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Zacariah Grimm

Careful who you're messin' with, punk. Cause mean as you are, I'm meaner.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Lobos, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Zachariah Grimm
Aliases: Zach, Grimm, Z, Dragon

Zach Grimm is an unusual man, appearing as nothing more than a typical human male in his prime. Yet there's a sense of power, almost a fear he projects around him, for within his body are contained those of seven dragons. Black, White, Red, Shadow, Deep, Fang, and Blue, they are twisted into his very flesh, bone, blood, and soul irrevocably. Forgotten rituals enacted to bring them to heel and within, Zach guards this talent of his with the selfsame ferocity he himself wields as a result.

Arrogance is his curse, the taint of his absorbed power. He tends toward solitude, gathering few friends and many enemies with his abrasive attitude and sarcastic demeanor. But one name stands out among those he calls friend, and that is Jegun Lobos, a long time rival and once comrade within the ranks of Imprimus.

Drawing on his abilities is as simple as thought, or indeed, reaction to his very emotions. Channeling his body into draconic form is a transition that takes scant a second, enabling him to form adamantine hard talons, razor-like fangs, wings, tail, even the breaths of those he's taken within. Among other talents, these have bestowed natural power on him, granting him strength enough to hurl aside cars like a man would a table, and the speed to run down a horse. Combined with an appalling fortitude and endurance that is far beyond even a single dragon, and the natural resistance to spells that any of drake-kind possess, he is a formidable foe.

However, his prime drawback is that his style is not suited to fighting with more fragile allies, as his wild flurries of blows, transitions, and breath attacks can create a maelstrom of chaos around him.

Breath Types
Acid (Line)
Chlorine Gas (Cloud)
Fire (Cone)
Frost (Cone)
Energy-Sapping (Cone)
Lightning (Line)

Talons (Hands and Feet)
Wings (Clawed and/or Edged)
Draconic Features
Draconic Form
Minor Size Alterations (Limbs)

With each dragon within, Zach can also draw on their forms completely, altering himself into a full dragon of any of those he contains. The sizes he can appear as are only limited at a minimum of his size, to the maximum of each kind. And like each of those dragons, he can also harness the powers of magick in various ways, though his proficiency is not nearly as great as each of them might wield these powers.

Additionally, Zach can draw on the most chaotic of his abilities and vastly increase his size and shape to a union of the dragons within him, forming a near unstoppable juggernaut of a seven-headed, four-winged, six-clawed, and three-tailed drake. However, he withhold the use of this combination of his talents, for its use renders his severely fatigued and drained.

So begins...

Zacariah Grimm's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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Kyle giggled at the lizard's threat. "I would like to see you try. As soon as this armour is disconnected from my body, a built in dark matter explosive will detonate. It's a defence mechanism of a terrorist" Kyle spoke towards the lizard, he didn't care anymore. If the armour was removed, the DM explosive would probably rip a hole in the planet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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KH saw an opportunity to speak up. "Actually... that bomb would be useless"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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KH began punching keys on her laptop wildly. Amazingly, she was able to capture the electronic presence of kyle's suit. In a matter of seconds, the hacker managed to disengage kyle's mechAr as if he had turned it off himself...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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#, as written by Awinita
Lake raised her hands. "Everyone relax! What is done is done. The fight is over. No more threats, no more fight. Let us all relax." She pointed to the hacker "That goes for you too" She hissed.

She turned back to Kyle. Something about his tone, his methodical stance, everything screamed at her that he was lying. The weapon she derezzed told her quite a bit. As a thought she flicked out her disc, held it level, then shifted through the contents on it. She scrolled over the information of the weapon she had just derezzed. She found no notice of it being two weapons. But she gave nothing away.

Deactivating the disc she smiled her natural troublemaking smile. "I merely came to get a meal. My normal eating place is shut down, I have to make do now." she explained. Had this kid tried this stunt in Gambit's, she mused, Randin would have been all over the boy. "I was not expecting to have to take down another soldier. Not that it is to be exepcted mind." She saw his look. "Your weapon will be returned to you as soon as everyone relaxes." It was not every day when a guy tells you he was paid to kill another guy, Lake mused thoughtfully. However it was sometimes quite entertaining.

She could tell he was young. But not that young. Inexperienced apparently. "Your name." Lake stated. More of a Order then a question. She placed the identity disc at her hip and once more crossed her arms.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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KH steps back fearfully, "I-I...". Then she shakes her head and listens to the others.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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"WHY AM I BEING TREATED AS THE BAD GUY!?" Kyle shouted out of annoyance, he knew that the hacker tried. But he can easily get the MechAr restarted. It's a part of him, can't hack into human brains.

The MechAr restarted, but quietly. He tried leaning to the side to hide the glow which was at normal intensity and repaired away fast. It wasn't gonna be long until the armour is repaired so Kyle could move again. But, he was planning on an alternative.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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HK growled under her breath and frustratingly tried to find a way to stop him, but couldn't. It was just too complex.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Lake raised a hand again at Kyle's outburst, "I said to relax, I am treating everyone as equals here, none are the bad guy nor the good guy at this time. A fight just ended, please, explain yourself. Tell me your name." she had a tone that said she was not taking an excuse for an answer.

To the hacker she said simply "There is no need to fear. Everyone here is merely tense at this time." Gone was the troublemakers smile. In its place was a stern face and tone. Apparently the woman was starting to get a little hot under the collar because of two reasons. The first was simple. She was starving. The second, not so simple.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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The door to the tavern would click as a tall slender figure came forth, closing it over in with a gentle touch strangely whimsical but somehow it made a chill pass down the one that looked over to him making the room somewhat tense. He'd turn, walking into the bar further. His features revealed. Snow white hair with red tips, tanned skin and pale white blue eyes. He wore a slate grey suit with a slight shine on it, his shoes black leather and he had a red silk tie around his neck. He was slender and somewhat toned but also... underweight only enough for people to notice with clothes on. Off was another story.

However his walk into the bar anymore came to a sudden halt as he hit his head on what was revealed to be a window like force field only rippling from his touch and he'd only groan and he'd look over to the others in the bar and sigh, taking his a wheezy breath as he loosened his tie and top button in annoyance yet poise. He'd look over again and see Zach and furrow his white eyebrows. ''By any chance could yo-'' He'd come to a halt in his words as he put his hand to his mouth, coughing up blood in his hand and with that he took out a handkerchief that was stained in old and new blood alike and he'd wipe his lips and chin, slipping it away and he'd pant the rest of his words out. ''You put a sign up if this place is closed?'' He'd then look over to the kid in the middle of the bar, seemingly subdued by the others. He'd rest his bloody hand on the invisible wall, making a somewhat red print on the thing. ''So... what he do? Out for revenge? Heard that before...''

He'd breathe in and out with sand papery breaths, his other hand on his stomach, looking down his closed eyes yet if one could see his face, it would be pained though one with good hearing would hear the whispered groans of pain and discomfort from the man, his white red hair hugging his face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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Kyle could read the woman's body language easily. "I forgot to mention that I basically took two rifles apart to built that one." Kyle added quickly. "And I'm Kyle McLoughton. What about your name?" Kyle spoke calmly.

A click sound came from the armour. It finished its repairs. Kyle slowly stood, struggling to carry his own weight. Once he finally regained his strength, he retracted his MechAr. His body was trembling out of fatigue.

Kyle reached his hands into his pockets and pulled out a replacement suit. His trousers were intact so he only needed the top. He placed the clothing onto his body slowly, a white shirt, a blue and black striped tie and a black blazer. He then stuffed his hands back into his pockets.
Kyle placed inter dimensional storage units in his pockets to store is explosives, ammunition and of course, spare clothing.

"I do not lie about my past. You can check if you wish, the rifle parts are from two different rifles. One was armour piercing, the other was a sniping rifle. That explains the size." Kyle explained himself further, hoping to receive his rifle quickly so he can get away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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"Get lost, fucking smartass" Kyle spoke to the strange man, who obviously thought he knew everything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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#, as written by Lobos
Zach growled irritatedly, but called out. "Cancel Execution."

The force walls that had ran through the Penance's own dropped, allowing movement in and out of the building, though the protective field over the other patrons did not. Molk and Tholk moved to take up positions to either side of the door, however, and Zach moved closer to Kyle, lips peeling back from fangs. "Wouldn't tell him to get lost, punk, considering you might just be going with him."

"If not, then let me give you words of advice. Find a new career, get the fuck out of Wing City, and if you're seen in the Penance again, they won't find your body." Pleased to be letting Kyle go anywhere than an unmarked grave the Judicar was not, but it seemed that other heads had other plans. He'd see how well those turned out before making the final decision to let the little bastard out of the tavern with his life, if not his armaments.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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0.00 INK

KH stood back and once again just observed the others, wide eyed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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Tafari, so far, had watched the fight with a steady, if slightly worrisome, gaze. Anything that had come at him was redirected by his spinning staff. The staff itself did not stop anything; it was the current of energy that appeared in front of it, never stopping any projectiles, but rather, just enticing them to go elsewhere.

As soon as he was able, Tafari made his way out. He had been here long enough. He had been there far longer than he had wanted to be.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
If Lake knew anything she gave nothing away, too well designed for that. She did however offer a slight not amused smirk as she spoke, "Pleasure to meet you Kyle." She said simply, ignoring the request for her name. Nobody asked a commanding officer their name, unless they were doing so under orders and had presented those selfsame orders to her as well. However since she was currently tracking, or rather, had been trying to track a certain wetwork agent....

"As I said, your weapon will be returned to you." She held her hands out in a manner as if she were holding a weapon in them. The rifle matrialised in her hands. She held it back out to the kid. "One thing is for certain Kyle. You are not what you say you are. Something tells me otherwise. What it is I do not know. But I will tell you this." She lowered her voice as she handed over the rifle. "Assassins that proclaim their jobs before doing them rarely see their next contract." She let go of the weapon as soon as Kyle took hold of it. Without a smile, or a smirk she turned to the bar, back to her meal.

However she halted as she saw the new man entered. Beaten up rather badly. Sadly she possessed no medical aid to give, but she did have a strong need to eat something. Any meat that was still bloody as if recently cut from the bull she requested a take out box for. All memory of the fight seemingly forgotten.

She never saw Tafari leave.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: Tafari Silva Character Portrait: KH
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Realizing her own stomach growling, KH decided to ignore the situation and get a meal. She decided to sit close to Lake one, but not beside her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: Kyle McLoughton Character Portrait: KH
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0.00 INK

Nathan felt the presence of said wall dissipate and he'd fall forward slightly but recovered easily and he'd slowly look to Zach, turning his body to him as he wiped his bloody hand with the cloth then slipped it back in his blazer pocket before gracefully bowing to the man his speech not to smooth but sand papery. ''Thank you sir, I am sorry for being so rude...'' He'd seemingly zone out sliding to the side of him slightly before snapping back into action with a gasp and he'd hide his eyes. ''Damn it..'' He'd whisper before he'd slowly walk away with slow weak steps, not to meant his swaying to the point that he absent-mindedly bumped into Kyle's shoulder as he past, slumming against the bar counter looking confused like he only just woke up and the bar tender looked at him expectantly but he didn't respond only stared intensely at the counter before jumping slightly as the bartender hit the bar.

''You gonna buy or are you gonna hit the road?''

Nathan slowly looked up at the bar tender. ''Vodka? And cola... please...'' He'd slowly get onto a stool looking confused still.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White Character Portrait: KH
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Awinita
Lake smirked; as the explosions went off she could not help but wonder just how the kid had placed so many flashbangs around. After the ringing in her ears dulled she turned to Grimm. "Are your ears ringing." She asked, she was going to ask if he felt a draft, but thought better of it. She watched the boy leave, taking careful note of his features. She was going to track him. Later.

She held up a hand towards Grimm, "No, I will follow him. He wont get far. I have friends up top." Failure of a supersoldier for sure. Perfect. She bowed then and took her leave of the establishment. flicking up the bag of coins she tossed them to Grimm, saying. "First chance you get, toss that. It wont do much good here." She darted from the tavern

No damage was done to the tavern. Lake made sure of that. However that safety deposit box was going to need severe replacement soon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White
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When lake asked the question KH looked away quickly.

Afterwards, KH watched lake one leave and then silently left herself, through the back door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lake One Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm Character Portrait: Nathaniel F White
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Nathan in the time of the flash bombs going off fell from his stool onto his back, the impact making him cough up blood just from the force on his lungs. He would slowly wipe the blood away with his hand, looking up dazed and confused more so as the ringing in his ears continued and the distortion to his eyes of bright lights didn't help.

He would sit up slowly with aching groan, his hair covered his eyes that screamed pain then he'd take the handkerchief and wipe his hand clean, stuffing it back into the blazer pocket of his. ''Terrorists are now just kids? Well... that is just sad.'' He'd say with a somewhat lost voice as he staggered to his feet.