think it's a good idea. You'll be killed or stuck with a solicitation charge or something. There are other jobs that offer money off of the books. Elena's parents were here for years working off the books. Why don't you ask her if she knows any places where you can find some short term work?" He said and she looked at him, his tone softer now, more reasonable. That was an option, but she was running out of money ,and she didn't want to be without it, she didn't want to rely on him more then she already did. She took a shuddered breath. Emotion heavy in her chest. "You aren't a burden. I just don't want you to get hurt."

He said and She felt a small parody of a smile tug at her lips.

"Alright....I'll see what I can do with that but..." She said, and sighed. "I just...I still have a little saved, it's not much but It'll get me by, but what happens when that's gone? I don't want you looking after me, That's not for you to do and technically, this is short term work..." She said, and she knew he would just get annoyed again, and so she did want she thought she'd never do. She lied..sort of.
"I...I'll look for other options." She said, with a nod, looking at her feet and she would, look, but she was going to go still. She refused for her to have a way to make money and choose not to. She would have tried for something more legit, where she here legally, she'd been trying to earn a dual citizenship but she needed a home to do that, a place to live and a job, to pay for it, which she couldn't do without a Visa, which she no longer had. So she decided, she would go, but only make enough to pay for a small apartment, or something, and then she would work on her citizenship. "You say I'm not burden yet every time you look at me, you look so stressed...that is the definition of being a burden, Nick." She didn't want to have this conversation, but she had to, at least give him something to think about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makayla Wright Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Brooklyn Archer Character Portrait: Holly Madden Character Portrait: Jackson King Character Portrait: Cara Forrester
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"Makayla's being mean to you?! Preposterous!" Cara exclaimed, wrapping one arm around Holly's shoulder to pull her in to a side hug. "I think you're lying. Makayla's never mean to you." Cara had only acknowledged Nick by flipping him off before he disappeared up the stairs with Savannah. She didn't think she was that drunk, but the fact that she was flipping anyone off probably spoke to what that last shot of vodka was doing.

"She is mean to me sometimes. She squeezed my face," Holly objected, though her voice was too tired to be considered an argument. "Your eyes do look red. Why?" she then asked as she studied Cara's face more intently. Holly knew what being drunk looked like. While Makayla seemed to smoke more than she drank, she drank when they had the money. Besides that, Holly had grown up with a bunch of people who indulged in drugs and alcohol. She was actually more familiar with people who were intoxicated than sober, so even if she didn't catch the scent of alcohol on Cara over the smell of her perfume and the assortment of other basement scents, she noticed the bloodshot eyes when Nick pointed it out. She reached over to touch Cara's face, as if she needed to analyze it better, but hearing Jackson come in behind her had her spinning around mid-reach. She didn't want to see Jackson after the mood his presence and comments had put her in. Her head was still aching and she wasn't in a mood where she could overlook the early actions and start over, as she so frequently did. "I don't like Jackson. Let's go get my mac and cheese."

"That's what I've been trying to do for the past twenty-five years! Come on," Cara responded, grasping Holly's arm and giving her a rough tug up the stairs. This time, she made her way up the stairs without a single stumble, though her free hand gripped the staircase railing. "Brooklyn, we'll meet you up there! I'll ask your boyfriend to come with us since you apparently can't ask by yourself! I never thought of you as being the scaredy cat, but I guess everything is just out of order tonight!" she added, not even looking back at where she had last seen Brooklyn standing.

When they reached the first level of the bar, Nick and Savannah were standing only a few feet away. "Ooh, being brazen now Nicolas? Your ex-girlfriend is downstairs and you're up here about to have a quickie with your current muse?!" Cara smirked. "No offensive," she then followed up with, looking towards Savannah. "So, are we all going out for a family dinner? Like, this could be cute!"

"I want my mac and cheese," Holly chimed in with a whine, now looking to Savannah as she began to decide that Cara might be too drunk to actually be reliable tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makayla Wright Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Brooklyn Archer Character Portrait: Holly Madden Character Portrait: Jackson King Character Portrait: Cara Forrester
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The events over the next few minutes happened quickly enough that Brooklyn, in her tired and barely sober self, didn't have the energy to try to keep up. Between Holly acting out of character, Savannah rejecting her offer for food (and just her presence all together), Nick coming down and single-handedly making things awkward, him trying to escape back upstairs and then Savannah leaving with him, Brooklyn was thrown off of her usual game. How Savannah had wrapped her arm around Nick's and pulled him up the stairs, as if they had private business to take care of, pissed Brooklyn off more than words could explain, but she was questioning whether it was worth it anymore. Whether getting jealous over Nick was worth it. Savannah was a loser, she had decided, and if Nick saw any worth in her, it only accentuated how much of a loser he was too. If they wanted to be together and go no where in life, should she fight to stop that? Should she even want to be Nick's girlfriend? As superficial as it probably sounded, for someone who had spent so long living on the streets, finances were a big deal. Nick had made it clear that he didn't have an urgent desire to get off of the streets or make real money that could get them anywhere, and at this point in her life, that had to be a deal breaker. If she wanted to get off of these streets, and right now she was sure she did, than that had to be enough for her to stop caring. She just wished it was that easy.

"I should be back with her in twenty minutes or so," Brooklyn spoke once the basement was empty aside from her, Makayla and Jackson. For some reason, she lingered on the bottom of the stairs even after she had finished addressing Makayla. She wasn't waiting for Makayla to give her money for Holly since she didn't expect her to, or for Makayla to even respond. She just didn't want to have to deal with everything that was upstairs. Nick and Savannah, Holly, drunk Cara (that she had to admit was mostly her fault). Even the loud music and unusually crowded bar would probably worsen her mood, and slowly the desire to go out later that night was fading more and more. Right now, she was sure that the only relief would be to crash in her bed and sleep all night.

She made it only a few steps up the main staircase before deciding that she couldn't deal with what was probably waiting at the top of the steps, and turned back. She had half a mind to just leave when she slowly headed past Makayla and Jackson and up the staircase that led into the alleyway, but remembered that she had offered to take on the responsibility of Holly. It was something that Cara normally took, but with her being intoxicated, Brooklyn wasn't even going to risk whatever trouble the two of them would get into. So, she decided to wait for them out front where she wouldn't have to deal with Savannah or Nick. On both sides of the door were a couple of men smoking cigarettes, who, if she even briefly made eye contact with, were sure to catcall her. It was something that Brooklyn was used to, especially given her line of work, but she wasn't in the mood for that or anything, really, and paced a few feet away from the building to avoid any socialization.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Holly Madden Character Portrait: Roman Killens Character Portrait: Cara Forrester Character Portrait: Savannah Stonecraft*
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When Savannah confirmed that she would look for other ways to make money, Nick cracked a small smile. "Good,"[/color] he responded with an affirming nod. "I know you'll be able to find something better than that. Anything would be better than that."[/color] It seemed like a good place to leave the conversation, and again, Nick was ready to turn away, but she spoke again, and brought him back to a place of guilt and unease. She was right, that lately, whenever he was around her, he did probably seem stressed and uncomfortable, but didn't have to do with her personally. It was just the situation he was in. He felt like he couldn't be physically or emotionally involved with Savannah, because Brooklyn was now there, and though they weren't dating, it felt like betrayal. Maybe he was just so used to being so loyal to Brooklyn, for so many years, that it still felt wrong to show any affection for any girl when she was around. Brooklyn's return had also reminded him that he wasn't sure what he wanted with Savannah, and unless he was certain that he really wanted her, he felt too bad to continue to string her along. He probably was still stringing her along by not giving her a definite no answer, but he still didn't know if he could give her a definite no answer and feel like that was what he really wanted. Simply put, Nick didn't know what or who he wanted at all, and until he could figure that out, he felt incredibly tense around either of the girls. That was even more true now, when he knew that Brooklyn was lurking around on just one floor below them.

"You're not a burden, Savannah. I know it's probably pretty stressful for you too to be in this place, but I just never imagined that things would go this way. You know, with Brooklyn coming back right after we-"[/color] He stopped mid-sentence as the door behind them swung open and Cara and Holly joined them in the back room. He looked at Savannah, hoping his expression read that he hoped she would let them finish this conversation later, and not in front of the two other girls. As if leaving off with Savannah on such an uncertain note wasn't bad enough, but Cara just had to be drunk enough to worsen it. Cara was normally a really nice girl. She was pretty quiet in the basement and did a lot more good than damage. She didn't need to be on the streets and Nick was surprised that she had actually lasted this long, but the fact that she had money made her useful. She kept Holly occupied, she kept Brooklyn occupied, and she brought a sense of normalcy to their world. Give her a few shots of alcohol, and she was the definition of white girl wasted, though. It was a stark contrast to her sober personality, so seeing her like this was usually amusing, but Nick was, as Savannah had pointed out, too stressed to be entertained now. "You and Holly are going out for a family dinner,"[/color] he told her, though he wondered if Cara was even capable of taking care of Holly in this state.

He wanted to brush it off as not being his problem, but Nick felt responsible for the people in the basement. He stayed out of people's business most of the time, but in situations like this, it seemed like it was necessary for him to intervene. "Aren't Makayla and Brooklyn coming with you guys too? Here, let's wait out front for them. Roman's probably pissed at me for being down here for so long," he said, pushing the door the led into the main bar room open. He looked towards Savannah and nodded at the door as the girls walked through. "Why don't you go with them, now that you aren't going to your photo thing?"[/color]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Moreno Character Portrait: Holly Madden Character Portrait: Roman Killens Character Portrait: Cara Forrester Character Portrait: Savannah Stonecraft*
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You're not a burden, Savannah. I know it's probably pretty stressful for you too to be in this place, but I just never imagined that things would go this way. You know, with Brooklyn coming back right after we-

. "Ooh, being brazen now Nicolas? Your ex-girlfriend is downstairs and you're up here about to have a quickie with your current muse?!" Cara smirked, "No offensive," She said to Savannah, who could honestly say should could have smacked Cara sober right then and there for her interruption. They were finally, finally going to have at least a residue of a conversation, and the fool girl came in, with Holly just as he was about to get into it, ruining it. Savannah gave a stiffen smile, and shook her head as if to say, none taken but there was alot taken. Nick has glanced her was as well, his eyes promised to finish the conversation at a later date. "So, are we all going out for a family dinner? Like, this could be cute!"

It was then that Holly came up to her, pouting somewhat adorably.

"I want my mac and cheese," She whined and Savannah nodded. "Alright, Love," She told her, but that was all she could manage. You and Holly are going out for a family dinner," Nick commented, clearly as perturbed with this as she was.
. "Aren't Makayla and Brooklyn coming with you guys too? Here, let's wait out front for them. Roman's probably pissed at me for being down here for so long," He asked the two girls, gesturing for the door but not before casting a gaze in Savannah's direction.
"Why don't you go with them, now that you aren't going to your photo thing?" He offered and Savannah sighed. "Were it just Makayla, Holly and even Cara, certainly, but..." She didn't finish. "I don't know if I should be there. It's already exhausting enough and I can't afford any of it." She said, she knew she sounded impatient. She knew if she didn't go with them, then he'll probably think she'll have gone to Grindhouse, which she was still going to do, but she didn't plan on outright lying to his face, it would be a half truth in a way, she would look, she planned on looking for other work, but in the meantime, she needed something, some form of income. It was dangerous, but what he did was dangerous too, and it wasn't stopping him. "I'm not sure I'll be all that welcome beyond Holly...." She said, which relly was bothering her. Brooklyn clearly made up her mind about her, and Savannah, while she wasn't a huge fan of this, had decided that Brooklyn wasn't worth all the stress she'd been causing, that didn't stop it from happening, of course but it was mainly because of Nick, had he not reacted the way her was, avoiding her like the goddamn plague, she would have been able to ingore Brooklyn, and her petty, childish ways, but she effected Nick and in turn, effected her as well and now, with the added fact that her only real chance at some income was delayed, and she had to restore to lying to go do it, Savannah wasn't sure that she had the general patience for Brooklyn or Cara at the moment.