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Parson Lessard

A ten year old sociopathic vampire

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Guest, as played by DemiKara


Image I do not own this picture. psychokittyannie of Deviant art created the original picture and I erased teh wing on the picture

Name: Parson Lessard
Age: 10
Birthday: August 31
Turned: September 22
Species: Vampire

Parson suffers from severe Dyslexia and discalculia. this means moth letters and numbers have a tendency to shift on him and all efforts fo reading and math have failed.


Slightly sociopathic, but not much, so it's okay.

He fears frogs and insects, considering both disgusting animals. He also believes that the stray dog population would be dramatically decreased if he was simply allowed to practice his hobby of dissection on the animals.

Drinking from Maleficus' blood, Parson has obtained 'Corruption's Blessing/Curse'. Because of it, there is a connection between him and Maleficus. This bond, although weak, is both physical and mental and will develop within the passing days.

Stage 1 - In stage one, the blessing is only working it's way into the target's constitution, intertwining itself into their very DNA. Depending on the individual, side effects may occur slower or quicker than with others. Side effects include...
-Nightmares depicting horrific scenes and events with perfect clarity as if one is actually there.
-Violent hallucinations.
-Heightened sensitivity to the arcane.
-A gained sense of Maleficus' presence and energies.
-Slightly Heightened speed.
-Slightly Heightened healing factor.
-Lv.1 Craving for Maleficus' blood.{ Ex. A child wanting candy}
-Increased hostility.{ More violent in nature. Status:Mild}
-Periodic excruciating pains. {Extreme Migraines, Intense stomach and chest pains.}


Touch of fatigue
A necromantic cantrip, this fledgling necormancer’s one ability is to simply remove a small amount oflife energy from an animal or person, and to cause them to be slightly more tired. This lasts for three rounds.

Necromancer's Knife
Stolen from his mother, this knife has the ability to dehydrate if left inside of flesh for very long.

Cheap Red Lighter
Given to him for his protection, Parson has the ability to summon his mother's hellbeast Scamp by flicking this on.

Parson has a very curious hobby of animal dissection. As such, he keeps a dissection kit in a black doctor's bag, along with a few extras.

Dissection kit:
Surgical scissors, iris scissors, tissue forceps, scalpel handle,
scalpel blades, probe with angled tip, dissection needles, dropping pipette,
dissecting pins, rigid metal ruler, and case.

Fine Bone Saw

Razor Blade


It didn't take long for Parson's first family, his birth family, to realize something was wrong with their boy. No matter how they disciplined him, he seemed hell bent on being cruel to everyone about him. A bully and a brat all in one, Parson could not have told you much about his family, other than he hated them.

So he took care of them, as they slept. The actions could have landed the young boy in jail, for murdering his parents and his baby sister. But he ran away after the crime, taking to the streets with ease. It wasn't long until he ended up with a favorite haunt of sort. Gambit's Bar was dangerous, horrifying, and all around exactly what he needed.

There he met, and began to torture and torment, the girl who would be his new sister. It didn't take long after meeting the small twisted girl for him to meet Sanina, who would be his new mother. His new mother who was clearly no more in her right mind than the rest of the small family, as she carried around the skeletal remains of a young girl, whom she called Jezebell.

Parson, who could barely read, and was often a crude young boy, turned out to have necromantic powers, that his new mother 'Nina' began to teach him. He even slowly began to accept his sister Bethany, though he would never be nice to her, he would be nicer. It was to his advantage to be nice to his family after all, even if both sister and mother were touched.

What many do not realize about Parson is that he positively loathes his Aunt Kaitlynn. Not only does she think him weird at best, she also shows quite a bit of favoritism to his sister Bethany, at lest in his eyes. With this laothing between them, it only made sense that, on a day when his aunt wasn’t quite herself, she turned Parson into a vampire.

So begins...

Parson Lessard's Story


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Parson burst into rather melodramatic tears as the crocodile thing turned its attention to him. People were so terribly mean to him, and he hadn't even dissected anything here in ages, or had anything other than the bottled blood, and really, was it too much to ask that he talk to a whore in peace? Oh yes, yes it was. There were monsters attacking him for not doing anything at all now. The problem with being stuck in a ten year old body was that your body never grew, and that meant being stuck on the turbulent cusp of puberty for eternity.

"B-Bug! The monster is going to eat me!"


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The child vampire moved up to the rafters in the blink of an eye and stared down, clearly not happy, and slightly terrified. He hated frogs, so very much. So much. This was crazy. "Bug! Do you wanna come up here, where it's safe?" It didn't matter. The boy jumped down, grabbed Bug, and pulled her back up with him, assuming she didn't fight him on it. Ew gross. The bar smelled like shit.


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Parson shuddered. "Thanks, I guess. I don't like dogs. I don't like those monsters than lady kept attacking us with for no reason. All I wanted was to drink my blood in peace." But people had come pouring in, much like that pack of wild dogs shortly after he had arrived. It was like that WAY too much here. It upset the child vampire, almost enough to consider hunting for fresh blood.


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"Yes Blood. Hello. It's Gambit's." Parson grumbled, clearly annoyed. "I'm a vampire. It's neutral territory for magicals at least, so keep your pets on a leash." HE hated the pokemon idiot already. The boy checked the floor then jumped down. "Bye Bug. Stay safe." She may be a whore, but she didn't seem like a bad one.

Not realizing that he should know her, the child vampire took a seat next to Catherine, and ordered a second bottle of warmed blood.


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"You're and asshole."


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"You're an asshole. Go piss in your own pot and get you and your monsters out of mine." He said lazily. "And the one lady said I was like, 17 now." He had no clue of the passage of time, or the year, of if Bug had been lying or just off her rocker on drugs of some kind. "And I can drink synth blood of donated blood here, or I can hunt." He pointed out. "One results in Timmy not making it home cause whats her face drained my of my energy with her bitchiness. The other results in a happy, well fed, child vampire." And the world knew what it preferred.


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"I don't kiss Mother. That's called incest. While I'm pretty sure you're a product of it, I'm not." He said dryly. "And you're the bitch siccing monsters on anyone who so much as disagrees with you. I'm better behaved and my hobbies include dissecting cats." He pointed out. She was some kind of idiot. It was almost impressive.

"Yeah, but this is Gambit's. It's also a hotel. And I am allowed in a hotel." He looked pleased with his logic. "Besides. It's been 17 years since I was born." He thought. Maybe. The date could be wrong. "I'm only stuck looking ten." Not his fault. Aunt...aunt...he forgot. But she had turned him before Grandfather said yes. It was all very hazy. As if years had passed since his story had been told.


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Character Portrait: Parson Lessard
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"Parole." He said in disbelief. "And what the hell is MCU anyway." He didn't see why he would be under parole. I twasn't like he had been caught and not let go with no punishment. It was difficult to prosecute with little to no evidence, and given his childish size, most didn't believe him to be a vampire anyway. So long as he wasn't caught in the act, he should be fine.

"Lady, I don't know who you are, I don't know what MCU is, and I'm not on parole for anything. I'm a perfect angel of a vampire."


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Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Parson Lessard
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Catherine eyed the boy strangely before responding, "Is there something wrong with you Parson?" She questioned setting her drink down on the bar. "Because from what I remember, you're a fucking holy terror." She wasn't going to mince her words. "I know I don't need to question my sanity, but yours? Maybe." She muttered under her breath. Catherine had been off doing other things as usual, pulled in every direction by MCU and it's Council.


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"...Man. You actually know me." That sucked. He grumbled and sipped his blood. "I don't...remember a lot?" Much of anything really. They boy didn't recall anything of the past several years. "I don't really remember more than a few flashes after my turning, then a long rest. Like sleeping, without dreams." He didn't know how to describe it.

"Who are you, anyway?"


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Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Parson Lessard
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"Yes, I do." Catherine said dryly. "Really now? That seems rather strange." She added trying to figure out exactly what happened over the past few years. After awhile she had just left his case alone, going off to do other things, assume other roles within the organization at times. "Well, let's start with my name, it's Catherine." She said careful as always not to say too much about herself.


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"Hi Catherine. I'm Parson. I like dissecting small animals, taking care of my sister, and hunting." But only within his rather narrow victim profile. "And I'm on some kind of parole, which I don't even know about so doesn't count at all." If he didn't know about it, he couldn't be blamed for breaking it. "And you should definitely not tell me the terms."


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"I totally did not say Vivisection at all." Was she telepathic or something? Huh. The boy looked to her carefully and stared at her face. "You look really familiar like my Aunt...aunt...." His brow furrowed and he shook his head. "I don't remember her name. She was pretty cool. She had a real job, and didn't dress in the weird victorian clothes like the rest of the family." He looked pleased. "I even went to her work once...I think." It was a bit of a blur.


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He frowned. "I'm...not sure. There was an office, and she sat me at my own desk." He remembered that, somewhat. "I don't think she and Mother got along well." He sipped his blood and the considered it. "That's probably why I don't remember her name." More than likely at least. But, as he considered his family, he realized he didn't know any of their names, not even Moth or his little sister.


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Character Portrait: Parson Lessard
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He nodded. "She must have been." He said cheerfully. "I didn't home work there too...only that doesn't make sense. I've never been to a school, except for my tutor." The tall lanky man that he could just remember. Mother hadn't liked him either, but he had owed Grandfather, or something similar. He finished off his blood and sighed, eyeing the glass. "I'll have to go to some kind of doctor or something I guess. I should remember more." But he didn't. Just the emptiness.


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Character Portrait: Parson Lessard
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"We had lessons, of course." In the school room. His sister hated them, but they happened none the less. "I did my work then. I didn't take it home to work on it, as I was at home already." He shrugged. His tutor supervised his independent work as well as his classwork. The time in the school room hadn't been finished until it was over. Still, he frowned. "But...that doesn't make sense. I can't have done homework or school work at her office. Because my tutor supervised all of my work." He bit his bottom lip, then shrugged it off wiht the ease of a child. "Whatever. I probably just dreamed the office and having a normal aunt."


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He hesitated and shrugged. "I'm Parson. I like" a glance at her and then back to his hands. "Vivisection. And I'm a child vampire." He shook his head. "But...but...something's wrong about all of that, and I don't know what." Something though, was terribly wrong with it all. It was as if that was all old information, like a childhood memory.


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"...Even the blood is weird." He admitted. " I don't need it?" That didn't make sense. He was a vampire. He needed blood. "Any way, do you got any advice? Cause if not, I'm just going to go find my minion and my labs, and do something that makes sense."


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Character Portrait: Parson Lessard
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That name sounded right somehow, like he knew it well. The child hopped off the stool and nodded. "You're right. Synth blood isn't the best." At all. "And Brandon Hammerstein, huh?" He'd have to look it up. "Alright. I'll come find you after looking this guy up. He important or some kind of mage or something?"

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Wing City


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Character Portrait: Parson Lessard
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Brandon sat on the bus stop bench and looked the the business card. MCU. It was there too, unexplained. The boy sighe dnad put his head against the cool plastic surrounding three sides of the bench. He shook his head and looked it over once more. "Brandon Hammerstine. He's not really online." It made it hard to look up, but it had been his first choice. It was his only clue really.

That lady probably knew more, but seemed the quest giver type, unfortunately. "Who the flyign flip is Brandon Hammerstine?"