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Azure Acqua

A different species related to the rainbow coral naga, Azure has travels for many months to where she now rests... In Solinus Sea Beach.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Jinx911


Azure is a similar species to Coral, a naga who is currently inhabiting the waters she hopes to call home. Her tail is apporximately 35 feet long, her body lithe and longer then that of the rainbow coral naga. Her fingers and clawed and loned with blue stripesm simple gold bracelets on each hand. Her hair is about waist length let down, and falls with very luttle curls.. She usually keeps it held in her head band adornment, with a glowing blue gen set in the middle. She is adorned with may gems of the sea, and dressed to sover what needs to be covered, coming from a culture that believes so. Her coloring is mainly blue, purple and aquamarine, which is twice as vibrant in the moonlightm but just as much so in the daytime.


Azure is a somewhat more reserved naga, not as quick to trust. It takes time for her to trust someone, and if need be she can defend herself. She may look weak, she is anything but. She knows english well, and has a rather sharp tongue when upset..


The ocean Azure come from has succumbed to human pollution, the reefs dead and the fish few... she has been forced to travel far for a food source, and possble companionship. She is not quick to love a man, as she has lost two before...Azure comes from a different time. Back when there were sailors, pirates, kings and queens... And the problem was sailors were taking too much of the nagas food source, and considered the water nagas sea monsters. Their tails are over 35-40 feet long. After killings started, young ones were trained to keep cover and not make appearances around humans. If any such thing occured, the sighting was reported and the adults hunted down the human in question and the human was killed. That is why there is no real record of her species... And why she is as she is.. but thats the tip of the iceburg why her life hasn't been fantastic.

So begins...

Azure Acqua's Story

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua was gone home.

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua ´s singing began again, from somewhere... That same sad song, though her song did not waver, she was feeling better, calmed by the moonlight... She was hidden behind some rocks further down the beach, her long tail drifting in the water.

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua had her eyes closed, seeming entranced by the sound and feel of the waves around her. Her pale purple skin seemed to pulse with an odd glow with the coming of every wave. She had tears streaming down her face, it was okay to cry when she was alone.. And to sing how she felt, so that later, when she was around others, nobody could see how fragile she really was inside.

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua quickly stopped singing and tried to recover, wiping her eyes quickly. ¨You did not see my crying, understand!?¨ she blurted, though she sniffled. ¨I do not tell anyone how I feel... That would mean I trust someone. And I make no connections with people...¨

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua leaned back, looking up at the moon. ¨Yes.... Because telling you what bothers me makes everything better. My whole life is messed up, and I am not going to tell a story..that has no fairytale ending to it.¨

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Character Portrait: Azure Acqua
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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua sighed, looking of to the side. She had taken off her hair accessory, so her hair lay about her shoulders. She looked quite beautiful in the moonlight.. ¨I... I have ruined my life...¨

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua ´s lip trembled just a little as she looked at the glowing gem on the piece in her hands. ¨No man... will ever want me. Not when they know.. what I used to be...¨ She let out a shaky sigh. This was very unlike her... she never told anyone how she felt, not even Syrena..

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Character Portrait: Azure Acqua
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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua sniffled. ¨I realized... that no man will want me. That is a fact. And what man... would want a woman who used to whore around? Not one.. Not one that would treat me right..¨ She covered her eyes, keep it together! she thought to herself. She had to..

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Character Portrait: Azure Acqua
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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua held the glass flower, running her fingers over it. ¨I... see what you mean. I just... How many good men... want to be with a women who has done such things... Still thinks of doing them... ¨ Now that she thought about it, how stupid was she before.. She looked down at the glass in her slender fingers, the moonlight reflecting on it beautifully.. Perhaps, there was someone...Just not yet.

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua ´s sad, blue green eyes stared back.. ¨I just find it hard to believe... that any man would want a well used whore like myself. But who knows... landwalkers around here are strange-no offence.¨ she smiled, a genuine smile for once. ¨Not that I would want a land walker.¨ she grinned, it was a total lie... and she knew it. She saw the potential for a mate, these people... were so different.

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua ´grin became a soft smile again, and she looked up at him, still holding the glass flower in her hands carefully. ¨And your... the first land walker I have decided to trust.¨

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#, as written by Jinx911
me sat behind the small cove of rocks near the opposite end of the beach, basking in the sunlight.. She had her eyes closed, leaning back agaisnt the cool shady rocks, feeling the water lap at the sides of her tail in a steady, calming rhythem. She took in deep breaths before she began to sing, quietly at first, but the more she sang, the higher she raised her voice.. Her lovely singing voice heard quite clearly. Azure was letting out her emotions again, the same lonely, sad tune... sung so beautifully it could give one chills, mesmerize all those who heard into the simple pleasure of listening to this otherworldly voice...When she sang, she tuned out the rest of the world, and her voice would perhaps sooth any situations around her, unbeknownst to her..

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Character Portrait: Azure Acqua
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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua thought she heard something, and when she stopped singing.... what did she hear? A land walker, telling her to stop her horrible singing. She leaned back for a few moments... Then silently pushed away from the rock, swimming out into the ocean silently, then diving down, quickly departing..

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Character Portrait: Azure Acqua
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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua heard flailing in the ocean, as she had not gone very far.... she spotted Jack, and she frowned. Should she go help....? One part of her said: What matters if he dies? No blood is being shed in her waters... And what was one more human dieing to matter to her? But the other side... propelled her though the water to grab him, take him to her small cove of rocks. And so she did.

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Character Portrait: Azure Acqua
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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua peeked up at Jack from under the water, not thinking that for a good five minutes or so that he would be looking at the water for her, that he would just be trying to catch his breath and calm down... She watched him, damn she was growing soft, just like the rainbow one, Coral. Any other day... she would have let things happen, not step in... so what had changed here? Why had she even cared?? She sighedm small bubbles rising to the surface of the water. Oh well, what was done was done..

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua was suddenly nervous, and held back for a few moments. Perhaps she should go back, and stop this here. She had saved him, that was good enough. But... he had spoken to her... She slowly rose out of the water, her clawed and webbed hands sliding up onto the rock as she rose out of the water. Her skin seemed a bit pale, she was more of a night naga then a day one. The sunlight was bothersome.. She fixed blue green eyes on him, her oddly shaped and clearly aquatic ears pressed back some.. All gems upon her person, from the ones on her ears to her bracelets were glowing faintly. "Hello..." she said in a soft, quiet voice. So very unlike her usual, strong tone.

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua withdrew some, pulling her hands back to her chest. Just like at home, the memory made her feel a little happy at first, then saddened. She was a frightening monster. Her parents would be proud... But the way she reacted, pulling back in a non threatening manner would have quickly had them revoke any respect she had gained. Too bad they were dead. "I... am sorry I frighten you, land walker." she spoke in a hurt tone, sinking back off the rock. She fiddled the her bracelets, to keep her composure calm and collected.

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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua blinked at him, the water naga a tad confused. She moved closer, she had heard another voice she was sure of it. "How do you speak to one I cannot see?" she asked, seemingly in wonderment. She had come from a place of pirates and sailors, wooden ships and swords... A very out of date world. She spoke very good english, unlike Coral, and was curious, if not ten times more, just like the other naga. She was so distracted trying to figure things out she did not notice the water freezing until she was stick in it. "A-Ah!" she looked down, from her waist down was stuck in the water. And she was none to warm to begin with she was already starting to shiver.

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Character Portrait: Azure Acqua
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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua was used to cold, the ocean got pretty cold at times, but this was so sudden.. And she would never be caught in icy water like this. She clung to the rock, closing her eyes as, with Jacks help, she tried to pull herself out as well.. Her tail was feeling numb, and she had that odd sensation in her lungs, when the cold crept over a body, causing violent shivers and a sort of gasping breath.. She was trying to take deep, even breaths as she pulle, eventually when the ice broke all she had to haul herself up with was her arms, at half their strength, she was chilled..

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Character Portrait: Azure Acqua
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#, as written by Jinx911
Azure Acqua lay on the rocks, there was still a good amount of her tail in the water. After all, it was about 35 feet long... She heard Tikaro, but she did not feel she could make it over there on her own, her tail was numb and felt frozen like a block of ice. Why did she have to get herself into such a mess.. "Thanks... land walker..." she said through chattering teeth.