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Sylvire Nasazura

Benevolent and kindly in an appearance, nature and acts - this powerful elven sorceress has duelled with evil over the millennia. Something wicked stirs on her horizons, now, and need is great. Heroes must be found...

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Script, as played by Disdain


Sylvire Morany Nasazura
“Jewel of Amarathia”

ImageAge: Three thousand, seven hundred and eighty nine
Birth Date: 8th of Ventran, 4th cycle of Nabraxas, 3rd Century
Place of Birth: City of Amarathia, Sapphire Quarter
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Line: Nasazura, the ‘Royal Swan’
Class: Sorceress


School of Arcane Magic: The most adaptable and versatile of Sylvire's spell pools, alongside specific abilities arcane magic allows the manipulation of pure arcane energy. This can come in the form of forceful bursts, physical manifestations such as chains or bindings, or searing energy in its more basic forms.

  • Detect Poison/Magic/Disease/Possession/Wards/Illusion/Life/Doors/Object: A castable spell that must be defined for one of the listed effects, detecting it within a distance of up to 1000 ft, though at greater distances the specific location is vague.
  • Read Magic: Allows for interpretation of magical items and scrolls in languages other than those Sylvire knows.
  • Telekinesis: A generic spell allowing for remote manipulation of objects up to around the mass of a sixteen wheel truck.
  • Telepathy: Allows for mental communication to, but not from, another within line of sight.
  • Unlock - Any: Allows for the magical release of any mundane lock.
  • Ward of Alarm/Paralysis/Fire/Frost/Repulsion/Draining/Annihilation: Allows for the creation of wards with on-activation effects such as those listed.
  • Seal - Any: Magically seals any mundane container, door or similar.
  • Grease: Makes an area of up to twenty feet extremely slippery.
  • Arcane Mount: Summons a horse formed of pure arcane magic that can be maintained via focus, but otherwise lasts for an hour or until dismissed.
  • Tongues: Allows Sylvire to speak and understand any language.
  • Disguise Aura: Obscures or alters the magical aura of an object or being.
  • Animate: Sylvire can give an inanimate object a faux-life and consciousness and command it to perform basic actions.
  • Enlarge/Reduce: Allows Sylvire to alter the size of objects and individuals by up to double/half.
  • Erase: Erases magical or mundane writing from any surface, unless warded against such interference.
  • Enhance Speed/Strength/Endurance/Agility: Enhances attribute in one or more individuals for one minute.
  • Obscure: Protects an area against scrying.
  • Sense Scrying: Sylvire can tell if she is being scried.
  • True Sight: Allows Sylvire to see through illusions of any nature, and see perfectly in the dark.
  • Message: Sylvire can send a message in written form to any individual she knows by both name and appearance, to visualise them. Range of one thousand miles.
  • Dispel: Removes magical effects from an area, interrupts a channelled spell or removes a magical projectile, etc.
  • Ethereal Form: Shifts to the ethereal plane.
  • Phase: Sylvire becomes immaterial, but remains on the corporeal plane.
  • Slow: Slows the physical movement of an individual.
  • Water Breathing: Allows for breathing underwater (or in other such environments, excluding a vacuum)
  • Dimensional Anchor: Wards an area against planar shifting.
  • Remove Curse: Removes a curse cast by a spellcaster of equal or lesser strength to Sylvire.
  • Arcane Eye: Allows Sylvire to view things remotely.
  • Fear: Creates fear in a target.
  • Paralyse: Holds a target in place.
  • Transfigure: Forcibly shapeshifts a target without magical protection.
  • Remove Enchantment: Disenchants an item.
  • Apply Enchantment: Enchants an item with a known spell, applicable to the object.
  • Telepathic Bond: Channelled spell that allows allies within 20ft to communicate telepathically.
  • Divination: Sylvire has extensive command over divination magic, allowing for limited precognition, retrocognition and increased awareness.
  • Scrying: By the usage of a reflective surface, Sylvire can scry any location or individual she is familiar with.
  • Transmute: Transmutes basic substances into related substances - e.g. rock into mud, ore into metal.
  • Antimagic Field: Negates magic within an area up to 20ft.
  • Destroy: With intense focus and high energy cost, allows Sylvire to utterly annihilate a target without magical resistance or significant willpower.
  • Power Word, Blind/Hold/Deafen/Silence: Instantly applies the stated effect to a target without sufficient willpower to resist for up to a minute.
  • Silence: Prevents a caster from accessing their magic. Channelled spell.
  • Summoned Blades: Blades of arcane energy appear around Sylvire and engage foes, as well as protecting her.
  • Weather Alteration: Requires extensive warding of area in advance. Allows Sylvire to permanently or temporarily alter the weather in an area.
  • Imprison: With extensive advance preparation, imprisons a subject in an extraplanar prison.
  • Freedom: With extensive advance preparation, frees a subject from an extraplanar prison.
  • Gate: Allows for instantaneous travel between pre-determined locations on the same world. Both locations must be prepared in advance.
  • Ritual Magic: With research and sufficient preparation, Sylvire can cast a ritual to produce near any effect achievable by magic.

School of Illusion Magic: Allows for the creation of illusions in near any form, including the manipulation of senses to believe they see, hear, smell, taste and feel something that is not truly there. Extensive and inclusive. Examples below.

  • Form Lights: In varying forms, from a glow on an object to a floating orb to a beam or dazzling flare, Sylvire can generate light.
  • Darkness: Creates an area up to twenty feet in diameter of supernatural darkness.
  • Sounds: Generates sounds of varying degree.
  • Alter Appearance: Alters the appearance of an individual on a level indistinguishable from actual transformation without magic. Lasts for up to six hours.
  • Blur: Causes the form of an individual to flicker and shift, appearing in several places at once and making attacks difficult to land.
  • Mislead Scrying/Divination: Replaces the scrying or divination of an individual with false images and visions.
  • Triggered Illusion: Creates a 'trap' that generates a specified effect when triggered.
  • Magical Script: Creates a semi-permanent image that only the intended reader can see.
  • Phantasmal Pain: Causes extreme pain in a single target.
  • Project Self: Allows Sylvire to project an image of herself that she can command and remotely operate. She can also cast her spells remotely through this double.

School of Malevolent Magic: Magic centred around specific degenerative effects, listed below.

  • Basic Curse of Fatigue/Weakness/Life Draining/Mana Draining/Bad Luck: A curse that causes the stated effect, generally lasts two minutes. Bad luck is extremely exaggerated to the point of ridiculousness.
  • Apply Disease: Allows the infection of a target with any non-crippling disease.
  • Apply Poison: Allows the infection of a target with any non-fatal poison.
  • Weakness to Disease/Poison/Magic/Damage: Applies the stated effect.
  • Greater Curse: A more severe and lasting curse, requires significant power and conviction. The effect can vary hugely depending on the caster's will.

School of Benevolent Magic: Magic that encompasses basic healing, protection and restoration, as well as specific effects listed below.

  • Numb Fatigue: Numbs the target of fatigue, allowing them to operate as though they were full of energy. Negative effects of over-exertion still occur, but are unnoticed unless the subject is careful.
  • Moonlight: The sorceress banishes the darkness with a radiant beam of moonlight, illuminating even the darkest of spaces and showing demons and their foul ilk true fear, as well as granting allies relief from their fears and filling them with strength.
  • Starlight: The sorceress summons the light of the stars to fall on their allies, offering a divine protection against harm. The spell places a starry aura on its subjects, that blunt any blade that seeks to strike them (to a point), meaning that what might otherwise have been a severe gash becomes but a bruise. Magical powers and demonic weapons are most effected by this, weaker spells failing completely on contact with the aura and demons burning if they touch it.
  • Drain Fatigue: Fully cures fatigue from an individual by sucking it into the caster.

School of Summoning Magic: Magic that involves the summoning and control of extraplanar creatures.

  • Summon: Summons an entity of varying (specified) strength to do the caster's will, generally arcane in nature.
  • Banish: Banishes a summon or extraplanar creature to its plane of origin.
  • Suppress Summoning: Prevents the summoning of extraplanar creatures within an area of up to 20ft. Channelled spell.
  • Create Object: Creates an object of limited complexity from pure arcane energy that lasts until dismissed. Object cannot involve anything more than basic mechanics e.g. hand-whisk level complexity.

School of Necromancy: Magic involving interaction with the undead, and with death.

  • Turn Undead: Repels undead from an area.
  • Quell Animation: Forces the energy out of an undead summon, returning it to a regular corpse, so long as Sylvire's power exceeds that of the necromancer.
  • Destroy Undead: Annihilates weak undead summons, providing Sylvire's power exceeds that of the necromancer.
  • Soul Trap: If cast upon a subject up to ten minutes prior to death, traps their soul within a designated gem.

School of Elemental Magic: Sylvire can command all four elements at a masterful level, specifics unnecessary due to generic and expansive nature of such magic. However, some unique abilities are listed.

  • Attunement: Sylvire attunes herself to an element, granting her increased power in its manipulation and a heavy resistance to its effects. She also adopts physical traits reminiscent of the element - e.g., flaming extremities, levitation on an aura of air, rocky armour, or swirling streams of water around herself.
  • Elemental Morphing: Sylvire can alter her form to either fully convert into an element she is attuned to, or partially convert. This state lasts only up to ten seconds and is taxing magically, and she reforms where the greatest amount of the element is located regardless of separation.

School of Divine Magic: Sylvire can access holy magic related to the god of her home realm, known only as 'the Light'. This includes healing and protective magic, as well as more specific effects.

  • Blessing: Invigorates allies with increased courage and strength for the duration of the next combat. One cast per day.
  • Bless Water: Makes water holy.
  • Divine Favour: Makes Sylvire's next spell cast either for heavily decreased mana, or with increased power. One cast per day.
  • Doom: Makes single target suffer heavily increased damage for the duration of the combat. One cast per day.
  • Sanctuary: Shields an area totally for up to an hour, but prevents those within from affecting the outside world or leaving the area. One cast per day.
  • Align Weapon: Weapon becomes 'good', increasing damage against 'evil' or demonic creatures.
  • Calm: Fills a group of individuals with supernatural serenity.
  • Status: Allows Sylvire to track the physical and mental condition of allies within twenty feet.
  • Daylight: Generates light that has the same effect as sunlight for the purposes of harming creatures vulnerable to such.
  • Remove Curse/Disease/Poison: Regardless of power level. One usage per week.
  • Commune: Speak with the recently dead (within the last week) for thirty seconds. One cast per month.
  • Detect Truth: Allows Sylvire to tell if she is being lied to, when cast prior to an exchange.
  • Mark of Justice: Lays a dormant curse on a target, as greater curse but a specific action will trigger it.
  • Word of the Light: Sylvire announces the Light's true name. All evil enemies in earshot suffer extreme damage and suffer from the effects of power words hold, deafen, blind and silence. One usage per week.
  • Regenerate Limb: Allows for the growth of a severed limb back to its original state. Extremely taxing on Sylvire, but not on the subject. One usage per month.
  • Holy Aura: For the duration of a single combat, Sylvire is surrounded by the aura of the light. Demonic creatures find it near impossible to approach her, and allies near her have a passive regeneration. One usage per week.

Grimoire of Light: A tome of great power, the Grimoire of Light is Sylvire’s spellbook, and within its pages are the above spells. While she has most memorized, and can cast the spells without the accompanying chants, her spells are more powerful when the incantations are recited, which are contained within its pages. Anyone with any Magickal ability could use the Grimoire of Light to cast Sylvire’s spells with sufficient study.

Soul: The stave which Sylvire wields is aptly named as Soul, for its magical channelling abilities stem from the souls of her powerful ancestors, who devoted a large portion of their magical strength and very beings to the staff in their final moments, a tradition of the line. The staff is passed down through the generations to the most powerful magic user, and he or she has instant access to the power and advice of the spirits within.

Magickal Limitation: Sylvire has a limited pool of magickal energy, or mana, to draw upon. When this is used up, her spells fail and she becomes no more than a skilled fighter with few weapons.
Dark Magick: Due to the protective and restorative nature of her spells, any shadow wielder can dispel them before they achieve their full effect with corruptive and decaying abilities. In addition, Sylvire’s Light Magickal protections are less effective against Dark Magick offensive abilities, unless otherwise specified (although the opposite is true as well, her offensive spells are more effective against Dark Magickal protection).

Personality: The woman known as Sylvire is a forward, outspoken individual, who while easily able to maintain her cool in a political or more formal scenario, sees no benefit to remaining silent on matters outside of such places, where every word one speaks is taken as gross innuendo to one’s real intentions. The Great Game of houses is played everywhere within the city of Amarathia, within its noble elven populace. Even the commoners play their own version, with lower stakes but just as great deceit. Many see this as a flaw in the elven persona, but they themselves see their political manoeuvring as their greatest strength, and few can outwit an elf of Amarathia, be they a member of the noble houses, the royal line or a lowly peasant. Despite this political strength, Sylvire is a benevolent and kindly individual, dedicated entirely to the 'greater good'.

So begins...

Sylvire Nasazura's Story


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Sylvire Nasazura adjusted her robes carefully, indicative of slight discomfort if you knew her well (though there were none left alive who really did, a saddening thought if there ever was one). "I am quite alright." she said, smiling to Faris. "But your concern is appreciated. And please, as the young lady, call me Sylvire. None of this 'My Lady' nonsense - I have had rather enough of that over the last seven millennia." she said, chuckling lightly.

"And that is quite alright, my dear. We are allies, after all, you fight for my cause on naught but a request, I believe I owe you any aid it is possible for me to provide." she added with a smile. "And I think," she continued, glancing at Faris, "That we could all benefit from a cup of tea."

With that, the sorceress made her way over to another doorway, leading into a kitchen-like area, where she put the kettle on (even eight millennia old sorceresses realised that it was silly not to utilise all the useful technology of the modern day). -c-


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Sylvire Nasazura chuckled, her voice audible from the bedroom. "Ancient magical rituals are all fine and well, but they are no substitute for a nice hot cup of tea."


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Sylvire Nasazura emerged back into the room with a tray of tea in her hands, that she placed upon the small bedside table. Taking her cup, the sorceress gestured behind her, hovering a second chair over to nearer by, and settling herself in it. At Natalie's words, she frowned, taking a sip of her tea before speaking.

"I believe I am aware of at least one of the things you have to impart. Am I right in guessing that it is regarding the status of the Shield? If that is so, then worry not. I will not punish you, nor chide you, nor even blame you. The Orsa are truly formidable. They slew the entirety of my line, I am well aware that they are stronger than many can hope to oppose. To fall to one of their number is nothing to fault you for, but that you continue to support the cause is all I can ask for. There is always the opportunity to reclaim that which is lost."

Leaning back in the chair, the sorceress frowned again. "But you said two things, and I admit I am curious as to the second."


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 *notes that it is not at all creepy for lovers to watch each other undress <3*


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Sylvire Nasazura 's eyebrows rose as Natalie poured forth her confessions, her face going through different stages of surprise, shock, and irritation. By the time the mage had finished, however, the woman had adopted the calm and serene expression that she (once again, were there any alive that knew her) had been well known for before the fall of her line. Diplomacy was required in this situation, and diplomacy Sylvire could do.

"I see." she began with, simply, sipping from her tea calmly. "I was unaware of this, however I can see and understand your reasons. This does not, however, as you can likely guess, please me."

Standing, the sorceress paced toward the single window in the room, gazing out across the picturesque ruins surrounding her library dwelling. "The loss of your artefact is acceptable, though we have lost a quarter of them in total, if my news regarding Whisper's is accurate; but it galls me somewhat the manner of its loss." -c-


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Sylvire Nasazura turned again, returning to stand behind the chair, facing toward the exit. "I am not angered, Miss Oldburn, I understand fully that the safety of those you care about seems more important than all other things at times." she continued, frowning as her mind wandered back to the years past, where she had seen every one of the other eleven members of the Patronus slain - each direct descendant of the original twelve bar herself killed without an heir.

"I am not, however, inclined to enact punishment, nor banish you from my cause, Miss Oldburn. Allies are few and far between, further those that can be trusted fully. And I do remain trusting of you, Miss Oldburn, despite this. I shall simply avoid placing you in such an emotionally taxing situation again. One must maintain ones loyalties to friends and family."

With this, the sorceress turned to face Natalie. "As for Kanahashi, if it is within your power to dissuade him from the foe's cause, then I advocate it mightily. -c-


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Sylvire Nasazura Consideration would have to be taken before allowing him to work with us, however, and precautions would need to be set in place. As you should consider placing if you continue your association with him."


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Sylvire Nasazura sat at her desk within the library, surrounded by scrolls and tomes. The library was dimly lit, but beyond the section that was accessible to the general populace of the multiverse it was far more than a crumbled and decrepit ruin. Warded, shielded and disguised, the 'hidden' library in which Sylvire had dwelled for the last century or so was expansive, filled with seemingly endless rows and columns of shelving, containing thousands of books and other such items. The small clear area in which Sylvire sat was illuminated by a chandelier, and a door behind her led to her living area - a bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.

The sorceress looked up when she heard footsteps within the confines of the library, from the direction of the entrance. She remained seated however, confident that her wards would have kept any foes from discovering or entering her place of residence. Surely enough, the person who emerged from the corridors of shelving was Aeryn.

"I've been expecting you." the elf said. -c-


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Sylvire Nasazura Aeryn chuckled dryly, making his way further into the more brightly lit area. It became quickly apparent that the Silvis was in bad shape - his hair was bedraggled and messy, his clothing crumpled and unkempt, and he had a harried look in his eyes. He was not a happy bunny. Or even a sad bunny. Bunnies really just didn't come into your mind when you looked at him, at all.

"Well, yeah. I did call ahead." he said, folding his arms as he paused. "Any of the others arrived yet?"

Sylvire shook her head, "No, though I am certain they will be here shortly. I am sure they are as curious as I am to hear what important news and plans you have to impart."


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Sylvire Nasazura greeted each of the arrivals with a nod of her head, before as the others, turning to Aeryn to hear what he had to say.

The silvis was staring at the ground, and remained doing so for a moment before raising his head, he expression entirely set. "Right." he began, flexing his fingers. "Business it is. I'll start with the background story. You all know of Nyx - the succubus, one of our primary enemies in this blasted thing, and certainly the most of a bitch. Well, first things first - she has Elante."

The silvis paused here, his eyes flashing as the suppressed anger in him at this fact spiked, but they returned to normal after only a moment. "I've got you all here because I want to get him back, and to do that I need help. As Baldric says... I have a cunning plan." -c-


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Sylvire Nasazura With a faint smile, Aeryn began to explain. "I am almost certain that Nyx will try to bargain with me, Elante's release for the Bracers. I intend to agree to that - but hold the shocked expressions, I'm not finished. Assuming that whatever 'honour' you hold can stand for it, it is my full intention to cheat the bitch for all she owns, and is. I'll try and get her to agree to a meeting alone, and as far as appearances go, it will look like that's what it is. But you lot will be hidden nearby. If I am right in assuming that your gem thingy-" here the silvis pointed at Sylvire, "-can prevent her from sensing you're all there. If not, I'll try and press-gang Hope into portalling you in. When the bitch appears, with Elante, I'll use the Bracers themselves to get him away from her - I've tried something similar before, essentially dropping him into the ground, and tunnelling him towards me beneath the earth." -c-


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Sylvire Nasazura The silvis turned to the three ladies, "This is where you three will reveal yourselves - or not, depending on whether your magic can work without line of sight, and attack. I figure you all focus your magic together into one, you can all do some sort of divine stuff. Create a bubble of some sort around her, so she can't just melt away like she does every time I try and go after her, and just fill that with anti-demon death. And keep filling it. And keep filling it. For a good while, until we are very, very sure she's dead. None of that, dead then coming back and kicking our arses crap. Dead. I want her dead."

Aeryn let out a breath. "Obviously, we're going to need to work on this, practice, make sure we can work together well enough. There is no error margin, there's either total success or utter failure. Black and white. Various other metaphors to similar effect."

-c- (text wall, sorry!)


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Sylvire Nasazura drummed her fingers on the table, raising an eyebrow. "A sound plan, Aeryn. A sound plan. You have obviously put a lot of thought into this."

Aeryn raised his eyes to the elf with a faint scowl. "I haven't thought about anything but killing that bitch for a long, time."


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Sylvire Nasazura nodded slowly. "It goes without saying that you have my support in this. It was my cause that got your love into this situation, and I shall do all in my power to get him out of it, and deal a blow to the Orsa in the process." she said, rising.

"We will need to sort out the logistics of it, of course. I recommend that we split off into four separate units. Aeryn, you to meet with the demoness herself openly, Dallas and Taima to provide support from one angle, Miss Dae, from another, and myself from a third. This way our plan will not be compromised should a concealed ally of hers assault one of us - we should have enough power between two of us to achieve the same effect."

Aeryn nodded. "Practice and refinement. We're going to get this right. I will be calm, don't you worry. Anger can be focused... uncontrolled rage is all fine and dandy, but not great for careful plans."


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Sylvire Nasazura [color=black]raised an eyebrow at Hope's late entrance, "That is quite alright Miss Anona. I will brief you on what has been said so far at the end, however, just try to pick up what you can for now." she said, before continuing. "I agree with Miss Dae. The succubus is deceitful, and our underhanded tactics are something many of us are new to - she has had her entire life being a lying and conniving demon, she will be hard to outwit. Perhaps she will not expect such from us, however. I believe that we may be able to bargain for a lone meeting, but a location will have to be something we confirm later - it will be a hard fought battle, before the fighting even begins."

Aeryn nodded "All taking far too long for my liking, but it can't damn well be helped. "And Scarlet... are you sure? I mean, I've more of an emotional involvement here. I'll admit, you're more likely to be able to help than me... but I don't want you to get yourself killed. That would... err... suck. Eloquent as an elephant, me, but you get the sentiment."


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Sylvire Nasazura nodded slowly, albeit reluctantly. "Very well. We shall do our utmost to slay the demoness, but our primary objective is to get everyone out alive, without sustaining losses as far as lives or artefacts go. Perhaps we should now move to actually begin choreographing our movements."

Aeryn nodded. "More practice makes more perfect." he agreed.


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Sylvire Nasazura makes with the training. Gogogadget timeskip!

The setting changes from The Library to Gambit's Bar


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Sylvire Nasazura sat quietly, fully cloaked and hooded, in the corner of the room, sipping at an ale. She observed Maleficus with quiet neutrality, confident in the fact that she was unrecognisable in this state of concealment, and largely unknown amongst the enemy, even now. The elf took another sip of her ale, and waited.


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Sylvire Nasazura entered the bar silently and without clamour, cloaked and hooded, unrecognisable to most to did not know her well enough to identify her gait, the particular way in which she placed her footsteps to achieve the utmost precision, or recognise the simple stave she carried as the glamoured form of Soul.

The elven sorceress made her way to a seat to the side of the bar, lowering herself down onto it and taking up a silent vigil. She could be mistaken for any number of the patrons (for there were many mysterious cloaked and hooded individuals who frequented the establishment), and seemed to be perfectly relaxed.


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Sylvire Nasazura observed Maleficus silently, though it would be hard to notice this, as her hood was pulled up to cover the majority of her face. At Diamond's approach, the sorceress glanced up at her, her expression neutral.

"Why do you wish to know?" she queried simply.
