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Samuel 'Blaze'

A hot-headed and teenage Pyromancer.

0 · 683 views · located in Academia Celestia

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Gasmask, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Samuel 'Blaze''s Story


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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' blinked at the man. But he had to keep the dragon in control, waving his hands about he made a strange gesture as the dragon increased it's pace, flying back towards him and then towards Diomodes. Before throwing a firework at Lake one for a distraction, when it hit the ground it exploded into sparks and fire, creating a blaze that might block him and Lake one in separate areas.

The dragon would glide right for Diomodes. It was to serve as a distraction, to help Ms.Fortune in her goal of torturing him, not that Samuel knew.

He flickered his eyes back towards Lake.

He raised his hands to both Diomodes and Lake.

"Come on then, if you think your hard enough."


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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' winced, moving his foot back. "I'm helping 'Er" He jammed a finger towards Ms. Fortune. "And you want to know why I want to fight?" The dragon faded away, becoming nothing but ash upon the ground.

He withdraws his father's sword, unsheathing it and holding it ready. "So if you want to kill her, you're going to have to go though me."


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' glared at Lake. "I ain't no position of power! Are you kidding? Man! I'm just an apprentice, I ain't even got a master!" He clenched his blade till his knuckles turned white with the pressure. "If you're going to try and kill me to get to your friend..I'll have to stop you. I've made the decision, okay?" He clenched his teeth and backed away slightly, the fire burning down to ash.

He was stumbling ever closer to Diomodes.


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' jumped back, tripping over his own foot and slamming onto the floor with a loud "Ouf!" He grumbled darkly under his breath, wiping his mouth and then simply looking upwards from his uncomfortable position on the floor. He'd been hoping he could fight something, but he didn't get any chance to prove himself. He made a derisive snort.

Getting to his feet, he sheathed his Saber and walked back towards the man.

"So, what are you planning on doing with the Succubus?"


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' figured that Ms Fortune had Diomodes in her grasp, which she didn't.

He unsheathed his sword, spun it in his hand and then threw it with all of his strength at Diomode's back.


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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' charged forward, withdrawing two fireworks from his bandolier and lighting them. His boots clinking with tiny 'clinks' as he ran towards Diomodes. Finally, his fighting instinct kicked in. "I'll teach you what an abomination is!" He yelled, his hair fluttering in the movement created wind. "Yeah! Why not?" He yelled back.

He kicked his feet up, using his gloved hand in an attempt to slide under Diomodes and then place his fireworks at Diomode's feet.

He couldn't go back now, he'd made his dicision to fight for Ms. Fortune, and he'd backed down, how much of a coward was he? He was ashamed of himself.


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' squirmed. "Let me go! Asshole! You attacked her first! I saw it! I'm simply finishing the job." The fuses hit the firework and a large flash and explosion sounded, Samuel was protected by his goggles, covered in soot and alike he was thrown back and out of his grip, landing with a painful crash at the feet of Villain. He squirmed in pain, the hands that hand been holding the fireworks were severely scorched, the gloves and skin had been scorched so much that the fabric had fused with the flesh and would be extremely painful to retrieve.

Samuel had tears brimming at his eyes, closing them shut and sitting himself up and clenching his fists, causing more blood to seep out of the painful burn wounds. Samuel was angry with himself. He grabbed at Villains leg. "I want to learn from you, then I want to kill him." He snarled, Samuel's eyes now full of anger and displeasure.


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' looked at his hands. Wincing in pain as he probed with one of his unburnt fingers. He made an awkward sound of embarrassment and pain. His hands still flaming away lightly, he hadn't earned his immunity to fire just yet. He looked up at Villian from his position, nodding away at his words. Emotion as a weapon, he needed that. "I understand." He muttered. Wincing lightly as he examined the fabric that had burnt into his hands.

"Don't kill me." He muttered away. Looking up at Ms. Fortune. "I think...I'm going to have to find another way to help you out. I could..mow your lawn or something...just don't kill me."


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' blinked. Widened his eyes lightly at her joke about the mowing of lawn. "That's not what I meant!" He grumbled, getting to his feet and trying to pry the burnt fabric out of his skin, wincing and grinding his teeth as he drew the fabric out, rubbing his palm lightly. "I can hear you know! I don't know aren't you a demon of some kind? Don't you know any fire magic? I mean..okay, I-" he stopped himself from any further ranting.

He let out a grumbling sigh. "I don't..I'm not an object!" he looked frustrated, might have been the pain.


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' looked down dejectedly. "Abnormally sexy woman?" He muttered, repeating the word in his head as the impulses and feelings, were they his or hers? He widened his eyes a little before scratching his head. He looked up and then shook his head. "Little object? I'm not that little, I'm tall y'know.." He grumbled, of course he knew what she meant by little object.

"Fetish..fetishes? What? Are you?! You're apposed to be teaching me!"


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' grumbled darkly as he fought the emotions and impulses in his head, he may be rather moderately weak physically, but he was strong mentally. He fought off the impulses enough to say "What? No! I mean..I prefer your kind of appearance! What..Stop it!" he muttered. Shaking his head and rubbing his hands together impulsively before wincing and lowering them away from each-other, the burnt skin was still painful.

"I'm..Samuel..well, people call me 'Blaze'."


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' looked over his shoulder as he strolled towards the bar.

Another visit to this place didn't seem that bad, but the hair on the back of his neck was creeping up and he shuddered. A pyromancer afraid, hah! He laughed at himself as he shook his hands, they'd been healing slightly, they still hurt but less than when he had received the wounds.

He opened the door and slammed it behind him. He sunk lazily into a seat, placing a book upon the table and opening it, fetching a pencil from his pocket and started to sketch, occasionally he would yelp quietly and drop the pencil. He had a paranoid gaze as he stared at the door, his eyes moving into slits before he went back to sketching, of course what he was sketching was a diagram of a flower.


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' winced as he tried to finish his sketch before finally giving up and leaving the pencil on the page, rubbing the palm of his hand gingerly. He jumped sharply in his seat when he felt someone bend over him, someone female definitely. It wasn't so much of a typical flower, the diagram proved it by marking it out certain areas with arrows and text-boxes pointing to the magical properties.

His head hit the book with a thud. He knew who it was without looking around, his eyes staring flatly at the paper before he raised his head again. "I'm not drawing, I'm..trying to identify the properties of this flower!" he tried to say, trying to make himself sound smarter than he actually was.


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' looked at Damian. "I'm...what? He rubbed his palm again, he held out his hand for his book with a frustrated sigh.

"You're all black fingernails and red wine all the time! Why?" He replied lazily, he felt light in his head, he shook his head thinking it was simply tiredness.

"Hey! That's not fair! I panicked! Wait..that was you? Hey! That's not fair!" He protested, trying to grab at his book. "Don't read it! No!" The book also doubled as his journal, spell book and all of that, his 'dark secrets' were in there too, which sucked for him.

"...Fuck." he grumbled under his breath.


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' widened his eyes and shot back up, stumbling to his feet and once again trying to grab at his Journal/Notebook. The most recent passages were written in decently readable english.

"I actually felt cowardice today. Never thought I would ever experience that. I've gotten into scraps before but never have I got myself this badly hurt for what? Some woman in tight leather? This feels wrong, but it feels right. I look forward to meeting her again." Obviously he had written it when he had still been under the confusion of that day.

Another one was just drivel that detailed his wants and his darkest desires, the lust for power he had been given by his motivation to become the most powerful pyromancer on Terra. How he fancied the captain of the guard at Celestia. But as said, mostly drivel.

He grumbled darkly, conjuring a fireball in his hand, the fire prickling at the gloves. He held it hesitatingly, as if already regretting the decision.

"Give it back!"


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' held his hand in the air, the fire burning on the glove and licking at his already burnt finger-tips. "I'll..I'll..." He looked at her, he felt different and...He certainly didn't feel as angry or used as before. The fire-ball quickly dissipated into thin air, a thin trail of smoke trailing from the glove. "I'm sorry" He whimpered quietly, his tone exactly like that of a child that had crossed his mother.

He moved to give her a hug, in penance for his earlier 'threat' that he 'posed'. Not that he was much of a threat to anyone except himself when the succubus was nearby.


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' gritted his teeth slowly. Deep in his psyche was the urge to fight back, his mind slowly learning from Samuel's mistakes. But it would take him some time of constant contact with Ms. Fortune to actually gain some form of high enough resistance and magic to actually fight back. Of course in a past entry of his Journal/Notebook, Samuel had been researching 'Hellfire' and when he had finally could summon and use it without threat, pin-pointed Ms. Fortune weaknesses, he'd treat her to a Tibetan monk experience.

His right fist clenched, the nails digging into the glove. He leaned back and tried to snatch at his book again, frustration flooding back in his head again.


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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' was to busy flicking though the pages to see that nothing was modified to notice the change, his eyes darting along the pages and then leaving it on the table, ready for more slander from the Succubus. He looked at Ms. Fortune only too..

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed, scrambling off the succubus and falling onto the floor and knocking his head on the floor and stumbling to his feet. "That was you? Kiriel holy shit, don't do that!" He looked shocked, stressed and generally displeased.

"I'm sorry!" He stuttered. His eyes searching for an escape route and his stress building up an extreme level. "That's not fair! you can't do that!" He held his head in his hands and then burst out of the bar, leaving his pencil and book behind.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Academia Celestia

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Character Portrait: Samuel 'Blaze'
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#, as written by Gasmask
Samuel 'Blaze' jumped up from his location, the pencil and notepad flying to the ground as he conjured a fire-ball in his hand.

His head shook around, his green optics staring around for whoever had done it.

"Come on out! Coward!" He yelled, waving his empty hand about "It better not be you, Jack!"
