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She is athletic and stands over six feet tall. Her hair hangs lose, silky black that tends to reflect blue. Her eyes are the bright blue of a welder's torch. She has two tattoos, a golden phoenix on her belly and stylized fire covering her right arm.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tawanos


Odgerel is a tall woman standing over six feet tall. Her hair hangs lose, silky black that tends to reflect blue. Her eyes are the bright blue of a welder's torch, slightly slanted indicating Asian heritage. Her lips are full and soft though some might notice a soft glow behind them as she speaks.

Her body is extremely sexual, her assets always beneficially displayed. She is athletic and there is an edge to her movements that displays knowledge of dangerous skills waiting to be put into use.

Her clothes are all burned in one way or another. Her shirts are all lacking a midriff displaying a bright phoenix tattoo that shimmers as though with golden highlights tattooed into it. The tattoo curls down her left leg following the long tail feathers of the phoenix. Her right arm has an abstract flame tattoo from the back of her hand curling up to her shoulder. The arm tattoo shifts colors from crimson to royal purple.

For reasons that she keeps to herself she wears a padded bondage collar and wrist cuffs, each with a large steel ring hanging off, ready to be employed. Though a warning to any who might attempt to do so.


Odgerel is a very expressive person. She doesn't believe in hiding her emotions. When she is happy she laughs and smiles. When she is angry she snaps at people and growls. She has a bit of a temper and will lash out at people with words or fists if she gets angry enough.

She is usually laidback, ready to laugh and joke with people she knows. She is eager to make friends with people she deems worthy. However that judgement is odd and tends to shift at random. When she sees something she wants she will go after it and get it. She can be extremely determined to get what she sees to be her right to take what she wants.

While she is quite sexually active she will not just jump in bed with anyone. She would prefer that people acknowledge her mind first rather than her figure, however she has made exceptions in the past.

However determined she is the girl can be extremely fickle, changing her desires from day to day.


Doesn't carry much in the way of her own equipment. She has a bag with money and some small things along with a few changes of clothing but little else.

Her primary ability from which all her other abilities stem is her ability to draw in energy. Light, electrical, fire, radiation, and most magics are as food to her. She is able to store the energy she gathers in her bones which often glow if she absorbs too much at a time and continue glowing until the energy is fully under her command.

She has the ability to create and control fires, often from her own breath. This seems to be a natural talent for her. She has been known to make creatures out of fire when bored or weapons when in battle. No fire yet has been able to burn her, though her clothes cannot survive she most has been known to walk out of an inferno nude but untouched, though slightly irritated.

She can also create electrical fields and channel electricity through her body without harm, though she tends not to focus on that particular element.

She can form the energy around her as an aura that can be used to deflect harmful attacks. However it isn't an ever-present aura, she must concentrate to maintain it and direct it to defend her.


She woke at her birth seeing her parents depart and leaving her to fend for herself as is the way of her people. She smiled and set out.

A kind woman found a small girl she guessed to be a year old on the edge of a road, sitting in the middle of a burned patch of shrubs and scorched earth. The woman took the girl to a monastery where they took her in while searching for her parents. It quickly became clear that her parents would not be found as the girl aged rapidly. Learning language and picking up meanings daily. By the next year she had aged to the physical body of a seven year old and spoke clearly. The monks gave her education freely, but it was not enough for the girl. A hunger drove her. Another year and she appeared to be in her early teens and her abilities manifest.

Around her fires burned brighter and she gave off an inner heat that could burn when she grew angry. She could manifest fire easily and control it. To her it was a natural talent that she accepted without question and seemed even a bit disappointed that it had taken so long. However it awakened another hunger within her and she knew she had to leave the monastery. She left with a monk to go into town and while his back was turned she left without remorse. They had been kind, but she needed more.

Odgerel chose her name from one of the languages she learned while traveling. Her rapid aging slowed down to a more regular level and several years later when she appeared to be in her twenties she stopped aging altogether.

Odgerel is a voracious reader. Everything she reads is forever locked in her mind. It seems almost infinite amounts of information are stored there though she only ever uses bits of it unless it is called on. She learns incredibly quickly most things she is presented with and has proven herself several times by learning martial arts in months rather than years. It took her less than a day to learn to strip down and then reassemble her first gun blindfolded.

She continues to hunger for new information and new experiences.

She still goes back to visit the monastery now and again, and though they disapprove of her appearance and overt sexuality they welcome her as a daughter.

Odgerel has obtained a job at the space port to the north of Wing City where she is a Propulsion Engineering Specialist. Whether it is a chemical rocket or gravity drive she can analyze and fix whatever is wrong or give it a basic tune up. She is a licensed Astronagator and has a small private craft that she uses to guide travelers and explorers through the Wilds of space where the laws of physics do not always apply. Her ability to see energy patterns allows her to navigate them where instrumentation would be hopelessly scrambled.

In her down time she can often be found working part time at the tavern known as Gambits as a bartender.

So begins...

Odgerel's Story


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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel yawns and a smoke ring is ejected from between her lips. She watches it flowing away from her and giggles. She had not been smoking so there should be no reason for the ring but it is there one the less. She turns and makes a few more smoke rings, sending them out around the tavern. They burst when they hit people or objects, smelling strongly of many spices. She giggles drunkenly as she watches them flying around.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel walks into the tavern looking around with a little twitch. Nervous excited energy suffusing her presence. She flexes her hands slowly as she makes her way into the bar. She walks past everyone, rolling her shoulders back causing her chest to rise appreciably. She looks around the bar, full of energy looking for something.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel makes her way to the bar. She gets onto a bar stool and places a hand on the bar. It smolders where she touches it until she focuses and suppresses her natural energy. She looks around the bar, clicking her tongue as she slips though several languages, alien and human, including several inhuman. "धिक्कारना इजाफा हा. क्या मुझे दूभर हो रहा है?" She grumbles in Hindi, her preferred language.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel orders a drink in Hindi. She gesticulates wildly and motions until she gets her drink. She takes it and dips a finger into it. Her touch being enough to set off the alcohol. She smiles and pulls a burning finger out of the alcohol. The orange flames tinged green. She smiles and licks them off her finger. Inhaling the flames clearly a pleasurable experience for her. She murmurs "आह, कि है । अनिश्चितता अच्छी बात है," under her breath. Then she lifts the glass and inhales the flames through her nose and between her lips. A soft purr as she does so.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Character Portrait: Odgerel Odgerel says,
 "पहाड. क्या मेरे साथ चल रहा है?" She grumbles and immediately downs the rest of her drink. She takes a slow shuddering breath as she sets the glass down. She clearly enjoyed the sensation of drinking the alcohol and fire.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel reaches out and pulls a hand through the air. A corona of energy surrounding her hand. Enlightenment rising in her eyes. "सौर एम. आर. माधवन! ऐसे में आश्चर्य नहीं कि मुझे इस तरह धार!" She flexes her fingers and the energy is absorbed into her skin. She shivers, the drawing of the energy was clearly a pleasurable experience.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel takes a deep breath and when she exhales, fire glows behind her teeth. Her entire body glows with energy. "I don't know if I can stand this much longer. I need an outlet." She grumbles, finally switching to English.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel looks at the demon. She looks him over slowly. "I have power issues. Solar flares are causing my own abilities to flare." She lays a hand on the table and it smolders at her touch. Smoke rising from between her fingertips. "Something that can take the fire, something that won't die a horrible screaming death." She sighs and runs her fingers through her dark hair, the blue highlights iridescent with the energy flowing through her. "I can't even go to the Void and let it out. It would just get worse."


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Character Portrait: Odgerel Odgerel says,
 "Space," she points up. "The Black, the Void, the empty soulless space. I could turn into my own solar flare, release the energy. On any other day. But not now. I can feel it. Energy from the sun is washing over the planet and I am a lightning rod, drawing it in, pulling it into my core." She reaches out and runs her hand through the air. A corona of energy like the aurora borealis boiling around her fingers for a moment as it moves then drawing the energy deep into her flesh making it tingle and she groans with the pleasure of it. "It feels good... but I'm going to burst. And when I do, it will be violent."


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Character Portrait: Odgerel Odgerel says,
 "I have the power of a solar flare building in my body. Thousands upon thousands of Jules of heat. Millions of Candles. Power and radiance." She looks him over. "Do you think you can take the radiance, demon? I know your kind have an aversion to that sort or energy."


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Character Portrait: Odgerel Odgerel says,
 "Do you think you can take it, demon?" She reaches out a hand, fingers extended, palm facing him. Energy flowing down her arm to her fingertips making her blue nails glow. "Take it if you can. A taste." She frowns at him. "It may sting."


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel smiles and grasps his hand tightly. Her eyes shimmer with opalescent light as she unleashes. Power, energy, radiance, glory made manifest, the hint of knowledge buried and as yet unreachable but there, waiting. "I am. There is nothing more." She whispers softly but her energy carries them into him, no fancy psychic trick or telepathy. Her power resonates within his bones making them hum with her words. The tattoo on her right arm shifting, shimmering as the power rolls down her in waves.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel releases him and sighs deeply. Her breath causing a glow behind her lips, the flicker of a fire as yet contained within her still. She gives him a wry smile. "Thank you. You have eased my tension." She looks him over. "Somewhat." She grins. "Can you take any more? You felt pretty... full." She turns to face him fully, a devious smirk slowly spreading across her lips and a glint in her eyes. "Or am I too much woman for you to handle?"


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Character Portrait: Odgerel Odgerel says,
 "Its the only place I've ever managed to actually get drunk." She shrugs and orders another drink of whatever she had had before. The bartender gives her the drink. A lurid pink alcohol. She flicks a finger at the liquid and it bursts into flames with a brief focused blast of energy. She lifts it and inhales some of the flames. She purrs at the taste and sensation of imbibing the pure heat. "The fire retains the idea of alcohol, and thus I drink."


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Character Portrait: Odgerel Odgerel says,
 "I wondered who that might be." She keeps watch on him out of the corner of her eye. "You are here now. And you are assisting me." She shrugs. "I have no issue with demons. Your energy is often incompatible with mine. I have nothing to fear from vampires or the like. And if I truly desire. I believe I could take that energy back should you pose a threat to myself or any I hold dear. It has a stronger tie to me, for now at least." She pauses to sip the shifting fire of her drink, inhaling through her lips and nose, the fire washing over her skin before being absorbed, then she sets the glass down. "I am called Odgerel."


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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel snorts in response and looks at him. "Your past is your own business. I care not for what has come before. Only the potential of the now and the future." She sips her drink, drinking the alcohol and inhaling the fire through her nose. "What do you plan to do with the power I have given you? What is your potential?"


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Character Portrait: Odgerel Odgerel says,
 "Swing a cat. When it yowls you'll have hit someone using 'evil powers for good'." She jerks a thumb over her shoulder at the crowd of people in the bar. "Get an original motive." She snorts and sips her drink. She inhales the fire briefly along with the alcohol.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Character Portrait: Odgerel Odgerel says,
 "I'll make sure to let you know if I need anything." She smirks and watches him. "You seem a bit restless now." She giggles softly and downs the rest of her alcohol, setting the empty glass aside, flames devouring the last drops within the glass. "Seems there was a bit of a switch there. Do you need to let off some energy?" She holds up her left hand, palm facing towards the demon. A smirk on her lips.


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Odgerel her left hand draws the energy, not nearly as much as she had initially fed out to the demon but certainly enough to ease off the tension within himself. She lets out a joyous, pleasurable shudder as she takes the energy, grinning as she releases his hand though there is a lingering tether between their auras before she breaks it, drawing her full aura beneath her skin to contain her Inner Fire. "That was... visceral." Though she is younger, much younger than him, her power is ancient, and her temperament mature. "You have quite a mean streak don't you? Vicious, cruel, gunning for power, for pain." She looks over him slowly, in a different light this time. Her left hand coming up and hooking a finger through the bondage collar tight against her skin there. "Kinky."


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Character Portrait: Odgerel
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#, as written by Tawanos
Character Portrait: Odgerel Odgerel says,
 "Around here? Almost never enough." She runs her fingers over her collar but does nothing more. She looks him over and shrugs. "But none of that." She laughs a little. "Too bitter." She waves a hand at the bartender. "Whisky." She points. "The blue bottle." The bartender pours the glass and she takes it. She lifts it in toast to Ember and sips. Immediately on contact with her lips the alcohol burst into flames and she inhales the flames though her nose. She settles back into the seat and closes her eyes for a long moment. When she next exhales there is a perfect smoke ring that she watches it sail out across the bar and impact on the mirror behind it, spreading and dispersing.