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Marc Mannheimer

0 · 971 views · located in The Den

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tiko

So begins...

Marc Mannheimer's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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#, as written by Zarhara
Renard had been quietly standing listening to the conversation up until this point he saw no need to interject things seemed like they were working themselves out slowly but surely. He seemed to stand a bit straigter as Jean-Pierre mentioned Baron. With a small nod he stepped forward slightly.

"I agree with Jean, I think we need to get Baron out and run this by him, I have some extra funds kicking around if we need to post the bail, but we would need to find an ah less traceable method to post such a sum. I'd like to keep the police out of my business and from shutting me down. " Renard said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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#, as written by Tiko
Renard and Raquette's voices went largely unheard at this point. This wasn't about Chloe anymore. If Julienne didn't rise to Alfred's challenge, she would be relinquishing her position in the pack to him. It was how the pack had maintained order and hierarchy for generations, and how they would likely continue to do so for generations more.

With Ragenard gone it was only a matter of time before these skirmishes started breaking out as the pack adjusted to the loss of Baron's second, and Baron's own absence only furthered those tensions within the pack rankings.

The results where a normal and traditional part of pack life. Sacred even.

There was a rising energy that filled the room that had a place within each of them. They could all feel it in the air, smell it, taste it... it was all around them...primal and raw. It was that bit of wolf in all of them.

"Break him in half," Marc jeered from the sidelines where the pack had begun to form a loose circle around Julienne and Alfred.

"'eh. Gran luck to yah," Desmond told Alfred. He didn't much fancy the man's odds in a fight, but he had balls at least for trying.

"Do you know the rules?" Carlisle asked.

While Julienne had done this dance more than once before, Carlisle was well aware that it was a first for Alfred.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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#, as written by Tiko
Jacques too had joined the others in gathering in a ring for the imminent fight, and despite his silence the whole evening, the wolf was strong in him. His eyes had taken on the amber hue of a wolf's, and he could feel the start of a growl welling in his throat.

The wolf wanted to shed its current form and join the fray, but this wasn't his fight. This was between Julienne and Alfred.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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#, as written by Knosis
Chloe fell silent. This ordeal did not pertain to her now, even if she had been the cause of it. It did not stop her from not liking it, however.

She bared her teeth in a silent growl. Chloe had not joined a pack for many reasons, and this useless nonsense for fighting for pack rank was one of those reasons. The only hope there was, was that if Alfred were to back down from the challenge.

This was the first time she had been within a pack's presence since turning a werewolf herself. The tension of the situation fell on her like a bucket of ice water, and the throbbing in her head became more intense. She looked up at Desmond. "H-hey.. I need some water.." She murmured to him, her skin turning pale.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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Alfred stood frozen for a moment, as he looked from Julienne to the flask he held in his hand. It was the riled up calls from Marc, and the words of encouragement from Desmond that really hit what was happening home.

"Well, shit, I guess you can't just offer someone a drink these days...." He sighed heavily, draining the flask and tossing it to Jean-Pierre.

"Hold that for me will ya, I don't need it getting broken." He sighed again, digging into another pocket where he revealed a small steel case. He pulled a cigarette from it, biting on the cancer stick with his lips as he struggled to light it. The amount of times he had to spin the flint to try and get a light was humorous, letting a quiet "Fwick" fill the awkward silence.

Eventually he got it lit, putting the case in his inside jacket pocket. He took a moment to get one last good look at the rest of the pack. Sure he could back down, not like he'd lose anything if he did. And it wasn't like he sought to gain any respect from this. He wondered just what they all thought of him, and then he decided he didn't care.

"Rules?" He asked aloud, referring to what Carlisle had asked him. "Isn't it self explanatory? You keep beating on the other guy until he gives or he falls asleep."

He turned his head slightly as he glanced over his shoulder at Chloe, the reason why he was stuck in this situation.

"Get her something to drink will ya?" He said, turning to Desmond. "If she dies from some illness than this whole thing kind of loses it's point doesn't it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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#, as written by Tiko
"No weapons, the defender chooses form. Shifting mid-fight is prohibited," Carlisle explained somewhat darkly at Alfred's flippant attitude regarding the whole matter. "Once one of you is down, or yields, the fight is over."

Julienne snorted her disdain at Alfred as she stripped her leather jacket off and threw it aside.

"Human," she informed her opponent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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"Yes, I suppose it is..." he mused in response to Carlisle.

He remained quiet after, giving Alfred a nod as he caught the flask. He stared down at it for a while before turning his gaze up to Desmond and holding it up, shaking it a bit.

"I'm going to go fill this with whatever I can find for her," he told him, nodding in the direction of Chloe.

He was very much aware that there was no source of water in that building, it was abandoned after all. Besides, if he got on the captive's good side now, he might be able to weasel her onto the good side of his bed later.

He backed out of the circle then, turning his back on the other members and hurrying to the rear exit. He was sure he'd be able to find a source of water nearby, but he wanted something further away, so that everything was settled by the time he got back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"Fuck well, that might be the best luck I'll have all night." Alfred sighed, removing his own suit jacket. He folded it in his hands and tossed it gently a ways away. He undid the cuffs of his shirt, rolling the sleeves up to his shoulders.

When he was done he crossed his left arm over his body, resting the elbow of his right on his wrist. It was far from a proper fighting stance, instead, he seemed to be casually smoking his cigarette.

"Whenever you're ready."

Julienne bounced nimbly in place, loosening up as she rolled her shoulders and gave Alfred an eyeing up.

"You mind putting the fucking cigarette out?" she asked.

The place was so old, it was liable to go up like a matchstick if the cigarette rolled off anywhere too dry during the fight.

"Yes I do mind actually." Alfred responded in kind. "Even soldiers sentenced to firing squad get a cigarette at the post. I'm not going to give up that luxury."

"We don't have all night," Carlisle interjected. "You're the challenger. So either withdraw your challenge, or get on with it," he warned Alfred.

Alfred sighed heavily. "Ruthless aren't you all?" He gave one last drag on the cigarette before dropping it to the ground and grinding it under his foot.

The moment his shoe crunched down on the cigarette, Julienne was on him. She swung a bit wide, for his shoulder to force his arm back across his body to block the blow so she could follow it up with a jab to his face.

She was fast, with all litheness of a cat behind her movements, while the strength of the wolf rippling through her muscles as the amber hue of her eyes betrayed its presence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
A flash of white.

Alfred's head recoiled wickedly when her fist collided with his face. His body leaned back with the force, but he was able to keep his legs under him considering it was only a jab.

He snapped his head back, forcing his eyes open and his arms up. He must've really pissed her off....

She went low this time, driving her fist under his raised arms towards his gut. As the blow connected, she twisted to step to his side and shoved him forcefully from behind towards the pile of crates.

Alfred smashed through several of the crates that were thankfully empty, before his back slammed into one that unfortunately was not.

A groan escaped him as he pushed himself up off the floor using his arms. "Not a slow starter are we?"

"Are you just going to stand around and take it like a bitch?" Julienne spat.

She held her arms wide, encouraging him to have a go at her.

"Actually, if we were to speak literally, the true bitch here would be....well..."

Taking her up on her offer, Alfred kicked one of the crates he was among hard, sending it rolling across the ground at her. As soon as it had shot out he was scrambling to his feet, his leg muscles tensing.

She bent forward, catching the edge of the crate with her palms to stop it skidding into her legs and her wolfish eyes locked on his. A low growl rumbled up from her throat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Her bending over to block the crate was unexpected, but not unappreciated. Only a second after It hit her hands Alfred was on her. He planted his left foot, and whipped his right leg up with all the strength he had in his legs to carry his forward momentum into a punt aimed right at Julienne's snarling mug.

She shoved the crate back at Alfred, hoping to trip him up as he rushed her.

Splinters flew as Alfred's foot smashed through the wooden crate, It ate up a bit of force that he had intended to waste on Julienne though, weakening the blow.

Julienne threw her arms up to protect her face as wood splintered past her, and her instinctive recoil from the broken crate left Alfred's foot landing only a glancing hit that threw her off balance as she took a step back to regain it.

Alfred brought his leg down quickly and pushed forward, hoping that he might have enough time to do something. But he honestly hadn't expected her to be able to react as quick as she did.

This was certainly going to suck.

Aiming to keep her from gaining her footing, Alfred twisted his hips, and tried to deliver a swift kick to her calf.

Julienne raised her leg up enough to intercept the kick with her shin, before retaliating with a swift kick for his now exposed side.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
His body curled at the impact, and without even realizing what he was doing, Alfred had caught hold of her leg between his arm and his side. Not one to waste the opportunity, Alfred ignored the pain in his side and tried to bring his other arm crashing down on her knee.

If he could take her leg, he might stand a chance.

Julienne was the faster of the two though. She used his own hold on her leg to give her the leverage needed to bring her other foot up and around, colliding with the side of his head as she took both of them to the floor.

She rolled free and was on him instantly as she grabbed a fist full of his shirt and slammed her knuckles into his face, again and again.

It was Carlisle who pulled her off him, his arms entangling her from behind as he dragged her back.

"It's over," he growled into her ear.

The wolf in her didn't think so though. It wanted to finish what it started. It was several moments before she was calm enough that Carlisle released her from his hold, and she turned on the rest of the pack, her amber eyes a swirl of barely contained aggression.

"Anyone else?" she growled, her eyes shifting from one to the other, as if daring someone to have a go at her next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
Chloe was not doing well with this. She could feel the need to join the fight, to pose her challenge to the woman. Her fists clenched and she struggled against the chains, wincing as her ribs screamed. The pain became so unbearable at one point however, that if something had been in her stomach she would had lost it on the floor. She had at least reopened two of the barely closed wounds, and blood now oozed onto her shirt, staining it crimson.

Stars danced across her vision as she glared up to Julienne, anger mixed in with the grimace she made. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on her skin, the color draining from her face. She had deemed that she did not like this woman and how ruthless she seemed to be. Chloe now hoped for the day that she wasn't chained like a dog and injured to face Julienne alone to give her a taste of her own medicine.

That would not be this day. Her head rolled, and she looked on the verge of passing out again. "I-I really need.. T-that water.." She muttered to Desmond, panting heavily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"Aw 'ell, she's gonna shift again if we don't get 'er out of 'ere. Someone 'elp me get 'er up," Desmond said.

He didn't much care to be on the receiving end of her jaws again, but keeping her here with all of this going on was nothing short of torture at this point.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
With no apparent takers, Julienne moved over to grab up her jacket from the floor before throwing a glare towards Chloe.

"That bitch is going to bring us nothing but trouble," she warned, before she turned and stalked from the room.

She may have defeated Alfred and maintained her position in the pack, but she knew that the pack as a whole wouldn't back killing Chloe. Sometimes pack politics where such that brawn alone couldn't get it done. Not if you didn't have the pack behind you.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
As Julienne left, she moved past a figure that had entered the room as the fight was underway, but as of yet had drawn no attention to herself. Nieve took the opportunity to step forwards into the light, arms folded. "I must say," the older werewolf began, "This is not what I expected to return to. Baron in jail, pack members missing, and a string of werewolf attacks uncomfortably close to our territory..."

Snow looked up at her arrival with a surprised blink, "You're back, then." he stated, "Since when?"

Nieve had been out of the city for the last month dealing with what she had called "personal business". As a werewolf born in the tundra to the far south of Issunar, she'd never been totally at home in the city despite having lived there for twenty five years. Her trips out into the wilderness were regular enough to not warrant questioning the details.

"Since a few hours ago. I've been piecing together what I can of the situation since I found the Den closed." Nieve replied, "I'm glad I find you all together. Division will do us no favours in the days to come." She looked to where Alfred lay on the ground, and cast a glance to the exit where Julienne had disappeared, but refrained from commenting on the fight. Alfred had been foolish to lay a physical challenge to her, but at least he wasn't a coward.

Nodding, Snow returned his attention to the others. "We still need to reach a decision on what to do with her. But Desmond is right, someone help him get her out of here for the time being."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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Raquette watched the battle, biting her lip and closing her eyes as Alfred was beaten down quickly. He never stood a chance. She sighed and avoided eye contact with everyone until she heard the familiar voice at the doorway. She gave a respectful nod to Nieve and moved to help Desmond lift Chloe, at Snow's urging.

A small, useful task that would get her out of the charged room was a blessing. Besides, her small size betrayed the strength she possessed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Knosis
At Desmond's suggestion, Chloe groaned. The thought of even moving was excruciating. Being forced to get up and leave this place? She was pretty sure it was going to kill her at trying.

Her breath caught as soon as both Raquette and Desmond lifted her up. "Y-you're just doing this to pay me back for the arm, aren't you..?" Chloe grumbled to Desmond.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Sandara Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Desmond O'Callaghan Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Raquette Breaux Character Portrait: Carlisle
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0.00 INK

Ulrich had watched the beating with a wince here and there as Alfred was given little mercy. However, attentions switched quickly. He was about to move forward to help with transporting Chloe, but they wouldn't need much more strength. Before he even offered to help, he abolished the thought.

He looked ahead at everyone else. He had things he wanted to say, but for now, he would hold off saying them. But he listened and waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Ivan Resnov Character Portrait: Carlisle Character Portrait: Ulrich Palomer Character Portrait: Marc Mannheimer
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0.00 INK

The stench of blood and musk of sweat followed Ivan as he slid into the meeting, his face bruised and lopsided, blood dotting his neck, chest, and coating one of his hands. He gave a few members of the pack a nod in greeting, ignored those he hadn't spoken to yet, and leaned against the nearest horizontal surface.

Absently, he ran his fingers along the collar of his waistcoat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Julienne Delatte Character Portrait: Ivan Resnov Character Portrait: Carlisle Character Portrait: Ulrich Palomer Character Portrait: Marc Mannheimer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
With Chloe gone, the remaining members of the pack could move onto other matters. Snow glanced around the room, and seeing nobody else taking the initiative to speak up, decided to bite the bullet. "Right, then." he began, "We need to talk about our current situation. Baron's in jail, and Jesse and Sophia are missing. The werewolf attacks in the Phantom Quarter are worrying, but if we keep going like we have been, they won't be all we have to worry about."

He grimaced. "With Baron out of the picture, we've been all over the place, pursuing different things. We need to come together and make decisions as a pack, not as a bunch of lone wolves, or the Scions and other packs are going to take advantage of it."

Nieve crossed the room to take a seat on one of the chairs near the front while Snow was speaking. "Yes. It must be made clear that even with Baron locked up, the Bloodstone Pack are still more than capable of protecting our territory and our own." she replied, "Those who threaten either must be made an example of."