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Old Bones

They tried to kill me, y'know? Jokes on them! Hahaha!

0 · 480 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Patcharoo


Death may have driven Old Bones a little crazy, but you can't really blame him. Once the leader of one of the largest electricity distributors, the competition decided there was no way to deal with him other than to knock him off. Unfortunately he didn't agree with the outcome, springing back to life. However, by the time he did he was about three decades too late and everyone had long since forgotten his name, even him! Nameless and aimless he shambled around until someone finally took notice of the corpse and picked him up. Being already dead, it turned out, was a great asset to the right people and he was employed from that point on as an assassin. Mysterious since his death he has developed a series of almost ironic powers which he uses to aid him in his mission, between playing dead. Clad entirely in black he hunts through the night, seeking his targets to eliminate them.

On command liquid gold can spew forth from any and every cavity of this rotten being, highly toxic and highly flammable. Slick and smelly, the very fumes can lead to nausea and consumption can make someone seriously ill.

Not to be confused with flames, this is a spark of an electrical nature, usually between the fingertips but he can do it from most points of his body. Anywhere that bone touches bone. This can make a powerful electrical current, able to zap people distantly connected via strong conductors. To some extent he can control and manipulate the flow of this electricity. He cannot cast it into the air as it disperses straight back into his body, then the ground.

Bone Growth
Any part of his body can grow skeletal extensions, even parts no longer connected! It allows him to reconstitute his own damaged and destroyed body, or potentially make weapons or sneak attacks.

Electro Magnetic Pulse
With a mana battery hidden and lodged firmly in his chest, he can unleash a powerful electro-magnetic pulse to disable all electronics in the nearby area.

In his bony body is an armory worth of metal bits that he can grab and throw, including knives, spiked chains, a saber and a nasty cage trap lining his ribs to catch onto an unsuspecting target.


So begins...

Old Bones's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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Avia smiled at him. "Well, the only one I knew I just threw into jail, but it's good to hear that you're alright."

Upon observing that the girls and the crashed man were at least acquainted. She pointed between them and became to speak, "So..." but trailed off as the two men she'd spotted earlier had engaged them in conversation. With Sophie's outburst, Avia walked away from Char and made her way in front of Sophie and Aiya.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen. Is there a problem?" she asked fearlessly. She was dressed in nothing but a scanty silk nightgown, with no shoes, with her hair uncombed and loose, and she spoke to two very sketchy men fearlessly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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Vidious was quick to dismiss Avia with a flick of his hand and, "No problem. A matter of business. And your chance for involvement ended when Orion Industries did. We only wish to reclaim our liquidated stock." He tilted his head forward slightly and uttered. "However... I am a busy man, and I will not hesitate to seize stock from those unwilling to relinquish it on their own." His hand now gestured left and right to his two men, then to Chilx and Old Bones behind her.

He did not even seem to notice what she wore or that she was fearless. If she was an immovable object, he was an unreadable one, blank in expression and tone neutral and nonthreatening.

Aiya had since taken a hesitant step backwards, grabbing Sophie's shoulder to pull her along. "C'mon Sophie, let's go," she murmured softly, only for a soft shink of three metal claws brushing over Chilx sword caused her to freeze and turn around the face the incredibly tall, veil-faced man. In the mix of it all, Char had apparently been forgotten.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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"Well,I'm not about to speculate on what it is that I've dropped into the middle of, nor am I about to play at being a hero and try to break up what looks to be a fight shortly when it's none of my business. What I am going to do is shamelessly self promote my business by saying that I have a reputation for completing any job or solving any problem, no matter how strange or conveluted, for a nominal fee which can be discussed before or after the job has been agreed to at the discretion of the hiring party, and priced on a scale to suit the income and needs of the hiring party, with emphasis on affordable service. That being said, is there anyone present who'd like to hire a bodyguard, enforcer, mercenary, or a guy in red armor to smash something?"

In the world Char was used to, there were three kinds of men. Good Men, who sacrificed themselves in order to serve others, Bad Men, who sacrificed others to serve themselves, and Paid Men, who sacrificed nothing and served whoever paid well. Once upon a time he'd tried to be a Good Man, and had fully devoted himself to the betterment of his Aliit and his fellow Mando'ade. In that time his wife left him to start a clan of heretics, his clan came to ruin because of betrayal, his leader shattered his skull because he did not wish his people to go to war for nothing, and his bank account reminded him of a doughnut shop.

Right about now Char Ge'kyrayc, formerly Silas Nalfien, just wanted to get paid before he got shot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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Avia cracked her knuckles, fist meeting the palm of her opposite hand. A lopsided smirk came across her face. "Try me, then. I'll take all three of you on. All at once." Her gaze slid over to Char. "I can't promise you money I don't have, but I do promise that you won't be getting anywhere by joining them. If I have to face four of you, then I'll take down each and every one."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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"I, on the other hand, will pay you well for your assistance," he offered calmly and cooly towards Char. "Allow me to briefly fill you in on the history of our encounter. I funded a group known as Orion Industries who served as a cauldron of scientific ideas to produce me superior assassins and weapons. They mostly failed, but they did take a small child and make her into a literal killing machine." His attention drifted from Char to Avia. "That girl is known as 'Android X-6' and stands before me, hidden between two women. She belongs to me and my company, the Assassin Society. This is your final warning. Hand over my assets."

Aiya, mostly quiet until this point, had finally found her voice bubbling up like an angry pot. "You can't take her!" she released from a powerful set of pipes only matched by her father, "She's mine! And I won't let you kidnap her!" All confidence started to drain away from her face as she looked down to see Sophie (laughably easily) pushing her arm away. "If... If you want..."

Sophie took half a step forward and paused, glancing back towards Aiya. "Yeah, I want to stay with you," Sophie told Aiya before she looked back at Vidious, "I just want to break the fleshy's face in." Aiya's face went from relief to panic in a split second, whilst Vidious let his eyes shift from each individual to the next as if calculating his next move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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0.00 INK

"So the ad'ika's a droid, eh? Interesting. Well, if we're going to be talking payment, I'm going to see figures and draw up a contract. Surely those too little ladies will wait for you to finish business dealings with me so I can have a rematch with Aiya there, yeah? And if that other lady wants to join in the fray, I'll entertain that too. 'course, again, this is after all the business dealings are settled. I'm not about to get stiffed on the bill for this, Aruetii."

He popped open a panel on his inner left wrist and revealed a battered keyboard, which he began typing away at as he drew up a contract. A lengthy, distracting contract, full of jargon. One which would most certainly need to be read after he finished writing it, which would be another lengthy process. On top of that, there was the discussion of exchange rates which would need to be taken into account, and then he'd haggle price with this supposed assassin... Essentially he'd chosen that if he were to be paid to fight the two people he'd had lunch with a while back, they'd have plenty of time to not do that while he dickered with their assailant.

The other party was an unknown, but seemed eager for a fight, and he'd be willing to supply if the swung first. Otherwise, he'd ignore them in favor of his current business deal.

With any luck, he might get paid up front to not fight these girls. Money for nothing was the best kind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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Avia clenched her fists, one lowered down to her hip, the other raised. She sank into a low stance. "Aiya, Sophie, you guys stay back. I can take care of this on my own," she warned. She beckoned to the three. No, four of them- the mercenary too.

"Come on. I'm not going to waste the time waiting for him to finish" she spat. "If you don't throw the first punch, I will."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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Vidious raised a hand to Avia as if to pause. "He's right, of course," he stated simply. "Why don't we convene for lunch to manage a contract on the apprehension of the android. The ladies can all go and we can all put our weapons away." Not that Vidious was afraid of getting punched. The moment knuckles touched his face there would be almost nothing that could be done to save her. Him? Oh, he wasn't too worried about his well-being. His guards, on that prompt, slipped their revolvers away. "And we will deal with this conflict when everyone is back and the deal is concluded, hm?"

"You're just going to let us go?" Aiya asked, confused.
Vidious tilted his head. "If you return, yes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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"Well, I must admit I wasn't expecting to get lunch out of the deal, but I do believe a less hostile environment might be more conducive to business dealings. Where and when would you like to do the meetup for that?"

He glanced over at the girls, hooking his thumbs in his belt and nodding, his monophotoreceptor 'eye' dimming as it came out of combat mode. Over all, his general demeanor had been entirely relaxed the entire time, and while he'd been ready to act defensively if needed, he wasn't particularly aggressive or ready to attack. Mostly he just seemed bored.

"Well, Aiya, looks like we'll have to postpone the rematch, unless you wanna go for funsies. I prefer not to fight when I'm not getting paid, but it looks like your friend there is really in the mood, and I'd hate to deny someone a little bit of fun."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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Avia glared at all four men, eyes switching between them. She backed away, reaching her hands over to grab Sophie and Aiya. "Very well," she said to them. "Untill next time, yes? Yes."

She would then begin to walk away with them, still looking at the men warily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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0.00 INK

"Let them go," Vidious ordered with a gesture of his hand to dismiss his men. "I would advise reconvening at this point at two pm sharp, or I will not show this degree of lenience in the future." And with that the assassins retreated, the skeletal Old Bones and the incredibly tall Chilx backing away and melding into the crowds the best they could. The sleeveless guards remained at Vidious side, naturally.

Aiya grabbed onto Sophie's shoulder once more. "C'mon," she whispered, "Let's go." Sophie let out a loud whining noise. "Aww! But I wanted to fight the fleshy!" she answered, but reluctantly started to retreat with Aiya. "Avia, are you coming?" She also cast a very very very grateful look towards Char and mouthed 'thank you'.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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0.00 INK

The big red Mando'ad grinned behind his buy'ce, before realizing the girls couldn't see that. Lamely, he decided on a thumbs up to show he understood, taking stock of where they were going and who, if anyone, was following. Now that he'd engaged in a deal, he was honor bound to stick to it, and would hold the enemy to the same rigid standards of honor he followed. Attempts to attack before the assigned meeting time would be met with extreme prejudice and more than a little opressive firepower.

Baring a breach in contract by a third party, Char would return to the sight about twenty minutes prior, repairs and cleaning evident on his armor by the lack of black soot from his earlier misadventures with gravity and jetpacks. He'd topped off all his weapons as well, and picked up a nifty toy or two to use in the coming battle, should there be one. He only hoped the others would do the same.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Aiya Character Portrait: Vidious Renati Character Portrait: Sophie X-6 Character Portrait: Char Ge'kyrayc Character Portrait: Chilx
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0.00 INK

"Of course," said Avia to Aiya, following them with haste. She would grab Aiya's arm and pull her close. "Listen to me," she whispered. "You're coming with me. Follow me." She would try to lead both Sophie and Aiya to her apartment.

The setting changes from Wing City Plaza to Side Alley


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Old Bones
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He was a shadow in the night, a black wraith and harbinger of death not unlike any that had been seen before. His 'body' for lack of a better term was ill-wrapped in the dark fabric he chose to wear, but it was all for naught as a fleshless forearm and gleaming skull could still be seen between the material. He was dead, the worst kind of dead, the kind that came back. But there was a dull hum in his chest. A mock-life, really, like that of a quiet generator powering otherwise lifeless things.

He descended quickly from his rooftop perch with knife in hand, feet striking the ground with a loud CLAK, catching the attention of his prey, an insignificant man who's wife wanted him gone. There was no mercy in Bones empty sockets as he stalked towards the figure, slightly hunched forward. The man looked worried at the sight before him, but unwilling to run as he drew a firearm. Let him shoot. What was he hoping to achieve? Breaking a few bones?

At the mere thought his skull split open into a wicked cackling laugh which filled the dead air of an otherwise silent night.

The setting changes from Side Alley to Hagan Avenue


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Old Bones Character Portrait: Kyle Macintosh
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Despite the trouble outside Ol' Bones chose to stroll up towards the penthouse Whisper found herself staying at. Once her current live-in friends identity had been discovered it was a stones throw from finding where she made her current home. He chose a more inconspicuous route, up the fire exit where there were less eyes to interrupt his ascent as it was more than a little hard to forget the man. Man used in a way to determine gender and not really to describe his features at all.

He was a skeleton, bare of any form of flesh and dressed to make himself look at least semi-respectable, with a full three piece suit right down to a bow-tie and a top hat. Only his bony hands and pale skull could be seen, but that was more than enough to ward most people off. And yet, despite being all but dead, he walked with a hobble, leaning on a cane with every step. It certainly helped give off the appearance of an elderly gentlemen that he so liked to put forth about himself, and it matched his voice perfectly.

As he arrived at the floor of Dominic's penthouse he wandered on up to the front door, raising his fist to rap firmly three times on the door before leaning his weight onto his cane. There was no rush to him, he was an elderly man on a calm mission. It was only his android partner, armed with high powered sniper rifle camping the nearby buildings who was at all antsy, listening in through a device hidden in Old Bones rib cage in case anything happened to go awfully awry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Old Bones Character Portrait: Kyle Macintosh
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Whisper heard the rap on the door, but it did little to draw her attention. She knew someone was out there, but she assumed they were here for Dominic. With matters of Messor on her mind, she wasn't in a mood to go speak to strangers, never mind her wanted status on Terra that kept her trying to maintain a low profile.

Instead of getting up, she remained curled up on the couch with her head resting on the armrest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Old Bones
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After waiting several moments Old Bones gave another firm knock. After all, he was dead. He could wait all day need be. Already he was looking for a good seat to get comfortable, or alternatively somewhere to pose as a mannequin for a playful surprise for a passerby. With no answer he'd just assume nobody was home and go to wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Old Bones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
When Dominic Hagan at last returned to his penthouse, it looked like he'd waded through a war zone. The man's suit was torn and and ripped in several places, his face slightly bruised and his slacked scorched. All in all, it'd been an eventful day at the Government Center. It seemed no occasion could be 'normal' on Terra. There just had to be some excitement of some sort in even the most trivial of affairs.

Still, he'd had worse. Much worse. Whatever damage had come to him wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed with a hot shower and some sleep. Really, the hardest part had been convincing his Tech Con aids to leave him be and forgo any formal medical examination. The last thing he needed was another three hours of waiting in an Aschen med-lab only to hear some pale-faced Langaran doctor espouse the virtues of tretonin injections and anti-aging tech. Though Dominic was proud of his Aschen heritage, he despised his people's vanity and opulence.

"Hypocrite," he mumbled under his breath. After all, he was a multi-billion cubit CEO. As far as the Hagans went, vanity ran in the family.

He threw his tattered jacket over his arm, loosening his tie as he stepped off the elevator and walked down the halls to his suite. His security had alerted him to the stranger standing outside his room. He'd declined backup.

"Evening," Dominic offered Old Bones a smile, "is there something I can do for you?" If Dominic was at all put-off by Bones' macabre appearance, he didn't show. This was Terra, after all. Skeletons in suits were a comparatively mild sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Old Bones
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As in his typical polite skeleton nature, Old Bones tipped his hat towards the arriving Dominic. "Ah, yes sonny, you could," he answered, leaning heavily on his cane with fingers wrapping about it. "See, I heard there's a lady living around these parts, goes by the name Whisper, and they decided to bother these Old Bones with a job- that is, a job that is a job offer. Being a man of the Hagan's I hope you can understand the importance of it all." One boney hand rose now, offered out in a handshake.

"The names Old Bones, or at least that's the name I took on after they dug me up and found I wasn't quite ready to stop moving. I was in the electric business for a good twenty years before my untimely death, so untimely that after it I decided I should get back up." His head tilted down, causing the corners of his mouth to rise and give off the impression he was smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Old Bones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Dominic nodded, shaking the skeleton's hand firmly. "It's a pleasure, Mr. Bones. Glad to hear you're still kicking." He jerked at his tie. "I'm sorry if you've been waiting out here long, but do you think whatever business we have can wait till tomorrow morning?" He smiled, gesturing to his tattered apparel. "I've had a hell of a day. I can put something in the books. How about nine? We can get breakfast."