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Champion Iris

Iris is a Pokemon Master and a Dragon Type trainer hailing from the Village of Dragons. She is exceptionally young for her role as the head of the United Pokemon League

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by ChaoticMarin


ImageGrand Champion IrisImage


Basic Info
  • Full Name:Iris
  • Titles: (Formal) "Grand Champion Iris", (Poetic) "The Girl with the Heart of a Dragon", (True Name) "Dragon Heart"
  • Sex: Female
  • Species: Ruulan
  • Age: ≈14
  • Height: 5'3'' (160 cm)
  • Weight: 120 pounds (54 kg)
  • Occupation: Grand Champion of the United Pokemon League

Iris is known as the girl who knows the hearts of dragons, or the girl with the heart of a dragon depending on who you ask. She is proud of her power, loves to battle, and can become quite feral when she surrenders her mind to it, seemingly adopting traits from the dragons she trains. Far from the pampered princess her Champion's Regalia might make her out to be, Iris is actually a wild child with an affinity for physical activity and a ferocious competitive spirit. She's a very hands-on type of girl, and if it weren't socially taboo, she would probably partake of the fighting herself at every opportunity she got. One might assume she was a tomboy if this was all they knew of her, but Iris is actually rather dissonant in her presentation of herself. She adores her princess regalia and is just as happy fawning over cute pokemon or watching a good movie as she is battling. Albeit, her idea of "cute" is slightly different from the norm... She has trouble sleeping alone, and usually rests with her pokemon by her side as a result. Iris is very open and expressive about her thoughts and feelings, exercising only a modicum of restraint with her words and having a penchant for action. She believes in creating a world of individualists who, like herself, rise to the call of heroinism in search of kinship with their monsters and self-improvement.

Iris hails from the Village of Dragons, better known as Blackthorn City. She was adopted and brought to Unova by Drayden, the gym leader of Opelucid City Gym, though she prefers to refer to him as her grandfather. Iris' incredible natural talent turned her into one of the only female dragon masters in the world, as well as the youngest dragon master in known history. She was also the youngest grand champion in known history, setting records left and right. Her Champion's Regalia was a gift from Drayden to commemorate her becoming the Unova Champion, an outfit she has chosen to wear ever since.


Image Do you believe in maaagic? Image
In a young girl's heart!


How does someone who could fairly be described as a little girl become the champion of an entire nation anyway? Not by asking nicely, that's for sure. Iris has a number of things going for her that the average trainer could only dream of. For starters, she is obsessively dedicated to her craft to an extent one might consider inhuman. Constantly seeking ways to push her own limits, Iris frequently pushes herself in ways that would put enough strain on the average trainer to put them in a hospital, or worse, and then anomalously walks out with only minor consequences. Her idea of training is less finding some strong pokemon to bully for some meager experience and more wandering off into the wastelands with no food or water and then attempting to beat wrestle a cacturne for sustenance. It takes more than determination and a bit of masochism to endure Iris' training regiments.

Which raises the question of how she does it. Few can claim to fully understand how Iris works. She is basically an anomaly in the pokemon world, a strange and sometimes surreal champion of those who dream the impossible. The key to Iris' strength lays in her very soul. She has achieved almost perfect resonance with her pokemon, a state of being basically unheard of for a variety of practical reasons. To achieve near-perfect resonance with one pokemon is rare enough, requiring either an enormous amount of kinship and empathy or lottery winning luck. Achieving the same resonance with an entire party of pokemon essentially requires a level of empathy that most would consider supernatural. Simply put, imagine trying to know a person so well that you can essentially hypnotize yourself into thinking you're them. This is what perfect resonance is. Now imagine trying to do that with several people at once. It sounds unreasonable, right?

Far from a quaint quirk, resonance is extremely powerful. Most trainers experience a lesser form of it when they bond with their pokemon. This is why trainer owned pokemon tend to be at least a bit stronger than their wild counterparts. The closer your resonance with a pokemon becomes to being perfect, the effects exponentially increase. A good example of low resonance would be EVs. Medium resonance would be a super high friendship level and all the battle advantages such as surviving otherwise lethal hits that come with it. High resonance would be unlocking Mega Evolution. Even higher would be the Bond Phenomenon that created Ash-Greninja. Iris' resonance with her pokemon is above that, nearing perfect resonance, where the distinction between trainer and pokemon becomes blurred to an extreme.

For example, at just near-perfect resonance Iris and her pokemon share an intuitive understanding of each other's thoughts, negating the need for verbal commands in battle and essentially establishing a kything connection between them. They can see through each other's eyes. Iris feels the pain whenever he pokemon take a hit. The lines between them can already get pretty blurry. There is also a scaling power boost that comes with resonance that increases in greater quantities the closer one gets to perfect resonance. This power increase applies to both Iris and her pokemon, sometimes manifesting as supernatural abilities in a pinch. When the going gets tough and Iris manages to find brief moments of perfect resonance, her pokemon's power can sharply jump even further than it already has, resulting in sudden bursts of terrifying and surreal might.


Image Is that a monster in your pocket, or..? Image


ImageHydreigon ♀
Hydreigon is a hydra/dragon type monster with a heart of darkness. Left to her own devices, she would consume everything in her wake from rocks to people. Her eyes are vestigal and unseeing, having been blinded at a young age by her own anger and tendency to hurt herself in a violent frenzy. Instead, she sees the world through aura-sight, pseudo-psychic sixth sense that operates via hearing, feeling, and mentally visualizing the spiritual and life energies of every living creature within a certain radius of herself. It can also be used to fire off blasts of energy as attacks. To a very limited extent, it can even allow one to read minds, usually in simplest sense of reading emotions or predicting someone's actions slightly in advance. When Iris resonates with Hydreigon, she adopts this aura sight, as well as Hydreigon's ferocious and somewhat undiscerning appetite. However, fully resonating with Hydreigon is very dangerous because of the extreme dissociation and violent urges that come that comes with playing the role.

ImageHaxorus ♀
Haxorus is an apex predator, a description that really fails to capture what makes her terrifying without stressing the 'apex' part. It would be accurate to describe her as a ruthless duelist whose exceptional skill as a hunter grants her a fighting style that lends itself to sudden and lethal blows, often waiting for the opportunity to strike before targeting an opponent's weak spots for incredible damage. From a game mechanic perspective, this would be represented by a very high critical hit chance. Haxorus is also exceptionally bulky and perseverent, able to keep fighting much longer than your average member of the species. She is often restless, is not happy unless she is allowed to hunt for her own food. Resonating with Haxorus is much like a less dangerous and exreme version of Hydreigon without the aura sight.

ImageDragonite ♀
When it comes to sheer scale of power on Iris' team, Dragonite is second to none. Able to manipulate the weather at will to the extent that she can summon natural disasters if she really wants to, Dragonite is a force of nature and an absolute unit to be able to weather her own storms as easily as she does. Able to call down lightning and use aura sight much in the same way that Hydreigon can. You would be forgiven for thinking Dragonite is strictly a magical powerhouse, but she is in fact incredibly strong in the physical sense as well. Watching her fight with her own physical strength looks a lot like that scene from the avengers where the hulk swings Loki around and repeatedly slams him into things. She is about twice the size of the dragonites featured in the pokedex, and like any dragonite is adept at underwater travel. Resonating with Dragonite grants Iris the ability to breathe under water, as well as aura sight.

ImageAggron ♀
The immovable object to Dragonite's unstoppable force. Aggron is one ton of armor and deafeningly silent rage. She may not be Iris' fastest pokemon by any stretch of the imagination, but she'll walk straight through a volcano and across the ocean floor to get to you if you make the mistake of wronging her. She approaches her foes with cold and calculating movements, often waiting for them to make a move once confronted before promptly punishing them for the costly mistake of not fleeing while they had the chance. She relies more on slow and methodical counter attacks to pulverize her foes rather than an overwhelming offense because of her lack of speed, and since she's an absolute titan among pokemon, it is extremely difficult to attack her without opening oneself up for a counter attack. She has no fear of being hit, no need for cover, no care for pain. Apparently she sleeps standing up. Though not technically a dragon pokemon, Iris seems to have awoken a draconic spirit within this particular aggron. Resonating with Aggron grants Iris the biggest boost to her frail human defenses out of any of Iris' pokemon, but has no unique features.

ImageSalamence ♀
Salamence is very much the underdog of Iris' team, lacking many of the most alarming supernatural qualities of her peers. Instead, she is simply somewhat big for her species and sets herself apart from the others by weaponizing her determination. This ferocious pokemon embodies Iris' unrelenting desires and limitless potential, relentlessly trying to accomplish whatever they set out to do and refusing to give up until she falls or succeeds. With each attack that doesn't end a foe or each blow received, she becomes inspired to try harder. Each successive attack in turn hits harder than the last. Her secret power is that if you give her enough time and support, like any shonen protagonist she'll rise to the challenge and crush it, even if it initially seemed implausible for her. When Iris resonates with Salamence, she gains the ability to tap into various pokemon moves a dragon might use, though she may initially struggle with them each time she uses them or experience self-injury or exhaustion from doing so if she isn't careful.

ImageAltaria ♀
Perhaps the most disparate member of Iris' team, Altaria is a childhood friend of Iris' from back when she was an even littler girl. Beautiful and regal in her posture, she sings a beautiful yet terrible song of victory that compels her foes to their knees. Those who hear her song have their minds assaulted and must attempt to resist its call, falling into an impaired or drunken-esque state of mind as it wears upon them. Those that fail fall under Altaria's control, either passing unconscious or falling to mind control and acting as a servant, attacking their former allies in a hypnotic trance. Those that cannot hear her song face a double edged sword. It's not technically hearing the music that enthralls one, but rather the power contained in the soundwaves themselves, which have no problem passing through a deaf person regardless of whether they can hear it. Though they might find it slightly easier to resist, they also won't know it is coming and might find it incidentally even harder to resist if it starts and they don't even realize they're at risk. Altaria is more than just a pretty voice of course. Her voice can just as easily tear things apart as it can enthrall them. Resonating with Altaria grants Iris' voice power and instills in her a sense of ethereal grace.

So begins...

Champion Iris's Story


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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The Haxorus perked up, reaching out and snatching the poffin up. She seemed pleased with the gesture. Iris in turn seemed pleased. "Of course. I couldn't just let you walk in here and risk getting attacked again..." she said. Thoughts of the pokemon wild life acting strange in accordance with the strange anomalies she'd seen around Ruula flashed in her head.


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Iris thought about this for a brief moment. "..There's a town to the north east, I believe. Will you keep in touch?" she asked, somewhat sad to see Tinora go. She had grown to appreciate Tinora's company, but supposed that all trainers must part ways eventually. She /did/ have work to do anyway.


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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walking back in the forest with her Charizard by herside and her houndour leading the way happily


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Iris stood there in her regal pink ball gown, observing the forestry with mild distaste. Beedrill attacks, huh? She was actually actively searching for them this time around. Personally, she'd like to make sure the people of Ruula were safe from being snatched up and carried off to their doom at random.


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Tinora Flamer ;stopped to think about somethings from lastnight as she keep looking up and around still a little nervous but she kept her guard up at lease she has her two fire types protecting her


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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A beedrill graced Tinora's pressence, quickly followed by two more. Before things could get ugly however, a fire blast careened into the entire trio, catching them by surprise and frying them. All three sputtered to the ground before faining. Nearby stood Iris, a light smile on her face. A hydreigon was next to her, light smoke coming from it's mouth. Tinora might notice that Iris' hair was styled to look similar to said hydreigon's wings. Without further ado, Iris made her way over.


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Tinora;watching this and soon looking at the Hydreigon "as Charizard and Houndour kept alert when looking at the skys and the trees and yet Tinora thought about something she did leave her dratini in her pc so she took a pokeball out maybe if she can catch one of the fainted beedrills maybe to get some answers why were they acting like this so she threw the pokeball at a fainted beedrill and watching it wiggle around soon was caught "it has been awhile since I caught a pokemon anyway and plus we could use some answers from one of them"picking it up and looking at the pokeball holding her new beedrill


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Iris seemed to focus at this. "My thoughts exactly." she mused, turning her gaze on Tinora's pokeball. "Have you been aware of all the strange things going on on Ruula? From what I gather, they're happening across space and time themselves, from Kanto to all the way across the galaxy and beyond. I fear that space and time themselves are in danger, and that the Pokemon sense it. They're preparing for danger." she explained, a semi-grave tone in her voice.


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Tinora ;"hm other then the one time that a flock of pidgeys flying south like a bunch of them almost ran into my charizard "she said

Charizard;blue smoke at that a in saying(more likely only the front of my face )inly folding his arms a bit with his wings spread out


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Iris frowned. "...I don't mean to alarm you, but as you know it's the responsibility of good trainers everywhere to try and protect the world from this sort of thing. That's why I'm searching for answers. Things are going on, but nobody seems to know why." she explained gently, a still grave tone to her voice. She remembered the walls melting around her, balls of lightning dropping from the sky. It had been at least mildly terrifying.


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Tinora;"well one way to find out what is going on maybe could check with one of the professors and see how we can stop what causing this stuff "and soon noticed a huge battle between some Pidgey's and spearow "um Iris we might want to get out of here"she said getting on her charizards back while grabbing her houndour not wanting to be in the middle of some angry bird battle


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Iris grinned, but decidedly jumped on her Hydreigon. "Good point." she stated, preparing to fly off. "Don't worry. I'm in direct contact with some of the top minds~ We're trying our best, but... It's a very complex question. It will take time, at best."


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Charizard;fly off in the air as Tinora held on to him and Houndour sitting in front of her

Tinora Flamer ;thinking about what she remembered when she started out on her own journey as she looked down at her lugia's pokeball "do you think the legendaries might be affected by this too ?"she asked


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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The wind blowing through Iris' glorious, long hair caused it to flow behind her. You had to wonder how much wind drag that caused! She glanced to Tinora and for a moment seemed confused by the question. However, after a moment an answer came to her mind. "...I'm not sure." she admitted. "My dragons seem to be their usual self, though." she claimed. It seemed implied she was thinking of them as legendary.


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Tinora;putting her hood up on her head as she thought about as she soon started wondering "I am talking about the ones we don't normally see like lugia ho-oh and the rest "looking ahead seeing some cloud movin in


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Iris seemed hesitant to answer. "I'm afraid that because they can't be observed it's hard to say. I do have a dragonite however, and she is acting pretty normal. They're about as rare as it gets." Iris explained. "Then again, it might be mostly wild pokemon that are reacting."


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Tinora;soon felt the rain coming down "this isn't good "she said riding on a fire type in the rain is bad so she sent out her Lugia before returning both of her fire types to their pokeballs after jumping on his back "we better find shelter to get out this rain


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Iris went silent for a moment. "Got somewhere in mind, or should we head to the city?" she asked rather blunt and to the point. After all, they were a bit short on time.


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Tinora;noticed a cave up ahead "well there is a cave right there ?"she said


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Character Portrait: Champion Iris Character Portrait: Tinora flamer
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Iris frowned, but declined to complain. She supposed it would do. "Alright..." she responded before directing her hydreigon down to the cave, where she quickly dismounted in the mouth of said cave.