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Adriaan Kavaki

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tiko


*I did not create nor do I own this image, it belongs to heise of Deviantart.

Name: Adriaan Kavaki
Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 160 lb.
Race/Species: Avorian
Place of Birth: Volary, Western Shintenchi of Terra
Current Residence: Wing City, Midlands of Terra
Nationality: Volarian
Occupation(s): Patronus, Street Fighter

A monk hailing from western Shintenchi, Adriaan is lithe and lightly built, as appropriate for his species, with a toned and muscled form. Though some might label his features effeminate as they toe that line somewhere between handsome and pretty, the lighter body build results in less body mass and bulky muscle tone which is more fitting for a species accustomed to flying. Though his skeletal structure is not as sturdy as that of a human, his rigorous training and use of Ki leaves him a capable fighter. He has grey eyes, slightly pointed ears, and long silver hair that he typically keeps braided. A pair of powerful and fully functional feathered wings can be seen sporting from his back.

Adriaan is rather good natured and a touch chivalric at times, though his chivalry can often be credited to his weak spot for the proverbial damsel in distress. Adriaan is apt to taking a somewhat dogmatic approach to the teachings of his order and often views his life as a scale of giving and receiving, and he's not afraid to play the scales a bit to enjoy himself while accepting the consequences that will arise at a later date for his indulgences. After all, what's the point of life if you don't live a little.

  • Gauntlets: These gauntlets cover the hands as well as extend upwards to the elbow and vicious spikes have been affixed to the knuckles. Though metallic, their exact origin is uncertain, but for their light build and nearly weightlessness they are extremely durable. They are capable of withstanding a great deal of blunt force as well as well as magical assaults upon them.
  • Prayer beads: Used to help focus his Ki. He generally wraps them around his fist and wrist during fights while keeping them in his pocket when not involved in combat.

So begins...

Adriaan Kavaki's Story


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#, as written by Tiko
“No harm done,” Adriaan replied with a shrug before turning attention back around to Lerot. “Sorry about that, where were we?” he asked.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
“Intention towards handling? I'm not sure I catch your meaning. I have no quarrel with them. Only reason I got caught up in all this sword business was because it seemed a sound enough way to test my combat prowess against suitable opponents you know? Heck, I don't even use swords,” he explained with a wave of his hand towards his own discarded sword lying in the heap of straw. “I gave my word to Geoff that no one would pass here so long as I'm standing, and here I plan to stay. What goes on beyond here isn't any of my business.”


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
“Uh miss, that might not be a good idea...” Adriaan called as she tampered with the sword. As she wandered off though he just gave an indifferent shrug and turned his attention back to Lerot.

“What exactly is it that you're proposing?” Adriaan asked. "I don't know what help I can offer from in here, but you know as well as I do that Orochi is sending people out to kill Geoff. My diligence is required now more than ever...” He trailed off momentarily at the woman's peculiar behavior. “Is it just me or is that woman playing with a few cards short of a full deck, if you catch my meaning?" he whispered to Lerot.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
“Geoff mentioned the vault can only be opened when there's one spirit remaining. I don't expect there's going to be an end in the blood shed as long as there's intent to open the vault at all,” Adriaan mused thoughtfully. “Someone said something to me recently though... do you know what's in the vault? Does anyone? I mean sure we've all been told there's power and riches and what not, and while sure history is riddled with people killing for less, seems to me there's more to it than that. Just something I've been mulling over since Mylor mentioned something...”

Adriaan gave a shrug. “It's probably nothing. Anyways, I'm not sure what you have in mind to stop everyone from killing each other short of just not opening the vault. And I get the impression the spirits won't let it go so easily, given their own stake in matters.”


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
“Geoff told me much the same,” Adriaan replied before glancing over Lerot's shoulder. “I think our lady friend is sidling on off. You know where to find me if the time comes to open the vault. I gave Geoff my word that I would, once there are no longer any threats to him here.”


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
“Anytime,” Adriaan replied as he tossed himself down in the heap of straw. Folding his arms behind his head he settled back into his usual location. “Best hurry up, or that lady is going to wander herself into trouble.”


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Adriaan opened one eye. “Uh... can I help you?” he asked before the woman could reach his wings.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Adriaan re-opened his eye again, wondering what the commotion was and why the pair were still lurking about the place. What he saw brought him around with a start as he sprung to his feet. The gap between himself and Lerot was closed with a single stroke of his powerful wings that landed him skidding to a halt at his side.

His instincts tore him in two directions, one to go after the retreating woman, the other to aid Lerot. After only a moments hesitation he dropped to Lerot's side. Slipping his gauntlets free, he pressed his hand to the open wound as the blood flowed in deep rivets of crimson.

“Hang in there, kid,” Adriaan told him. He didn't need to be a doctor to realize he couldn't do anything for Lerot, but he wasn't about to go off after the woman and leave the man to bleed out alone. The warm pulse of blood against his hand left Adriaan's expression grim.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Adriaan shrugged his shirt off and pressed it to Lerot's wound before moving the fallen sword bearers hand to press over top of it, woefully unaware of the paralysis that gripped him. He paused only a moment more, a tinge off regret in his eyes before they hardened and he took off after the retreating woman.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Adriaan turned about, his expression one of anger. Shirtless and his hands stained with blood, the normally amiable monk had a grimness to him that was out of place. “You, who are you?” he asked before shaking his head and asking a different question. “Why?” he demanded. The muscles in his jaw twinged from clenching his teeth as he faced the masked woman down.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
“I have no need of weapons, you're not going anywhere with that sword,” Adriaan warned. Pulling his prayer beads from his pocket he wound them tightly around his blooded hand paying no mind to the crimson smears it caused.

While Adriaan had no personal stake in the swords, he wasn't about to overlook a man's dying wishes.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Adriaan swiftly sprung into motion. With his wings to propel him, he didn't so much as run as he did skim the bluff with impressive speed. Caught up in his own momentum he kicked up a small spray of dirt as he skidded to a halt in her path, half crouched.

Taking the moment to shift his weight into a forward spring, his wings once again drove him forward with a single powerful stroke. With both her weapons sheathed, he had only to get into melee range before she could draw either of them, and the hardened stare of his narrowed eyes left little question that he intended to just that.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Braced for impact, Adriaan's momentum carried him forward with a widening of his eyes and a brief look of shock. Flaring his wings wide, he jerked to a halt and hit the ground in a crouch, looking about the bluff for Lapis, but she was nowhere to be found.

Frustration welled up inside of him, but she could be anywhere. Gritting his teeth he abandoned his efforts in favor of returning to Lerot.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
With Lapis gone, Adriaan did the only thing left to him and he made his way back to the chamber Lerot had fallen in. Spotting the man half slumped against the frame of the doorway, for a moment Adriaan could almost imagine him still alive as he strode towards him.

“I'm sorry, she esca-” Adriaan trailed off with a deep sigh as he reached Lerot's side. One look at the man's still form and unseeing eyes told Adriaan all he needed to know. Kneeling down he gripped his prayer beads tightly in a bloody fist while his other hand reached out to carefully brush Lerot's eyes closed. He had been far too young, scarcely past boyhood and into his adult years.

Regret was etched into Adriaan's face and he remained there for a time, knelt over the prone form of the dead sword bearer while he murmured a few prayers under his breath.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Adriaan blinked up at Taylor, frozen in a moment of uncertainty. It didn't take a genius to realize how bad this looked for him. Looking down at his blood stained hands and the motionless body he stood up, hands raised up in a gesture of harmless intent. The prayer beads in his hand glinted in the light, fresh drops of blood dripping from them to spatter upon the floor at his feet.

“This isn't what it looks like,” Adriaan tried to explain.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
“Hold up there, I didn't kill anyone, and I don't know where Sha'arish is,” Adriaan retorted, his hands still up in a display of non hostility. Despite his show of amiability though, the scent of blood was thick in the air and it coated his skin in glistening smears of crimson. Each sway of his prayer beads only furthered draw attention to the grisly spectacle as they caught and glinted in the starry lighting. “Let's not do anything rash here,” he added for good measure.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Taylor's distraught state wasn't helping Adriaan to suppress his rising guilt and he spared another glance towards the fallen form of Lerot.

“I was trying to help him, my name is Adriaan. A woman named Lapis slew him. It happened before I could reach them,” he tried to explain.

The words felt hollow to him, there was only he and the dead man here and no evidence with which to back his claim, but he forged ahead anyways. “I'm sorry, I should have known something wasn't right, I should have been faster.” His expression turned to a grimace of disgust, though it was hard to say at whom it was directed.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
“I truly am sorry,” Adriaan offered as he lowered his hands. Sparing his bloody hands a glance, he knelt down and retrieved his fallen shirt which was just as thoroughly blood soaked as everything else. In a futile attempt to at least clean the blood of the woman's fallen comrade from his hands he finally gave up and tossed the useless rag down to the floor.

“His last wishes were that his sword be recovered,” Adriaan told her as he sat down, leaned against the opposite side of the door frame from Lerot. There was nothing left of his typically jovial nature as he sighed heavily. “I tried, but she vanished.”


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Adriaan nodded briefly, catching sight of the glint of Lapis' flask upon the floor as he did so. It must have been discarded in the commotion. Retrieving it he gave it an experimental sniff, recognizing keenly the scent of alcohol.

Taking a healthy quaffing of the burning liquid to sooth his nerves Adriaan let out a sigh and tossed the flask aside as he rose back to his feet. “Alright, let's go.”

Even as he spoke the words it was apparent that something was not right. His words were slurred as his vocal cords were gripped by the swift onset of paralysis. Blinking blearily the numbness rapidly was overtaking his whole body and he dropped straight to his knees and from there crumpled to the floor.


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Character Portrait: Adriaan Kavaki
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#, as written by Tiko
Twenty minutes came and passed without event as Adriaan sat leaned against the wall, pondering over the ramifications of his less then brilliant actions. The paralysis that had stolen over his form had rendered him entirely helpless, and with him Geoff as well. He had no way to know for how long the effects of the poison would last, and each minute felt like an eternity.

It was only through sheer force of will and diligent meditative practices that he kept his fears quelled behind a facade of serene calm while he worked to purge the poison from his system. It was a slow and tedious process but the twitch of his finger tips was reward enough for his efforts. With feeling slowly returning to him, it wouldn't be much longer now.

Five more minutes and he was able to close his fingers into fists and relaxed them again. Shifting his head he turned his attentions outward to Taylor diligently cleaning Lerot's body. He moved his lips as if to speak, but his mouth felt cottony and no sound came out. Swallowing painfully he tried again.

"Taylor was it?” he asked.