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Molly Bronson

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by DemiKara


Molly is the more modest and less bloodthirsty of the Molly and Karato. When she's 'fighting' she is all business, otherwise, she's all play.

Alias. Well, I get called Host a lot. My inhabitant refused to use my name. I also get calls Molls.
Age. 20
Gender. Female, thank goodness. I'd hate to share a body with someone of the opposite gender, after all.
Height. Taller than many males actually. I'm six foot, three inches.
Build. Lightly muscles and athletic
Species. Human

Personal History

The worst of it happened when I was seven. There was this girl, who lived right across from where my street began. We played a lot as kids, since we were the only girls our age in the neighborhood. Normally, she was definitely in charge. I didn't know she came from a long line of demon hunters. I also didn't know I lived on this fault that kind of blended the demon and human worlds.

I mean I had seen shadows and shapes, and even actual forms sometimes, but I always wrote it off as my imagination. Mine has always been active enough it was a believable excuse.

One day, she just sort of...died.

No one was certain how. The doctors said her heart failed.

Heart Failure. Isn't that how most of us die? It seemed empty.

It wasn't even a week later hat my best friend and I felt this rush of power, and suddenly those vague shapes were much more clear. But only when we were together. Clearly our imaginations were just too strong, right?

So what if we could now call up these shining balls of energy in our hands. Obviously, it was just pretend. People couldn't do that.

My inhabitant is right. We were little fools.

We didn't have our roles figured out yet when the attack came. A week was not nearly long enough to figure things like this out, not when you were seven. And I always was a protective, if precarious child. It was horrifying this blood covered face launching attack after attack at my friend and I. I defended her the best I could.

When we finally stood still, to make out stand, words began to tumble from our lips, and our hands formed these shapes I still don't understand. I think the words sounded like nonsense to both of us.

But whatever we did, it got rid of he scary face.

As we explored our new powers together, that was the last we thought of it.

Even though we had discovered a rift in our world located directly under my friend's home, and underneath the train bridge near my house, we blew that first attack off, thinking nothing of it as we learned to harness and attack with the strange holy magic.

It wasn't until I 'joined' some friends in trying to call a spirit to talk to them from the Otherworld, as the tender age of thirteen, that the reality of the attack set in. I fully intended on foiling this groups every move you see. After all, they didn't know, not really, what they dabbled in.

I lost an entire day of time that day as Karato too my body over for the first time. I was told later I grinned wickedly evilly, before dropping to the ground and convulsing. Immediately the girl's ran from the locker room we had commandeered for this ridiculous act and to the teacher who sent one of them to the nurse and sis what she could.

They couldn't do much of course. Demonic energy and holy energy were never meant to reside in the same body.

When I finally regains control of my body, my best friend was there, her hand on her wrist as she funneled divine energy into my body. My Guardian, a spirit I had engaged only a year prior to guard me in my nightmare plagued sleep, had successfully fought off the attack with my backing. And I had struck a deal with a demon.

I told my friend, whom I owed my life, of the deal I struck, trusting her to help me insure it was followed. I would have no choice but to keep my body in peak physical condition, something I did anyway. And I wold learn how to better use my holy powers, rather than simply brute forcing my way through battles. In return, my inhabitant would cease all attempts at holding my body.

Unfortunately, I would have to pay a steep price for this. My inhabitant was allowed to have complete control f my body for every week up to 48 hours total. If my inhabitant had any need of my body past this, as long as it didn't interrupt my education or training, she could certainly use my body as she saw fit.

Primarily however, the body would remain mine. My inhabitant would not be allowed to make any changes.

I only learned my inhabitant's name the summer before I went to college. Her 'brother,' apparently the youngest of a large amount of siblings, contact me. He would see to my combat training from now on, though I would continue to seek a tutor for my holy powers and learn how to use them.

My task in life is clear. I must rid our world of the demon menace.

But what happens when that menace starts become your friend?

I guess when you strike a deal with the devil, you learn the price far too late.

For awhile, Karato and I had separated bodies, thanks to a shady mage and the help of a friend. But we could never be too far apart, or it started to hurt. Physically.

It wouldn't matter. In time, we'd be taken in, taught to walk the planes. But after that, well. Planeswalking doesn't pay the bills, not really, and Karato and I, we got a job with MCU, as demon hunting contractors. And then disaster struck. Karato had always been rough and tumble, and a little violent. For her, if you weren't bleeding, the violence was in love. she wasn't human, we couldn't hold her to that standard. But MCU did. Karato went to jail. There, she was killed, supposedly by accident.

I was spirited away to the Fae Realms, my memories scrambled, and given the task of lady in waiting, of sorts, to a woman there. She returned, but I was left behind, though not on purpose. I spent fifteen years, in human time in the Fae realms before I was retrieved, unaging thanks to the magic there. It wouldn't be until months after I returned that a presence I had not felt in too long was there in the back of my head, stirring once more, though weak.

Karato. She was back, and it was the matter of minutes to form a plan. We would find out more about why she had been killed, and the only way to do that? Join MCU, the enemy, and do my best to work my way up the ranks. I don't know when I'll finally have access to the files to find out why, or who. But one day I will. Until then? At least my coworkers aren't bad people. Clueless about the dangers of the organization, but hey. It's a bit hard to believe anyone would just kill someone for no real reason.

So begins...

Molly Bronson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flandre Scarlet Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus
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 “ Where are we now? This is the strangest place I've ever been." ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flandre Scarlet Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Issachar Remaeus wiped his brow, looking a bit weaker for the wear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flandre Scarlet Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus
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0.00 INK

 “ Are you alright? You look tired. ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flandre Scarlet Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Issachar Remaeus nodded, smiling in return.

All's well that ends well!
he exclaimed, ushering him towards the exit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flandre Scarlet Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Sukarma Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus
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0.00 INK

Prince Niku III follows Issachar Remaeus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Daniel Thompson Character Portrait: Alek Jackson
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Master surges forth from the ethereal void in a blur, arriving him at the console in nary a moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Daniel Thompson Character Portrait: Alek Jackson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Master turned to look over his shoulder, noticing too late that someone had passed through. Too absorbed in his course-plotting, he disregarded the incursion and returned to his work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Daniel Thompson Character Portrait: Alek Jackson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Character Portrait: Master Master says,
 “ Alright, now let's plot a chart through this mess... ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Daniel Thompson Character Portrait: Alek Jackson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Master leaned back from the controls and asked:

We'll need to pick one of the core worlds for the first leystone... any suggestions?
to the passengers, peering at them inquisitively.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Daniel Thompson Character Portrait: Alek Jackson
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10.00 INK

The Fool scrunched his nose and scratched his behind.

"Somewhere with plumbing, methinks," he offered. Whichever of the core worlds that could be, he was all for somewhere with a hot bath. The Fool had grown fond of them, from the last place they were.

"Perhemps a hot tub?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master Character Portrait: Molly Bronson Character Portrait: Winnie Erutin Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Graystone Character Portrait: Daniel Thompson Character Portrait: Alek Jackson
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0.25 INK

Fool looked to the ground, noticing something ominous amongst the other crap. He opted not to touch it. Also, what was with the... the owl? In the corner.