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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by starshinerae


Gwynn is a rather tall girl (around 5’ 10”) with odd white hair and violet eyes, which are nowhere near the norm of her kind. The white hair can be mistaken for pale, silvery blonde, sometimes, but many times people will only recognize her for the thick, long white hair she has. However, when she performs, she usually changes its color to blue-black. However, she almost never changes the style of it, which is simply waist-length hair that is perfectly straight, with side swept bangs. Her skin is extremely pale, which is rather normal for the Miakaans. Her body is slim, but rather curvaceous, giving her a nice figure.

She usually wears a rather revealing outfit. It is normally a low cut, sweetheart neckline top, the cuts off right below the ribs in a dark red or dark purple. The sleeves are tight and long, flaring out at the ends, though sometimes, in hotter weather, she’ll wear the same type of cut, only no sleeves. Her pants are black, cut low on her hips, and are tight, ending right below the knees. She wears a short skirt over that, split up the sides almost all the way to the top, the color matching her shirt.


Gwynn is bold, and many times disrespectful, usually only because she thinks she has it right. She is carefree, and makes rash decisions, no worries to hold her down. She flirts extremely frequently, but she doesn’t usually accept people as a date, she just likes to flirt. Other than extreme happiness, she is very guarded with her emotions. She keeps everything else off of her face and behind a wall in her mind. However, sometimes that wall breaks and the emotions come spilling (and sometimes shouted) out. That is a time you don’t necessarily want to be around her.

She has little patience with people who don’t like cats, seeing as she is technically part cat. She doesn’t embarrass easily, nor does she worry easily. She has her life in her own hands, completely in control, or so she thinks. She doesn’t worry about the little things at all. Gwynn likes avoiding the rules and will try to find the loopholes in everything. Performing is a big part of her life and she would only give it up in dire circumstances. She loves animals, and will go out of her way to help them.

When she feels like it, Gwynn will gain a very mysterious air, and will not tell anyone what she has as a secret, if she even has one… The odd sense of humor she has (as in she can find some kind of joke in almost anything) annoys many people. Her sense of humor causes her to laugh quite a lot and many times people wonder why she is laughing. If she knows you, she is most likely to constantly talk, for she is rather uncomfortable in silence (depending on why people are silent). Even if she doesn’t know you, she will happily greet you and try to get to know you.


When Gwynn had been born, she was a tiny thing, and looked every bit Miakaan. The midwife that had helped with the birth had almost fainted on the spot, as both of her parents hid what they truly were. The woman was appalled by the baby and quickly left, managing to sever all ties with the family. Though she had lived her childhood in Alestra, she had been born in Diambi, as good help had not been able to find, and the Miakaans were not a well-known species, so the woman had some reason behind her leaving. She didn’t know who they followed.

Gwynn’s father died when she was quite young, after engaging in a rather stupid fight with his brother, who was much bigger and stronger than he was. So Gwynn’s mother, Allana, had to raise Gwynn on her own. It was a difficult thing to do, as Gwynn loved running around, doing different tricks, singing and dancing. Her mother was the one person Gwynn had always respected, for she had supported her, disciplined her, and had actually found a way to word her orders so that they had no loopholes. Her childhood had been rather uneventful, except for the many times she had gotten in trouble for disobeying the rules that had been set.

At the age of seven, Gwynn knew she wanted to be a performer. She began to hone her skills, taking actual lessons on dancing, and singing, for she wanted to be the best she possibly could. And so she started to do small things at small gatherings around where she lived. Those who had seen her came back for more usually. But only when she was sixteen did she decide that if she truly wanted to perform, all variety of things, then she needed to set out for a city, or large town, where she could get better jobs. But she knew that to be accepted by some she would need to be human, and for others, she would have to be Miakaan. At first people were very unwilling to give her jobs, no matter where she went, but eventually she got one job. That one job led to another, and soon she had a steady career.

Every now and then, she would get into trouble, not with someone else but trouble with herself, when men took things too far. She hadn’t ever had to risk that when she was younger, but now, as she had fully grown with a rather good figure, she attracted stares and sometimes much more attention than she wanted. One time things had gone way out of hand when a drunk, married man hit on her and went as far as to kiss her and try to grope her. His wife had somehow found out, but had heard a different story, that Gwynn had been the one to hit on him, to kiss him, and to grope him, instead of the other way around. The wife had come after her with a lashing voice and prepared for a fight. Gwynn had to get some of her fellow performers and some of the people she had performed for that night act as witnesses to explain to the woman what her husband had done. Other than those few incidents that occurred now and then, life was good, and she never gets tired of traveling to other towns and cities.

So begins...

Gwynn's Story


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Aeternity swipes its claws and growls. Where did it arrive to? It's unsure, and the worst part of it saw nobody within its direct line of sight. "Kraa'su, va tri ondri'k'katra!" It shouts in its unknown language, crawling across the landscape in search of others...