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The Multiverse

Dark Woods

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a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

An extension of the ancient and foreboding woods. The trail continues to wind south amid the bent and gnarled branches of the twisted trees. Along the path is a wooden arrow sign. Scrawled on the sign in a long dead and forgotten language is a single word. The soft loam has been converted to hard packed earth, the smells of the forest almost overpowering. In the distance the sounds of animals moving are heard.

Remæus holds sovereignty over Dark Woods, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

17,997 readers have been here.


An extension of the ancient and foreboding woods. The trail continues to wind south amid the bent and gnarled branches of the twisted trees. Along the path is a wooden arrow sign. Scrawled on the sign in a long dead and forgotten language is a single word. The soft loam has been converted to hard packed earth, the smells of the forest almost overpowering. In the distance the sounds of animals moving are heard.
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Dark Woods

An extension of the ancient and foreboding woods. The trail continues to wind south amid the bent and gnarled branches of the twisted trees. Along the path is a wooden arrow sign. Scrawled on the sign in a long dead and forgotten language is a single word. The soft loam has been converted to hard packed earth, the smells of the forest almost overpowering. In the distance the sounds of animals moving are heard.


Dark Woods is a part of Forest of Twilight.

4 Places in Dark Woods:

470 Characters Here

Evylen Black [273] What the hell are you looking at?!
Taylor Bessett [271] "I am no man!"
Abbie [204] "Things aren't always what they seem."
Lucille [190] You are cast away, for you have chosen darkness over light.
Silus Sivare [180] A noble archer which a vengeance, not afraid to take what he wants
Amber Lockheart [179] A strong willed 16 year old girl
Tommy Racture [162] "Sometimes, the beasts are more human then we are"
Ryker Maleic [145] They say the eyes are the window to your soul. Can you see that piece missing where you belong?
Micah Cordray [136] "Books are awesome, and whoever says they aren't obviously hasn't read enough!"

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Sairia turned her head around the corner of the cabin, watching the creature attack Sheena, her eyes glowing bright blue. She was about to have the ground engulf him until he regain control but Sheena was fine, of course. She turned around the corner of the cabin once again and leaned against the wall waving to Sheena high in the air and smiling brightly to her.

Her attention went back to Mat, her deep blue eyes continuing to glow brightly. She had noticed him paying attention to her earlier and wondered why. Instead of asking she simply smiled lightly to him as she listened to the battle rage on.


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With the Jakaghan distracted the demon slowly walked around the cabin. He then turned the corner and looked at the two hiding behind the cabin. You could see every detail of the Demon. Cathraka was 7 feet tall, he was made completely of a special fire that could not be put out by conventional means of starvation of oxygen from the fire or just throwing water on it He also had a slight mist that cascaded around him, it was poisonous to touch or breath. His eyes glowed a purplish orange. He stared at them and then 10 metal wires slowly unwrapped themselves from inside the demon and started to go towards the two. 5 of them went into the ground and the other 5 went towards them, the ones that didnt go started spinning, making the sound a blade does when it goes at a good speed through the air. You could notice the grass the wires were hitting being perfectly cut, as if the wires were actually blades. As the 5 spinning wire baldes got closer to the two, Cathraka just laughed.

Meanwhile the Jakaghan was outraged at Shenna for not dying and therefore her blood could not be drunk, as the Jakaghan always thirsted for blood. It landed on the Cabin roof and jumped at Shenna again, this time bobbing his head, when he reached his maximum height, about 20 feet below Shenna he unleashed what he had been gathering in his mouth. It was a very potent acid that burned away at anything organic, except the Jakaghan of course, since it can use and has evolved to use the acid. The acid flew straight for her, the spew of liquid slowly got wider and wider as it flew in the air towards Shenna.

Once again the Jakghan hoped this would work, he had a deep thirst for blood, and every passing moment he didn't spill any blood, he was getting all the more thirsty.


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Sairia’s eyes narrowed at the demon and a deep sigh escaped her lips. She turned to face him, pulling her blue bladed sword out of the shadows as she leaned off the wall of the cabin. Two of the wires sped towards her, her body reacting with inhuman speed and jetting to the right slightly and knocking the wires away from her form and into the ground. Her eyes drift momentarily to Mat and grasp his shoulder, pulling him closer to her, her hand clasping with his before she winked to the demon and blew it a kiss. A burst of wind blew them into the cover of the forest. Sairia hit a tree hard against her back and dropped to her knees. “UGH!” she shouted out before the wind was knocked from her lungs. She gasped for air and coughed wildly at an attempt to fill her lungs with air. She dropped her sword from her free hand, her other hand absently still clasping Mat’s. Her sword hand hitting the earth below her hard as a pillar of earth sprung from the ground aiming to knock out Sheena’s attacker.


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#, as written by Sariel
Mat watched as Jakaghan became bloodthirsty. His eyes moved from him to the moving blades that approached Mat and Sairia. As he watched it draw closer with each breath, he felt a hand grabbing his shoulder; then another hand in his. Mat returned to reality when the large gust of wind sent Sairia and him into a tree.

Mat hit the tree as well, laughing with pain in his voice. As he landed he realized that Sairia was hurt from the impact. "Are you okay?!" Mat asked as his laughter abruptly stopped. The earth began to shake slightly as a pillar erected from the ground. Mat's eyes darted towards the moving earth as it aimed for the attacker, then back to Sairia.


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#, as written by Jazira
Seeing the enraged Jakaghan, Shenna tried to outmaneuver the creature, flying higher until a sharp, burning pain on her right foot and lower leg caused her to look down. Some of the acid the creature spat at her had landed on her and she could feel the excruciating pain of it. She fought with herself not to cry out in pain, but in doing so, she lost her concentration on Jakaghan and began a descending flight towards the ground near the cabin.


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The Jakaghan started descending when the pillar of earth came. a voice came out , it seemed very low, almost reptilian, it seemed as if it was snarling. Everyone could hear it in their heads. I am the Jakaghan, do you think your pillar can stop me? Then all grew silent as the Jakaghan spun in mid air, swinging its tail and hit the pillar. The pillar split in two and fell to the ground. But this caused the Jakaghan its landing and it hit the ground..... hard. It screamed out in pain but got up anyways and searched for his prey until he found her, descending towards the ground. He slowly moved towards where she would hit the ground if she did nothing. Then he would rip her throat out and drink the blood, for that was how the Jakaghan worked, the more blood it drank, the more bloodthirsty it got, the more powerful it is. and how it loved to spill blood.

Meanwhile the demon made the blades spin again and slowly had him and the blades advance into the forest. The demon was happy, he was driving them away from their place of safety, the cabin. The demon needed just a few more souls, then it could get its weakness to crystal out of the system. then the demon made a mistake. He spoke of his weakness. You two in the woods, save me the trouble and give me your souls so i may finally have my accursed weakness to pure crystals gone forever! The demon the shut up and realized the mistake he made. But it did not matter, he didn't think they had any crystal on him, or at least he hoped so.


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Sairia gasped in air to her lungs, clasping Mat’s hand lightly as she managed to nod, stating that she would be all right. She had listened intently during her pain and hit the ground once again with her fist. Deep in the ground within a cavern, a stem from the cave we all had to pass to get here, the walls were lined with crystals. When Sairia hit the ground once again the earth gave way and burst with clear and pure crystals that had been growing for centuries. The largest of the crystals burst 40ft directly into the air. The thin spikes surrounding it leapt for the demons mid-section and legs. A string of them jetting from the ground behind Jakaghan guiding their way to slice through the beast’s legs. She didn’t want to hurt Hanuman but at this point it was him or them and she was starting to loose her temper.

When she was finally able to breath without being lurched over the ground she slowly helped herself off the ground, her deep blue eyes glowing brighter then ever met with Mat and she saw his reaction to her powers. She paused for a moment but turned her gaze to the demon and Sheena as her friend was falling to the ground. She held her free hand out in front of her and the soft ground seemed to pull up like a pillow and swallow Sheena into the soft earth without impacting her. Sheena would find herself in the warm comfort of earth, the walls around her compacted so she didn’t feel buried. Sairia motioned her hand towards herself and Sheena would feel the earth around her moving. When the earth was below them Sairia tapped the ground and the pit opened and Sairia was able to hold her hand out to help Sheena out of the hole. “Sorry about that, but we needed to regroup.” She whispered to her friend. They were all now in the cover of the forest, leaving only the demon and beast out in the clearing to see each other.


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#, as written by Sariel
Mat smiled as Sairia nodded, turning to see her slam her fist against the ground. He watched the large crystals surface from underneath. His attention was switched to Sheena, watching the earth catching her. Mat wondered how badly Jakaghan had wounded her. He had caught a glimpse of some of the acid that burned her.


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(since no1 else posting i will.)

The jakaghan's legs were cut, and that caused Hanuman to feel tremendous pain, too much for him to handle. he ended up returning to his normal form, both the backs of his legs cut badly. because of this he collapsed and could not stand on his legs. hanuman started to crawl towards the cabin, hoping to get there before the demon noticed, but it was too late.

cathraka stepped in front of Hanuman. well well well, i have a new plaything. It stepped on hanumans back and roared up its fire. Hanuman started to scream and make very horrifying sounds of pain a monkey would make. Cathraka was slowly burning hanumans back to a crisp. hanuman cried out for help, for if he didnt get it, he would die.


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Sairia’s breathing was labored, the glow from her eyes was growing dimmer as she looked out to Hanuman. “Mat…” she gasped as she tried to point in the monkey’s direction. “Please…” she was trying to beg him to help Hanuman, but couldn’t manage the words. A brilliant glow was seeping from the ground into her hands, as she knelt down, and it was sinking into her veins and she desperately tried to gather more energy to continue fighting. She would feel enough energy and she tugged on the grass below her, the ground beneath Hanuman sinking below him, allowing room for his body to no longer be crushed and water from the spell she had casted hours ago rushed over him, a pocket of earth hardening over the monkey’s face in a bowl like shape, allowing him to breath. She all but collapsed on the ground. She could stop his pain, but wouldn’t be able to save him… not yet. She looked to Mat, tears starting to form in her eyes. “Help him…” she whispered.


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#, as written by Sariel
Mat looked at Sairia, then realized what was happening to Hanuman. He heard his crys for help in the distance. "I'll do as much as I can, I must help Hanuman!" he said, determination clearly expressed on his face. Mat looked at the tree they were near. He took a step back, then darted towards it. An aura made of shadows surrounded his body from head to toe. It concentrated around his skin, turning Mat into a black silhouette. He leaped forward as if he was diving into mid air. Aiming for the shadows of the tree, every inch of his body disappeared as it entered it.

Mat had vanished, only to reappear from the shadows of the cabin. His body jumped out from the shade of the cabin. Mat pulled his blade out quickly, a loud screeching noise came from the sheath. He ran towards Cathraka with his sword behind him. As Mat approached, his hand was enveloped by shadows once again. The shadows formed into a dozen marble-sized spheres, hovering beside his palm. Each individual sphere contained a thick, smog-like substance that would explode on impact, causing light to be blocked and preventing the opponent from seeing anything within a feet from him. He motioned his hand quickly towards Cathraka, releasing the spheres from its fixed position to the demon's torso.


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#, as written by Sariel
Mat looked at Sairia, then realized what was happening to Hanuman. He heard his crys for help in the distance. "I'll do as much as I can, I must help Hanuman!" he said, determination clearly expressed on his face. Mat looked at the tree they were near. He took a step back, then darted towards it. An aura made of shadows surrounded his body from head to toe. It concentrated around his skin, turning Mat into a black silhouette. He leaped forward as if he was diving into mid air. Aiming for the shadows of the tree, every inch of his body disappeared as it entered it.

Mat had vanished, only to reappear from the shadows of the cabin. His body jumped out from the shade of the cabin. Mat pulled his blade out quickly, a loud screeching noise came from the sheath. He ran towards Cathraka with his sword behind him. As Mat approached, his hand was enveloped by shadows once again. The shadows formed into a dozen marble-sized spheres, hovering beside his palm. Each individual sphere contained a thick, smog-like substance that would explode on impact, causing light to be blocked and preventing the opponent from seeing anything within a feet from him. He motioned his hand quickly towards Cathraka, releasing the spheres from its fixed position to the demon's torso.


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#, as written by Sariel
Mat looked at Sairia, then realized what was happening to Hanuman. He heard his crys for help in the distance. "I'll do as much as I can, I must help Hanuman!" he said, determination clearly expressed on his face. Mat looked at the tree they were near. He took a step back, then darted towards it. An aura made of shadows surrounded his body from head to toe. It concentrated around his skin, turning Mat into a black silhouette. He leaped forward as if he was diving into mid air. Aiming for the shadows of the tree, every inch of his body disappeared as it entered it.

Mat had vanished, only to reappear from the shadows of the cabin. His body jumped out from the shade of the cabin. Mat pulled his blade out quickly, a loud screeching noise came from the sheath. He ran towards Cathraka with his sword behind him. As Mat approached, his hand was enveloped by shadows once again. The shadows formed into a dozen marble-sized spheres, hovering beside his palm. Each individual sphere contained a thick, smog-like substance that would explode on impact, causing light to be blocked and preventing the opponent from seeing anything within a feet from him. He motioned his hand quickly towards Cathraka, releasing the spheres from its fixed position to the demon's torso.


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Cathraka turned around when Matt appeared. he sensed a new being in the area. He realized the implication of those spheres, if they blocked light, they would block his access to power, so he cast sun's immolation, a powerful fire attack. Fire roared up around Cathraka, farther burning Hanuman and if the spheres where hit by the fire, they would be burned. By the time it reached its max range of 5 yards, the fire was a blistering 700 degrees, anything living inside there wouldn't last long. Hanuman tried to shape shift into a fire demon and couldn't do it, he was too hurt, the pain in his legs caused him to not be able to concentrate. He got more dirt on him and hoped that would protect him.

Cathraka hoped that stopped the spheres and ignored Hanuman, he would be easy pickings. he walked towards Matt and started to build up a fire snake attack. Meanwhile Hanuman started fumbling through his back, feeling for a round object. he dug his head out of the ground and yelled You son of bitch! Burn this! he threw the spheres, they were bright blue, the color of ice. If they hit Cathraka they would cause his temperature to drop rapidly, making him all but powerless, all that would need to be done is for Cathraka to be distracted for long enough.


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Sairia pulled enough power from the earth, the grass around her died as its life source sacrificed itself to fill her. She looked up just in time to see the demon spread its fire. She motioned her hands up from the ground, rolling back on her knees and the water covering the ground swept up, creating a fountain, pouring on the demon. Water twirled and wrapped itself around Mat and Hanuman, creating a shield around each of them to protect them from the flames.


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#, as written by Sariel
Mat stopped abruptly, watching the spheres fly towards Cathraka. The spheres hit the fire, exploding untimely before Cathraka. Mat began to cackle sadistically as he watched the smog burst from the fire. The smog was air-like, following the blaze's direction. The smog began to circle and expand around the blaze, forming a black cloud-like substance. Water surrounded Mat from Sairia's protective spell. "Hang in there Hanuman!!" Mat shouted from inside the water shield. Mat's figure became a black silhouette once again, his body diving into his own shadow. The water that was around Mat fell to the floor as it failed to dive with him. He was in a parallel shadow dimension, ready to return to reality from inside the lightless smog.


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#, as written by Jazira
Shenna, stunned when she saw the earth surround her, finally came to her senses. She looked around to get her bearings and the locations and conditions of the others. Hanuman seemed in control of himself now, though Cathraka seemed to have the upper hand now. Sairia, in front of her, seemed nearly drained of energy.

Shenna began to stand up until pain in her right leg caused her to remember she had been injured. She grimaced at her leg, shifting all her weight to her left side and standing up. Except for her leg and being tired, she seemed to be okay. Hanuman was soon would not be if this lasted much longer. As quickly as she could, she made her way out of the trees on one foot before taking flight again, heading towards Cathraka and the others...

((So sorry for taking so long. I didn't mean to be away for so long, but RL circumstances prevented me from doing much until now. I'll try to be more active!))


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Cathraka didn't care if there was no light, he did not need light to see. He started towards Hanuman to negate the spheres but then Matt yelling distracted him. So the spheres hit Cathraka. Cathraka felt a strange sensation wash over him. He felt... cold. His fires died out and all that was left was his skeleton which was made of the metal wires which he used to attack Matt and Saria. He started running, eager to get away, for he didn't want to die, or be trapped. Being trapped would be worst, for if he died, he would go straight back to hell, and then he could just come back. Eventually he got to the depths of the forest, where he hoped nobody would follow. He hid in a cave letting his powers regenerate. as he waited he thought of a way to help himself. he needed to get them in the cabin, so when they came out to fight him, the creatures of the curse would come and attack them. He would force them in the cabin with a large fire attack, of course, he had to wait until his powers regenerated.

Hanuman on the other hand desperately tried to get up and just walk, but his gashed legs collapsed under his weight. His legs were hurt badly. In the back of his mind he cursed Saria and thanked her at the same time. If she didn't do that, the Jakaghan might have killed Shenna, but since she did, he can't even walk. He just sat there and tried to stop the bleeding but he couldn't do it. he hoped somebody knew how to heal, because he had no idea how to. he was confident his friends would help him though, well, at least he hoped they were his friends.


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#, as written by Sariel
Mat returned to reality from the shadow realm, flying from out the dark ground created by the smog. As he landed, Mat realized Cathraka was drenched from Sairia's spell. He started to chase Cathraka as he ran. Mat halted when he smelled a trace of blood from Hanuman's legs. His face began to pale. "Blood.." he mumbled as his eyes widened. His pupils slowly started closing, soon he would lose control of himself. Mat held his breath and stumbled backwards, turning around to run towards the cabin.


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#, as written by Remæus
Master slaps Prose.


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#, as written by Remæus
Master follows up,
How dare you.


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#, as written by Prose
Prose frowns.
That was hardly appropriate behavior!


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#, as written by Remæus
Master sneers,


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#, as written by Remæus
Master dashes away.


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#, as written by Prose
Prose throws a tantrum!