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Aurora Alexandria Faye Micheline Drussilla

Ora was raised partly in a land like France and a land like England (perhaps them themselves, depending on the world). She's hyper, insane, beyond loyal and...her morals are different than mosts. Think a mama bear that likes to dance.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Hedon


Ora stands at roughly 5'2 without shoes on, which is how one would normally find her. Her hair hangs long, nearly to her waist, and is almost always in a braid. Twigs can commonly be found in said braid, and no, it's not a fashion statement she's trying to make. She's one of the least vain people, ever. She's also one of the least modest. It makes no difference to her sense of modesty if she's wearing a mini-skirt and tube top or a massive t-shirt and jeans stolen from one of her friends. She prefers jeans and a t-shirt because it's more comfortable, more durable, and it allows her to not actually have to own a wardrobe of her own. After all, someone is always willing to let a poor girl borrow a t-shirt.

Her hair is bleached by the sun, turning already blonde hair nearly white. Due to some screw up with genetics her skin almost never tans, which gives her a highly monochromatic look. If not for her eyes, a dark shade of green, and the fact her skin is perpetually decorated with scratches and bruises, she'd look like she stepped out of a black and white photo.

Not that anyone would likely be able to tell through her baggy clothes, but Ora doesn't have a bad body. She's curvy with wiry muscles but doesn't dress to show off said body. Actually, about half the time, she's mistaken for a boy. With her short height, tendency to wear boy's clothes and the sheer amount of energy she has it would be easy to mistake her for a twelve year old boy, especially on the days where her face is covered in dirt.

In short, she's too busy to really care about her appearance. If she cleaned herself up she'd be cute, maybe even pretty, but she doesn't see much point in wasting time on vanity when there are things to do!


She's pretty close to the definition of ADHD. One second she'll be climbing a tree, the next she'll be pouncing on a stranger because he looks interesting. Another moment and she'd be pledging her heart to someone for no particular reason than they gave her a smile, the next she's getting into a fight because someone insulted her friends or was acting like a bigot. Ora has very set ideas of how the world should be and there are certain things she won't abide by.

Most times she's easy-going. It's usually hard to ruffle her feathers. Someone could insult her every day and she'd just laugh it off. If she does get mad though...well, she's five foot two and hadn't always had an easy-going matter. The woman knows how to fight fairly well and gods save you if you hurt one of her friends. There's a damn good chance she actually took lessons from a pissed off mama bear on how to protect her loves.

Ora loves to rough house and doesn't really understand why people should want to grow up. She's terribly innocent and doesn't understand a lot of societal taboos. To her skin is just skin, there's no real reason to hide it. There's no reason why sleeping with someone has to be sexual, no matter their gender. She loves physical contact but is rarely actually attracted to anyone. She's just confusing.

It's her goal in life to make people happy and keep those she loves safe, and she loves quite a lot of people. In fact, it would be safe to say that unless you've done something to wrong her friends she loves you. Even if you have screwed up, she could forgive you fairly easily. She loves life, doesn't really understand people and society's rules, and has almost no fear of anything. But Spiders. Dear gods she hates spiders.


Mostly just herself. There's little enough she carries on her, though she tries to keep a lighter and a knife in case she gets lost while wandering about in the wild. Other than that she doesn't really need anything else. If she remembers she'll carry a small metal cup with her so she can boil water and drink it safely....but this is the woman who forgets that shoes are usually considered a necessity. To say she travels light is an understatement.

She does always have a few pony tail holders on her wrist though.


It depends on the RP, but as a general rule her history reads as..
She was raised in France by two very traditional parents. They had no idea what to do with her. She was an odd child, getting into fights, knowing things she couldn't possibly know and in general just baffling the hell out of them. Until, when she was about fourteen, her mother got pregnant again. It was their chance to start over and they didn't want their odd daughter to corrupt their new life. So they kicked her out.

In their defense they did give her more than enough money to live off of until she was eighteen and set her up with quite a nice flat on the outskirts of London. Most kids this would have been a horrible act of betrayal and yadda yadda.

Ora simply loved it. She ran around and explored every nook and cranny she could find. It was by sheer miracle no one killed her as she wandered about London's alley ways. The world, free of the rules people kept trying to tell her to live up to, had become a magical place and it was her duty to spread the happiness she felt to others who weren't so lucky to see the wonder the world truly was.

So begins...

Aurora Alexandria Faye Micheline Drussilla's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ Man this city is HUGE! ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ *feels a slight tremor of energy* ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ what WAS that ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
oh hi there


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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1.50 INK

Aneres Coreveon wasn't dressed as obscurely as she would have liked to believe. The shimmering white kimono-style overlayer embroidered with golden moons down the sleeves, the long-hemmed fringe coming to rest just above the hemline of golden bell-bottoms. Beneath was a plain white top. A golden chain poked out from the collar but the rest of it was tucked beneath the shirt.

There was nothing Aneres could do about the bodyguards who followed her, but she had grown used to that to some degree. At least they let her style them at this point. It made everyone's job easier.

Aneres flicked golden braids to look one way up the street, then the other, then back again. A grunt from one of the bodyguards signaled that it was alright to cross. Halfway across the street she felt a slight tremor of energy. The bodyguards picked up their pace and hurried Aneres across. She didn't protest. They came to stop a stone's throw from a mercedes, a man perched atop the back.

"Did you feel that?" Aneres asked the man, half looking down her nose despite the fact that he was literally seated higher up than where she stood. Her tone wasn't pretentious but there was something about it that dripped with royalty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

"Bristol, very nice to meet you," Aneres extended her own hand and delicately gripped his. She frowned upon hearing that he didn't know what it was either.

"I am Aneres, as I prefer to be called," She regally addressed Bristol with a smile, "Princess of Aurealas. A pleasure to meet you. Is that what brings you here? Looking for the source of the disturbance? I will admit I haven't felt it anywhere else but here."

One of her Over's coughed. She rolled her eyes. They were always concerned she would reveal too much. Aneres had yet to do so.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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The Rocketeer mutters "Bloody Hell... How'm I gonna get off-planet?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

 “ Ha. That's my problem too. Where you tryna get to? ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

 “ Anywhere but here/ ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

 “ Ha. See you, man. I gotta go somewhere. ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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1.25 INK

As Peter continues down the street in his heavy armor, he glances around. He's searching for someone, even if it takes him forever to find them. All he knows is that they're somewhere in this city. In his momentary thought, his eyes pass over a few people, one of them being the very person he was looking for. They should recognize him easily enough, though, so maybe this mistake won't cost him anything. He turns on his radio, rapidly tuning through frequencies until he finds one, a simple music station. He listens as he advances further down the street.

In a little cafe, just the other side of the border...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Leviathan roared in fury as it burst from the shadows, an incredible thing considering its size. Looming over the historic district of Main Street, LEVIATHAN had once again emerged.

it rumbled, drawing upon ancient sands of nostalgia. The windows of Gambit's Bar rattled, surely drawing the attention of any inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Leviathan waited for the winds to return a reply, but heard nothing — all but the hum of spacecraft, coming from the bizarre area to the north. Having been asleep for over a decade in his own time, this was a new sound in a city that felt unfamiliar, despite this very creature being there at the beginning.

In a huff, Leviathan stomped off, stepping over one building before crushing another in his slither towards the sound.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

/me pounds the floor