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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by NobodiesHiiro


Real name:Bic
Species: Charmeleon
Base of operations:Mobile

Characteristics: Charmeleon is a tailed bipedal, reptilian creature. It has crimson scales that are useful for camo in the fiery depth of his home. It has a tail with the tip burning with fire, a trait seen in many Fire-type Pokémon, unlike the average Charmeleon however, his tail burns bluish white constantly. If its tail is extinguished it will die. Its skull has developed a horn-like protrusion to the rear and its mouth is elongated into a snout. It has a cream underside and an expansive cream coloration on the sole of its foot. Its front and back claws are viciously sharp. He is currently wearing a pair of metal framed goggles, a brown shemagh, and a leather belt and satchel.

Unique characteristics: He has three long jagged scars across the bridge of his snout from a run in with the ancient feraligatr, as well as a long tearing scar along his left shoulder and shoulder blade, that is darkened somewhat from frostbite killing the scales. A pair of ragged edged rings of scar tissue, the same size as bullet wounds. He was shot twice, but the slugs did not penetrate, simply mushrooming on his scales and breaking the hide around the bullets edges. One on the right side of his chest, the other on his right shoulder where it meets his arm.

Weight:59 lbs
Place of birth:Magma catacombs

History:Born a Charmander in the burning underground of the catacombs, Bic, has lived his life constantly fighting for survival. The runt of six eggs, he is the only member of his egg clutch to not have evolved to Charizard, due in whole to the everstone fragment lodged in his back where he cannot remove it. He has spent the last several years exploring the catacombs in hope of some day finding a way to the surface that doesn't require wings to navigate. His greatest dream is to see, and explore all there is.

Move set/Abilities- human call these 'moves' and seem to be under the assumption Pokemon are only able to remember four.
-Can breath fire and smoke.
-Can super heat fangs.
-Can use claws effectively as a weapon. Even going so far as to render them into steel.
-Can raise core temperature high enough to turn body red, and use the heat in a powerful breath of fire.
-Can create hellish blue/white flame capable of even burning steel and stone.
-Can make a powerfully destructive blast of flame.
-Can cloak himself in flame and use it to propel himself forward in a charge.
-Can layer his tail in iron and use it to smash rocks or bone.

-Leather belt/Satchel
-Berry Bag(Mostly oran berries.)
-Luna's whistle Can use to call Luna when near an appropriate body of water.

So begins...

Bic(Charmeleon)'s Story


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Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"We don't kill humans," Verse stated, "We outsmart them." Verse ducked back down below the edge of the dune. "Here's what we're going to do. You walk up to him, and I'll dig beneath his feet and make him trip over, then you steal his face mask and we can get out." It hadn't occurred to Verse to get the goggles. Mostly because his eyes were used to the desert. He figured it was just sand in the mouth.

"Sound like a plan?" he asked. And a moment later he would be digging his claws into the earth to shovel his way underground, until only his stumpy tail could be seen.


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Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Some plan, he thought to himself. I'm the one thats potentially walking into a deathtrap. He did agree it was probably their best option though, as a moment later found him crawling down the dune towards the "human', Arceus they were ugly creatures. No fur, no scales, or even a carapace of any kind, what kept them from just being destroyed by the elements? It didn't matter he guessed, though he did still think it would have just been easier to tear the humans belly open with his claws and take what he wanted from the corpse, it was all alone anyway.

He stopped about fifteen feet from the human, when it froze and yelped in what may have been excitment, Bic thought that was stupid, he wouldn't be excited to see him, nor any other Pokemon if he was so vulnerable, as this thing, It appeared to be going for something near it's mid-section when Verse arrived, one claw emerging between the feet of the trainer as he dug through the sand and quickly wrapped around an unsuspecting leg. Snagged, they ended up falling forwards face first to the ground with a crunch of sand. The other claw of Verse popped up from under the ground and looked to be giving a thumbs up before both claws dropped once more into the desert floor and vanished in a shuffle of the earth. The trainers fingers had just managed to brush against their pokeball, sending it tumbling away from their grip.

As soon as the human hit the ground, Bic was moving. His claws carefully, but quickly prying the mask and goggles away from their face, they seemed ready to struggle, and take back their possessions, but a quick bit of sand in their face from Bic, had them clawing at their eyes in pain. He was on all fours and hi tailing back over the dune before they ever recovered. His prizes in hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Verse rose from the sand a moment later, clawing up and shaking his spiked back to loose the sand. "C'mon, we're not out of the woods yet. They might chase us. Hurry up and wrap it around your face already," he said, before he spied the goggles. "Hey, nice grab, by the way. I think they'll suit you." He took his hat off and gave it a pat to dust it off, then slipped it back on. "I'll catch you at the bottom, yeah?" With a small hopping-leap he dove over the edge of the sand dune, aiming himself like a bullet with claws forward and slid on his belly all the way down to the bottom.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Heeding his allies words, Bic immediately donned the goggles, the cool brushed metal of the frames feeling strange, but not all together bad against his scales, and the large-ish dark lens' set fitting over his eyes and snout better even than it did on the human, at least in his opinion. He then wrapped the mask, which he found to be more like a long piece of brown checkered cloth around his face like he'd seen the human do, mindful of his horn. He immediately noticed the different as sand quit going up his nose and into his mouth with each breath.

He doubted he could slide down the sand like that, but he did have ways of getting places quickly, even in the dry heat of the desert he should be able to do it. Quickly raising his scales up to shake the sand loose, and positioning himself properly, Bic used his tail and legs to launch himself after his comrade.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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At the bottom of dune Verse took a moments pause. "That was great pardner!" he crewed out, along with a loud, "Yeeeeheeeeww!" into the air. "Lookin' stylin' too. See, now that's how you trick a trainer. No mess, no fuss, jus' a snatch and grab. Let's keep amovin' though." He shuffled along the ground at a more steady waddle instead of his usual hopping run, mostly so he could keep one hand on his hat to stop it blowing away in the wind.

"D'you see that ball they had? Only caught a glance of it m'self, but that's somethin' o' special note." And before them there was nothing but more sand dunes, rising and falling across the majestic desert. No sign of any other creature in sight, other than the trainer they abandoned over the hill.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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He landed with hard on the sand, a barely audible "whumph!" escaping his lips as he did so, deserts were not good places for Charmeleon. Verse at least seemed to be in high spirits.

He had seen the sphere in question. He didn't see what was so important about it, but if it was special. "Should I have taken the ball as well?" He asked as he lowered himself to the ground to crawl along next to Verse, his new headgear providing ample protection for him.

"Where to now? I don't enjoy this desert much."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Verse shook his head, "Ah, then you're not gonna like the next part. It's nothing but desert for a bit. I mean, how big was your old home?" He stretched one of his claws over his head, then switched hands holding onto his hat. "Well now, no, you don't want to take the... It's called a pokeball. Takin' onna thems jus' gon' get you into trouble. But pokeballs serve a purpose. They capture pokemon like you or me. Keep 'em locked up inside. Sometimes brainwash 'em too."

His voice had taken a somber turn as he focussed on the desert ahead. "Ain't nothin' good come from onna those. And that's why you don't want to cause no trouble for trainers. They'll try to catch you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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How big was his old home? He'd thought it was fairly large. It wasn't until recently he'd realized how limited his worldview was. "The farthest I ever managed to travel was a day in any direction. It probably went farther though."

His blood ran cold at the thought of being trapped in one of those little spheres- Pokeballs, ugh, even the word was foul. How would he ever fit? He'd be a slave to the whims of some demented creature, forced to fight for no reason, save for their amusement. Trainers were the enemy of all Pokemon that loved freedom. That he decided then and there.

"Who decided it was okay for us Pokemon to be enslaved?" He asked hotly, anger clear in his words, Arceus save any human fool enough to try and bind him like that, he would rip them apart.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"Humans decided," he said bitterly, "And that's not the worst of it. There are so many humans with pokemon so strong that if you hurt a human they try to hunt you down. So uh... That's why I don't like humans." He tried to shrug it off and focus on the path ahead. "Anyway, like I said, someday there'll be a pokemon that'll stand up to 'em. For now, we've gotta just keep on trucking and play it smart and safe. In fact, we're a hell of a way from the other side of the desert. Best to just keep your head down and hope you spot some food."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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He had a new respect for these surface Pokemon. Humans were a menace. "If ever that day comes, I'll stand by that Pokemons side." He said, half to himself. Head lowered, trudging along after Verse. This desert was not a place to linger in. He hoped they could eat soon.

For now though, for now. He just wanted to see as much of this world as possible, maybe he would try speaking to one of these humans, he thought. See why they thought slavery was okay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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The next couple of days was tough. Food was scarce but the occasional pokemon would poke its head out of the sand only to be snatched up. Working a a team it wouldn't be hard for Verse to burrow into the ground and chase something out for Bic. Verse himself kept to the occasional cactus or desert flower, quick to munch down whatever greenery he could safely dig his claws into. That was one advantage of his claws, he didn't have to suffer the spikey exterior and could easily gouge out the delicious insides. Unfortunately at least once that had lead to disturbing a Cacnea. But there it was, the end of the desert. Well, it was hard to draw a definite line, but at the point there was more dirt than there was sand it was a pretty good indicator. Things started to get greener and the air was less dry. It was even less hot in general, more shade popping up here and there. They were probably closer to a large body of water.

"Jesus, what a relief," Verse said, not being a fan of what was essentially his own home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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The couple of days they'd spent in the desert we carefree in Bic's eyes. Food was no more scarce than it had been in his old home. Though he still had no idea how Verse could stand to eat the green things, plants he'd called them. Ugh. Since he'd gained his new desert gear, the sand was no longer an issue. He wouldn't go so far as saying it was easy, but, he'd enjoyed it. He slid the goggles as Verse had told him they were called where they hung around his neck and took his first deep breath of sand free air in days.

"I smell something foul." He'd said then, it was musky and reminded him of something, but he couldn't quite place what. "Human," the word came out as a near hiss, since Verse had told him of the forced slavery their kind was enforcing he'd had little love for them. "I smell humans."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"Great," Verse said, tugging his hat down for a moment. "We should be okay if we just keep moving. Humans usually take my hat as a sign I've got an owner. I figure they'll do the same for your goggles, yeah?" His claws curled inwards as he narrowed his eyes to peek ahead. He considered diving for a fern, where he could at least hide under it, but he didn't want to just abandon Bic who looked to not have quite the same hiding options as Verse. And heck, camouflage was out of the option now they were gone from the desert.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"Perhaps." These humans might think he was some other humans slave, and not give them any troubles, but it was better to be safe than sorry. "If anything happens you can always dig us out of trouble." If worst were to turn to worst, and Verse could not help them, he would catch the ground on fire and run.

With their luck though, that human from the desert would show up, and claim they'd attacked it. Pah, that would be bad. "Are there many human in this region?" He asked as he started down the path, determined to not let the humans ruin his freedom.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"Are there many humans in cities... Yeah a few," he said with a nod of his head, struggling to keep the sarcasm from his voice. Dammit, he was going to have to explain this city thing, wasn't he. Approaching appeared to be a pair of similarly dressed humans in dark clothing who were chatting casually. "Why do we have to go out to the desert?" the first asked the second. "Maycross wants some surveying done for a potential expansion," the other answered. "Expanding into a desert? Is this an official expansion or an under the table one?" The first man laughed. "If you keep asking shit like that you'll get fired."

Verse tried to look inconspicuous, standing just to the side with his hat on, staring innocently up at them. He hoped Bic could keep his cool and also try to look casual.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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He caught their sent before he saw them. He froze, a snarl rumbling it's way instinctually from his throat. Verse seemed to be trying to go unnoticed, he tried the same stifling the snarl, it was hard, he wasn't sure how well he'd done. All he wanted to do was run or fight, but this world was different from his.

"Be smart, be cool." he muttered to himself, in his usual guttural tone. That's what Verse had said, play it safe, smart and cool.

So he stood there. On the side of the road tail swinging back and forth behind him, and he waited for whatever came next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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The two seemed to notice the pokemon. "What are you looking at?" the nearest of the two said, before swinging a boot for Verse's gut to kicking him aside. He yelped as it struck, not expecting such violence at all. "Ow what the hell friggin' psycho!" he snapped in his own language, but obviously to humans it sounded like him repeating his name over and over. And with that the two were dismissed with a chuckle between the two men as they continued on their path, ready to leave the fact they had just assaulted a pokemon behind them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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A snarl slipped from his mouth, a wordless roar of rage directed at the human who attacked his pack. He stepped unconsciously in front of Verse. His lips pulled back revealing twin rows of razor sharp teeth, his clawed splayed wide at his sides, a sheen of steel already beginning to show. A wave of heat rolled off his body as his tail flame spiked in response to his anger. They'd been attacked. No matter how inconsequential the assault, and now a single instinct played over and over in his head. Fight, or die. Fight, or die. Fight, or die.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"Woah christ!" shouted one of the trainers as he saw the charmeleon step forward to the front and all but threaten them. "This guy looks like he wants a fight," the trainer said, reaching for one of his pokeballs, tapping it slightly to make it expand and stepping back. His friend did the same, "Do we have to do this? We're really meant to be working right now." But two pokeballs were tossed, and from them came a flash of bright light, a Voltorb and an Eevee appearing a moment later. The two looked immediately ready to fight. Verse recovered quickly and tried to get Bic away from the fight. "Let it go man, we don't want trouble..." But if it came to it, Verse would join the fray.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Verse's words registered on some level. They caused him to hesitate in his charge, kept him from giving himself to the rage. From throwing away reason for the mindless fury that plagued this form of his race. A roar still echoed out from his mouth, but he calmed considerably knowing his pack was okay.

"You're- you are right, let's go." He turned with difficulty. Tail whipping out behind him like a club, sending a wave of heat over their would be enemies. They weren't worth it. The Eevee wreaked of youth, and was not much of a threat, and the Orb, the one that looked so much like a Pokeball, he thought would go down after a single wash of flames. There was no reason to fight, even if his heart beat in tune with violence.

He was walking away. Back turned to the humans and their slaves, it was there call, they could fight or not.