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Evil is unspectacular and always human And shares our bed and eats at our own table

0 · 463 views · located in New Canton

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Nakesnake


Name:Ariata Matsumara
Gender pronouns:Their/it

Physical description Ariata is fairly average physical build, and a large, black, dotted snake tattoo winding down either arm. His eyes containing yellow irises with black pupils, and blonde hair arranged in a spiked style, with two long strands extending downwards framing either side that entwine each other like a caduceus' snake. Ariata would wear a black body-length suit with hood, which extends downwards to its knees.

Personality: Ariata has multiple personality's, it tends to change from time to time, ariata suffers from a thing known as a personality disorder.
Ariata seems to be a calm, and collected individual, other times ariata has a very sinister, wicked personality, and he's very sadistic.

Bio: Not much is known by ariata other then the fact that ariata is a half witch, half human. The percentage of their witch gene is greater then their human gene, ariata keeps its presents hidden assuming it is just a mere human being, this is due to its special technique called soul seal, though only few witches are able to perform this technique. Long ago before ariata had been able to be both witch and human, ariata was born in Ellesmere, a planet where witches, and all sorts of things. Ariata was born without a gender, which would make him Agender, but ariata is quite gender fluid, which in other words sometimes ariata dresses from male, to female, but ariata would refer itself without a gender, but at the same time ariata doesn't care about anyone who calls it a male, and or female.
Ariata's mother was a witch, a very wealthy, and powerful witch, who was raised in ellesmere, but wasn't born in ellesmere such as the likes of ariata. Ariata's father
was wealthy as well, and was a leader of a gang called Void Eye Crew, a group of people that adapts in the darkest areas you could ever think of. They were found in eastern wing city, they are one of the known gangs in wing city.

The void eye crew are still active till this day, though they had lost their leader 23 years after ariata's birth. 10 years prior ariata had moved to wing city following its mother, at the age of 14 ariata had attended school in antagona "The School of the Thunder" Ariata had made some friends during its time their, just a few years in the school rumors was shrouded, once ariata had attended the school most of them had already know it, due to his father being apart of a gang in the eastern part of wing city, and also ariata was soon label under the "Several mysteries of school of thunder" reason being is that ariata has no gender, and has hidden power. Some of the students there acknowledge ariata, and was one of the most powerful students who step foot in the academy. A year later ariata had befriended someone who had the same power, and skills such as ariata, and could be a perfect pair. His name Akane Hayami. After ariata's father had died, ariata had not return from school in quite some time, he had missed several exams that could raise up his rank him still being a 3rd ranker, and akane a 5th ranker. At the age of 17 ariata had returned, akane had seen quite a big changed that was done towards ariata, its personality begin to change every so often.

Ariata had some new powers, and ability's, and remain to hide its status of being a witch, and also training in hell. Soon akane had realized that ariata was a witch, and was surprised by it, though akane's heart, mind, and soul had fallen to ariata, and wanted to be a whole witch they ended up doing, and left the school entirely.

Abilities:Enhanced senses, Force field, illusion creation, mind manipulation, poison manipulation, teleportation, weapon summoning.

Snake Bomb: Ariata is able to place a snake into someones body, and can explode if ariata gives the signal.

Vector Boost: A magic that doubles the power drawn in the direction of the arrow

Vector Plate: A technique that places an arrow on the ground that launches whosoever stands over it in the direction it's pointing.

Sound blockage: Their able to block any disturbing sound, or violent vibration within a decent range.

Lighting palm: Ariata transfers lighting to the palm of it's hand, and directly hits it's opponent.

Force field vibration: Ariata summons a force field, this can be used for both offense, and defense. Once the opponent attempts to directly hit it's shield it'll give out a heavy vibration that can be felt within a wide rage, and can also throw off the opponents balance. This move can be a effected against ariata, as well.

Violent lighting thrust: Lighting currents emerge from ariata's right, or left arm can penetrate its opponents body, sharp enough to go through steel.

Knuckle of the Copper Killers: This move allows ariata's attack power to insanely increase, thus having its punches being unblockable, ariata would either make contact with its opponent, or throwing a punch without even making contact with its opponent. For this move to be activated, Its arms would be covered with various symbols, and would begin to glow brightish purple, the ability would only last 2 turns.

Ladies' Working of the Ossuary of Blood: An ability that one who has been entered inside of ones mind, and is turned into a battle zone, the opponent is fighting deep inside the opposing mind. Depending on the mind ariata can imagine any particular location of its choosing, though leaving both of their body's unconscious, and both of their minds are fighting each other, though this gives ariata the advantage since it is their world that they are controlling.

Ten Thousand Serpents Throw of Olive Boulders: Summons over hundred of thousands of snakes, the user can motion the snakes by the use of its hands that could be made of anything rather it would be a wall, boulder, anything.

So begins...

Ariata's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: A. X-5 Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Satomi Matokai Character Portrait: Ariata
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Blown back, initially, from her sudden springboard dash for the exit, Alex slowly shook his head. Though there was a gaping blank area in his memories, she did seem to stay much the same as he could remember, save for some very discernible details regarding her appearance. But that was always a topic for another time. For now, he was awake and not scrap torn apart for others to do whatever with, and he had his sister at his side as it should be. The annoying mite that had been clinging to her could go off and do whatever, for all he cared. A single glance over his shoulder caught her ambling off, earning a mild grin from his lips. "Good. Stay out of the way..." He mused before carrying on through into the city above himself.

The setting changes from The Undermarket to New Canton


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: Ereb Alpha Troopers Character Portrait: Paia Character Portrait: Verhasst Character Portrait: Satomi Matokai Character Portrait: Ariata
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"You and these places, sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours when it comes to traveling" Satomi complained, as he cleans the blood off of his hands, and the body of a trooper in front of him. "Keep complaining or you'll just end up like these useless troopers. It says In a harsh manner. The purple light from the genderless figure who had features of both male and female, had came from it.

The purple light was strong enough to show off some of the areas of the lab that they were discovering. The male named satomi wiped his glasses off as well, as it had some sort of blood on them, a sigh has left from him, as if he just wanted to get this whole thing done, and over with.

"Say what are we looking for anyway?" Satomi had asked

"One of the remaining orbs that could possibly power up that ship that we had saw before we got here" Ariata answered, as they were going up the stairs revealing the rest of the lab.

"How are you going to g-" Ariata had cut satomi off, before he could have finished his question.

A sudden noise was heard just down the dark hall, a weird noise, a noise of a windigo, it was close to a windigo. Satomi took a gulp, and both of them hadn't move from their spot, as a skinny, tall, and hairless creature had shown it self from the darkness, and entered towards the purple light.

Before it could charge after satomi an arrow had appeared beneath the creature pointing towards the glass window showing the outside of the lab, the arrow had glowed brightish purple, and launched the creature into the glass window, the ray of light revealed the hall way that they were in, and a red glow had spotted by satomi.

"This is it" He says.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Agares Narkel Character Portrait: Ereb Alpha Troopers Character Portrait: Paia Character Portrait: Verhasst Character Portrait: Satomi Matokai Character Portrait: Ariata
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The five other Alpha Troopers followed Daiyu down the shuttle's ramp. Agares and Verhasst led the group with Simeon, Levi, and Jhon formed the rear guard. Each of them held their anti-matter rifles at the ready while their night-vision and infrared scanners peered through the blizzarding night.

"We should look for any kind of storm shelter or public building" Jhon whispered through the channel, "Somewhere any survivors might have congregated."

"Agreed." Agares responded. "Paia, start searching for any signs of life."

<< Affirmative. >> Paia's electronic voice replied through their helmets. << I will have points of interest pinned in your displays momentarily. >>

"Alright, troopers." Agares continued. "Spread out into three teams and start clearing buildings. Check for bodies, signs of confrontation, and any leads to where the residents might have gone. Meet at the town hall in two hours. Stay alert, watch your corners, and report any contacts."

The setting changes from New Canton to Yggor's Island


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gro'chal Deathweaver Character Portrait: Ariata
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A storm brewed even as Ariata and her companion spoke. The sea was calm as could be, despite Eras’s tantrums, but mere moments had passed before the island was rocked by gales originating from the high seas. Dark clouds churned like a spinning cauldron in the heavens, and ever-growing waves hammered at the shoreline like an army laying siege to a fortress.

And what a fortress it was.

Fog, thick as congealed blood, enshrouded the island like a veil. Maddening whispers moaned through the sea breeze as the gloom stretched out like spectral fingers. Though the waves relentlessly battered against the island, they never struck the shore - as if halted by an unseen hand and iron will.

Walls of stone and wood were erected a stone’s throw from the lapping tide, encircling the whole island. Rusted and rotting ships sat alongside pristine vessels of fresh timber, large and ready for the open sea, were tied to a moor not older than a year or two at the most. An icy chill filled the air while the stench of decay molested the nostrils.

A deathly silence hung in the air, compounded by the muted sounds of the storm and the moaning fog.

Unseen eyes watched the adventurers.

Who is this that intrudes upon my domain?