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Kong Jing Mao A man in his thirties wearing a biker jacket and badly scarred. He has a cybernetic right arm. left eye, and right shin.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Kong


6'4' and built like a fighter Kong is not incredibly buff, but is very well toned and built. If one were to look at his muscles they'd realize they are very compact and made to generate great amounts of force from short throws and punches, a clinch fighters dream. His shoulders are large, giving him the look of an American Football Player.

His face is heavily scarred, with huge deep scars in the middle of his face and one over his left eye, which is cybernetic and looks much like a lens, his hair is short and has slight side burns, it is bright blonde, he also has a slight five'o'clock shadow. . Beyond that his right arm is entirely cybernetic from the shoulder. His right shin is also cybernetic.

His clothes are quite aggressive; wearing old gray colored jeans, badly frayed at the ankles and cut up in the knees as well as the left back pocket. Old combat boots don his feet and are buckled rather then laced. He wears a leather [url=]biker jacket[/url] with the symbol of [url=]Front of Armament [/url] on the back, and two patches that accent at it, curving around the skull. The top reads his name 'Kong Jing Mao' the bottom reads his rank 'Lieutenant'.


Chain Mail Lining:
All his clothes are designed and lined with chain mail in between there layers. They make a distinct rattle when he walks, but is quite lightweight and only good for stopping shallow to moderate slashes. It plays its role well enough. It is not lined in his jacket.

Technical Notes:
It can stop shallow slashes head on, and moderate slashes if he moves away from the strike as it hits. It is totally useless against thrusts and arrows and the like.

Stab Resistant Body Armor:
The jacket he wears is two fold, being both a jacket and a stab resistant modern body armor. Capable of stopping most stabs and arrows with ease. It can also absorb some of the impact of small caliber gun shots, but nothing above 9mm, and even that is a strain.

Technical Notes:
Can stop most stabs and arrow shots, and indirect 9mm and under gunfire. Gunfire will HEAVILY bruise and cause great blunt force damage. Repeated stabs to a single area has a chance to pierce it.

Realm Amulet:
The Realm Amulet was forged in his home Realm, and took the skill of many of the greatest wizards to create. It allows one to jump to the nearest realm, or choose a realm they've already been too. It takes exactly one week of preparation to jump, and after the jump from realms he has a down time of almost three months before his body recovers enough to allow him to fight.

It is used to travel to great and magical realms to find strong opponents, exactly how he obtained this when it was meant for the Emperor is currently a mystery. But he has it, it is a gold pendant, with etched symbols into, runic in nature. The sheer power of the Amulet also has a recharge time of exactly one year, allowing him to jump only once per year.

Technical Notes:
It is not something that could ever be used in combat for various, rather obvious, reasons. It is simply an ends to a means to explain this characters place in various worlds and realms.

Cigar Case:
He carries a beautiful silver cigar case in his jacket pocket, it holds six cigars. Two are cinnamon flavored and have red smoke, the rest are standard cheap cigars. Inside the inner pocket are 10 cigar light any where matches. The case is water tight and held over his heart.

Technical Notes:
Its a cigar case, what the fuck do you want from me?

[url=]Steel Pipe[/url]:
A five foot long, three inch thick steel pipe. It has been stamped down on both sides to have a slight flat head screw driver style ending. Being struck with this would hurt, a lot.

Technical Notes:
Length: Five feet
Weight: 6 pounds
Width: 3 inches
Pain Factor: Moderate

Physical Modifications/Changes/Skills:
Left Eye:
His left eye is a clearly cybernetic item; looking much like an optical lens. It moves erratically every time he peers in a various direction and the engines make a distinct clicking noise as it moves.
Technical Notes:
Vision: Vastly Improved; 6 Mile Clarity in Right eye
Depth Perception: Well Above average.

Right Arm:
His right arm is cybernetic from the shoulder down. It is a off colored metal; a combination of Adamantium and plasteel. Connected to his nerves and worked through his brain like a normal arm it has full region of movement the human arm did, and even a bit more. A great increase in strength and the like is also there.

Technical Notes:
Strength: 1500 lbs Limit

Right Shin:
His right shin is grafted with Ceramite; a highly advanced ceramic armor like material which fixes his once shattered shin. Making it stronger; and slightly lighter as well. Getting struck with this shin would be like being hit with a steel bat.

Technical Notes:
Movement: Above Average
Max Speed: 17 Mph
Side Step/Turns/Spins: Well Above Average
Side Step/Turns/Spins Speed: Varies; well above human average

Super Natural Abilities:
Khorne's Favor:
Kong is slowly gaining the favor of the Bloody Handed God; and with it will come gifts. As of now, he has none, but soon he may.

Technical Notes:
Favor: 15%
Gift Gained At: 25%
Next Gift: Anti-Magic Item.


Earthen Realm:

Early Life:
Born in the Earthen Realm, in the land of China in the time of the warring. He was born into the Kingdom of Wu, and of a Warlord Father. He was taught by the Weapon Master of the Wu at the time. Wei Shi, who gave him personnel lessons on sword play, at the request of his father. Despite the officer weapon being a spear, he was taught the sword for one very clear reason that Kong would only learn afterward.

He was of Western Descent, born of a European Mother and Father, and named James Krylon. He grew tall, and despite his fathers attempt to hide his hair color with berry dye, during a play time with some other kids about his age he fell into a river.

His hair became evident, and despite knowing his eyes were large and blue, all were shocked to find this boy was not Chinese. He was shunned by all but his father and his Master. He gave up his social life in turn for strength, and strength was what he obtained.

During his thirteenth year on this world the armies of Shu began a brutal assault on both Wu and Wei, his father left for War. His father was Taishi Ci. Though his death isn't completely confirmed, it assumed he was killed by Lu Bei himself in single combat. Kong was expected to take his place, and take it he did. He had bested both Zhao Yun and Guan Yu in strategy before Wu fell before Shu's might.

Under the rule of Shu, sixteen year old Kong was renamed Jing Mao by his captors after the taking of his homeland, he was imprisoned, and eventually enslaved by two different men. He killed both of them in there sleep, and fled both times. In the second attempt he managed to not only escape the grasp of his captors, but the grasp of the country fleeing into Mongolia.

Where he joined there raiding parties after being assumed a Western Warrior fleeing from China. He raided many small Chinese villages, before getting into single combat with Ling Tong, his strange weapons, the nun chucks were served in the fight and Kong fatally wounded him. Though the exact death was attributed to a cold, it was most likely induced due to his wound which was infected by the sickness.

Return to China:
As the Mongols began more brutal raids on China, they were slowly dwindled by the newly built Chinese Army, united under the flag of Shu they were easily pushed back and Kong was sentenced to death. He was saved by his master, Wei Shi by taking his place on the gallows. He was hung in place of Kong, and Kong was set free. Around this time, Kong was in his early twenties.

He spent the next two years challenging strong men to duals in China, and winning. This attached the attention of Lu Bei, who requested a meeting with Kong. When he learned of Kong's father and why he was forced into this life, Lu Bei felt remorse. He granted the young warrior a rare blade, even in China. The Willow Leaf Saber, this, along with his Ox Tail saber became his signature.

The Rise to Infamoy.:
A tournament was held in the center of the Palace in honor of Lu Bei's passing only a short year before, at this time Kong was twenty eight. The tournament was to be a bloodless sport to find the greatest warrior alive in China. Kong participated, in his first round against a relatively unknown fighter he broke the man's spine with a single swipe of his wooden blade, killing him instantly. It was ruled an accident, and he did not kill for quite a few more rounds. In the Semi Finals, against a then famed swordsmen of questionable skill, Zhuge Ciao, he fought this man sword to spear. In three moves he shattered the spear, the mans jaw, and tour his jaw clean off, killing the man brutally.

Exactly why he was so brutal was ruled that he did not like men boasting of there skills, then they lacked any. He was disqualified, and nick named by the populace 'The Fiend of the West' due to his skin and hair color. He took this title to heart, and held it dear to him to this day, a badge of honor for him, if you will.

The Travel to the West:
After studying the native languages of the Eastern realms, he traveled there to see if the warriors were strong. At the time he was thirty, and the land of England was his first and only stop. He met many warriors clad in elaborate suits of plate welding large slow straight swords, with tremendous power. He spent two years here, defeating any Knight he came across unaware of there status and caring little for it.

After becoming bored with there code of honor he left the country in search of strength, on his way back to the East he had a run in with a rare Western Dragon. He could not resist, he charged the creature head on and was easily swiped aside. Using a cave in the water he hid in it, the dragon followed and when it breathed fire into the half submerged cave he ducked under water. Swimming under it he managed to get his sword into its mouth. Which then pierced the creatures brain.

He skinned the animal and return home, were it was tanned into leathers which absorbed magic, he was not aware of that, but he would soon learn.

The Forging of the Amulet
The Emperor at the time, a bastard of a man who flaunted his power over the public and gained the seat under false claims requested the creation of an amulet of power. At this point, Kong was thirty three, and had given up the sword to be a black smith. His shop was asked to forge the amulet itself, though never being told it was for magic purposes. Using gold Kong forged it himself, designed every little detail by hand.

He was ordered to bring it to the Sorcerer of the time, a man by the name of Kain. He was of Western descent as well, with long black hair and pale colored white skin. His eyes were a deep purple. Kong was told by this Wizard what he had given him, and what it was going to be used for. The Immortality of the Bastard Emperor. Granting him eternal power over China.

With that knowledge, Kong instead proposed the Amulet be used for something else to the man in his own language, which surprised the twisted fiend. He agreed, and said that instead he would forge an amulet that allowed any man to travel between worlds of unimaginable wonder where the strongest truly lie. He tempted Kong, and Kong did not refuse.

Kong has a wife at this point, a young girl of nine teen who was given to him as payment for a sword. The man said he needed some kind of young life force to forge the amulet, spinning the words to make the process seem harmless. Kong granted him his wife and unborn child, both were sacrificed for the power of the amulet.

Attempted Revenge:
After using his wife and unborn child for such a heinous act the amulet was given to him, and the filthy wizard escaped using magic. Kong went back to his shop and grabbed both his old swords, sheathing to his waist he gripped the amulet and dropped into a coma. When he awoke, he was in a new Realm, the Realm Shyra.

He soon met strong men, strong women and powerful warriors. Little is known about that time, all that is known is that he defeated the Emperor of the Realm and stole his cloak. Exactly why or how is lost, as the lands of Shyra keep no records of history.

His second travel was too the Realm of the Forgotten. He learned much there, and though nothing of warrant happened he obtained rare bandages used for great healing. He also seems to have forgotten about revenge or his wife in the time gap between the records, as well as adopting his Western name in some regions, and his Chinese name in others.

He did little battle in this realm, though he did hunt orcs for the first time. He left the realm abruptly and without reason, as if he was unappeased by the realm or its lack of battle.

He has only recently arrived on Gaia, learning of the HoH he has begun preparing himself for this tournament, he was drafted into a team randomly, without ever meeting his team mates...

Gaia-H.o.H 09-Prelims
After being invited to team Odessa through a messenger, Kong traveled from the Lawless city to the tournament itself, his prelim opponent was one Dashboard, a dark skinned warrior of incredible ego.

The early minute or so of the fight proved much in the favor of Kong, using his swords to cut Dash quite a bit. His opponent then retreated and grabbed shields, Kong attempted to use his cloak as cover to block his opponents vision and attack around the massive twin shields.

It failed, and he was slammed roughly against elastic ropes, using his incredibly flexibility he pushed outward from the shield and managed to roll over the top of the ropes before almost getting pummeled by his opponent. He prepared for a tough fight, when his opponent suddenly forfeit. Choosing to take this to the tournament proper.

Kong has now made a rival out of Dash, his first rival in Gaia.

[strike]Round 1[/strike]
After arriving late to the scene he was pitted against one Kael, the fight was looking at least partially in favor of Kong after he managed to harm his opponent before doing damage, he retreated atop a canister attempting to use high ground to defeat the opponent, sadly, time ran out and the fight was cancelled.

Team ODESSA lost to Team Mythos, but due to the tournament being Double Elimination they were moved to the loser bracket, where they were pitted against

God Caliber.

[strike]Round 2:[/strike]
Arriving first for ODESSA Kong was quickly pitted against a man known as Griff, Kong himself though physically sound was mentally not completely there that day and the battle showed it. Early on Kong managed to use his common dirty tactics to get the upper hand, but as his opponent showed some poise and managed to dodge the fragile mind Kong was faced with that day snapped and he charged recklessly.

He was subsequently beaten and battered, almost losing an eye before being strikered from an unknown source ((Snow)) with a pipe to the ribs, shattering two of them completely and bruising another, his oxtail saber was taken and he was disgraced. KB proceeded to blow himself up or something equally as insane, and ODESSA was knocked out of the tournament.

'Next year, will win.'

The parting words of Kong as he gripped his amulet.

Kong's death was a twist of fate like none other, faced with the Paladin of Torm in a Forest, Kong was confronted and forced into a fight. The powerful Paladin's powers limited his very existence through magic, any form of blood lust he possessed was a sign of evil and thus forced his hand to a slow crawl.

Needless to say, his death was swift and painful. A battle hammer shattering most of his armor. He was buried in that forest, expected to remain dead for the rest of the existence of time. How mistaken one could get.

The words of the deranged, the voice so powerful it awakened the dead. The Blood God, Kong's air returned, his lungs pumped. His eyes found darkness, his mouth tasted dirt. This was Kong's revival, no glory, no huge glowing light. Just a whisper, and a force to the surface.

The wanderer, the forgotten, the dead has returned. And Kong is out to find others like him...

Meeting with Dzan:
After traveling for some time he came across one Gypsies, Tramps, & Thieves β–ŒTavern▐, where he met the famous, or rather, infamous Dzan of H.o.H, and Eliminator for this year. Wordlessly the two men agreed to fight, and though Dzan's chain axe dominated most of the fight, if Kong was armed with a similar weapon the fight may have turned out different.

In a moment of doubt at Dzan's call of Kong to yield his drive was destroyed, and Kong gave up, at least partially, before the fight truly had time to get fully started. From there, Kong was taught of a Pilgrimage like none other, and why it was he was revived. In few words Kong was made to understand, and through fire and glory, Kong has joined something new.

On his own, Kong is traveling Gaia Primus in search of strong fighters. To exert his will he lives...For his Deity, he lives.

During his travels he acquired a better understanding of the new world he resided in and became quite fluent in both language and acting of the world around him. He shed his primitive look and gained a more formalized look. He developed a love for Cigars and fought quite a bit. He eventually ran across firearms and picked them up at some point, most of it quite hazy in his travel between taverns and the like.

He has since shown up in Durem....

Front of Armament
Kong eventually joined up with Dzan, the other Pilgrim of the Bloody Hand and became a Lieutenant in the gang known as the Front of Armament. So far they have spent most of there time crushing weaklings who dare tread on there turf, but soon they will begin raid and destroy others, there favorite targets being Meta-humans and there ilk.

Fight with a God:
Kong took the challenge of a God named 'Hoch', a powerful creature made of essence which could summon great opponents it had killed to fight for it. Kong put up quite the fight, defeating almost all of his summons at the cost of his right arm and right shin, and left eye. Eventually the God took it upon himself to punish The Fronts Lieutenant; drawing in magical energy he slammed five arcane beams into his chest and he fell; assumed dead.

Rather then take his essence the God Hoch said he would allow his soul to go to his God rather then be taken for how well he did. That was a mistake, for Kong never died. Laying in the streets of Durem he recovered with the help of no one and eventually bolted a brace to his shin so he could walk.

He returned to The Front to find it gone.

The Front Revival:

Dzan, Kenji, Kong and the rest of The Front regrouped and have started from scratch after The Gods of Gaia deemed them unfit to live in there perfect little world. The strong won't be held down though, they want vengeance.

They rebuilt and grew stronger, and in that time frame Kong also was given cybernetic limbs and enhancements to be healed of his beating. He eventually left the realm of Gaia for else where.

[b]Realm Travels:[/u]
He has begun to travel various realms, he could show up just about any where.

So begins...

Kong Jing Mao's Story

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Quickpaw Hurojo awakes after having been asleep for several years. Around the area was only void. It was empty. Dark. Cold. "Where... where have the spirits placed me?" He started patting his body all over; ensuring that he was corporeal. "Not dead; that's a plus." Though there was no time to lose. If he was corporeal, that likely means that he could return to the world he knew, and hopefully return to his king. He began running, hoping to find an exit to this ethereal obscurity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Sibael Rhodwyn looked around, finally staring one of the strangers in the face, "I don't remember you. Any of you, to be frank."