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An enigmatic wanderer only known by his first name. No one has ever seen his face.

0 · 450 views · located in Yan'Xin Village Square

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by ConnorTavarin


Name: Kinaro
Alias: The Vagrant
Age: 22
Species: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Place of Residence: None, but mostly seen wandering Tsuribazu Fields and Naseni Forest
Nationality: Unknown
Position: Vagrant
Background: Simply known as Kinaro the Vagrant, he washed up on the shores of Losenji Island several months ago. Upon waking up, he gathered quite the crowd, people asking him where he's from and if he was alright. He spoke very little, preferring not to reveal much about him aside from his first name. This stirred some distrust, but his calm demeanor gave them some comfort. He spends his time wandering the island, visiting towns and asking about their history and customs. Excitement could be heard in his voice whenever he was learning something new, but he wasn't learning these things as a way to deceive or exploit the people. He was actually eager to learn the history of Losenji. His friendly and respectful manner to those who treat him kindly, even if they were a little unsure of him, made him a somewhat popular figure and he is even nearing folklore status. There is one thing that frightens him, however. He dislikes people reaching for his mask or cloak, to the point of hysteria if they persist. There have been cases of him injuring people over it, but he never causes permanent damage. Despite this, he always returns and even apologizes to anyone he may have hurt. If one were to ask the townspeople how to find him, they would suggest lighting a campfire, which almost seems to attract him to sit with you for conversation. It seems as if he just enjoys the company of another and being accepted.

Abilities: Speculated to be a swordsman, as he carries around a traditional Chinese Jian. The extent of his abilities is uncertain.
Likes: Wandering, meeting people, learning, mythology.
Dislikes: People trying to take his mask or cloak off, arrogance, arguments over petty things.

Appearance: His features are difficult to distinguish due to the long, hooded cloak and mask he wears. The mask is white with a blue, flame-like pattern going down the right side. The cloak has a rather large hood and is tan brown in coloration. From what people claim, he wears a blue, traditional Eastern style vest and white pants under the cloak, though those were glimpses at best.

So begins...

Kinaro's Story


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Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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Junwei cleared his throat as the child spoke, eyeing him suspiciously. "How potent your knowledge is in this subject. I would think such a thing would be boring to one so young. They must have locked you in classrooms and libraries until you learned up on the subject," he said to him. "Who knows what other knowledge you might have, tiny scholar."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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#, as written by Script
Seiji nodded to Kinaro. "Yokai are definitely not all evil! I met a kitsune once who was very nice! We travelled together for a while and everything. But it is true to say that there are more yokai who don't like humans, or like to mess with them than other spirits, if only because yokai are more like humans than other spirits usually are!"

At Junwei's comment he giggled, shaking his head. "Boring? No no, not at all! And besides, I didn't learn all that from libraries!" the boy wagged a finger, "Nobody learns anything from musty old men going on all boring-like with their musty old tomes, aieee. That's a nightmare if I ever heard one!"

He hopped down off of the other side of the log, lifting one hand to let the field mouse run along his arm and down to his shoulder. "I learned what I know from listening to interesting people on the road! Well, okay, some of it was from boring people back at home, but most of it is from much more interesting people than teachers!"

Seiji gave Junwei a knowing smirk, "And who does know? Only me, of course! I know more than people give me credit for, ahah! Also! I am not that tiny!" The youth brought himself up to his full, entirely unimpressive height and looked up defiantly at Junwei, before frowning. "Aiee, maybe to you I am tiny! But you are too big, it's cheating!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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Satisfied with the answer he was given, Kinaro continues to follow silently. He respected Seiji's intelligence and wisdom for his age and that he was still able to have a whimsical attitude about things. He liked the idea that the best teachers weren't just professors or masters, but the people you meet during travels. He smiles at the slight banter Junwei and Seiji have and Seiji's reaction to his height. Kinaro himself wasn't a short person either, standing at an impressive 6'4, but was more lanky than muscular. It made his looming figure almost intimidating, but his calm voice and demeanor betray his appearance.

That said, being frightening is not his intent, it was simply to hide himself. Whenever he was silent for long periods of time, he was actually pondering why he was so afraid of himself and why he couldn't allow people to see him. It worried him greatly that even he did not know the reasons behind it. Despite this, he kept walking with the two, willing to help out in any way he could if he was needed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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Junwei couldn't suppress the grin that slid across his face as the child compared their heights. "Not as big as some, still," he told Seiji, lifting his chin. "But bigger than you by far."

He passed his gaze onto Kinaro. "So quiet. I thought I was supposed to be the foreboding, silent figure," he joked, smirking at the end. "Are you afraid to speak about yourself?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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#, as written by Script
"Pahh!" Seiji batted at Junwei's hand as the larger man lifted his chin, "Don't dooo that! It's embarrassing!" he protested, "I'm no little kid, you know! I'm older than I look!"

As they walked, the trees around them grew less overgrown, as the track they had been on merged onto a paved road leading through the forest. The edges of the road were decorated with hanging lanterns and lights, though they hung unlit due to the time of day. "Ahh! We are nearly there, these are festival decorations!" Seiji proclaimed gleefully, clapping his hands together.

He paused in walking to turn towards the fox that had been following them. "I am guessing that you will want to return to your home now that we've nearly reached the village!" he said to the animal, nodding his head. "Thank you for walking with us! It was an honour!"

Yipping in what could have been acknowledgement of Seiji's words, the fox turned on a heel and disappeared back into the trees.

"What about you, little mouse?" the boy questioned, lifting a hand for the field mouse to clamber onto. "Will you be going, too?"

In response, the mouse clambered down Seiji's arm and hopped back up onto his hat. He giggled, "I'll take that as a no, then!" he said. "Ahh, are you both excited? I know I am! Today is the first day of the carnival in Tianshi, so things will be getting into full swing here as well!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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Kinaro slowly followed behind the two, looking up when he heard Junwei's question. Remaining silent for a moment longer, he finally answers "...I can't tell you anything about me. If I do, you would no longer travel with me....just like many others. They abandon me whenever they discover my true self, something that is hidden even from myself. Please do not ask about it further." he says quietly, seeming rather distraught that Junwei even asked. He watches as the fox departs, a little saddened by that, but he understands that the forest is its home.

Looking up at the festival decorations seemed to raise his spirits slightly as he is now excited to see how things in the village are going. He wonders what kinds of activities or events will take place during the festival. He remains quiet as they proceeded further into the village. He heard several people whispering about him. It seemed his reputation reached out further than he had initially thought. At that point he picks up the pace, staying close to Junwei and Seiji, almost as if he didn't want so many eyes on him. He didn't mind speaking to one or two people, but he couldn't handle so many people looking at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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Junwei raised a long, thin brow as high as it would go, his curiosity struck by such a reply. Though more questions danced on his tongue, he kept them to himself. He gave Kinaro a solid nod in understanding.

Perhaps he was the same way. Not many people would want to travel with creatures like him. Then again, these two weren't like many people, he was beginning to find out.

"Excited. I don't know if that's the word that comes to mind. I am willing to participate and..." As they strode toward the village, Junwei's gaze swept around, sparking thoughts. Villages meant people. Half those people, likely women, "... I am interested in further looking into the sights."

The setting changes from Naséni Forest to Yan'Xin Village


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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#, as written by Script
As the trio made their way into the village, the decorations and lights grew more and more prevalent. It was still early afternoon, and so the festivities were not yet in full swing - many villagers were in the process of hanging decorations, setting up stalls and tents or otherwise making preparations for the coming evening.

The village itself was bustling with activity, and there were far more people here than was to be expected for a village this size. Seiji and the others were not the only ones who had come to Yan'Xin for the festival, and tourists from all across the island filled the streets. Some carried suitcases on their way to hotels, others walked slowly pointing out the sights to one another, but it was relatively easy to tell them from the locals quietly going about their business.

Some stalls were already set up, those selling intricately patterened ceremonial masks or face-paints that would be worn come nighttime by most of the festival-goers. Others were selling food or souvenirs to the tourists.

The three new arrivals drew little attention, though Kinaro's secretive attire attracted some glances - but if there was ever a time of year where wearing a mask would not stand out overly, it was now.

"Pshaa!" Seiji tutted at Junwei, "You should be more enthusiastic! There is more to do than see sights! There will be dancing, and feasting, and music, and all sorts of things! You will dance, won't you both?" he asked, turning to walk backwards with big, expectant and hopeful eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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Kinaro observed the activity going on throughout the village, occasionally muttering his interest in what he sees. He seemed to express his relief that no one really found his attire too suspicious due to the festivities, so he picked up his pace, walking a little more confidently. A couple of children tug on his cloak, to which he quickly turns on his heels, about to raise his voice. When he realizes they're just children, though, he keeps his composure and sighs "Sorry, little ones, but please do not pull on my is of poor quality and can get damaged very easily." he says politely. They curiously follow him for a few more steps before asking "That's a pretty mask, mister...where'd you get it?" a question that makes Kinaro stop in his tracks for a moment. "I...oh, it's a family heirloom. My father passed it down to me, and he got it from his father." he said, hoping they wouldn't catch him in the lie. They seem satisfied with the answer before going on their merry way.

As they walk across the village, Kinaro spots someone on a ladder, fumbling with a decoration before it slips out of his fingers. Kinaro quickly dashed towards the falling object, catching it just barely. Standing up, he offers it to the person on the ladder, who voices his gratitude. Nodding his head, he was about to go back to Junwei and Seiji when suddenly he is approached by an elderly woman "Greetings, child...I could not help but notice your kind actions. Many others would have just ignored the falling decoration and kept going on their way, but you went out of your way to help a stranger. I am a local fortune teller, and I wish to give you a free reading, if you will take the time. Your aura is quite fascinating." she says with a gentle smile. Unsure of what he should do, he simply nods, not seeing the harm in it. He looks to Junwei and Seiji "I will return shortly." he says before following the woman to a table.

Sitting down on one of the chairs provided, the woman gestures for him to put his palm out. Kinaro does so and the woman takes hold of his hand, gently tracing her fingers along his palm and occasionally pressing down. Her smile turns to a concerned frown "You do not trust your companions...and it seems as if you have never truly trusted anyone. You believe that no one will accept you no matter the circumstances. still help those around you. A noble, yet tragic heart. Allow me to give you advice, child...your happiness will never come unless you learn to open your heart and secret to your companions." she says as Kinaro pulls his hand away, standing up. He turns and starts walking away as the woman says "Your identity is a gift, not a much pain as it has given you, it will prove to bring you great happiness one day. I hope you realize that soon...Kinaro." she says. His eyes widening, Kinaro turns "How did you know my...?" he was cut off by the fact that the woman and the table she was sitting at was gone. No one around him seemed to bat an eye at her sudden disappearance, as if she was never there to begin with. He silently returns to his companions. "I'm mind must have been playing tricks on me..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei
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"What are festivities, but a time to drink and pass out for the night?" chuckled Junwei. He raised one of his hands to bop the underside of a paper lantern as he passed it. "Certainly different from the city, however. I wonder what I can expect of a small village here."

Not hunters, at least.

"Dancing?" mused Junwei. "Enticing, really, child. But I might have to decline."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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#, as written by Script
Seji smiled and nodded to Kinaro as he was led aside by the fortune teller, though his eyes lingered on the woman for a few moments longer than might have been expected before he turned back to Junwei at his reply.

"Ohh, but you must!" Seiji exclaimed plaintively, "It's one of the best parts!" He paused for a moment in thought before grinning, and adding "I'm sure there'll be plenty of women dancing, who you'll be able to impress! Nobody will want to cavort with a spoilsport who doesn't dance for the festival!" He giggled.

When Kinaro returned, Seiji blinked and peered over his shoulder at where the fortune teller had been. After a moment, he gave a knowing smile and shook his head. "No tricks, I don't think! I saw her too. Whatever she said to you, you should be sure you take it to heart! I'd bet my hat that she was a spirit!" he nodded his head self-assuredly. "But you'll dance, won't you Kinaro?" he went on, apparently unperturbed by the prospect of a spirit-woman enough that he was still fixed on the dancing question.

Fixed enough that he was still walking backwards, and so it was almost inevitable that he'd end up backing straight into someone. Thankfully for both of them, his small stature meant that the impact when he backed into the girl in the fox-mask mostly made him stumble forwards, rather than upsetting her balance. "Oh! I'm sorry!" he said, spinning around to bow apologetically.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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Kinaro was relieved that he wasn't the only one to see the mysterious old woman. It did surprise him a bit that she may have been a spirit, though he wasn't so sure if he really should take her advice to heart. He hears Seiji's question of whether or not he would dance. "Dance? I can't say I'm familiar with how to dance but...what would be the harm be in trying? I'll observe a bit later and see if I can learn a few steps." he smiles under the mask. Seiji was such an outgoing and friendly person. It made Kinaro think if it's been foolish of him to be hiding for so long. However, he wasn't ready to remove the mask or cloak. Not yet in any case. Junwei still made him feel a little uneasy with how stoic he was, but he didn't completely distrust him.

When Seiji bumped into the woman with the fox mask, he put his hand out to help keep Seiji's balance as he turned around and started bowing apologetically. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the display. He looked at the woman, seeing the mask. Something about the mask was...comforting. He didn't know why, but it had a sense of familiarity. Foxes or things resembling them brought him peace for whatever reason. "Forgive my friend here. It was an accident. What is your name, miss?" he asks. He laughs as Seiji presumably kept bowing "You can stop now, I think you've made your point."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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"I'm sure any woman here to see me dance would be more charmed by the humor of my stumbling and not any skill I have toward it," Junwei jested, though he was sure there was much truth to it. The crumping and grinding of the city wouldn't be of much use here, in a village that hadn't seen such things.

He had to eye what had been the fortune teller, now gone. He'd looked away for only a moment, he swore he had. Kinaro's confusion, which he'd seemed to miss earlier, caught his attention, as well, but he let it go as Seiji ran straight into another person.

"Oh, whoops!" she exclaimed, hands out to soften the impact. She blinked at the kid, but then grinned. "Hey, it's alright! No harm done, yeah?" She reached to readjust Seiji's hat, but paused when she saw the mouse. "Little one, you've got a stowaway," she laughed, pointing to the tiny creature. "Some of the women in this village won't take too kindly to that. They get into the rice!"

Her eyes met with another stranger. The one with the mask. For a moment, she was thoughtful, lips spreading thinly as her eyes darted over him. It started, and stopped, with that mask. "Me? Oh, I'm Ayajin. You all look like travelers! You're together? Whereabouts are you from?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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#, as written by Script
"Aiee," Seiji's eyes peered upwards, as the mouse on his hat peered down. "He'll behave, won't you!" he said to the little creature. It squeaked. Whether or not that constituted a reply, Seji nodded and grinned. "I'll make sure of it! My name is Seiji, I'm from... all over the place, really! But I was born in Tianshi, if that's what you mean. I haven't stayed in one place for very long for a while now!"

He paused, as though realising something. "And hey! I'm not that little! Why does everyone call me that?" he exclaimed, pouting. "Harrumph! Well anyway, it's nice to meet you, Ayajin! I like your mask!"

Again, he paused. "Ah! Mask! We need to go get masks!" he spun around to face Junwei, "Kinaro is all prepared, but we're maskless! Come on, I saw a place selling them back across the road this way!" he said, grabbing the larger man's arm and tugging him off towards a stall a short way back down the road.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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When Ayajin asked where they were from, Kinaro wasn't quite sure how to answer "To be honest...I don't really know. I've traveled across the world, made many friends...lost those very same friends because of...what's under this." he taps his mask. "All I'm doing is trying to find a place where I can just belong without people judging me...pointing fingers...laughing." he looks down slightly. It was difficult to speak of such things, but he wanted to get closer to being more comfortable with what he was. He wanted to know what he was.

As Seiji drags Junwei off to go get some masks, Kinaro inspected the one Ayajin had "That's a beautiful mask. Did you get it for the festival? I heard it's an important part of the festivities from Seiji. He's very knowledgeable despite his young appearance." he said, trying to brighten the mood after his short ramble on who he was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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Junwei groaned as Seiji pulled him off. "Must we?" he whined, a scowl of misery and distaste spreading across his face. Even so he didn't pull away from the boy and he kept following. If there was any true loathing for the child or his behavior, it certainly wasn't showing.

Ayajin watched after the two with a chuckle. Must be brothers!

"This village here is filled with a lot of nice people. I'm sure you'll be fine," said Ayajin with a reassuring smile. She took the mask on her head and slid it over her face.

"Thank you. My guild gave it to me when I joined. All the members have one. It really fits in here, hmm? What about yours?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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#, as written by Script
"Yes! We must! It's a very important tradition!" Seiji affirmed, dragging Junwei up to the stall. There was an almighty array of masks on display, of all different shapes and sizes and colours. Each mask held its own meaning, a spirit or concept that it represented. Most of them, anyway. Some were simply designed to be decorative.

The stall-owner was a tall moustachioed man with a big, warm smile that he flashed to the two as they approached. "Hello! Welcome, welcome! I saw you arrive in town, I thought I might see you come by here soon."

He gestured towards his vast collection of masks, no two the same. "Take your time, take your time. Your choice of mask is important. It should represent something about you, something core to your being. Though you will be masked, you should still be wearing an aspect of your self as your face!"

Seiji gazed wide-eyed at the selection. "Aiee. There's so many to pick from..." he murmured.

The shop-owner smiled. "Don't worry. The right mask has a habit of finding you, as much as you find it."

"Hmmm." Seiji stroked his chin ponderously, gazing from mask to mask. "What one are you gonna get, Junwei?" he asked the larger man with a grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seiji Watanabe Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Wildfire Junwei Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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Kinaro doesn't respond to her when she said that the village is filled with nice people. He thought the others were nice people as well before what happened. When the conversation changed to the subject the masks, he spoke up "I've had this mask for a very long time. Longer than I can remember. It's the only possession of mine that's truly precious...I don't have a home, I don't have anything else to my name other than my sword and the clothes on my back. I guess that's part of the reason people call me The Vagrant. It's a fitting title." he said, laughing a little.

He then decided to ask her more about the guild she mentioned. "What is this guild you mentioned? Does the fox have a special significance to what you do?" he asks. His curiosity of local folktales and customs was genuine. He truly wanted to learn more about this guild and what their purpose was in the grand scheme of things. He eagerly awaits her reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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"The Vagrant... that does ring a bell!" Ayajin chimed, tapping the chin to her mask. "But I'm not sure if the tales reach all the way where I'm from. I might have heard whispers around here, though. What an interesting life you lead." She tilted her head to the side, one hand on her hip.

"The guild is BeastEye, known for using magic concerning the animal that's chosen us. The fox is normally cunning, though I didn't think it was a trait I possessed..." She moved the mask over one eye, an eye that didn't belong to the young lady anymore. It was amber colored, the pupil vertically slit. Her dark hair and fair skin had been replaced by red fur.

Before he would get a good enough look at her, Ayajin moved the mask over to the other side, once again the human woman he'd been gazing at before. A sly smile curled upon her lips. "I think it comes naturally, though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinaro Character Portrait: Ayajin Li
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Kinaro could have sworn he saw something change about Ayajin, even if it was only for a split second. No one else seemed to bat an eye at this and he was about to assume it was his imagination again. Then again, he was wrong about that before. "I've always liked foxes. I can't really put it to words why, I just sort of have an affinity for them. Oh, and my life's not all that interesting." even though no one could notice, it was painfully clear by the tone of his voice that he was blushing. "Honestly, I would love to one day have a true home. One where people will accept me. I can't see that happening, though." he says. Kinaro was always so happy to help others, but he seemed constantly negative about his own existence. The sad part was how matter-of-fact he says it, as if he's so used to thinking like that.

As he realized he was being negative again, Kinaro shook his head "I-I'm sorry for rambling. I shouldn't bring down the mood of such a wonderful festival." he says. Wanting to know more about BeastEye, he starts to ask more questions "So what exactly do you do in this guild? I'm not familiar with the name or what kinds of magic you possess. It really sounds fascinating."