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Lukas orion

0 · 3,702 views · located in Kazzei Plains

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by krumbla


Credit goes to curtsive. He's a baller.
((I take no credit for this artwork. If the artist wishes for me to remove this image, I will do so immediately))
Age: 117

Race: Post-human, genetically altered.

Eye Color: One iris Blue, the other Brown

Hair color: Orange

Typical hairstyle: Bald, Mohawk.

Height: 7' 2" (Taller while wearing armor)

Weight: 1500+ lbs in armor + equipment.

Type of body/build: Muscular

Skin tone: Olive skin tone

Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): Close combat training, Axe, Sword, Pole arm Proficiency.
Ranged weapon proficiency.

Type of childhood: Lukas grew up on an undeveloped, feral ice world. After the crusade invaded and assimilated his world into the empire he was inducted into the ranks of the crusaders as a neophyte at the age of 17.

Where does character work? Captain of the 13th brotherhood, crusader regiment.

How many years? Captain for 45 years.

Like his/her job? Yes.

Character is most at ease when: Drinking.

Most ill at ease when Sober.

Biggest accomplishment: Banishment of Baal-berith, The great blasphemer.

Character's soft spot: Danika Thorne

Is this soft spot obvious to others? No.

Biggest vulnerability: None that are apparent.


Show me a fortress and I'll show you a ruin.
-Lukas Orion

Wherever you tread, tread lightly. We are closer than you think, and our blades are sharp.
-Lukas Orion

"Lukas Orion, after interrogation and judgement carried out by a panel of your peers you have been found innocent of the claims brought before you and have been absolved of your sins.
You will be treated by the Chief Apothecary, he will heal you body and mind, your mind will be wiped and your body restor--"

A bloody hand raises from the table as a voice utters something nearly inaudible, gurgling on blood, interrupting the interrogator.

"What did he say?" asked the female.

"He wants to remember..."

-Danika Thorne during the interrogation of Lukas Orion.

So begins...

Lukas orion's Story


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Strutted over to Elsa Lemar's table, stopping just short of a chair there. He said nothing at first. His oddly colored eyes giving her the once-over. Okay... maybe twice. He took another swig of the rum, running his tongue over his teeth. "hey there, red. You look bored." he grinned.


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Raises a brow, noticing the weapon. "Whoah there, fireball. I won't want to have to buff and repaint the ding that'll leave!" he laughed heartily, slapping his knee as he sat down at her table.


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Chuckled and took a big swig from his jug. "Ah what!? This place?! Nah! Just a hangout for wimpy vampires with no bite, and weak men toting skinny swords. This place is a day care! Wiping his beard a bit he nods to the sidearm she carried. "Ye any good with that?" he points to a table across the bar that has a solitary wine glass sitting atop it. "let's see." grinning devilishly as he eggs her on.


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Noticed that the woman he was conversing with has dissapeared. He grumbles and pulls his own sidearm out from a collapsable holster at his hip. He aims while taking a drink of his rum. The roar of the round was immense. On impact, the high caliber round causes the table to apparantly implode, shrinking in size at the impact point. A second after it does this it explodes, sending a shower of splinters in all directions. The wine glass hits the floor and breaks... he missed. He shrugs, re-holstering the weapon and stands up, heading back to the bar.


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Character Portrait: Lukas orion
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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Places the empty jug on the counter, asking the bartender for another. He turns around at Cashmere's warning. "What are ye scared for? That was what i use to shoot vermin!" he reaches back, pulling out a wickedly sharp, ornate halberd upon the top of the blade rests a similar looking projectile weapon. This one was much larger than the sidearm. Lukas swung the halberd in artfull twirls and swipes, definately brandishing the weapon in the manner of one who is exceptionally trained in its use. He levels this weapon at a new table, but decides against discharging this weapon right now. Besides, his rum just arrived! He mag-locks the weapon at his back and turns to grab the new jug.


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Places the empty jug on the counter, asking the bartender for another. He turns around at Cashmere's warning. "What are ye scared for? That was what i use to shoot vermin!" he reaches back, pulling out a wickedly sharp, ornate halberd upon the top of the blade rests a similar looking projectile weapon. This one was much larger than the sidearm. Lukas swung the halberd in artfull twirls and swipes, definately brandishing the weapon in the manner of one who is exceptionally trained in its use. He levels this weapon at a new table, but decides against discharging this weapon right now. Besides, his rum just arrived! He mag-locks the weapon at his back and turns to grab the new jug.


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Character Portrait: Lukas orion
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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Frowned a bit, taking the jug and pulling the cork off with his teeth. He spits it off to the side. His differently colored eyes scanning the woman up and down. His white eye begins to fixate on her. Scanning reticles sweep over her body.


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Character Portrait: Lukas orion
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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Raises a brow. seeing the shields, and more notably, ger arm. -Psionite? Where'd she get that?- he leans against the bar, his gorget flashing a warning sigil upon receiving her scan. He synapticly commands a suppression order, hiding the annoying red warning light. "ye should be the least concerned. Not everyone here has shields protecting them. I would ask where ye got the psionite for that fancy arm ye got there." his own armor's systems were not as elaborate as hers. Although the technology employed to turning man into tank was masterfully applied. His weapons bore a field generator, making the blade to cut through most materials with ease. The blade conducting the thrumming energy field when activated. His ranged weapons were a mystery however, no signe of how the hollow rounds caused the damage they did.


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion He laughed as he takes a few steps forward. taking a chair, spinning it backwards and sits on it. He leans forward on the backing of the chair. His rum bottle hanging slack from his index finger. Her continued scans would indicate increased power output in his theighs and knees, the mechanichal muscle fibre bundles tensing -was he preparing a lunge?- " no, believe it or not, I'm in the business if protecting mankind. Less you are a demon, and i haven't found out yet. Allthouugh, only us crusaders gave access to psionite. if you happened to lay one of my brothers low, we might have an issue."


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Character Portrait: Lukas orion
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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Springs up from his chair. Obviously trying to startle her. He points a finger at her, his dual colored eyes widening as he made the realization. He casually walks past her after sliding the chair he had been sitting in back under the table where it had been. "sooo YOU'RE the one who repaired ole Diomodes' dress rags!!" he chuckled as he passes uncomfortably close to her, headed towards some bench seating at the edge of the bar behind cashmere. He takes another swig of his rum as he strolls....


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Character Portrait: Lukas orion
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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Releases the mag-locks that keep his jump pack attached to his back. It crashes to the floor as he plops down into the bench seating, kicking his feet up on the discarded pack. " Yeah, he mentioned that you might give our own tech adepts a run for their money!" He allowed himself another glance at cashmere's.... 'suit'. "How'd ye lose yer arm, anyway?"


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Kicked his head back a moment, looking back to her in disbelief. " oi, have you gone mad? Why would you go and do that?!" the more he thought about it the more it made sense. She WAS pretty cold. But why mutilate yourself? "what? Do you mean to build yerself a robot body and just plug your brain into it?" he chuckled at the thought of a comical looking robot with a clear bubbling fishbowl-like container for a head, a brain floating around inside of it. "It'd be a damn shame. The Father has TRUELY blessed you." He grins wickedly.


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Thinks about what she said a moment. The belligerent demeanor being exchanged for one of curiosity and maybe.. a little concern. "My, my, someone messed you up bad." he set his nearly empty bottle of rum on the table next to him. It was his second jug, and he began to feel the effects of the dark liquid. "Your bionic there... can you feel with it?" he nodded to the arm.


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Turned his head, looking at the ensuing fight between the marine and the large ork. And here he thought it would be him to get into it with someone tonight. His attention came back to cashmere as she showed off her bionics. He cringed a bit, thinking of how it must feel to become reaquainted with one's appendages. "And if it were to become damaged? Would ye feel pain?"


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Character Portrait: Lukas orion
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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Chuckles lightly. You are WAY too skiddish, woman. You should have a seat over here, you shouldn't sit with your back to the door." he pats the spot at the bench next to him. -oi! Ye dumb oaf! This woman doesn't even know your NAME!- he thought to himself. "Lukas, Lukas Orion. I'm the handsome one." he chuckles, at his joke, leaning forward, holding out his hand for a handshake.


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Withdraws his hand, not surprised. "all that technology in that hand, and ye can't give a decent handshake? If i tried anything funny ye could have just 'jettisoned' the arm. Make it blow up in my face or something." he flicked the jug of rum with his middle finger, seeing how much fluid remained. "I take it you don't have many friends then? I mean, no offense or anything. I just get this image of you beaming up into some spacecraft filled with robot cats or something." he grabbed the jug and started to drink again.


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Character Portrait: Lukas orion
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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Grinned a moment. Leaning in cashmere's direction as if to nudge her playfully. But she was obviously too far away. He made the gesture anyways and nodded in Crom's direction. That guy over there is a lot like you. Maybe i could introduce you two. You both could share long periods of silence together! he chuckles a bit and listens to cashmere as she spoke. "Well, your social network needs an upgrade. Or you'll go batty and start replacing other parts of ye out of boredom!" he hoped to get somewhere with the tech joke, even though it was lame. He was surprised to hear her age. "A hundred years? Time has treated you quite well. Id tell ye how old i am, but it'd make me feel like a ditry old man, heh."


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Character Portrait: Lukas orion
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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Yells over to crom. EY! YOU!... YEAH YOU! You ready to have a drink with old uncle Lukas yet?"


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#, as written by krumbla
Was suddely alone. Through bleary vision he spotted firecloud ari fidgeting with a bottle and cloth. Lukas stood, groggily reattaching his jump-pack he set off towards Ari.


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#, as written by krumbla
Lukas orion Had consumed quite a bit of 'the kraken' tonight. He gets to the bar, asking for some water to quench his dry mouth. He turned to her, squinting his eyes a bit. "Who do ya plan on burning with that?" he asked