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Maedos Judgement

"You cannot hide from the Judge, You cannot run from the Jury, You cannot be exempt from the Executioner's axe."

0 · 1,851 views · located in Cursed Wood

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Questionable Object



Maedos is a tall, slim, athletic person of apparently human lineage standing at 2.1 metres tall and weighing in at 97 kilograms with pale white skin.
She has a rather boyish face and a strong stern voice.
Her eyes are a greyish blue in color and she has shoulder length hair, usually tied back by some means that is a sleek sapphire in color, depending on what she has been recently doing, the state of her hair and clothes changes from clean and neat to ragged and mussed.
She has a wide scar on her left cheek leading from the bottom of her eye to her jaw.

Maedos is not actually a human despite having primarily human features. She is primarily an Aeon, an entity of considerable strength and magical potential, further improved by her status as an Avatar of Daedalus.

She has relative control over Stone, Mud and Earth, Water, Non-flammable liquids, Ice, Electricity, Metals and Crystals. (Hydros, Teslos, Geos (Water, Impure waters and earths, Ice, Electricity, Minerals, Stone.))

Given enough time and the right diet Maedos is capable of regenerating any wound, even severed limbs (obviously with the exception of her head and as long as her torso is sufficiently intact.)

Maedos is naturally resistant to magic, both harming and helping, which causes the severity and duration of all spells to be reduced when cast upon her body or any item in her possession. Of course this means that using magical items other than her amulet and axe is a very difficult act.

She is also heavily resistant to poisons.

Maedos can absorb negative energies to fuel her own strength to a certain degree, any form of death magics, necromancy, normally harmful radiation or even being in areas where there has recently been great pain and death fill her with fell energies.

If she absorbs enough of these energies (or on the extremely rare occasion the deity she partly represents takes direct control of her) she will go through a transformation causing her to grow considerably in power and reveal what she looks like in reality.
Very powerful true sight will allow others to see this form as well.


Maedos carries a large battle axe with her at all times and it is inseparable from her as she refuses to part with it at all times, even coming to violence over it.
The axe has a blade on one side, runes etched into its sides and pole-arm, the edge of the blade is a gleaming silver while the sides of it and the pole-arm are a dark brownish-red, the runes are a soft glacier blue, standing out considerably.
The axe is a magical weapon, indestructible beyond the powers of a god, it has a severe maiming effect on undead and demonic entities, it can cleave through magical fields and deflect beams and bolts of magic and it can cut through most materials.

Another piece of equipment Maedos will not part with is an amulet she wears around her neck, a ring of metal containing three orbs of obsidian, the top left one having a red capital lambda etched into it, the top right one having a capital gamma etched into it and the bottom orb having a sentence written in a semi-greek dialect scrawled onto its surface. To those familiar with ancient Greek it appears to be gibberish.
The amulet is a holy artifact capable of "turning" undead and can be used to heal wounds to a certain degree, e.g. stabilizing fatal wounds, patching up moderate wounds or completely healing minor wounds.

Maedos wears simple armor, a mixture of plate armor covering her arms with shin guards on her legs and firm cured leather covering her vitals to allow for general protection while minimizing her weight and allowing for relative freedom of movement. She will usually wear a cloak or coat over whatever armor she is wearing.

Other than her amulet and axe Maedos loses and finds equipment all the time while she wanders, mixing and matching things, swapping old things for new though she always has some description of pack with her to carry food and random goods she can't fit in her pockets.

She usually travels by foot and does not own any form of mount.


First of the Five to be seen on Terra her arrival was an accident.

So begins...

Maedos Judgement's Story


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Maedos stopped her advance, standing a few metres away from the others in the bar and drew her axe, letting the heavy head of the axe hit the floor boards while resting her hand on the pommel of the pole-arm, standing it upside down.
She seemed content to watch the fight for now, even as the runes etched into the axe seemed to glow with an eerie blue light.


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Maedos took a silent step forward, sliding her hand down the pole arm of her axe, an odd little smile gracing her lips.
She waited, watched for an opening, a moment of weakness for her to lash out and bring Judgement down upon the beasts.

She looked up in interest, as Adrian changed, seemingly unfazed.
She gripped her axe tighter, her body tightening up like a spring ready to fly loose.


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Maedos lept into action as Zara fired her weapon, running at her from behind, swinging her axe upwards going immediately for a killing blow, the axe ringing as it cut through the air for its target.


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Maedos swore in her native tongue as she missed the blow, spacing her feet out and preparing to charge Zara down only to be interrupted by MacMillan.
She turned to glare daggers at the new comer, growling almost beastialy, raising her axe at him,
"You dare question the will of Daedalus? Stay out of my way or I will cut you down like these other beasts!"


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"Instead of my hands how about I show you my axe?!"
She charged with a roar David recklessly, far faster than she should have been able to with her armor and lack of momentum, swinging the runed weapon about, going straight for the mercenary's neck.


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The centre of Maedos' chest exploded with a sickening crunch as blood and gore spattered about with the force of the bullets, ceasing her momentum and bringing her to the ground.
Despite her heart apparently being turned to mulch she still breathed, chuckling in a gurgling fashion as she slowly picked herself up, clutching her amulet as it glowed with a silver light.
"Cangratulations, you broke one of my hearts..." She spat a large glob of congealed blood on the floor as the hole in her chest regenerated. "Now what about the other two?"
Maedos leapt up from a kneeling position, swinging her axe upwards, closing the gap and making to literally dis arm the merc.


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Maedos bellowed in frustration as she missed, the axe smashing into the wall, shattering it as the momentum of the axe spun her around.
She stumbled as the gust pushed into her, falling onto her backside.
Feeling the magnetic tug against her axe she held onto it tightly with a snarl, refusing to let go.
Maedos glared with rage at David, picking herself up and stomping her way towards him, murder in her eyes and a wispy blue light trailing off of her axe.
"You will pay for getting in the way of my holy mission, mortal." She spat her words with a raging passion, raising her weapon and picking up her pace to dismember the man.


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Maedos gave a wordless shout as she was knocked down, yelling what sounded like obscenities in some alien dialect as David grabbed her in a hold.
She thrashed violently against him, attempting to push herself up against his weight as her vision became blurry.
With a gurgling growl she let go of her axe while giving 'Sassin a look of unadulterated hatred and pushed herself up with inhuman force with both hands, managing to get to her knees as she fell onto her back bringing herself down on David with the full weight of her armor in a desperate bid to dislodge him wile grabbing at his arm, pulling hard while digging her nails into his skin.


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Maedos coughed and thrashed for a few more moments, squirming from side to side before seeming to calm slowly.
She released her hold on David's arm to tap it a few times urgently while relaxing as best she could, coughing something incoherent out.


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Maedos rolled onto her hands and knees coughing up a few more globs of blood before gasping and shrieking loudly; "AXE?! Where's my fucking AXE?!"
She glared about seeking out the feline that had stolen it, murderous panic in her eyes.


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Maedos stood quickly, flinching and clutching her chest at the sudden movement. She glared at Sassin hard.
"Give... Me... My axe... Please." She said through pants, she looked like she was about to have a panic attack as she leaned forward slightly, seemingly willing to get into another fight over it.


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Maedos took a step forward clenching her fists so hard her knuckles turned white.
"Just give me my axe!" She croaked angrily. "Or I swear on Daedalus' shrine I will murder you!"
She took another step forward, breathing hard.


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Maedos grabbed her axe off the ground at a lightning pace, clutching it to her chest and sighing in relief, hugging it tightly, muttering something to it under her breath as she cradled it.
After a moment of this she let go of the axe, holding it in one hand.
She gingerly placing it back in its place.
A moment of silence later she looked about for the mercenary she had fought and being unable to spot him slunk away to a corner of the room, sitting in a chair that had not been shattered in the ruckus and tucked her knees under her chin, holding her amulet up to her face as its border glowed dimly.
She wore a sullen expression as she sulked in the corner, muttering to herself.


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Maedos looked up from her sulking to give 'Sassin a glassy eyed look.
"I was attempting to slay a duo of vampires." Her voice sounded somewhat hollow, lacking its previous rage and bloody passion. "He got in the way."


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Maedos coughed violently in the corner before standing up and getting a non-alcoholic drink from the bar, returning to her seat after paying and quietly nursing it to clear her chest as best she could.


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Maedos cleared her throat then croaked out to the person talking to her; "Likely hood is you're seeing it. I try not to pay it any mind."
She pressed her hand against her chest where there was a large jagged hole in her armor beneath her cloak.


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Maedos gave the seemingly obnoxious individual a flat look.
"I realize no one's going to help me. I am simply in the process of healing myself." She lifted the amulet dangling around her neck. "This'll regrow my central heart over the course of the next hour." She chuckled with a pained expression. "I definitely learned something today. Bullets really hurt."
Maedos glanced over at Rhea smiling faintly.
"Ah, a pleasure to see you again Tan'ari. And thank you but no thank you, I think fire is the last thing I need to be subjected to right now."


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Maedos smiled at Rhea as she lay down.
"Well You're a guardian of hell yes? Where I come from the guardians of the hells are called Baa'etzu, Hell-Keepers, Devils. My people were a part of a war a long time ago and we fought along side the Baa'etzu of Baa'tur. We have a sort of respect for the keepers of Hells."
She turned to the other.
"Again thank you but really my amulet and my biology have it down pat... I am afraid I am unfamiliar with entities known as Youkai or Saiyans...." Her face was a mask of confusion and she wondered if this individual was drunk.


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Maedos looked over at 'Sassin, a little perturbed by the aggressive attitude.
Ironic considering her previous behavior.


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Maedos walked into Gambits with a pleasant smile upon her face.
She looked around the room and without losing her smile, decided today was not the day to lose her sanity and promptly left.