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Rowen Sjgfksdhl

Sparkle like Bowie in the morning sun~

0 · 2,425 views · located in Dark Woods

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by CrashQueen


In which I just stopped giving a shit.

-original image by Konnoru on DA. I'll draw eventually.

Rowen (or Ro, if you prefer) is one of the undead. One of the most hated breeds of the undead, the name of which sends people hissing and teenage girls squealing:
The dreaded SPARKLEPIRE.
He's a young man, having been turned somewhere in his late teens, a sharp dresser with ridiculously napalm orange and pink hair with black eyes.
He totally wears guyliner.

He isn't allergic to light more than the sun causes his glitter to flare up like a bad case of herpes. Much to the chagrin of his vampiric brethren.
He hears they don't take too kindly to his kind.
He can transform into a bat or mist like your average bloodsucker, but the bat bears his wacky hair colors and the mist smells like strawberries.


Rather than being a mope-pile like certain others of his breed, Ro enjoys his unlife to the fullest. He has an insatiable appetite for naughtiness, whether in more sexual terms or just causing general grief for any unfortunate sap he comes across.
He does have a few people he considers friends, though he still pesters them, but to a lesser extent.

He doesn't feed directly from humans because he's too lazy to hunt. But Wing City has always catered to the vampires that don't want to get their hands dirty...through drug-laced blood offered freely in government handouts. Rowen subsists primarily on this blood, so he is typically stoned out of his mind instead of bloodlusting like a god knows how old vampire should.

He is upbeat and polite at the right times and rather enjoys the company of humans. After all, he too was human once, a fact a lot of others tend to forget.

So begins...

Rowen Sjgfksdhl's Story


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Her comment brought a small smile to his face.
“You’re not going to run off and die any time soon, are you?” he asked, finishing off the rum bottle. At the sound of his name, he ordered another bottle.
Oh fuck. So SHE has friends? Welp. Time to make a swift exit.
He left his money at the bar and nodded at Yanni. “It was nice talking to you, hopefully we shall meet again, if I’m not dusted before then...”

How fortunate the sun had dipped low enough to not catch on his skin. Without the sparkle, he just looked like your average human...guy.
And he REALLY needed to piss. Just sayin’.
A discrete exit. “...”


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“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck,” Ro grumbled, splashing his face in the sink. He glanced over at the locked door as he dried his face on the paper towels and slid to the floor of the dingy one-room bathroom, half expecting the door to be kicked in. He could hear Cane’s voice before she...lied? For him?
She had all rights to let her friends rip into him. He’d fucked up, quite horrendously.

And as Yanni wanted to start shit in his stead? What the hell was happening. She would find him on the floor. He’d intended to turn into a bat, or mist, and sneak his way out, but guilt kept him in human form, waiting. He deserved it. He slowly stood up and glanced around before making his way to Cane, sitting down beside her.
And yet he didn’t know what to say.


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Of course, Ro wanted to say something, but at the entrance of another vampire, being quite rambunctious and loud, his focus was elsewhere for a scant few moments. He was grateful for the distraction really, and it allowed him time to glance around, wondering if she’d prepared an ambush. That’s what samurai did, right? Or was that ninjas. Whatever. he was probably fucked.

He glanced back at her and the wounded eye, feeling a knot rise in his throat that he fought to swallow down. “Egh....I...suppose a sorry wouldn’t even begin to suffice.”


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And it connected, knocking the would-be breath out of him. He doubled over and hissed, holding his stomach. “Y-yeah, I deserved that.”
He grabbed at the butt of the sword and pushed it away, coughing. “If you want it to stop hurting, I can...I can fix it, for real. I promise.”
The fact he wouldn’t retaliate against her said something, something a bit more complex than he could articulate in words.
“I have no idea what happened back there. I screwed up, I’M screwed up. Something didn’t click right in my brain...I really am sorry, and not because you want to kill me now. Though I suppose you have more than a right to.”


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The vampire frowned at her, glancing here and there. If any friend of hers was looking for him, they definitely heard that. Ugh. He couldn’t help but stare into the empty socket and he felt that knot rise, be swallowed, and sink into his stomach where it started to wreak havoc. Damn those emotions? It wasn’t fair that he was considered inhuman and yet he still had to deal with the things that set humans apart from every other animal on the planet.

“Well, actually...” he started. “You can. But you wouldn’t like it, so I won’t offer that to you.”
He nodded resolutely before stepping up and grabbing either side of her head again, making sure his thumbs were well away from her socket and remaining eye before muttering something in a nondescript language before kissing her forehead. The pain subsided and he stepped back again. Talk about lips like morphine. Her eye wouldn’t regenerate, but it wouldn’t hurt anymore.


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And then, with timing most impeccable, a drunken whore! Excellent.
His apparent despair was forgotten in that familiar shit-eating grin as he made his way towards Lena, feeling the alcohol he’d consumed ages ago go to work, it took a while when you had a metabolism somewhat stalled out by undeath. Putting the charm on, he leaned on the table she was at, nostrils stinging as she positively REEKED of whiskey.
He could use a little stress relief.
“She’ll be back, she’s just upset.” Upset. “So how are YOU doing? Enjoying yourself?”


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“Eh, kissyface is nothin’, s’just where I keep my seals.” And indeed, he had sigils, and runes tattooed on the inside of his top and bottom lips. And a few other places that he typically kept covered up. He’d been a magic man at one point before he turned, but his innate powers were dampened when he decided to become one of the Undead. It was a built in failsafe, god help us all if we had vampire WARLOCKS running about. But with his runes burnt/inked into his flesh, he could access a small amount of his once-impressive powers.

But whatever, this bitch was schwasted. He didn’t even bother getting pissy with her. He noted her journal and glanced at it, reading whatever she had written, if she wrote anything in her binge drinking.


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Intriguing, he thought, before sliding into the booth across from Lena, watching her crack up at nothing. He shrugged and pulled his lip down, exposing two of the sigils burnt into the slick, tender flesh. “Seals. Not to be a buzz kill, but I know what you’re thinking. Silly girl.”
Man, she REALLY reeked of the stuff. “You’ve been here all day hmm? Seems to be pretty common with people around here, the atmosphere is just about as intoxicating as the drinks served, I think.”
He wondered why he was even talking to her, she was clearly too far gone to be coherant.
He just wanted a ‘feel better’ tug. How hard could it possibly be to convince her?

He cleared his throat and cranked the charm up again, catching her eyes with his dark, almost hypnotic ones. “What’s your name, then?”


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Character Portrait: Rowen Sjgfksdhl
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“I can’t turn it off. Once you turn, it’s...I’m pretty sure it’s a mutation.” He shrugged. “It happens. It just gets annoying after the first time. Most of them are just summoning and mana-control seals. I lost a lot of my ability when I died.”
He smiled at her. “Nice to meet you, Lena.”
Now how drunk are you?
“Since I’ve deprived you of your entertainment for the evening, perhaps I could offer a suitable substitute? You look like a woman who knows how to have a good time.”
Mostly, he wanted to get out of the bar before Cane returned, surely with more thugs.


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Character Portrait: Rowen Sjgfksdhl
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The vampire licked his lips as he studied Lena before stealing a nip from the same bottle that Lena had been nursing. Oh yeah, he was back. It wasn’t too hard to forget about his mopey moments with a beautiful lady in front of him, declaring what he did hot. Well, if she wanted it.
“Let’s get out of here then.”

With that, he reached across the table and grabbed a handful of Lena’s hair and yanked it as he exited the booth, dragging her with him, his fingers ensnared. “I need a little stress relief, and you are practically screaming to be fucked, you slut.” He grinned as he twisted his hand again as he practically started to pull her up the stairs.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Master's Dojo


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Character Portrait: Rowen Sjgfksdhl
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While his rambunctious rendezvous with Lena kept the guilt at bay, as soon as the vampire left the room it hit him like a freight train. The knot reformed itself in his stomach and when he glanced at the short sword stuck to his belt.
“.....Oh goddammit.”

It took longer than it needed to sniff Cane down since he had the wakizashi in tow. While he could go batmode or mistmode and travel a lot faster, he couldn’t take the blade with him, and he figured he should return it (though originally he had the mind to keep it so she would come back to him). He crouched around the corner of the dojo, glancing through the door as Cane fought, fairly impressed. So she DID actually know how to handle that sword, and wasn’t just carrying it around or flailing it about to look cool like anybody else who dared to bring a fucking butter knife to Gambits.

When she brutally murdered the man, the vampire was torn between a sick grin of excitement, because of the blood, and horror. She seemed...pissed. Was it really a good idea to go in there right now? Maybe he should wait.
Of course, the morning sun had OTHER plans.
The light caught on his flesh and sent it shimmering, casting disco ball-like reflections on the floor of the dojo, easily noticeable.


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Character Portrait: Rowen Sjgfksdhl
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Ro picked himself up from his crouching position and glanced at Cane for a second before averting his gaze, the smell of the man’s blood drawing his attention somewhat back to the corpse, and he even made it a few steps in that direction before turning back to face the girl and her open eye socket.
“You really should cover’s going to get infect- you probably don’t care,” he finished for himself before bowing his head and offering back the short sword on his hip.
“You left this.”

He looked like he wanted to say something else, but opted just to return blade.
“I’ll leave you alone now.” He coughed and made to jump off the veranda. He was going to cut his damn loss here and now, agonizing over it made him no better than any other of those shithead bloodsuckers.


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Character Portrait: Rowen Sjgfksdhl
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“It means you’re a pussy for thinking it.”
He’d been around a while, and he tended to keep up to date on pop culture and whatnot. He’d seen his fair share of Japanese thrillers and samurai epics. He pulled himself back up from where he was going to drop down and stared at the back of her head.
What was her game? He knew she must have been playing him.

Eh. Well two can play that game.
“But it’s not like I can stop you from making your own mistakes. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve driven a woman to suicide. Hell, I’m keeping score.”
Damn it, Rowen, that’s not what you fucking say!
Shut up.


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Character Portrait: Rowen Sjgfksdhl
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“You trying to guilt me? You want to die? Then put your little toothpick away and let me do the honors. Might as well.”
She was instigating him, and he knew it. It was this sort of behavior that cost her the eye in the first place. She hadn’t counted on the fact he was fast, and he didn’t give half a fuck if he got hurt in the process. He snatched the wakizashi by the blade, wincing as it cut deep into his hand, dark and sludge-like blood oozing out, but not gushing without a heartbeat to propel it. He twisted it til she lost her grip and chucked it off the veranda.
His other hand, in the meantime, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back.
“Bitch, I’ll throw you off the fuckin’ roof.”


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Character Portrait: Rowen Sjgfksdhl
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“Welcome to Wing City, girl.” he replied, releasing her hair and pulling her away from the edge of the veranda. And against him, even though he knew that was the last place she wanted to be. But unarmed, did she really have much of a choice? Showing a very rare moment of genuine tenderness, he pat her on the back.
“Why do you think I’m a vampire? I turned because it’s the only damn way to survive in this place. What humans that do manage to live here are truly remarkable. But they were raised here for the most part. The fact you just dropped in and you’ve lasted this long is impressive. I think you could make it...actually. I rather admire you.”

He grunted and rested his head on hers.
“As for my actions. I’m a vampire, I lack self control, but ironically I don’t lack the regret that comes after. I really am sorry. I don’t know how to make it up to you, should you choose to keep fighting. I think I would miss you if you left. I tried so hard to avoid it too, but I think I screwed myself over straight from the beginning.”

And here, for good measure. :T


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“What is stopping you? I’ve lived long enough.” He replied. Despite the fact she was pissed as fuck at him, he rested his hands on her hips. “Or is it because I’m not afraid of you so you’d get nothing from it?”
He chuckled just as darkly, watching her neck as she pulled herself closer to him, eating up all his willpower to not take advantage of it. While he was good-mannered in normal conversation, when somebody just...presents...themselves like Cane had, he found a hard time saying no.

“Have you ever considered that your attitude is the reason everybody keeps attacking you? You’re abrasive and you swing swords around. That’s going to piss off everybody here. They’re an unstable, conceited bunch.”
He grinned somewhat, tightening his fingers.
“That being said, if you did kill me right now, at least it’d be an enjoyable affair.”


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Character Portrait: Rowen Sjgfksdhl
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“Hence why I think you can make it in this city. Oh look, you’ve gone and hurt yourself again,” he replied, feeling the hot blood drip on his back, the smell curling sweetly through the air. “You’re practically bleeding for me, darling~”
The vampire purred, but again refrained from making a move on the blood. She did have him in a rather compromising position. He kept his hands where they were.
“So where does that leave us? Would you like me to go now?”


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“Hnnngh...” he groaned, shivering at the palm on his cheek, the warm blood dripping down to his jawline and curling onto the underside of his chin, drawing stripes across his pale flesh. It was worse as she stroked his lip and the blood tingled on the flesh, the desire to lap it off too strong. While it was true that he found blood rather bland and just iron nastiness for the most part, it was more the fact that the blood was coming from Cane that was driving him to squirming.
But biting would just make things so much worse, and he knew it. But goddamn how he wanted it, even as she brought her thumb up to push back his upper lip to expose gumline as if he were a prized horse. His fangs, not much longer than a human’s canines, but unmistakably pointier, glistened with saliva.
“H’ving fn thn?” he replied as she explored and taunted.


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He’d play along, if he fell off, it’s not like he didn’t possess the cat-like reflexes to land on his feet. Already the chill wind was setting the blood on his cheek to drying. No, come back, I need you! He narrowed his eyes at Cane as she set down her sword and guided him around.
“What are you planning, Cane?” He growled at her, the sound bizarrely feral for coming from something so artificially bright and tame-looking.
“I want to...” he muttered. “But I won’t....”


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“I’m exercising what self-control I do have now to balance out what I did not have when I hurt you.” He released her and pushed her away, wiping his face off on his shirt sleeve. “Otherwise, I’d probably have killed you by now the way you’re flaunting.”
He flicked what else off of his hand, not even giving her the dignity of having him lick his fingers clean. He seemed, annoyed? Hurt? Who could tell with eyes that had no life or reflection in them.
“I’m going to leave now, do whatever you want. I just wanted to return your little sword.”

He turned his back to her, climbing up onto the railing to jump off the veranda.