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The Sealed One

< When you see this, it means trouble.

0 · 621 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Patcharoo


THE STORM by totmoartsstudio2

Theme Music

Creatures of the Void
All creatures of the void are tortured souls of the heroes who were trapped with the Sealed One. When he ran out of tortures to inflict, which took thousands of years, he took their souls, tore them up and stuffed them into the horrific creations that consist of the Sealed One's armies so that they too can feel how it burns to be touched by radiant light and divine magic. When the creatures are killed the souls return to the Sealed One for more suffering.

Spindly creatures with a vague semblance of a bipedal form. The head is as large as a mans, though the body only stands to the height of a humans naval. The arms, legs, body and neck are all unnaturally thin, too thin to carry the creeps heavy head. The arms end in claws that are as long as a normal beings hands. The creatures are weak, but fast. They stalk well with only the sound of claws scratching and scraping to signal their approach.

Void Beast
Behemoths that are two hands taller then a normal man. These creatures have a vaguely human form, yet lacking the definition of a neck or any muscles. Incredibly resistent to all forms of damage and incredibly strong.

Void Tyrant
Coming Soon.

Moon Stalker
Coming Soon.

Phase Spider
Coming Soon.

Void Predator
Beasts that are similar to the voidlings in purpose, but much more efficient. While only three to four feet in height they have powerful back legs, like that of a cat, to propell themselves forward onto a helpless victim. Attached to the end of their arms are scythe blade which can pierce flesh and metal. Possibly the most infuriating ability these creatures possess is teleporting.

Void Titan
Coming Soon. Rare/Foily/Shiny/Legendary/Ultra-Rare/Gold-Edged (You probably won't see it twice)

Sealing Statues
Statues of stone with hollowed out chests. When a creature sacrifices itself by entering the statue, the stone turns to flesh making a creature as durable as concrete with the flexability of muscle and flesh. These beasts are dangerously strong and adopt the traits of the creature that gave themself to the statue.

So begins...

The Sealed One's Story


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The Sealed One The Voidling attack Lycan was hit in the face, black splatter of blood and left yellow triangular eye being shot clean through. The creature fell to the ground, disappearing in the fog, but it's screeching cries could still be heard.

The voidling after Whisper was thrown away, hurled to crash against the opposite wall. The creatures eyes narrowed as it fell into the mist once more.

The voidling seeking Harriet was struck but barely deterred until the shotgun blast wrecked it's face.

More seemed to surge through the room, two yellow eyes glowing through the darkness as they approached Tatsuma and Narra


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The Sealed One The voidling was struck in the side by wood shards and not particularly deterred, but then punched by the metal fist. There was a loud snap as it's spine broke in two and the creature fell from the air back into the darkness.

The voidling after Tatsuma jerked quickly to the side with a "Skree!" noise. The gaping maw of the beast opens revealing serrated teeth. This time when Lycan fired they missed, due to it being so damn thin in the body, however a wood shard broke its arm off.

The voidling stalking after Whisper returned, leaping from the darkness to strike, much closer then it had been before.


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The Sealed One The black clouds would be deterred by the golden fire. A sudden surge of arms and legs and three corpses would reveal how many voidlings were really hidden in the darkness. Any brush against the legs, like the one happening to Darth Oblivion, was a voidling.

The voidline attacked by Jair was slashed in half due to it's barely existing body. The one opposing Whisper was slashed in two.

Release the titan...
comes the insidious booming voice from the black clouds. The Voidlings would suddenly scatter as if out of fear, dashing for the windows, scrambling out the door and generally fleeing in all directions.

There is a distant 'thump' from outside, like something massive approaching in the distance.


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The Sealed One In the distance and slowly surging forwards was a massive creature that looked like a series of multilated monsters attached to one big monster. The entire left arm of it seemed to be a dragon, the right a hydra. The thing stood four floors tall and was, like most of the Sealed One's creatures, were black. Taking another massive leg with the sharp-taloned left foot there is another massive 'whump'.

There had been a reason for the lull in Orsa of Terminus fighting lately and this was it. A horrendous and almost incomprehensible monster. The head appeared to be that of a wild cat. The right moves next, stepping onto a building half it's size and crushing it to the floor with the raptor-like foot.

If one was looking closely, they would probably see a man sitting with legs folded on top of the Void Titan.


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The Sealed One was now three buildings away, kicking out the floor of the next house so that it tubmles down. The misfortunate Canti's was just down the road. The hydra heads tear into the second building down the road. The man on top of the Titan leaned forward. Were one of their loyalists being attacked? Unforgivable.


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The Sealed One stomps on the rarely visited Canti's Diner, destroying it forever (go check places in the multiverse), before turning it's next foot on the bar, kicking it. The force of the kick shakes the structure and causes the wall to dent quite badly. But the titan did not aim to destroy the upper floors, just the lower one, kicking it again and again until the metal finally screeched and tore open.


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The Sealed One would take the two blaster shots to the foot undeterred. It would then lean down, laying its massive body over the destruction it had caused and reaching its hydra arm into the bar. A sudden surge of four heads fly out to protect cameron, another four lashing out for Darth Oblivion, Jair, Arrow and Sylvire respectively.


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The Sealed One Two of the hydra heads were knocked back, recoiling from the force, but then a massive 'thump' would come several meters to the right of that arm. The wall was dented once more.


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The Sealed One turns to face Oblivion, well, at least the form of a man turned to face him. "Excuse me, what are you doing to my pet?" he asks with a casual, smooth voice. No, that certainly was not the Sealed Ones voice.

The Titan's hydras writhed from the various spells unleashed on them and the arm was withdrawn slowly. The wall was once screeched as it was torn open, this time from the otherside. The dragon arm entered the bar and released a powerful blast of fire through the room that would likely scorch all those without protection.


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The Sealed One was amused by Sylvire's words. It was not the man outside who addressed her, but the titan, massive creatures head now moving into position to speak.
I am the ancient Sealed One, first and only of my line. I was a terror for years after I was imprisoned and still remain to be. When all is down I will make the sun come crashing down, the sky rain blood and the rivers be blocked with the corpses of your allies.

The Hydra heads were indeed slashed off as the Titan rose to face the massive dragon, man on top smiling plainly as if this were normal everyday business. The bar, apart from the two hits would be spared for now. The mighty flames descend on the titan, searing it's body and causing it to release an ear-splitting cry of pain but as the claws came for it the dragon hand of the beast aimed to bite down to match it. The man on top was apparently unconcerned by the flames.


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The Sealed One "You can't do it alone, woman," taunts the cold and calculating voice of the man riding the titan. The titans raptor claw rises up quickly (as quickly as a giant creature can) to strike at her belly, intending to slash her guts straight open with the vicious appendage.


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The Sealed One would flinch sideways, narrowly evading a bolt of plasma. "Unfriendly," he muses as several others hit the creature melting away small parts of its body. The torpedoes fired at its head were narrowly evaded by moving sharply to the side. The man atop it held their hand out towards the dragon as lightning pierced the stomach of the Titan, tearing a hole straight through it. Two black bolts would head for the assaulting Starfighter.

"Do you know what the void creatures are?" taunts the man on the dying beast. The torrent of flames would cause it to step back, narrowly missing the Aschen on the ground.


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The Sealed One The titan was struck by the charges, half of gambits exploding in the process. The man on top would ride the beast as it collapsed.

"The Void Creatures!" he cries madly, "Are the souls of the heroes who trapped the Sealed One!" He laughs, raising his arms to fire bolts of black lightning at the approaching drop pods. Unfortunately, the titan was as good as dead, now writhing and flailing around on the floor causing widespread destruction on everything too close.


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The Sealed One And then the man was hit by a perfect snipe and killed, the arrow passing straight through his head.


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The Sealed One The Titan would writhe for a few more moments before it was completely destroyed by the continued effects of the defenders. The man on the titan had a neat hole through his head and was leaking a black blood. For a moment his eyes focus on Grimm, and then he is destroyed.


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The Sealed One did not bother with the usual display of dark mist and frivolous dramaticies. This was a test. A test of beasts. One wheels the statue was rolled forth through the door of the bar, the statue of some sort of strange beast, it's ribs visible and hollowed out while the rest was stone in form. The four voidlings that rolled it in dispersed about the bar, ready to pounce their foes, but for tonight they were not the combatants that were here to fight.

The three void predators entered the bar, the 'clink clink' of their scythe arms loudly heard as they moved in through the door and around either side of the statue. The third sat plainly on the statues head, watching the patrons as if it was ready to give orders.

The scene was set for the battle to come.


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The Sealed One Something jarrs your perception, as it feels like something here has changed. You can't quite figure it out, but something is certainly different... As if darker.


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The Sealed One They set about the bar, praying on the weak patrons. Firstly, the most feeble of the creatures, the four voidlings, went forth to the bar, two progressing on Dimitri and Roseline, one heading towards Nyma and a final one climbing up the walls, great clawed hand gouging into it, towards Hush.

The Void Predators remained about the statue, watching on.


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The Sealed One The Voidling persuing hush clambers up onto the ceiling, hanging upside down from clawed feet. It takes a dangerous swipe for Hush, blade-like fingers threatening to rend skin from bone.


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The Sealed One The Voidling hunting Nyma makes a sudden leap, claws held forward and aimed for her gut. One of the two voidlings focussed on Dimitri and Roseline changes it's attention to Euthalia, stalking across the bar towards them. One, however, continued for Roseline, taking a swipe at her with claw-bladed hand. The one on the ceiling would continue to stalk towards Hush mindlessly, taking another swipe.