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Alix Thomas

"A friend of mine told me to always fight if given the chance...I will die if I do nothin...if I fight I may live...Fenjor, bud...I am gonna fight."

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Nowfaleena


Name: Alix "Al" for short, and too friends

Gender: It doesn't matter

Age: Turned 21 on October 13

Species: I am a human

Appearance :Image I am bout 6 feet tall and I weigh bout... 130 or somethin last I checked. So I am on the lanky looking side... ((Currently 115))

Personality: I have been told that I am a bit...odd. I don't tend to react much to being called either gender, and I have been known to flirt with people when I am at a club. A bud of mine put it that I have promiscuous lips...I like that, makes me chuckle. This is usually only at clubs though.

Background: I was raised in a small town very far south...I mean soooooouth. I never really fit in...and the fact that I dressed and acted like I did...well it got me in trouble often. I actually got beat up and called all sorts of is...can we stop. I mean...this is a bit painful to talk about ya know?

Power: Um I am way to put it.

Equipment: Well...I don't actually carry any weapon on me...aside from the dagger Fenjor gave me...but I suppose the one real item of interest it the watch like device that is literally attached to my wrist. I can't take it off...and believe me I have tried. It tells time and has an extra button on it, that being one of a skull with a red M on it...I don't touch that button anymore. Just depresses me.

Scars: I have a burn mark on my neck and a chunk missing from the top of my right ear.

So begins...

Alix Thomas's Story


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Alix chuckled as he seemed to be embarrassed at calling her a man. Another person that seemed to be able to guess what her gender actually was, she was impressed. She waved off the comment with a pale hand. "No need to apologize Fenjor. Call me whatever ya want, I doubt either gender usage will bother me much. And I ain't exactly of the legal age. Just shy of it. Though...mead does sound tasty." The young adult said before rubbing their temples and pulling out a bottle of pain killers from her pocket, popping three of them in her mouth and swallowing.


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Alix blinked at the rather large mug in front of her. Well then...put up or shut up she supposed. She pulled back her hoodie, revealing a rather bruised and swollen face before raising an eyebrow. "I don't have the scent of this city? That is a funny way of puttin it. But ya are right. I ain't from around here. I am from America, more importantly I am from a small little town down south. They...they were none to friendly to me..." She rubbed at her wrist where her watch was covered by the sleeve of her hoodie. "So. I left." She shrugged her shoulders and picked up the stein with a grin on her split lips. "Bottoms up I suppose." She started to drink the fermented honey drink, a smile on her face.


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Alix found the drink throughly enjoyable...but the twenty year old figured it may be for the best to slow down. She lowered the drink to the counter and wiped at her mouth with a smile. "That. That is good!" She stated before frowning, well they both had no idea where the other was from, she had never heard of this igdra-sill. Nor did she have any idea what a dire wolf was, but she supposed that the heightened sense could explain him guessing what she was... when he asked where America was she scratched at her short wild hair. "Um. I am pretty sure it is on another planet. Kinda ended up in Wing City by a happy accident." The woman said with a small chuckle.


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Alix made a mental note to drink a lot more mead when she turned twenty one, for now one was probably enough...and it may be best she not finish it...seeing as she did just take some pain killers. She looked amused as his cheeks turned rosey, but he didn't seem even the slightest bit intoxicated, to which she was grateful for. Nor did she stop him from staring at her face, though...she did feel a little uncomfortable it didn't truly bother her to the point of telling him to stop. "Who? I didn't exactly take names ya know. They just were none to pleased to be did the put it again? A wanna be fag in their neighbor hood. This happens when I give off the wrong vibe of flirting with a guy and they think I am another guy...and then find out I am a girl that acts and dresses like a dude." She shrugged her shoulders. "It happens, ya learn to deal."


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Alix couldn't help but smile at his reply, that was pretty much how she felt. "Yeah, I agree with you there. It shouldn't matter, I should be able to act and dress how I want as long as it isn't against the law or causing harm." She frowned for a second before rubbing the back of her head, messing up the already messy hair. "A fag is a slang word for a male that is attracted to other males, and a dude...a dude is a slang word for a male." The woman said as she lifted up the stein of mead and started to drink the rest, her cheeks turning a little pink.


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Alix looked down at the now empty mead stein, as if looking for something but finding nothing. She looked up and leaned against the back of her chair at the sight of the dagger, for a moment a horrible memory popped in her head but she took a deep breath and slowly calmed down. Fenjor wasn't one of them, nor was he a hater. She looked into Fenjor eyes with her bright green ones before answering his question. "Yes, in parts of my world they are. Along with those that are different. I am hated in my home town. Which is one of the reasons why I ran. People fear and hate what they do not understand. But I don't hate them...they can beat me up, and I will get mad at them. But I don't hate them, they just don't understand me, and they can't because they are not me."


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^Did that


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Alix put down the stein, the container made a small thud before she looked at her friend and nodded slowly. "Yep...I did. And by time moving faster I don't exactly actual time manipulation. Just..." She rubbed the back of her head slowly before she placed her left arm on the table and pulled back the long sleeve of both her hoodie, stopping just a bit above the wrist. Attached to her, painfully slow. It currently was just displaying the time, nothing more. "See this watch?" She tapped at it with a pale finger before pressing the skull button with a red M on it. She pressed it and it suddenly changed to say 57D 5H 54Min 27S "That...that is my time."


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Alix looked over at Fenjor, and bluntly stated. "I don't expect to survive when the Hunters come." She said, she wasn't. She looked a little sad at the thought of dying. "The time shortens if I commit a crime, but you are right, my life will never extend truly....but you...think I should fight back?" She looked...fearful. "I don't think I have much of a chance. These people...they are trained to kill, and no matter where I go, this watch tells them where I am...I" She looked ashamed by her own cowardice, but it wasn't like she didn't have a reason. "I have seen public executions, they...they enjoy killing. They have killed others like me." Maybe it was because of the mead, maybe not, but her eyes started to water up. She quickly covered her face. "I don't want to die...."


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Alix quickly wiped away any tears that had formed and took a deep breath. No. She couldn't cry. Not today. She looked up into the mans stern face, and blinked in confusion. Fight back? Fight against them? It was unheard of. All her life she had been told that the government knew what was best. "Fight? Fight..." She let the idea sink in...and slowly a smile spread across her lips. " are right. I may die fighting back. But I will die if I do nothing..." As he gripped her hand she gave him a large smile, not caring that it hurt her split lip. "Thank you Fenjor. Where I come from, fighting back is unheard of...but you are right. I can't accept my death lying down." She suddenly frowned. "Though...though I have never wielded a weapon in my life....and my powers can only do so much currently..."


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Alix frowned a bit, tapping her finger against her cheek before stopping quickly. Stupid bruise. "I am not sure I could...actually kill...I mean I suppose if I had to I would...but just knowing how to fight back would be nice. If you can help me, and spar with me..." She took another swig from her stein and finished off "I would be very grateful. I need to learn how to master my...talent as well...maybe I can even use it to hold a weapon, never tried." She was beaming now. "Wow...I can fight back..."


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Alix swayed a bit, her head feeling...funny, not yet drunk but slightly light headed she leaned back against her chair, managing to put down her second cup of mead without spilling it. She looked over at Fenjor, a grin playing on her lips. "Thanks, it means a lot to me ya know? I mean...I just met ya and ya are offering to help me out against the M Hunters, even though ya don't know me very well and..." Her face turned red for a moment as she mumbled "And ya don't judge me...which means a lot..."


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Alix rested her head back against the chair, watching as the world swayed for a moment. "I think...I much to drink. My head feels funny, at least I am still thinking clearly." She said before grinning up at the ceiling. "The M Hunters is what most call them. They are...the Hunters of the Marked. Marked being those with powers like me, we are all slated to die at some time. Some sooner then others, the stronger you are the quicker your date will be. I was found out to be marked when I was...eighteen, so I was given three years. Not because I am strong but because my power can become stronger...and therefore I am dangerous." She pushed herself up and stared at him. "I couldn't agree more, I hear hunters in the past used to be different. And they are different in the stories of old, though those hunters tracked animals...not humans." She said, rubbing her bruised cheek gingerly. "It would be nice to learn how to fight back so I would stop having the shit beat out of me all the time."


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Alix nodded her head as the world slowly started to spin back to normal. She hadn't been drunk, but she had been light headed. "That sounds better then them. Me, I am followed by the watch. A watch I can't remove unless they cut off my hand...and even if I did I have a feeling that it wouldn't end well for me. Ya know? there may be something bad that happens." She said before sitting straight up and looking down at the dagger for a moment before gingerly wrapping her fingers around the pommel and feeling the weight. "Ya sure? Cause...well it is a nice looking dagger...but I agree trying to fight now...would be a baaaad idea. The world is spinning currently."


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Alix stared at the blade, her green eyes taking in all it's details before she placed it back on the table with a smile. She liked it, and it felt good in her hands, odd but good. She would have to get a sheath for it later though. "Thank you Fenjor, I will have to pay ya back some day." The boyish looking girl said with a grin. And then he asked her about America. sounded more like a demand. " is...full of people...and cities, there are so many interesting things there. From forests to deserts. I am from a small town down south...very south were people tend to be a bit more religious and stuck in their ways...which is kind of why I didn't fit in. I didn't want to change who I was. I wanted to be me. I guess if I was born in a bigger city with more different kinds of people I wouldn't have been beaten up as often. But whatever. Um the technology there is similar to here actually. So it wasn't to much of a struggle of me to learn. Um...what in particular do you want to know? I mean I have travelled a lot there but I haven't seen everything."


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Alix blinked before smiling and nodding her head. At least the world was slowly slowing down. "Well, my home town was in the middle of the farm lands were everyone knew everyone and their business. Honestly the place was beautiful looking, even if there wasn't a lot to do there. If I wasn't considered to be odd and abnormal I would have liked it there. I mean at first they just thought I was a tomboy...but...well I am not a transexual or a transgender, I know I am a female and I don't feel like I was born in the wrong body...but when I continued to act like how I did they started to think that I should have grown out of the phase that I should be dating boys and wearing dresses. But...I didn't want too...and then when I was eighteen they learned that I had powers. I had to register them and the watch was attached to me." She suddenly stopped and rubbed the back of her head. "But that is off topic...what about you, what is your home like?"


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Alix lifted up the sleeve of their hoodie and plaid shirt blinking for a moment, they must have lost track of time, and their companion. Oh well. The young looking...person got up and walked over to the bar's counter, hopping over it before saying in soft husky voice. "Cook's in...ya'll want any food? Just ask and I can make it."


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Ashley would have to remember this interesting fact later tonight if she slept over. She turned her attention to the little girl, her arms still wrapped around Boss. "Hello...I am Ashley. Pleasure to meet you Akasha!" The human said, smiling happily.


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Alix blinked at the odd order for the whole chicken...and the sudden man leaping over the counter...they would have to tell them not to do that. But that had to wait. Alix washed off her hands, put on some plastic gloves went to the fridge, pulled out a thawed chicken and seasoned to gently before popping it in the oven. "That will be awhile ok?" She said as she washed her hands before hopping over the counter and walking over to the sandwich man and tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey, ya ain't allowed over the counter unless ya are employed, so next time...ask me to make a sandwich and I will, ok?"


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Alix blinked at the Madam part...third person to guess right...huh... "Thanks...and no starting any fights in hear either, I would hate to kick anyone out ok." The person said before turning around and walking back to the counter, hoping over it in one easy movement before pulling out the chicken. It was perfectly cooked. Alix pulled it out of the oven, placed it gently on a tray and walked around the counter, carrying it towards the yelling man. "Hey. Ya chicken." The said before placing it down carefully. "Be careful, ok? It is still hot ya know."