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The Multiverse


A winter wonderland of a city where stout trees and buildings are blanketed in thick snow. Snowpoint City is the single coldest city on Ruula, and is also a major trade port for Sinnoh. This chilly town is renowned for it's ice gym leader Candice and the diamond dust that occasionally occurs. The snow on the ground here regularly reaches between 1 and 3 feet tall, and not even the might of fire types can keep it at bay indefinitely. Because of this, the locals have embraced the snow rather than try to constantly get rid of it. It is impossible for vehicles using tiers including bikes to travel here.

To the north is Snowpoint Temple, a mysterious temple of impossibly heavy rock doors and secrets untold.

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Snowpoint City

A winter wonderland of a city where stout trees and buildings are blanketed in thick snow. Snowpoint City is the single coldest city on Ruula, and is also a major trade port.


Snowpoint City is a part of Sinnoh.

14 Characters Here

Shirako [210] An Eevee who loves to help
Pitch the Eevee [197] "Uh...h-hi..."
Seamus [128] A young, idealistic Pokemon that wants to make the world a better place, one distress call at a time.
Haruko Makibi [21] Galaxy police detective assigned to AXIS Affairs in the Milky Way
Legend the Torchic [20] Legend is a female torchic with a fiery often immature attitude, a somewhat large ego, and a fear of the dark.
Sadie Amanita [19] A sassy pokemon trainer!
Joe Donkarasu [12] A rather proud Honchkrow with a rather terrifying degree of intelligence, Joe is "Da Boss" of the Krows, a mafia-esque gathering of Murkrow under his command. He seeks an unknown end.
Max Decato [3] A casual pokemon trainer, travelling the world in order to be the very best.
Lateo the Golurk [3] "Stand my Ground"

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Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Verse let out a groan, reaching for his hat and slapping it onto his head. "Aw stop bein' so melodramatic. Maybe we can kick the dents out 'n it'll still fly." He headed over to the door and gave a sharp push, then let out a sigh. "Hey this won't budge, can you give me hand?" He kept pushing against the handle and the door with his entire weight.


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Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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A cynical laugh blew through his teeth as he strode toward the door to help Verse out. With the two of them working on it, the door slowly but surely began to groan and with a pop, hiss came open spilling fire light and thick smoke into the interior. He drew the ashen air into his lungs in a long pull, exhaling explosively. Letting the pain flow out from his body. He drew himself upright gritting his teeth.

"What was the phrase?' he asked airily, affecting levity. "Oh yeah, let's rock and roll.' He then exited the ship.


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Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Verse, who had his back into it, didn't have time to acknowledge the phrase as he suddenly spilled out into the corridor with the door, where a small gaggle of scientists and security stood in surprise. He rolled and thumped into the wall, ending upside down with feet dangling over him, then slowly curled into a ball.

"There they are!" shouted one of the scientists, pointing a finger accusingly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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The humans came into instant focus, his pupils narrowing to slits as one of the white cloaked ones shouted at them. Gesturing wildly in their direction. He dropped down in front of Verse, claws ready to fillet the first fool to advance on them. Smoke spilled judiciously around his clenched jaw. His fangs on full display for the world to see. The temperature in the hallway noticeably rising as the events of the day began to catch up to him, all the rage of losing his dream right as he was poised to claim it, of a lifetime of wanting for the sky, all spilled out of him in a primal roar of fury, wordless but no less heartbreaking for it.



2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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The scientists stood, frightened by the sheer ferocity of the roar unleashed in their direction. One of them even screamed, jumped and retreated. No one wanted to deal with a wild animal, especially not one that could breath fire, but security was paid for a reason and their hands were already moving for their pokeballs. One was already drawn and his arm was reeled back like a pitcher about to toss a base ball.

Verse had taken this moment to right himself and was shuffling away from Bic. "Hold 'em off I got a plan." One small mercy was the staff assuming these were owned pokemon because of their clothing, so they wouldn't even think to try and catch the pair. Just beat the hell out of them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Bic wasn't completely gone from the rage, he could still think, still strategize. He heard Verse's words but didn't vocalize a reply. Only nodding a growl of assent spilling out of his maw. As he saw the darker dressed human move forward. A slave ball pokeball he recalled distantly - in his hand. He was already moving when the man threw it.

His tail whipped out as he turned smacking the ball straight up before it could hit the ground. Red light spilling out to release his enslaved enemy into the air. Lined gray skin comes into existance in mid air, bringing a startled yell from both the trainer, and the mon in a burst of "Machoke!' Bic is there to meet him before he reaches the ground, and well before the shock has worn off.

He jumps. His body pulling into a tight controlled spin as the scales along his tail become shiny and silver, and as punishing as iron. He uses the full weight of his body, and his augmented tail to slam the large fighting type into the group of humans, knocking down several.

The tell-tale snap hiss of multiple pokeballs being activated is his only warning before several bodies press around him, he's in his element, blood pounds in his ears, and a thick black smoke spills forth from his lungs screening him from attack, and letting him take the enemies down at his own pace as their numbers are turned against them and they attack each other in their panic as he roars again.

In the back of his mind, in the part not devoted to fighting he thinks: I hope this plan of yours works, Verse.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Verse was a practical and pragmatic kind of guy, not best at fighting, but resourceful at how to get out of a fight. As such the first thing he did was high tail it a dozen feet away to a low trolley full of electrical equipment. Had he taken more than a moment to watch, he probably would have admired Bic's fighting prowess. It was certainly something to appreciate looking from the outside. But right now he had bigger things to do.

He gave a violent shove, forcing the cart to move, then digging his claws into the floor to keep going, building up momentum until he was running behind it and tackling into its back just to keep it going. And where was it headed? Right for the middle of the fight. "Bic!" Verse shouted, "Hop in!" The Sandslash grabbed his claws onto the edge of the trolly and hoisted himself inside. It was large enough so the pair could maybe sit in it, a tight fit, but with some luck it would get them moving away from the action.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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The smoke was clearing as he heard Verse yell, and not a moment too soon. It seemed like every one of the darker dressed humans just had more and more slave pokemon, regardless of how many he defeated more seemed to be piling up by the second, every one defeated disappearing in red light, and their reinforcements appearing the same way.

He chanced a look to his back, catching sight of Verse rolling some sort of mobile table - he knew what those were at least, laden down with bits of human junk. That, situation permitting, he would gladly pocket. Humans and pokemon alike crowded them. Forcing him to spew out controlled bursts of scalding hot air to force the people and mons' to retreat or get burned. As the trolley drew near, he grabbed hold and swung himself in, careful not to burn Verse with his tail flame.

"Now what!?' he yelled, as they wheeled away.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"Honestly?" Verse said as he leaned forward and turned to face his companion, "I didn' think that this'd get this far." Of course, by turning, he took his eyes off the front, and that meant he didn't notice the large vent grating on the wall, which the trolley promptly smashed into, and through. The top half of the trolley snapped clean off, almost take their heads with it as they plunged into darkness and hurtled on a downwards slope. Momentum quickly built, but there was light of the end of the tunnel and they crashed right through the other side, where the trolley finally hit a small curb and came to an immediate stop.

Well the front did. The back tried to keep going and acted like a spring board launching the pair from the vent. Verse, at the back, would either be launched into or over Bic into what looked like a lab of some sort with various mundane scientific apparatus and computers. Only one person was even in the room, seemingly unaffected by the alarm from earlier. Verse's hat would be knocked off again, and the disc underneath would roll all the way over to the mans feet.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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He went to reply, but the words fled his mind as they smashed into, and through the wall. He tried to dig his claws in to slaw them down, but in the end only succeeded in digging gouges into the sides of the vent. Finally, when he thought they were going to be going on forever until they reached far underground, a light was at the end of the tunnel. He didn't have to celebrate though, because when he thought he would stop the back instead slammed forward again, out into a lab. Flying ass over teakettle towards a work bench.

Oh, well that's not so bad. The last lab was alright. Was Bic's last thought before he slammed down hard onto a table. Rolling along knocking things off until he came to a rest staring straight up at florescent lighting, an adrenalin filled grin, and a laugh on his lips.

"Verse! You dead!?'


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"No' yet," Verse grunted as he pushed himself back up and looking around. Verse grabbed his hat, then waddled on two feet towards the scientist to try and pick up his disc, only for a human hand to close around it first. The scientist lifted it up, mouth falling open as she stated, "Where did you get this...?"

Verse raised a claw to point at him. "'ey, he's tryin' ta steal my thing!" That was Verse's attempt to get Bic's help without leaving a corpse behind. He was actually kind of getting used to having someone bigger, tougher and more violent around. Well, bigger and more violent, anyways.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Bic was in a small amount of pain as he drug himself off of the table he had landed on, groaning all the while as his joints popped and his scales scraped together oddly, smoke poring out of his mouth and nose as he groaned and stood, hopping down from the table he plodded over to the human tiredly, Not seeing the white dressed human as a threat. Thrusting his hand out in towards her in a gimme gesture, he spoke.

"Female! Return my comrades property. Don't make me take it from ya'.' He said it in a manner that wasn't really threatening but left no question of his intentions, even through the language barrier - That he decided was irritating, and in need of correcting. Some sort of translation thing. Humans probably have those.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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The scientist saw Bic's gestures and leaned over to examine him. "Aw who's your owner?" she asked, reaching out to pat his head, "You're a cute one, but I have to keep this disc. It's important, okay? It's really dangerous for you to have. So go get your trainer and bring them here, then we can talk about it."

And after that she turned around, only for Verse to scurry in front of her feet. "Shove 'er," he suggested to Bic.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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He let out a sigh at the humans reaction. Not wanting to spill the blood of a female, human or not, especially of a non-combatant like this he gave Verse a helpless look and a shrug. Getting an offended look when she said to go get your trainer, as he hated the thought of ever being enslaved like that, but he could let it go as she was just an ignorant human.

He heard Verse speak and moved to do so.

"Human, I regret that I must shove you now.' and like that he did, gently, but firmly


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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The scientist looked down at Verse's crouched form in confusion, then suddenly shove. She went straight over him, grazing her shins and landing with a thump. The disc slipped out of her hand and rolled away, but Verse darted over to pick it up. The Sandslash slipped it under his hat again. "Alright time t' get outta h-"
"Security!" the woman screamed.

"Shoot. Gimme a boost?" he said, wandering over to the lab table nearest a window. Maybe they weren't far up?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"By all means.' Bic grumbled out, running over to Verse. Giving the woman a vaguely apologetic look as he did. He didn't feel much like fighting another battle the same scale as before right now. He glanced up at the windows while cupping his claws to provide a platform, his stomach growls audibly.

"Let's get something to eat when we get to space.'

He would boost Verse and drag himself up after.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Verse scrambled up to the table and looked out the window peering outside. Outside was a four story drop. But nearby was a small flagpole that boldly flew the nations colours. It was maybe ten meters left from the window on the ledge. "I think that'll break out legs if we jump," he said with a frown, "Le's find ano-"

He said, only to be cut off by security bursting into the room. "There they are!" one shouted and pointed for the pair. Verse absent-mindedly pushed backwards, lifting the window up a little.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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He couldn't help but sigh. Humans were persistent bastard, and as numerous as flies. He let loose a frustrated roar in the humans direction, tired from the earlier battles, and still enraged from his dream having been torn from him he decided his next course of action, perhaps a tad too hastily.

"I'll see you at the bottom. Let's give'em somethin' to talk about!' An just like that he threw the window wide, swinging out sideways as his claws turned to steel digging deep gouges into the stone sides of the building allowing him to slide in a mostly controlled manner down the side of the building.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Verse had to admit... that wasn't a bad idea. And with Bic rapidly vanishing he decided he would follow right after him, leaping out and grasping the edge, tearing out the brickwork the structure was built on. Guards poked their heads out a moment later, one armed with a gun aiming down the side, but the scientist grabbed his arm and jerked it away. "Stop!" she shouted, "They have the virus!"

Being smaller and denser than Bic, Verse dropped like a stone, hitting the ground with a whump and an off, but fortunately the snow cushioned the worst of it. "Y'know, that was some real quick thinkin'," he complimented.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"Thanks.' He responded as he hit the snow, the white surface hissing and turning to steam as his tail flame came close to it. "It was all I could think to do.'

He walked a ways a way the heat from his flame creating a path. He couldn't stop thinking of what the female human had said before. "What's a virus?' He voiced to Verse, curious but not all together worried. "Can we eat it?' It must be good the humans seem pretty keen on getting it back.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"Uh, that's a long story," he said, "Let's get some leg room between us and them okay?" And with that he'd take off at dash. It wouldn't be long before they were a safe distance away that they could finally rest and recup from what had just happened. Verse picked straight back up. "A virus is like... A thing where you get sick and you can give it to other people. But humans get different one to pokemon so they can't get the same ones. And computers can get different ones too but they're different and... That's too hard to explain."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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It wasn't too long before they were far enough away that they could speak, they needed a new plan he guessed, but what could they do now? Definitely not good to eat then, he decided after hearing Verse's stilted explanation. He solemnly adding "viruses" to the ever growing list of things unfit to eat. As he sprinted across the snow easily keeping pace with Verse.

"What now? Steal another ship, or do you think that metal headed guy will show up again?' He really wanted to show that guy his own guts, but that could wait for later.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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Verse let out a sigh. "We were kinda lucky to get this far to be honest," he said with a shrug, slowing down and finally stopping. "I mean, ah forget it, too long to explain. We're not gonna get another rocket around here. But we are still going to space." He scratched at his head. "And I got a plan to do it. We just gotta find a friend of mine..."

He didn't want to have to resort to Grace, but he had no choice right now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon)
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"That's-' what Bic planned to say would be lost to history, as at that moment he was distracted by a sound he'd never heard before. It was almost like the flapping of wings of some great bird, but not quite the same. It was a steady staccato beat cutting through the air, and it seemed to be getting closer.

"Do you hear that?' He asked Verse, as he swiveled his head to look into the sky, spotting a black speck quickly growing on the horizon. A sleek black shape, wings to either side, each attached to spinning blades. His eyes widened at the new sight as his brain told him the thing was made of metal, and he could just make out the human figure in the fore of the machine.



3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Verse and the Sand Five Character Portrait: Bic(Charmeleon) Character Portrait: Alexander Maycross
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"That's a helicopter," Verse explained on seeing it, "It's like a boat but in the air. Now, call me a dreamer, but if'n we could steal that there helicopter, we might have an easy way outta here." The man stepping off of the helicopter was sharply dressed with a trilby hat and a grey suit. He walked with a cane but clearly didn't need it. He also had a slight air of mysticism about him. He slowly wandered away with a scientist who arrived to greet and brief him.

"Run for it on the count of three?"