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Aleks Connally

An independant assassin who got her start at a very young age, pushed into it by a father drowning in his studies and the mother who left and never came back.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Korrye


In the flesh and as herself Aleks is stunning. Although she may not be the average beauty she is tall, has a chest and knows how to flaunt her long legs. She stands at 5'10 and weighs about 130 pounds. She has a muscular build, like that of an athlete. After years of training and constant health check ups she is spick and span. Depending on where she is and what she is doing, her attire and overall look change. Due to the necessity to blend in with locals she is always changing character. As herself however, she is tomboy. Her hair is let loose and left long in it's natural color. When it comes to clothes jeans and a t-shirt are her best friend. If Aleks is playing as any other character things change. Make-up may be applied to make her face appear harsher, her hair may even be cut should she be staying anywhere for a longer period of time. Appearance wise, things will always be described given the scenario and the moment.


Hard as a rock is the best way to describe her. After the incident with her mother, when Aleks basically gave up on her childhood, she lost a sense of true emotion. Today she just doesn't allow herself to feel emotional about a certain subject. In reality Aleks is trained to be this way because excess emotion causes fault. She is incredibly meticulous about certain things. She is ok with being dirty, as in mud and crap, but not disorganized. She needs organization to function. The people she works for can be the worst organized citizens in the world and she won't care because some people can function in clutter however she can't.

She is touchy about certain subjects but for her employers anger is fuel. When she does get pent up energy and emotion then she'll usually set up a punching bag. Aleks will never take out her anger on a client or during a kill. Her emotions and feelings are never to get in the way of a contract kill.

Aleks is headstrong and opinionated. She never hesitates to state what is on her mind. She works independently and is very subtle about her work. She doesn't boast about her job, she keeps everything under wraps. Her assassin occupation is not flaunted to people on the street. Any exchanges are subtle, should they ever occur in broad daylight. Her kills are, most times, long shot snipes in public or head on kills in enclosed locations. After any kill she'll leave behind a note 'from Charlie' symbolizing that she did the deed.

As an assassin would be she is a chameleon. She can blend into her surroundings and become a new character in the blink of an eye. Her face has had little to no plastic surgery alterations to make changing so quick and painless. By simply tying her hair back and wearing a darker blush her face and cheekbones become harsher and she suddenly looks old. By wearing her hair down she can pass off for a person as young as eighteen. She is incredibly at putting on the face of another persona and speaking in another dialect. She knows a wide variety of European languages and some oriental. Aleks mastered the accents of the languages long ago so speaking them and seeming like a native to the country is no issue. Although she may play a variety she never loses herself and who she is. She is proud to be herself.


Weapons and such will always be listed in character. More often than not Aleks will have a small Glock or Revolver on hand. In terms of where she gets all of her artillery from, she has several contacts that could be considered black market dealers. For the most part she pays in cash, there has only ever been one credit card to her name and that she uses when she takes a year or two to herself (which isn't uncommon). It is under an alias, the name however is unknown.

Passports and paper forgery is all done by a professional contact as well. Any of the passports that were issued by the directorate were destroyed and deemed useless as any alias they gave her was blown out of the water.


She was born as an early Christmas to Alisia Hendez and Tarek Camerone. They had assumed that their second child would be a boy and so had already selected the name. When she arrived the name stuck with her anyways. It was December 14th 1982 when she came into a world that was far from prepared for her wrath and danger.

Growing up her family was seemingly perfect. Before Aleks had come Lulu, the eldest daughter and a musician. After Aleks had come Suki, the final addition to the family. She adored cars and everything to do with them. Suki looked up to Aleks more then she did to Lulu and often tried to be just like her sister. Tarek was a leading scientist at the town’s university working on unknown projects to the family. Alisia worked hard as a SWAT officer for the Manhattan New York police task force. The three girls bonded and lived with each other often spending a lot of time on their own. Lulu was always singing or writing music. Aleks was always playing sports in the front or backyard with the family dog Spark and Lulu was always on the computer or playing video games. When Aleks turned thirteen everything in the family began to change. Their mother was home more often as well as their father. The horrid thing was that their parents couldn’t stop fighting. The house would always be filled with shouts and threats. Alisia had been threatening to leave with the girls for the longest time. On the day of Aleks' fourteenth birthday Alisia was gone. Aleks awoke to her father sitting at the kitchen table sobbing, something she had never seen her father do. So she screamed at him. Her words yelled at him as her face steamed with anger. Her cheeks became a rosy pink and her eyes flushed out their tears of frustration. She yelled and she yelled at him until her throat was raw. Aleks pointed the blame on their father that day and never forgave him. He had driven their mother out of their house.

The police force and everyone that was a friend of the family searched for their mother. However their looking found nothing and so was called off a week later. Aleks then left. She ran away as far as she could not understanding quite why she was even going. She had with her a backpack of personal belongings and a soccer ball signed by some pro-athlete she’d met when she was ten. No one ever found her because she chose to hide out in the garage of one of Lulu’s ex-boyfriends. He hid her well, pitying the girl. His name was David and he loved Aleks like a sister. Besides, she helped him out at the shop when he needed it. During the day the garage was just an ordinary car shop but at night it became lively as David organized several street racing events per month. High stakes races they called it. Aleks had been with him for a year when he was busted by the cops. They took Aleks recognizing her as a missing persons. When they hunted for her father they didn’t find anyone and neither of her two sisters had known locations. The family had simply faded away, each member taking a different direction. So they sent her to the only family she had left. Her grand-father was living in Rome Italy.

At fifteen she was shoved onto a plane and told to not run off. She was accompanied by a police officer, a former friend of her mothers. Aleks still remembers the flight because the man had looked at her with extreme pity for the entire duration.

When she arrived at her grand-fathers she didn’t expect what she found. He wasn’t a rich man but he owned a vast amount of property. It was a training facility for martial arts. Many people stayed on the grounds and trained. The entire area was located in a rather remote region, quite random to come across.

So he took her in with open arms. She was at a good ripe age with an open mind. He molded her, trained her into a fighter because he truly had nothing else to do. At night he home schooled her in the grand library in the main house. She was his student and never remembered that he was her grand father. She stayed and trained for five years until he passed away. The police took a hold of the grounds and Aleks was thrust out into an unknown world. She took a job as a nanny at a home of a young couple in San Marino The wife was constantly beaten by her husband and she never reported any of it. Aleks cleaned her wounds by night having been trained in such methods. It was late one night before they were to be hosting a rather important dinner party. The woman was ill and severely injured. She was talking in her sleep wishing that her marriage would end, that her husband would die. An intuition went off in Aleks’ head. The next night she stabbed her husband in the heart with a knife from the kitchen and thrust him over the railing of their balcony and into the swimming pool outside.

She left the home, the woman silently thankful but in mourning. Aleks cleaned up her act. Questioned thoroughly by the police she found that she had the uncanny ability to lie. And they believed her story, her alibi, and where she came from. Ultimately the blame was never pointed in her direction. The beatings were never revealed by the wife nor by Aleks so life continued on.

Aleks began a relentless career silently taking out men who targeted woman or harmed them in any way. She always left behind her a black rose on their chest. The police began to name her Briar Rose went they spoke during reports. She was 23 when the American government grabbed her in the middle of the night and dragged her over to their country. There, despite the fact that she didn’t want to be there, they forced her into signing a contract with them. She would be trained and owned by them, apart of an experimental project they were launching involving several other bounty hunters and assassins. She trained for another year before she was deployed. She traveled all over an assortment of places, primarily in Europe. She worked much like she had before but killed as a much higher status assassin. Briar Rose faded away and her newest alias rose to power. They called her Charlie, she was the third contracted killer owned by the American Government but always considered their number one.

By the time Aleks had reached her grand fathers, Tarek had had himself declared dead. And by the time that Aleks was 26 and peaking in her number of successful targets Tarek had taken a considerable amount of research with him to a pharaceutical company. His plan was to create a genetically altering serum that would create 'the super soldier' after a few injections targeted a person's assets. Namely these were speed, strength, ability, skill, perception and general health. When Aleks had run away at a young age Tarek had reached the point where he needed a subject. His original intention had been to use Aleks as Lulu planned to move to university and Suki was too young. When she ran he turned to a company who did bring him a boy the same age as Aleks. Tarek performed his experiments with a degree of success all the while yearning to find his daughter.

By the time Aleks did turn 26 she was stationed primarily in Europe, often flying between Berlin and New York. Tarek managed to utilize government contracts to find her and he had her kidnapped on assignment in London. Aleks was faced with her father but also his subject--Wes. In a skills competition she defeated Wes with little effort. Frustrated Wes attacked Aleks leaving her severely impaired. Tarek treated his daughter and refrained from keeping her as a subject. Instead he released her due to her disgust of him and his guilt. A month later Tarek would take his own life and Wes' project would be handed over to his assistant. Aleks resumed her post with the government.

To be continued...

So begins...

Aleks Connally's Story

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Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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