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The Multiverse


Island city. Tropical. Bustling city.

Oh, the city.

Buildings were stacked atop buildings, highly stylized, colorful, but not exactly expensive. Some buildings were flimsy, while others strong. It was a mix of rich and poor within the town, and in such a humid area, most people wore very little, if just enough to be descent. Many aliens roamed about the place, some with six arms, big heads, and dowdy skin, much like the Grey that one would often see in movies. Others had long, lashing tails extending from a spinal structure, with barbs on the end. More, still, had horns atop their heads, and patterned melanin on their necks. There were a few that looked like insects, more that were up to ten feet tall, others as small as three.
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Miserta Kara

Island city. Tropical. Bustling. Buildings were stacked atop buildings, highly stylized, colorful, but not exactly expensive. The capitol city of Nahatsu.


Miserta Kara is a part of Nahatsan Archipelago.

1 Places in Miserta Kara:

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Sgt. Ronald Jacobson [22] Escapism has many forms. Mine is a ship.
Minayle Sorunna. [0] "I am not one of your princesses to be saved from a dragon. If there is a dragon to slay, then I shall be the one cutting out it's heart"

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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Josai chewed on her lip. "Just a few months ago, almost a year now, Misrana was under the protection of a Planetary Cloaking Field. This went on for a few hundred years, when the planet was unified beneath the rule of the Calidonan Supremacy. However, this did not leave any room for the independence of individual countries, so a rebellion was formed." She smiled. "I'm part of that rebellion. We yearn to learn about those outside of this planet, to explore, to be independent and to be free, despite the consequences, despite the danger that may lie ahead. The Supremacy cares only about safety and preservation."

She carried the man's limp body quite easily through town. Even with an injured hand.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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"Freedom is a double edged sword, though its boons will always far outweigh its dangers. Such is the way of souls of sentience. We all seek to have our own yokes, never to be harnessed by the wills of the others. Its that very reason that the Tower and the Beast went their separate ways, brothers though they were." The Monk contemplated her words. He truly wondered if he would encounter a Monk of the Tower here...and if he did, he already knew they would be on opposing sides.

"It is a worthy thing you all fight for. A very proud and noble goal. A glorious goal, despite the fangs of the futures, and those you might face." This world was suffering, crying out for help. Maybe thats why he was truly brought here...


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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"I'm glad you think so!" said Josai. "For a while, since no one came to our pleas, I was wondering if no one cared for freedom, and if they cared only for dominance. We've already been attacked by the Aschen once, and it was completely unprovoked. We even helped them in the beginning, but they tried to kill us out of nowhere. They're no friend to the Supremacy or the Rebellion, especially not Nahatsans, who take care of this world's protection. There are platforms covering this world that take care of any external threats. I guess that's why I'm a bit frightened about you just showing up. The ODPs can't detect that."


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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"The powers of the King's Gate are not bound by technology nor magic. It is a portal of pure divine will, harmonic and unbalanced." In truth, it was merely phase shift technology, instant travel trough time and space, but the way to control where you go was lost within the ages of the Orders. It worked much like other warp gates, though safer in terms of travel and molecular strain.

"You people sound advanced. Far more than this simple Monk and his Order of Brothers and Sisters. Perhaps I could learn something while I am here. Hunt as well? What of your world's wild life?" In truth, they did think themselves and their power suits magic, but it was merely the remnants of a greater time in his specie's society.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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"Misranans are not bound by either technology or magic. We fuse the two, along with advanced organisms that we have evolved and changed ourselves through gene splicing and...doing other things that the scientists have figured out over the years. I'm not sure how advanced we are, if we're still having a petty, civil war on our own planet over a fight for independence. This should have been resolved hundreds of years ago." she said dryly. "But perhaps you will learn something. Our wildlife? Well, I can't compare it to any others. We have poisonous things, small animals, large animals...the Titans, the Brutes, the Gods. Or, well, that's one term for each of them."

As they came into the main, bustling parts of the city, they were greeted with the rich scents of streetfood, the noises of chitter chatter and vehicles speeding down the roads, which weren't made of tar or cement, but some kind of translucent, orange material. It looked smooth, like glass, but to the touch, one could feel the roughness to it. The friction.

And the city? Oh, the city.

Buildings were stacked atop buildings, highly stylized, colorful, but not exactly expensive. Some buildings were flimsy, while others strong. It was a mix of rich and poor within the town, and in such a humid area, most people wore very little, if just enough to be descent. Many aliens roamed about the place, some with six arms, big heads, and dowdy skin, much like the Grey that one would often see in movies. Others had long, lashing tails extending from a spinal structure, with barbs on the end. More, still, had horns atop their heads, and patterned melanin on their necks. There were a few that looked like insects, more that were up to ten feet tall, others as small as three.

"Welcome to Miserta Kara." said Josai, just as a dragon with cybernetic implants descended from the sky to perch onto one of the buildings. It blew a tower of green fire into the air.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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It was marvelous in a way he didn't expect. It was very...metropolitan. Expansive, a powerful sight to be hold. It was not something he was used to. The Order's dwellings were spartan, stone and eerie lights, wooden benches...Mystic doors that opened on command, but this...this world...was glorious. It was a thing of beauty, and wonder.

"So much life...So many life forms. How is this possible?" It truth, the planet of the Order, his home world was on the decline. Massive, lush environments, healthy lands, but poor to little population. The ancestor's of his people and their wars decimated the population growth rate. In truth, there was barely even a thousand of his kind left...and they were spread across the stars, either seeking a place in the Order, or earning their keep to stay inside of it. "Take me to...where you wished to go...I...want to see more." For the first time in his life, Ornin was awestruck.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Josai looked back towards Ornin, a perplexed expression crossing her face. "Never seen a city before?" she asked, a smirk crossing her face. "I guess Misrana really isn't like anywhere else in this galaxy...or this universe." A small sense of pride swelled in her chest.

She kept walking down the street, and oh, did people stare. As strange and new and glorious as Miserta Kara was to Ornin, so was Ornin to the people of Miserta Kara. "Don't mind the stares. New things are normally accepted in their culture. This is where humans first started when they came here." she told him.

They passed a large bio-mechanical beast as they walked, standing outside of an establishment. It carried a strong resemblance to a feline, but the tail was too long, and the whole thing lacked any fur. The legs were more accustomed to climbing and grabbing, almost like a lizards, than it was to running. The creature was large enough to hold a cockpit on its back, where a rider swiftly climbed into. The creature leaped into action, galloping down the street before it leaped onto a wall, rebounded, and, in mid-jump, transformed from beast to motorcycle, which hummed down the road into the distance.

"We had one foreigner come by here about two months ago. He was amused to find one of those walking around."


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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The stars he did not mind indeed. He almost wished to take his helmet off, to enjoy this new world without the aid of a video recorder, but a quick scan of the atmosphere showed that it didn't even hold a single atom of his specie's breathable elements. Needing gaseous magnesium to breath natural was a burden on most of the world's the Order visited.

"It is marvelous, Josai. And no...I never really have. Nothing like this. The only city within the Walled World of The Sigils is larger than this, where near this volume of people...Barely...even a handful." It wasn't a depressed tone in his voice, more like a longing...A desire to be a part of something this large. "I am...enthralled, female..." And he was, Ornin barely paying enough attention to avoid bumping into people.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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"Really? That sounds very lonely. I'm very rarely in a place not filled with people. At least, in a city. I guess, on another hand, it sounds peaceful. Something I'm not too used to." She kept down the street until they came to one specific building with a layered, red roof.

She held her hand up to a flat panel next to the door, and it slid open automatically.

"I hope you don't mind small ceilings. This is the house of a malemni."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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"It might be uncomfortable at first, but I adjust fast." In truth, this giant of his species had to crouch, almost squat, until his suit and Lair fixated his height to a more comfortable size and dimension. "After you, please, Josai..."

The monk was taken aback slightly at how similarly these doors worked to his own people's. Perhaps the Seven came here on their travels long, long, ago.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Josai looked back at the monk, holding back laughter. The only thing that stopped her from slapping her palm to her mouth was that it had a bullet hole through it. The only reason she had not been complaining about that was because of the numbing agent in her gauntlets that worked alongside the magic.

As they walked in, Josai dropped the body on the wooden flooring. Several people looked up from the couches at them. One was one of the large-headed, grey aliens with eight limbs. Four that looked like the legs of a spider ending in big hands, and two smaller ones that sprouted from its chest. With large, almond-shaped eyes, it studied Ornin.

Another was a small guy. Three feet tall, perhaps the one that lived there, with a terrible, toothy grin across his face. His skin was dark blue and wrinkly, and he was lanky for his size. He had his hands around the waist of two rather attractive women with those long tails, dressed in little.

With a sneer and a groan, Josai dropped the culprit on the ground.

"Jaroo. I found the guy. I also found another guy. Meet Ornin, of the...Seven. He has a long title and he battled a spirit fired from a bazooka. Some kind of a feat, hmm? Ornin, this is my boss, Jaroo."

The little guy lowered a pair of spectacles that had been covering his eyes, which grew in admiration.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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"My full title is Ornin, Fourth of the Beast, Hunter and Monk of the Seven Sigils." He bowed very slightly, not wanting to expose much of his neck. None of the species here looked anything like his people, so the idea that they might share a common ancestry or the fact that the Seven may have visited long ago slipped further from his mind. "And a good day to you all, and fine hunts in the future."

"Josai told me what she could about this world's trouble on the way to this place. And before you can ask me yourself, or deny me...I'd like to offer my services, and the services of the Beast, in your efforts." Perhaps Ornin was being forward, but such was his way. "Now...what do you all have to quench my thirst?" He asked, the monk's form still shrinking to fit comfortably, sitting on the floor with a casual, but incredibly loud thud.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Jaroo, dressed in expensive furs and leathers of some of the rarer animals upon the planet, flicked his eyes from the Monk to Josai. He mouthed something, and the spy only shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"He fended off a Spirit, Jaroo. With his bare hands." she explained.

Jaroo flicked his eyes back to Ornin. He whistled. "Big. Guy. Like Golemni." he said. "We could do with that kind of fighter...I'll let Dasaliz Rauta know of his presence."

Rauta. One of six Rebellion leaders. Josai frowned. "Why go that far?"

He waved her away.

"What is it you like to eat, good sir?" Jaroo asked Ornin with a big grin. He patted the thigh of one of his alulan girls, who stood up immediately.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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"Anything. My suit and nutrient supplements will filter out the poisonous and lack-luster parts of the food. Repeating, anything." He was wondering who this Rauta entity was. Another new person to meet, and it would do him good. A pilgrimage of the social aspects. Fantastic.

"And for liquid nutrients, once more, anything...I prefer the Solemn Tears of the Maiden." His peoples saying for the simplest of things, water. Basically meaning he probably wouldn't get it.

The Monk would return his gaze to Josai, then all the others in the room. "What else is their to know about this enemy? I know I will probably not be trusted on such things yet but what are their numbers like? Was that creature I fought a top form of their defenses? There are things I must know, and must have, if I should fight for you all."


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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"Intriguing," said Josai, eyes up. "That's actually something I should look into..."

Jaroo gave her a look.

"Not that I'd go the cyborgian path, would be useful to have something like that. Just saying." Josai added. She looked to the Monk and smiled uneasily. "Nothing against you, either, of's just personal preference.

"This enemy is incredibly strong. The Supremacy has any civilian that can and will sign up, and that's most of them. They have impressive technology and their Spirit technology surpasses ours by far. The amount of pollution they cause by using ultrapurified magic is a downfall, though. I heard it's like nuclear waste down on...oh, what did that man say?"

"Earth." said the grey alien.

"Thank you, Urian." replied Josai. "That Spirit was one of them, but he wasn' of the most powerful, or even incredibly powerful. He was too powerful for someone without good enough weapons of her own, however."

Jaroo waved the Alulan girl away to the kitchen, where she prepared something for the Monk.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Ornin, Fourth of the Beast
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Earth? Did he be a mis-communication with his translator. Slowly, wires began to creep out from his ring, sinking and seamlessly infusing with the back of his suit, all of his suits exterior lights dimming, except for his visual filter.

Her words made Ornin pause however. The...Spirit...from before had not been an easy fight. It wasn't exceptionally challenging, but it still took a decent amount of effort. It was disconcerting, but at the same time, thrilling. One day soon, he might have to go all out.

But wait..."What do you mean, no offense? Cyborgian? What does that mean? Why would I take offense." The Monk nodded his thanks to the female as she departed for what he assumed was the pantry.


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Character Portrait: Sgt. Ronald Jacobson Character Portrait: Aberdeen Glenn
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The world was new, not only to Ronald but to a greater part of the known galaxy. Even to a coward like him, a war criminal in his people's eyes, this was not an unfortunate change of pace. Still outfitted in his war attire, his pilot's suit, the Sergeant wondered the alien streets, paranoid but open to something, anything. Running for so long had he been in stasis...weeks, months, years, decades?

When he'd woken up, his ship was being pulled into orbit. He almost got shot down by what looked to be ODPs, but evasion had always been his strong point in the academy. Still...a lot of the people here reminded him of something he'd been running from, the Advent, but...well, they didn't terrify him to the core just by being. seemed peaceful here...Besides the war. Everywhere, war...


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Character Portrait: Sgt. Ronald Jacobson Character Portrait: Aberdeen Glenn
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All around, noise and movement. Aberdeen pressed her back to the wall, simply watching the commotion pass her by. This place...This was the escape she'd been promised? This planet was just the same as her own. Civil war, anger, high density...It was a pressure cooker. This place could just as easily suffer the same fate. Create another her or fifty. She frowned, pushing herself off the wall and moving into the crowd with her robes pulled tighter around her. This was no true salvation...


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Character Portrait: Sgt. Ronald Jacobson Character Portrait: Aberdeen Glenn
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He must look strange, a human being, here. The Trader Emergency Coalition never went out this far into deep space. The furthest the companies had ever gotten was just barely past the green star Oberion X9-1X, and that took the TEC to the very extent of their technological prowess, and that was saying something.

His ship was fine, undergoing repairs. Luckily, while his currency was no good here, parts of the ships...shipment of mineral was apparently priceless across the galaxies. Arnirinium was still worth something, even all the way out here. It brought a smile to the man's face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sgt. Ronald Jacobson Character Portrait: Aberdeen Glenn
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Aberdeen scanned the crowds, looking for dangers and possible followers from her homeworld. The government had used her for a decade as their secret weapon, politically and physically. However, it looked like her kind was only closely related to the locals of the planet. Biometrics popped up constantly, mostly a people close to her own. However, there was one worrisome hit. She almost stopped walking when she saw the readings, but she forced herself to keep walking slowly, only pausing enough to stare at his appearance. Military...It wasn't her own world's, was it? Could he be resistance...There was no mistake, he was the same kind as she was and that thought terrified her. She pulled a hood over her head, trying to cover the biotic eye. Could he be safe to approach...She wanted to make sure that he wasn't after her...They couldn't know what she looked like now, could they? She'd been on a ship for years.


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Character Portrait: Sgt. Ronald Jacobson Character Portrait: Aberdeen Glenn
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The man stopped for a moment. That girl. She was looking at him. He counted in his mind the number of charges left on his side arm. Ronald wished he had his SIR with him, or something bigger than that. He could smell it, hostility, all around him. He was terrified now, almost panicking...but then he remembered where he was. How long he'd been asleep. The TEC would think him dead now. The TEC might not even be around anymore. No...everything would be okay...

Instead, the Sergeant chose to approach her, rather than wait for her to come to him. His hands far away from his weapons, his approach calm and as non-threatening as he could make himself out to be, Ronnie waved out to her. She looked...human. Not his kind of human, but different from those on the rest of the planet, obvious aliens aside...He really wanted to pop a suppressant but...he was trying to kick his habit...


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Character Portrait: Sgt. Ronald Jacobson Character Portrait: Aberdeen Glenn
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Aberdeen jumped back slightly at the sudden wave. She slowly turned her head to stare at him openly for a few moments before raising a shy hand to wave back. She couldn't tell what his intentions were, her scanner was picking up mixed emotions, but she could tell that he wasn't dangerous for now. She slowly nodded her head, again moving the hood to cover her yellow eye and adjusting her gasmask up her face slightly. "Hello..." she replied quietly, her voice muffled a little, but also sounding amplified somehow by the gasmask. "Do I...know you?" she questioned, holding her breath in wait for the answer.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sgt. Ronald Jacobson Character Portrait: Aberdeen Glenn
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"I hope not. I'd hate for you to know me. That means I didn't run far enough." Open about your cowardice now? Taking pills and drink and stasis-drugs to get around the fact that you're normally a yellow-bellied shit? Good man, Ronald. Good man, soldier.

"I uh...just arrived on world maybe two days ago. Just woke up about two days ago. Long sleep, that stasis. A lot longer than I honestly intended." His face was cut sharp, rough stubble surrounding his muzzle and cheeks, obviously battle-worn military attire, despite his relatively young age. He had the trained eyes of a killer, a soldier, a man who'd been to war, and he hated it. And he knew he'd never escape it either.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sgt. Ronald Jacobson Character Portrait: Aberdeen Glenn
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Aberdeen visibly relaxed at the answer, her shoulders falling from their stiffened, upright position. She seemed to take in a few breaths quickly before shaking her head and letting her hood fall back to her shoulders. "Ah...Good, good. Not're running, but..." She seemed to giggle softly, showing her youth. "It...looks like we've both run far enough, then. I...thought you might be here for me." Her yellow eye moved almost independently across him, taking in all the information on his armor. It was powerful...much more powerful than her own planet. Everyone around seemed to be more advanced than her people. Of course, now she was the cutting edge of her people and she was almost matching up. "Sorry...if I worried you, but you kinda worried me."


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Character Portrait: Sgt. Ronald Jacobson Character Portrait: Aberdeen Glenn
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"No no no...don't worry about it too much. I'm kinda used to suspicion. Who was a Rebel, who was a Loyalist, who was an Advent Spy, who was a Vasari implant, blahblahblah. All I grew up with was a constant state of corporate wars that eventually turned into one big galactic war. Suspicion is...well...yeah. All I'm really used to." His posture was rigid, but not formally so. If anything, Ronald was beginning to relax, even if he did still want his suppressant.

"My name is Ronald Jacobson. Sergeant, call sign White Swan. What about you?"