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Ixu Shen

The Daughter of a Night Fury and a Gold Dragon

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita


Name ; Whenzhou Ixu Shen (Last name first)
Age : 16 and a half
Eye color ; Extreme Bright Green
Hair color ; Oil black
Nationale appearance ; Asian
Theme song{s}: 1st theme {She dreams a lot in her sleep}, 2nd theme Third coming soon!
Picture(s) : Image
With adopted father
On her own


According to her birth father, Toothless, Ixu is half crazy, or absolutely nuts. In truth however Ixu is a rebelious young teen who really just wants to find her true place in the world. And her true father as well.

Likes; rain, swimming, friends, her parents, extreme humidity, thunderstorms

Dislikes; rules, other noble boys, Scholar's that think they are 'holier then thou', hot and dry weather (without humidity), tornados


A beautiful rose emboridored kung fu battle fan. Long silver and pink scarflike cloth measuring 15 meters long, normally used as a type of rope or whip. Pair of longswords measuring four feet long each.

The kungfu battle fan is just that, a battle fan with a pink rose embroidered into the gray cloth, it measures 11 inches in length

The silver and pink scarflike cloth is used at times as a weapon, it is unbreakable, and most likely enchanted, as only Ixu Shen can use it with deadly and unmistakeable precision.

The two longswords are very unique, they resemle two normal appearing swords, each measuring the typical four feet in total length. However, the swords are hidden in little bracelet like attachments on her arms. These bracelets are hidded under her dress sleeves. As bracelets the swords appear as little daggers. The crossguards of these swords are of dragon wings, nither of the swords are enchanted, however they are enfused with magic to not break


As far as she knows, Ixu Shen is the daughter of a very important noble family in the Hangzhou province of China during the start of the Qing Dyansty, they later moved to Shangdong when her father, Senoir Whenshou, was made provincal govenor of that province. Ixu Shen knows nothing of how she came to be the only true child of the Whenshou family. Her parents however know the full truth and are afraid of what she will do to them when she finds out the true meaning of her bloodline and where she is from. Not exactly a simple peaseant girl.

What she does not know, and also what she refuses at this time as the truth, is that she is a dragon, she was raised by dragons, who posed as humans, to keep her safe. Ixu Shen currently refuses to believe this, thinking it just a cruel joke

Her parents, her father actually, is the Provincal Govenor of Shangdong Province, they make their home in the city of Juxian along a river. Senior Whenzhou is the oldest man of a good family of three brothers. He and his wife were unable to have any children, so they took in many children off the streets and raised them as their own. One of the few children that they kept as their own was actually brought to them by their servant girl Fann, who had come across a Monk and the infant girl. The servant girl herself always wanted a child to call her own. And yet, Senior Whenzhou allowed it as long as the servant girl never admitted to the child who was really the mother, saying that Senoir Whenshous wife, Lady Whenzhou, was the girls mother. Fann agreed.

Ixu Shen's parents doted on her all her life, giving her literally everything she asked for, or wanted, including private tutors, martial teachers, and scholars of the various nearby towns. Though it was not until the girl was ten did Fann die in a fire accidently set by the wayward girl and a other Provinal govenors son did Ixu Shen start to truly mature and show a more rebellious side.

So begins...

Ixu Shen's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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#, as written by Awinita
A pair of bright green eyes snapped open as Toothless laid on his back; Looking about he spotted the one that spoke "What is to mind ?" he said simply, a soft smile on his draconic face. "Two beers barkeep!" he called as he rolled to his feet and ambled over to the bar, most people paid little attention to him though he saw the guy looking to playing a piano, Ah some music would indeed be nice!

Toothless took a seat at the bar next to the young lady that spoke. He held out a paw, minus claws, to shake towaords Vastra. "Many greetings! my name is Toothless. It is a pleasure to meet you...." He had no idea how or why he was being so respectful for being so drunk. until the reason of why he was so drunk came clear as another Night Fury, this one clearly much smaller, with pink and silver scales slammed into the same place he landed with a loud clearly female voice

"Yeah, you're right Papa, Gravity works!... Ow!" Ixu Shen grumbled, preferring to simply lay where she landed flat on her silver and pink scaled back, her wings spread eagle on the floor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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The android soon completed his work with the piano. He then sat down, carefully rested his armoured fingertips on the keys, and loaded up a music sheet to overlay on his heads-up display.

The android began to play with mechanical precision. He filled the bar with a pleasant, distinctly old-fashioned bar atmosphere. It was fundamentally similar to his old DJ booth, but there was a mood mood entirely different added to the bar. The slow, atmospheric crawl of notes filled the four corners not unpleasantly.

Jakob did not opt to add vocals, being a machine. It was up to any available singers to join if they wished.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She eyed the dragon carefully as he sat next to her. A drunk dragon? She thought. Vatra didn't pay attention to the music, it was an irrelevant song to her, but she did pay attention to the paw that was stretched out towards her. It took her a moment to think about if she should, but being nice always got someone some where, so she reached for his paw to shake, but was interrupted by the sound of another crash.

Vatra slowly turned her head around to see a pink and silver dragon in the same spot as the black dragon. "Yours?" She asked Toothless.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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#, as written by Awinita
Toothless nodded, and said though a slight buzz in his tone rather proudly "My only child, ixu Shen. ixu sweetie, get up, you're in front of another dragon that isnt me" he said Ixu Shen gave her father a cute pouty like look before rolling to her feet and swiftly shifted form to her normal human size and look. Her pink and silver scales turning into her beautiful pink and silver dress with a strange kind of whiplike belt around her waist.

Toothless then turned back to Vatram, a smile on his face his paw still out to shake. His ears perked up at the tones of the piano, quite nice that music, very nice indeed!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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#, as written by Sambea
Vatra held back a small laugh. It had been a long time since she seen some friendly dragons that didn't have a chip on their shoulders against humans. "Hello," She reached out her hand again and shoot it. "I am Vetra. What brings you two here?" She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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#, as written by Awinita
Toothless had to wrack his brain, that name sounded.... oh shit it did, Truly respective now Toothless wasnt taking any cvhances, he'd never met a dragon olde than himself, and some of the Dragons hew knew spoke of older dragons, one or two mentioned names once or twice but he never really remembered them. Just that the way this newcomer acted around other dragons prooved to him she was one, after all she did ask him if he minded being in his natural form. He didnt. So he must be speaking to an elder or one near his age.

But that didnt really matter as she asked him a qwuestion after introducing herself, qwell, them a question. "Beer" came the reply from Toothless wehreas his daughter said a second later "Gravity" though she ordered a Pepsi and turned to listen to the music. Toothless smiled towards his daughter as two beers, rather large, were brought to him. "If you not mind my asking, what brings another Dragon to.... this not so fine establishment ?" Sure Gambits had great food and drink, but then it was also commonly a target of warzones.

And earthquakes

And bar fights didnt happen as much here though


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
She eyed the beers, before sipping her water. "I am in search of something I know not what it is exactly." She smiled at Toothless. "I have yet to even get a hint." Vatra was starting to feel there were no more dragons before she entered the bar. It had been a long time since she has ever come across one. The two that were near her now, were very...strange yet entertaining in a way. The tips of her hair start to fire up, but she squeezed her hands on the ends of her pigtails. They seemed to be doing that a lot lately and it was starting to get on her nerves.

"I will not be staying in this place for long, have you?" She asked?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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#, as written by Awinita
"Have we what ? stayed here long ? Yes.... well mostly...." Its fun to fly while intoxitated. He hasnt been pulled over yet! Sadly Toothless was drinking by then which left his daughter to speak up

"He means mostly because of me he wanders to different bars but somehow ends up here. I've only been here a few months" She held her hand out to shake, "I'm Ixu Shen." She had something of shyness in her voice, she was still learning to fly


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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0.00 INK

A microphone was brought on-stage by an NPC, and set up above the piano. Jakob nodded his thanks, but did not stop playing. When he began the next song, he spoke. "Some people ask me," The android began to hum in a sort of Blues style of "singing", when it was more like poetry. "Jake, what kinda guy goes around shootin' their fellow man?"

"And I said... Why does the car move, or the telephone ring? The keys on your keyboard all do their own thing. Folks program themselves, but not us." The android then replicated the solo as provided in the sheet he had loaded.

One of these days, I may create my own. That would be nice. he found himself thinking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
"Yes, sorry, sometimes I don't finish my sentences out loud." She smiled and looked at Ixu and gently shook her hand. "It is nice to meet you, I love your name. And I have to say, seeing a dragon this much is unusual, but I do hope you are careful. We really don't need a war with humans, now do we?" She asked nicely.

Her eyes turned to the android before she looked back at the dragons, "Are you two the ones causing things to shake?" She asked. The fire was now on her fingertips, bouncing from each before landing in her water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Ixu Shen smiled as her father simply shrugged in reply to the question, She then shook her head, a faint blush filling her fair face as she spoke "Thank you, its an honor to meet you. Most humans regard us as equals here from what I can tellm, a few people hunted me for a time though but Papa managed to scare them off" She smiled again "We havent had any troubles since... well other then papa trying to fly like he is" Toothless then hiccuped loudly, bubbles of beer foam on his lips.

She looked towards the door, the room didnt shake, yet, but outside the street was starting to crack apart and stuff was collapsing She shook her head. "I dont think papa or I have such strength when landing after gravity grabs us" She listened as the guy playing the piano spoke, almost like some of those towns she had visited looking for her father. He spoke well


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Vatra laughed, no need to be honored. I am just just a dragon who is old." Which was ironic because she looked the same age as the girl. Her eyes shifted towards the doors of the bar. She could feel something and like a animal who senses danger she wanted to run, but she sat firmly in her chair. "I am glad to see humans you both nicely, hated seeing and being part of that feud. I see a lot of rebuilding around the town. I take it this is a, uhm, busy place?" She asked.

Her foot began tapping with the music as a nervous tic.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Vercerigo Character Portrait: Vatra Margarette Soro
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0.00 INK

Vercerigo watched the two dragons talking to the woman from a couple tables away. He had never seen a pink dragon before...
A sudden strain of music, lilting over the general hum of the bar, caught his attention and his eyes flicked over to the stage, where that android...What was his name again?...Jacob or Jakov... was playing a shiny piano, his grey fingers flitting effortlessly across the ivories. The music was pleasant enough, chill and relaxed, but for the love of god, it felt like hours since he had ordered his snakebite, and it still hadn't come. He wondered if they had forgotten about it.

He absentmindedly tapped his middle finger twice on the hard wood of his table, before slowly standing up and meandering closer to the piano and its mechanical player. It had been awhile since he had heard a live piano. He kept an eye on the bar, the dragons, and his table, in case his drink came or the dragons decided to set something on fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vipteri Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Ishtar Terzianarian Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin
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0.00 INK

Smudgie went about serving drinks as False Matriarch Vipteri was busy getting the tablet ready. There were twiddles in his mind now that weren't there before. Things he told himself he had to do or remembered doing later. He wasn't sure anymore and his brain felt all twitchy. There was an order for a snakebite that hadn't been filled yet and Smudgie knew he had to bring it to the piano. But he couldn't remember who ordered it. Was it the Matriarch's doing? Smudgie didn't think she would spend time watching patrons through his eyes. Still. There had to be drinks! THERE MUST BE DRINKING!

Several mugs of alcohol in Smudgie's vicinity quivered and duplicated in a tinkle of glass. The Elysium triggering his endocrine system to churn out sequestrants in a war of metaphysical stabilization fought in Smudgie's bloodstream. Hundreds of intel caste like smudgie fought a collective war of chemistry through an immune system that communicated across their bond to each other. Though there was an explosion of lichen from one of his caste that died in wing city from Elysium they were rapidly winning the war.

The small insectoid-looking creature changed from inverted background to a similar one vanishing him into a monochrome blur. The bug slid through moving legs with ease in its bolt across the floor to the kitchen then came back with Snakebite. Specifically five of them. Once Smudgie got excited and started making them he kept ending up with another half-finished drink next to it. He didn't know why but eventually managed to finish them all without ending up with any more.

Smudgie's voice came up excited if from a RF transciever on his shoulder as Gardeners didn't have vocal flaps, "I BROUGHT YOUR DRINKS! I think it's you. I remember not remembering it was you. I think. ANYWAY!"

Smudgie's thin hard-skinned hand proudly started putting drinks on the table. It got to four, then to five, then continued to seven before finally ending at an even dozen of small spiked cider drinks. He put a receipt on the table which plainly mentioned a bill for one drink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vipteri Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Ishtar Terzianarian Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin
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The android wordlessly continued providing the bar with atmospheric piano tunes. It was the thing he decided he was built for nowadays, as his chosen attire seemed to imply. The machine's precision allowed him to accurately tap the keys in the proper order. However, the piano itself was not synthesized, so it sounded remarkably natural, despite the synthetic player himself.

The dragon's presence did not trouble the android at all. After all, he had seen stranger sights at Gambit's establishment. Deities and eldritch abominations often shared tables with the likes of creatures that jumped out from fairy tales, and everything in between. The android himself was also an unusual patron on account of him not being flesh and blood like most who frequent the bar.

Soon, however, he had finished a song, and proceeded to stretch his joints in preparation for a new song. While he did this, he was open for requests.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vipteri Character Portrait: Jakob Character Portrait: Toothless Character Portrait: Ixu Shen Character Portrait: Ishtar Terzianarian Character Portrait: 'Smudgie' Bvetin
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Vercerigo instinctively leaned back in his chair when a woman with wings walked in. His eyes fell on the gold circlet resting on her head and he couldn't help but give an odd smile. Some kind of princess, maybe? A loud, electronically distorted yelling tore his gaze away from her and he stared as an insectile humanoid as he yelled and pounded drinks onto a table a couple meters away from him. Who is he talking to? Is he high? Vercerigo glanced back at the android at the piano, who had stopped playing.
He got up and walked over to the mechanical piano player and, keeping his eyes on the crazed waiter, asked in a quiet voice, "Do you know Vivaldi's Summer 3? It's a great track."