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Mr. Mistoffelees

Oh! Well I Never! was there ever. A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees

0 · 1,658 views · located in Academia Everia

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Terrus


Name: Mr. Mistoffelees

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Tribe: Jellicle.

Tribe Position: Member

Family: Krystalle-Sister, Bustopher Jones - Uncle

Appearance: Image

Human Appearance: Image

Personality: Mistoffelees is an aloof cat, strange in many ways. He's that cat that is quietly clever, doing tricks for people. Always being that magical cat to cause others to sit there and wonder how he did it. He can be fairly shy as well. But once he gets to know you he'll warm up to you.

Faults: Mistoffelees unfortunately can be overly shy, that and he, because of how his Uncle acts as well, sometimes has that rich snooty behavior that no one really likes.

Describing word: well...Magical!

History: A Jellicle cat, he grew up shy and aloof to the rest of the world. One of the more quieter cats he didn't say much(And still doesn't) growing up. Having a richer lifestyle due to being the nephew of Bustopher Jones, he learned how to do better magic than most magicians. As quoted in the musical, he once produced 7 kittens from a hat. And then there is the way he returned Old Duteronomy, his shining moment in the spotlight.

RP Sample: Mistoffelees silently sat in the dark alleyway, his eyes watching for any signs of something else. Another cat? maybe a henchman of Macavity's? Who knows. But Mistoffelees was ready, always alert for signs of danger. Or friends, you never know, another Jellicle could be in the midst instead. Oh how he hoped it was a Jellicle. Always wanting another trick out of him or so, that way he could show off just a bit.

Comments: He's magical...
His wizard's staff: Image Only difference is that it's black and has a white stripe spiraling down it.

So begins...

Mr. Mistoffelees's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Terrus
"Both." He stated to her."And seeing as neither of the other three are here....and I think you'd be a better teacher anyway....would you even be willing to teach me?" He looked away for a few seconds before locking eyes with her."It doesn't have to be anything fancy..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Terrus
"Everyone always expects me to be the fancy cat. All I want to do is be like the rest of you. I don't want to be all fancy all the time. Even if I look like it. I'd rather learn how to sword fight and get my hands dirty. I wanna know what its like to do that kind of stuff."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Terrus
He nodded as their food and drinks arrived for them to eat. Misto instantly digging in. Not in a messy way but his stomach was dying without food so he had tore into it fairly quick. His stomach happily receiving the food. Once he was done with the burger he ate his fries more slowly, dipping some into his chocolate shake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Terrus
Misto nommed on his food silently as well. He wasn't much one for talking and eating at the same time. Talk before and after. Eat while your food is in front of you and call it good. He finished his food but took his time with his shake, putting in two straws and smiling.

The setting changes from Canti's Diner to Academia Everia


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Awinita
Books lined the halls and shelves of the vast library. The overall military feel reminded her so much of her home. The white robed feline woman was observing a magic user teaching possible students, she fought within herself to not try and correct the guy, Everyone had different takes on magic, its uses, and what one could do with it.

But the idea of magic having a price to pay for it made her wonder just what he meant. Did it mean she could not return home ? No, she had Misto, most likely nose in a magic book. Judging by how quiet the library was, Gridd knew she'd have to find her friend before he poofed into the area and either scare the humans out of their minds, or startle her into starting a fire.

So she wandered the library of the vast academy. The military feel felt oddly like home actually, each loevel of the massive place and many tiers of walls brought back possibly too many unwanted memories. But she then focused on finding her friend. Now or never.

Stepping through the many halls, Griddlebone took note of who else was within the massive library, Leaving the library after not finding who she sought she found herself soon wandering among several halls where men and women of various ages trained with combat magics. Other areas where men and women taught potion making, potions, interesting if not painful if gotten wrong. It made Gridd smirk as she passed, most humans like these had never seen a feline, much less a Jellicle wandering the halls. But most of the elders seemed more at ease of what they saw

After wandering for seemingly hours she finally found him, and also found a group of humans, most of them children, watching Mistos every move. Well, this was going to be interesting to see. She neared the group. watching how the children, most of the youngones at the least, focused on Misto's tail.

This was going to be interesting for sure! She stepped into view, as she did so she removed her hood of her white robes. It felt weird to wear clothing like a robe, normally she was used to a utlity belt for her sword.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Terrus
Misto was smirking as he was entertaining everyone around him. Doing his show as he would jump over the crowd and disappear right before he landed on someone, appearing higher up in the air doing areal flips and tricks. He delighted in entertaining crowds and couldn't help but mystify the children around him.

As he did all his flips and tricks and magical acts of various kinds his tail would sway this way and that. A smug smirk on his face as he toyed with the crowd a bit. Noting that he saw Gridd in the crowd and a small blush formed. His smirk disappearing just a bit as he continued with the show. Staying fairly quiet as he showed people what he had in his hands. A small, red, rubber ball. No bigger than a baseball.

As he showed the crowd, the ball began to take many different shapes and even stretch out a bit. Forming into various things and creatures, dragons and castles and cannons and swords. He didn't like to mystify people with words, but with his actions. The Jellicle cat stepped gracefully around the area, turning the small rubber ball, which had resumed its original shape again, into a large soft blanket, and went over to Gridd and winked at her, pulling her out of the crowd and under the blanket. Silently putting his fingers up, 1, 2, 3! He snapped his fingers and attempted to make her "disappear". Or teleport her simply behind the crowd to make them think she disappeared anyway... Simple tricks any simple minded magic user could do, but used in ways that made crowds ooooh and aaah and wonder how it was done.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Awinita
The tricks never got old. With Misto everything magic was new every time! It never got old.

When he came to her and winked she smiled, she knew what he meant when he droped the blanket over her. At the snap of his fingers there was a brief pluff of white smoke and a spark of light and Gridd had disappeared.

For a very brief moment she was gone. But another snap of the fingers and she appeared right next to Misto. Even though she was not as used to such attention as she had been growing up in the Vale back home. this took little getting used to. When the crowd thinned and the students went back to learning Gridd could not help but smile at how many of the kids were so focused on Misto, each trick, though she had seen most of them, were always new in some way.

For one thing she never expected him ot have a ball change shape in many designs. Had he done it with her before ? It was harder to remember on this world. Never the less, It was soon time when she spied what this ... magic school of a saort... called a clock, it wasn't a sandail or moondial, but it'd do.

It was nearly time for them to meet the head honcho of this camp.

So to speak.

So when the group had dispersed and a few kids remained, Gridd turned to her dear friend. "I wondered where you had gone off to, did you learn some new sklls ? I do not remember the ball magic" She said softly while giving her dear friend a hug. "Good morning!" Apparently she had found the coffee on this world. She seemed, well, awake as one could be!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Terrus
"Shaping a rubber ball isn't that hard...." He spoke softly as he hugged the woman back, a darker blush forming on his cheeks."And good morning to you too." He said in reply. "The ball magic is easy, but only because the ball is made of rubber, so its stretchy and easy to bend to how I want things to look. Its a lot harder with things that don't do that....say.....a rock...or things of that nature. I'm still trying to figure out how to do things like that."

He let Gridd go from the hug but took her hand as his tail swayed left and right just a little bit. "So, what do you think of this place so far? it seems a little too....military like....for my tastes. I'm an entertainer, not a warrior...." Misto spoke to the woman. Giving a sigh. Why were people interested in blasting things to oblivion or freezing things so hard that they can't be melted or disolving someone from the inside out? What happened to fun magics like changing colors of fur or making yourself grow an extra tail for an hour or making yourself look like a cartoon? Why do angry things instead of fun things?

Misto pondered this for awhile before shaking his head and watching Gridd, waiting for a reply to his earlier question. He couldn't help but stare at his beautiful companion, so....mystifying, so His mind couldn't find the words to describe how she looked and sounded and how just....amazing....this other cat was. Smart, cute, funny, flawless. At least to him she was anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Awinita
"It reminds me a lot of home" She replied softly, her hand in his, It felt really odd wearing the robe. "I never learned it, or for that matter saw you do it before until now. Nothing is ever old with you my dear friend, with you, and magic, everything is always new. And for me, that is good. Because its you."

"Shaping rocks is hard to learn, but. This place oddly feels like home to me. You know I'm a warrior mage of a sort, Papa said I was destined to be such" It was of course how she was born at the time. the only kitten for about a year. But one thing she'd never forget was that fateful first meeting with Misto when she first arrived at the Vale, the Wizards Vale. To learn magic. With him.

"You bring smiles to others faces when they're done, You may not be a warrior, but you're my warrior..." Oh skat, the cat was out of the bag, literally! She smiled, in a simple attempt to change the subject she said to cover her own blush under her unless white fur, "I remember our first meeting, at the Vale. I was so nervous, Tugger made me.... uneasy that first day."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Terrus
Misto smiled and thought back to that day as well."I remember that day too. Tugger was picking on you and I got him to go away so you wouldn't feel so wracked about being at Vale." He nodded. "Man that happened a while a go didn't it? It feels like it was just yesterday...."

"Two peas in a pod since then, right?" He chuckled a bit and flipped his wrist around in front of Gridd, producing a yellow flower to give to her, to help her relax a bit. This place had a tension around it....military places usually do, a reverence about it that screamed "No fun allowed" and "Only seriousness here." Kind of things. Maybe he should cause a bit of was a bad idea, a very....very bad idea...

His eyes looked around the academy, noting the tall structures, oh how he would so love to climb them and sit up high. Looking out over everything else in the area, and the sunset....or sunrise.....or both....with Gridd by his side. Maybe with a couple of fresh fish if there was a lake near by that he could get to. Make a proper date out of it and show her a good portion of the world around them at the same time.

Misto always liked to try and provide Gridd with good views of the world. Trying to show the positivity in people and places.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: Griddlebone
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#, as written by Awinita
"I am still surprised he became a soldier at the Vale as well. Munkus too" Gridd recalled how Tugger, and briefly, his brother Munkus, were made soldiers in the Jellicle army, but for Munkus it didnt last long as he ended up dropping the army all together and following in someone elses footsteps. In fact gridd knew both toms had no magical skills whatsoever, but there was something off about Munkus, he had skills unlike anything she'd ever seen.

But that didnt matter at the moment, what mattered were the two of them together. It was as if fate had brought them together. "I remember that first sunrise over the Vale too. That one we shared together, I could barely sleep that night I wasnt used to being away from home so long at the time" but now she traveled like heck, she never stayed in the same place more then two nights, even if it was in the same town she constantly moved place to place.

But the Wizards Vale was her home. She was born there, raised in her families truly massive four teired compound within the Vale. the four leveled home was huge, many soldiers, servants, teachers, friends and extended family. But when she started her studies at the Vale itself. Under Bluemane.

She never forgot the first time she met Misto, he seemed well aquainted with the massive Vale halls and many rooms, had been there a while before herself. But what made it all the more reassuring was his attitude towards Tugger and the leopard toms failed advances towards her. It was as if Misto could see her birth mark, which only anyone magical could. She felt scared at the time, but Misto stuck with her through their training, it made her feel better. She smiled and nodded, almost laughing. "Yes, it does feel like yesterday we first met does'nt it ?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Mistoffelees Character Portrait: K'gara Character Portrait: Griddlebone Character Portrait: Grin Brown Character Portrait: Jake Disfarsi Character Portrait: Miiki Rarihara
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K'gara wags more as she walks by