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The Multiverse

Cursed Wood

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a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Dark and foreboding, the trees seem older than time itself. Larger than life, and equally as imposing, they stand distanced as if politely ignoring each other. Fog swirls around the bases of these trees, obscuring the earthy ground. Flowers dare not grow in this forest, for the canopy of leaves blots out the sun, and the temperature is stagnantly cool. There is something amiss about this forest.

lostamongtrees holds sovereignty over Cursed Wood, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

7,758 readers have been here.


Dark and foreboding, the Cursed Wood seems older than time itself.
Hover over the map to explore!

Larger than life, and equally as imposing, they stand distanced as if politely ignoring each other. Fog swirls around the bases of these trees, obscuring the earthy ground. Flowers dare not grow in this forest, for the canopy of leaves blots out the sun, and the temperature is stagnantly cool. Here at night is is superbly dark, during the day a murky twilight. This is due to the curse of the Crawling Chaos, who blessed this land for all night walkers. A trade route runs through the Cursed Wood, stopping through Verinotte Hollow on the way north to Wing City, via the Abandoned Slums


Shadows whip between the trees. It can be quite unsettling

In certain areas, trees are torn into. Some cuts are
fresher than others. It appears as if there was a brawl.

There is a cluster of strange, strange eggs.

Unusual amounts of wolves can be
heard howling around the Full Moon
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Cursed Wood

Dark and foreboding, the trees seem older than time itself. Larger than life, and equally as imposing, they stand distanced as if politely ignoring each other. Fog swirls around the bases of these trees, obscuring the earthy ground. Flowers dare not grow in this forest, for the canopy of leaves blots out the sun, and the temperature is stagnantly cool. There is something amiss about this forest.


Cursed Wood is a part of Aslund.

13 Places in Cursed Wood:

40 Characters Here

Elaina Ballifrey [72] A battlemage turned military pilot, Elaina's battle-magic training is more than handy in the field.
Jamie Page [72] ...
Mycenia [65]
The Mystic [57] ...
Serianata Sorrow [53] "Sorrow, shame, regret... Penitence is the only cure for the poisons of the past."
Maedos Judgement [53] "You cannot hide from the Judge, You cannot run from the Jury, You cannot be exempt from the Executioner's axe."
Cherry Blanc [47] Pop, pop, pop!
Charles Lemarr [43] Centuries old vampire born of spite.

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#, as written by Tiko
(Post co-written by Tiko, Tide, and NotAFlyingToy)

With a grunt of impact, Ileana smashed the pint sized vampire between herself and the trunk of a tree, and with her claws rending at exposed flesh it was a simple matter to tear the child free and hurl her through the air to topple another tree to the ground in a spray of splintered wood.

Torrential rolled to his feet, in a half-crouch as he faced the werewolf, a snarl biting through the air, emanating from deep within him. His skin had protected him from harm, but the throw had certainly jarred him, making him lose the shotgun in the process. No matter.

He went to the strap around his chest, drawing three short daggers, their length meant for shallow cuts. Throwing daggers. Taking his stance, he watched the werewolf, waiting for it to face him.

Whether the child rose again was not on Ileana's mind. No. Torrential was the one she wanted. The one that had wounded her so. Reeling about, she turned to face the armed Vampire a second time, fury blazing in her expression and thick gobs of heated saliva spattering the ground at her feet.

His hands were a blur, sending the daggers towards her. He could still win this. He could still beat her. They flew end over end, on a straight course with their intended target...

Maria's smaller size gave her an edge over Mortuus. Where the dense wood would slow the dragon up, Maria cleared it with ease. Passing beneath Casren she leaped clear of the wood to land in a skid between Torrential and Ileana. It was hard to discern if her positioning was intention, or chance, but as she spun about to stare Torrential down, both daggers struck true - one in her shoulder, the other sinking deep into her chest.

Rising to her full height of eight foot she simply tore the knives from her flesh and dropped the bloody objects at her feet. For a moment the fight seemed to stand still as she stared him in the eye, metallic collar glinting in the moonlight. The expression was one of defiant arrogance. You do not frighten me.

After the initial shock of the older looking, much larger werewolf's appearance, Torrential reached up with one hand to remove the sunglasses that were almost a permanent fixture on his nose. His eyes traveled from her rage-stricken face to the muscular neck.. and the collar fastened around it.

His gaze snapped back to Ileana, standing behind the newcomer. Wrong wolf.

Well... shit.

Then the moment was passed and the hefty form of Mortuus appeared through the trees. Reeling away, Maria all but body slammed Ileana, knocking her towards the surrounding trees. For a moment though, the smaller werewolf turned on Maria with a snarling visage of fangs and fury, but Maria's dominating form and intent quickly overtook Ileana and the pair turned to vanish into the wood, heading north.

Torrential watched them go, his fists loosely curled. With a mild roar, he snatched up his shotgun, turned towards the fleeing wolves, and began to give chase. "We cannot lose them!" He bellowed. Even as he ran, he knew it was pointless. They were a lot faster than he, and at least one of them knew these woods.

He had to try.


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A howl, beyond the range of both beast and sanity itself, the once dignified Kaiser erupting from the treeline with a shower of broken tree limbs, crushed leaves, and pure rage. It seemed he hadn't found someone like he had feared he wouldn't. Not that he cared at this point. Insanity felt nice. He slammed into something heavy and brutish, and he felt fur between his claws and he immediately began a madman's attack, raking and clawing at any and all flesh he could find contact with, unknowingly doing some damage to his own body in the process. He couldn't even tell how many wolfs there was. He felt blood, and honestly, it was mostly his own.

He had to be doing some kind of damage to whatever he had slammed into, feeling it topple between the weight behind his charge. Once he was atop it, his furious slashes became more wild, more damaging to himself and his prey. He didn't seem to flinch each time he scraped away parts of his own body. He wouldn't last long without fresh blood. He had to feast now!

Once his prey had finally hit the ground, he wasted no time trying to sink his fangs into the hardened flesh beneath him. He heard voices now. Kaiser heard voices he thought he might recognize. However, his current state of mind kept him from responding. All of this happened in the time it takes a man to yawn.


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Character Portrait: Ileana Nicolae
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#, as written by Guest
For a year now, an unspoken pact had held between the gypsies and the denizens of the cursed wood. The territorial boundaries that had been established kept each to their side of the line. The gypsies forbade any of their number to tread upon the lands beyond, but as of late, the nature of those that dwelt within the wood had been shifting.

No more were the varcolacs, driven out by something larger and more frightening. Gone were the strigoi, departed for securer hunting grounds, replaced instead by the Vankoryth Détente. It was uncertain the nature of these new arrivals or if they would come to accept the boundaries established with their predecessors.

As of yet, no contact had been made and the gypsies were content to leave it at that. However, one gypsy dared to break the decree of the elders. One gypsy whom believed that two of their number dead warranted forsaking of the old pact. But her people were as always, victims of their own self-imposed traditions and superstitions.

And so it came to pass that Ileana breached the forest boundaries in search of answers and to ascertain the numbers they were faced with.


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#, as written by Guest
Ileana's efforts were not in vane and she quickly determined that the beast that terrorized the gypsy camp seemed to travel alone. A lone beast could be trapped, it could be driven out if she could rally her people to make a stand. Of course, they could well just banish her for going against the elders decree.

Within the eyes of the clan, Ileana was scarcely above the beasts that had plagued them a year past. For the time she was accepted as was one of their own, so long as the curse that lay over her could be kept at bay, but that could easily change if she did not tread carefully.

Upon her return as the daylight was waning and giving way to the evening moonlight something in the night air caused the hair along the back of Ileana's neck to stand on end. She couldn't place the catalyst, but a familiar surge of adrenaline and hormones had her staggering to catch herself against a tree. The herbal remedies should have been keeping the curse at bay she thought in a panic, but whatever chill had settled over the cursed woods seemed intent on drawing the beast out of her.

Resisting the change was futile and she soon collapsed to her knees clutching at the dirt. Fur sprouted along her skin and bulging muscles tore free from the confines of her clothing. Hands curled into claws and her face twisted into the snarling visage of a wolfish beast.

The entire process took only a matter of minutes and rising from the ground she gave herself a shake to rid herself of the remnants of her tattered clothes. Shapeshifting was taxing on the body and it required nourishment, and so the search for prey began.


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Character Portrait: Kethyr Naethus
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They had torn from the trailer like bats from hell, snarling and feral into the night. It was the second moon for Kethyr, the first for his friend and fellow Jake. Still, the turning was brutal, and so would be the night. They arrived in the Cursed Wood, breath hot on the night air, seeking flesh and blood to sink their teeth into.

So they did, downing a buck that never stood a chance. The two feasted, the beasts that they were, blood staining their fur and glistening in the moonlight. After their meal, Kethyr and Jake curled up around the skeletal remains of their prey, falling fast asleep. It was but an hour before full sunrise, and the two slumbered like the pups they were.


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Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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#, as written by Tiko
As the wee hours of morning gave way to sunrise and the first rays of light began to filter their way through the forest canopy, a loan figured prowled the wood. Head low to the ground, the hulking form of Maria snuffled lightly at the trodden earth, a low snarl curling her lips to reveal her canines.

The pair was close, she could scent them on the morning breeze and they made her hair stand on end. With dawn, they had shed their wolfen forms, but she knew them for what they were. Interlopers. Torn between two primal instincts the russet werebeast entered the small clearing where the pair slumbered.

The kill was noted with a low growl, but disregarded as she stepped past it to inspect Kethyr and Jake. Lowering her snout she snuffled at Jake's face, the reek of her heated breath wafting across his face.


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Character Portrait: Jake O'Malley
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Jake O'Malley felt a warm breath on him and he opened his eyes slowly to see a werewolf woman sniffing him and he woke up suddenly in shock and fell over and attempted to wake Kethyr up to see who this woman was, "Who....are you?" he said with a scared tone and tried to cover himself, his mouth was covered in blood and he wiped it off, he figured out that him and Keth turned last night and killed a elk and ate it, he was a little embarrassed at him being naked. This woman was a werewolf like him and Keth, but she was more werewolf and human then werewolf, and it scared him a little.


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Character Portrait: Kethyr Naethus
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Kethyr Naethus woke with a start, and scrambled back at the sight of the thing. But wait a minute... It took him but three sniffs to figure out where he had smelled that before. It was her. It. The one who caused all of this.

His eyes were locked on her, Kethyr didn't move an inch. He swallowed, feeling weak in his human form, and wondered what hell would be unleashed next.


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Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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#, as written by Tiko
Maria bristled at Jake's movements, a low rumbling growl rolling free from her throat. His movements reflected those of prey. Weak and stumbling, frail and with neither fang nor claw with which to do battle.

The low growl grew into a snarl as thick gobs of heated saliva spattered the ground at her feet. Unlike the pair that stood before her, little humanity was reflected in her amber eyes.

Swiveling her head around, the werebeasts attention was drawn by Kethyr's scrambling motions, just as flighty as his companions. Locking her eyes on his, she took a single menacing step towards him.


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Character Portrait: Jake O'Malley
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Jake O'Malley scrambled in front of Kethyr to protect him, he wouldn't let this woman hurt him and by the time he realized it, the woman was the one who caused all of this to happen to them, and some of her saliva landed on his foot and he shuddered, "Leave him alone" he struggled to say in dear of what the beast would do to him for protecting Keth but he didn't care and still stayed in front of him.


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Character Portrait: Kethyr Naethus
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He looked from Jake to the Beast, and narrowed his eyes at her. Placing a hand on Jake's shoulder, Kethyr stepped to the side of him. He would let nothing be destroyed in his sake, especially not his companion, the one he corrupted. No, no more harm would come to Jakeunder Kethyr's watch.

A small growl, one he himself was suprised of, resonated in the back of his throat. It was weak, compared to the Beast's, and ended in a small squeak. Blushing, and slightly taken aback, he voiced the words he had meant to say; "What do you want?"


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Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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#, as written by Tiko
Jake's stance and Kethyr's weak growl were met with a low snort, but their decision to stand their ground seemed to calm the beast. Though, they still reeked of fear, and the stench left her riled. These were not warriors, they were children, frightened children. They should not have survived their turning. Though this realization was only a distant shadow of a memory in her mind, for so long had she forsaken her humanity.

In times past she would have killed the pair where they stood, but instinct drove her to increase her numbers, an instinct not easily spurned. Growling lowly she stepped past the pair, pausing after a few paces to look back. It was almost as if the wolfen beast was waiting for them.


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Character Portrait: Jake O'Malley
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Jake O'Malley got up slowly and followed suite behind the werebeast, he knew that he should do this if he wanted to be safe, and he motioned for Keth to follow him and he walked slowly towards her wondering what she had in mind that she was going to do to them, "Who are you?" he said with a frightened tone and continued to walk towards her slowly, so this woman was the one who caused all of this to happen to them both. He should of felt angry at her, but for some weird reason he did not feel that emotion, more scared than anything.


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Character Portrait: Kethyr Naethus
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Kethyr Naethus followed after the Beast and Jake, keeping his eyes on her. He didn't fully trust the Beast, not after what she did to him, but it appeared he had no choice. They were family, if not by direct blood by unfortunate circumstance.

"She's our elder," Kethyr spoke with disdain, senses heightened.


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Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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#, as written by Tiko
The verbal inquiries brought another rumbling growl to Maria's lips. Their words were foreign to her ears and riled her in unexplainable ways. Even in walking they were loud and oblivious to their surroundings.

However, instinct drove her on and she continued on her way, with the pair trailing behind her. Their destination took them well into the Cursed Wood, to the base of a tall escarpment. All around the area were signs of a crude though functional camp site, with a fire pit and dirtied furs strewn about.

Maria knew even before they arrived though, that Ileana and Gabriella had not returned – their scent was hours old. A cold emptiness hung over the area, and something told her they wouldn't be back.


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Character Portrait: Jake O'Malley
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Jake O'Malley shuddered at the word "Elder" but he understood and walked with her to the escarpment and sighed, it looked like there were other's in this place and he sighed again and looked around more, this place was weird and it felt..............empty and cold, and that made him shiver, beside the fact that he was naked, it felt cold on the inside like no one had been here for a while and he felt sad, and looked around some more, he coughed a little and wondered where they were going at this point, he was cold from being naked and shivered a little more.


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Character Portrait: Kethyr Naethus
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The walk took them to a camp, of sorts. It was filthy, but then again it was the middle of the woods. Surveying the area, his gaze eventually rounded back on the Beast. Kethyr folded his arms over his chest, eyeballing the dirty furs. He would sling almost anything over his shoulders, just to escape nudity.

"So?" He asked the she-beast, in a slightly accusational tone. Arms folded, he curled his lip into a sneer. His patience was gone, and his frustration grew with the minute. Did she expect them to stay here? In this vile place? To accept their disgusting alternative forms as normal?


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Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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#, as written by Tiko
Kethyr's words brought Maria around upon him with a vicious snarl and abrupt aggression that would leave the young man stumbling backwards and onto the ground to avoid the snap of her jaws. Though the bite would fall short, more warning than anything.

A moment later a shudder overtook Maria and she shook her head with a low growl as her fur began to recede, leaving lightly tanned skin in its wake. The wolfen features had simply melted away, leaving a woman in their wake.

Once upon a time, one might have found her striking, but even in this form it was clear that the beast within had long overtaken her. Unkempt locks of red hair cascaded down around her face and shoulders, and her now silver eyes were both hard and cold.

For many moments she stood there before she turned away, clothing herself crudely in the discarded wolf furs. It provided only minimal modesty, but it was simply a practical act to ward against the cold. The concepts of modesty and decency were well lost on her.

It wasn't often she took this form, but something about Kethyr and Jake's words brought out a spark of something in her, as Ileana and Gabriella had before them. A self-awareness.


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Character Portrait: Jake O'Malley
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Jake O'Malley backed up at the woman's aggression towards Keth and he was glad that he wasn't targeted for the attack but he still had a sad look on his face and sighed loudly but found some fur's that she didn't use and gave some to him and put some on himself.

"What is she going to do to us?" he wondered to himself.

He shrugged and looked around again, and was shocked at the woman turning back into a human, and he knew that she didn't look perfect but she did look quite nice, better than other things he has seen before.


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Kethyr Naethus stumbled back at the snap, alarmed, landing on the ground. He flinched, but did his best to hide it, instead glaring as the wolf turned and receded. Kethyr climbed back to his feet, scowling at the scuff. He recieved a fur and slung it over his shoulders, closing it around his waist with one hand. He shrugged lightly, for he could never even imagine what was going on in the mind of the beast, but decided to take a stab at it anyway.

"We're her pack," He said to Jake, "She's the Alpha, or leader. We literally," his tone turned harsh, "belong to her." He shot another glare at the she-beast, and tacked on, "I think."

Part of him wanted to approach the woman, no not woman. Beast. Instead, he chose to saunter up to a fire pit, and poke at it with his toe. He had yet to turn his back on the woman, and couldn't help but find her strangely beautiful. But no, she was the cause of all of this, and for that, he couldn't help but hate her.

"Ma'am?" He called out to her, his voice steady and his tone flat.


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Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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#, as written by Tiko
Maria's eyes narrowed on Kethyr and she extended a finger to point at him as she barked a single word at him that seemed to drip with disgust and irritation. “Vitleysingr!”

Though it took only a moment before she rounded on Jake next, taking an aggressive step towards him. “Vealaðr,” she bit out angrily before her words became unintelligible, even to herself. The words were strange to her, though at the same time distantly familiar.


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Character Portrait: Jake O'Malley
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Jake O'Malley backed up a little at her advance towards him. "I do not understand what you are saying, Ma'am"

What fucking language was the talking in?

Nick bowed before Maria to show his worthiness, he didn't want to offend her, because if he did she would probably rip his throat out with her teeth, he backed up a little more because he was frightened of her but regained his composure and took an aggressive step towards her to show that he wasn't afraid anymore of her.


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Kethyr Naethus blinked at the woman, slightly startled, and stuck out his tongue in response. Perhaps not the smartest thing to do, he realized after a moment, and snapped it back into his mouth. He was tired after last night's antics, and showed this with a lengthy yawn. She seemed to hate them, which made him wonder why she even brought them here. Maybe they had just walked right into her frying pan...

Either way, he was slightly suprised at Jake's strength of heart. Was he really standing up to her, or whatever? He cast a dark look in the woman's direction, backing up his friend with his gaze. He didn't quite understand exactly who they were dealing with, but she was definitely a werewolf, and she was definitely dangerous, and boy did she sound pissed. Kethyr straightened his posture, looking from the woman to jake, then back to the woman. Nope, couldn't get weirder than this!


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Character Portrait: Maria Raghild
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#, as written by Tiko
Maria stared Jake down for a moment before stalking past him in disgust, heading back into the woods from where she had lead them from only minutes earlier.


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Jake O'Malley nodded at Kethyr and growled loudly, he heard it and was shocked, it sounded just like the wolves on audio clips that he studied for a class on animals, and he did it again.